The morning of the EP began with George, Betsy, and Jenna attempting to save a 20x20 tent that had collapsed from the rain and wind at 6am. The tent was secured, but the rain kept coming. All available tv's were turned to the Weather Channel as we even googled, how to understand doppler radar. Jill and Gary received a BEAUTIFUL bouqet from AP, UC, KDH, Adm, Amy. It was much appreciated. We had a few setbacks in the AM before the guest list arrived which included: tent collapsing, a broken mirror outside, a swarm of unwanted bees, and rain that went away hours before the party. We had a wonderful day for the happy couple, and it was topped off by the company we shared it with. Here are just a few pictures from the party:
Aunt Sue arrived early to generously put the centerpieces together, just as the rain stopped and the sun came out.

The guest list ranged in age from 7 months old to 92 years young. I bet you can't guess which ones are which.

James is 7 month old son to Katie and Charlie (friends of the family). He was photogenic and was given much deserved attention.
Grandma didn't have much of a choice but to pose for the camera. She was also given much deserved attention, but was not as photogenic.
Some didn't even know their picture was being taken.

The food was wonderful, the desert was incredible, the entertainment (especially the singing of top 10 hits with the helium balloons after 830pm) was hilarious. And were now still eating left overs!
All in all the party was a success. The weather was beautiful. The rain managed to stop before 11am. Thank you to everyone who helped make their engagement party so special. Congratulations Jill and Gary! 
AUGUST 14, 2010