We went to the Golf Dome for lunch (Thanks to UC this is her favorite place to go). I think she has tried every beer battered fish fry from North Tonawanda to Yorkbeach, Maine. Grandma was rather feisty at lunch; I thought she was going to have to be subdued. I pity the waitress who doesn't bring her a diet coke refill on time. I also know her biggest pet peeve is when a waitress brings her a small take out container (She thinks she should get a big container for her half of sandwich and handful of chips). I know the blogging family loves to know what Grandma's scope of discussions were:
1. When asked if Grandma was a contestant on survivor, what item would she bring (Eye Caps and Heating pads are included). Her response was IVORY soap.
2. Grandma believes that we can not have a women run for President. This comment did stir up a raise of commotion from the restaurant. She said she believes the task it to large for a woman to take. She did retract herself and say any one of her granddaughters or her great grand daughter could easily take on the world. But, she said she would vote for Ellen Degeneres if she were to run. Her favorite president was Truman. Her least favorite was Nixon. She said she despised the man. I believe she might have been involved in his ultimate downfall. Again, she brings up politics. I truly believe she is trying to start a new political party. She brought up Election Day, and how happy she is that JT is taking her. :)
3. Her favorite birthday party was her 80th at Aunt Sue's house. She said all her friends were there, it was a girls only party. But, somehow JT was there. She wasn't sure if he was invited, but showed up for the Chicken a la king.
4. Her favorite Christmas was in 1988, the Christmas Grandpa came home from the hospital. She went on to tell the story about how Grandpa was away for Thanksgiving in the hospital that same year, after his Triple Bypass Surgery. It was also the best Christmas present she got. I could see she was getting upset, so I didn't want to press the issue anymore. But she really believed she was going to lose him that year. Fortunately, he stayed with us for 14 more Christmas'.
5. When she was younger, Christmas was just another day to her. Her only "gift" was a stocking filled with a orange, apple, and a banana. It was the depression. The worst of times, were the worst of times she said.
6. Grandma does not understand the power of the internet. She was upset because Aunt Patti had 44 e-mails the other day. She thought she had to pay for those. I really think we should take Cousin K's offer to hook up the internet in the Luther Manor. We may have to put firewalls up on certain sites.
Some of the blogs will be humorous, some will be touching. All will have a memory that grandma shares with all of us.
In the previous post, our game started "Guess who is getting this?" I had one comment, from Raul, who didn't want the pumpkin, but wanted Grandma.
I also think that when family members will be away for a period of time, they should let us know in writing (Cousin K we weren't aware you were heading to Atlanta). I do collect shot glasses from the cities I travel to (Hint Hint)
Cousin R, I think I bring bad luck. Everytime I try to listen on-line, you aren't in the station. Bring Grandma back a Rolling Stones Tee.
Tonight is also the T-NT football game. Go Warriors!!!! All for Now, more later
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