Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kenmore Middle at Darien Lake

There was a band competition at Darien Lake yesterday that Emma was part of.  Who knew.
I love the roller coaster with the screaming kids going by.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

First Family- City of Tonawanda

 Well I guess we could say that our campaign is starting to come together. We had our pictures professionally done for our Palm Cards. I think they turned out great! On the back of the palm card we will have the picture of my parents and I along with important phone numbers to call. On the front, will be my picture along with my qualifications.

Let the games begin!

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Look To Koch!

Family and Friends,

Last evening at the Democratic Committee Meeting, I was officially endorsed to run for the COT Fourth Ward (by a unanimous vote). I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve the residents of the Fourth Ward and the City of Tonawanda. While this is a new venture for me; I could not do this without your support. I am not by any means a political person but; I have a desire, passion, and commitment to helping people. I want to apologize in advance for any missed family events or leaving early from now to November. I am so thankful to so many people who have already given so much to the campaign. I have a wonderful design logo for my campaign signs, tee shirts, pens, thank you notes, palm cards, etc courtesy of KDH and her amazing graphic designer.
I want to thank you all for your support and love. We are going to work tirelessly (sorry volunteers) to meet with, listen to, and work for the residents. Gram has even agreed to join in on the campaign trail. I already know her schedule is busier than mine; so we will keep her public appearances to a minimum.

Love you all,