The good news was that the game from the previous day had been interrupted, and was being concluded on Sunday, before the regular game---almost a doubleheader. Auntie was really excited. Her enthusiasm was reduced a bit as a screaming line drive came within a foot or so, but she of course made a valiant, though unsuccessful p

Monday was scheduled to drive into D.C. to see the Nats play the Cinn. Reds. The timing was great and we got a chance to experience downtown DC rush hour traffic. Unkie always enjoys challenges and usually finds a way to get into the wrong lane and wind up in Virginia, which he did this time too. We did find the stadium and the game but the Nats were not pounding the ball with their usual efficiency and wound up on the short end of a 4-2 score.

Tuesday was a 10:35 A.M. game between the Hagerstown Sun and their hated rivals, the Lake County Captains. We had a bit of a drive but Auntie was up bright and early, eager to get on the road to be assured of prime seats for what

We arrived to find a bit of labor unrest and that the game was being attended by all of the middle school aged children in western Maryland, but that only made the day that much more delightful.

Although the day was yet young, and the Altoona Curve were playing at home that evening, I had to tell Auntie that it was time to head back to East Aurora and she would have to see the Curve play another time.
Alphonso played left field and had 2 of their 5 hits. Just came upstairs after the Flyers tied it on the shorthanded goal. Good to see David as a primary blog contributor. Hockey in Florida in April--that is what the sport is all about. As soon as we get this hockey stuff out of the way, we can get back to the palooza planning. Has Gare found a job yet?
Once again I have shown my ability to take an exciting situation--all of the discussion on hockey, etc.--and bring everything to an immediate halt. Not even a pity response from my own kids or wife. Actually, I guess I can understand why nothing from my wife. Thanks Bets for the comments. There will be a quiet day today after last night's hockey game, so we need to start thinking about a palooza agenda. Only 101 more days.
"Take me out to the ball game..."
Sing along everyone!!
pity post. pity post.
Father, as you know, witty (snide) comments can not be crafted out of thin air. the must be left to ferment, like a fine cheese. Don't worry, you'll get yours.
Honestly, I'm just jealous that you're out galavanting around the eastern seaboard while I'm writing papers about Asperger syndrome.
Just got home from a hard day at work. Man, am I bushed.
Great blog Unckie C, we love the misadventures of our fearless Holtz leader. I'm looking forward to my very own major & minor league baseball stadium run and these stories, I can always use as history lessons. You're still and always will be "The Teacher".
I'd like to persue this "third nipple" conversation. And maybe we could talk more about the male seahorse.
where did the question about the 3rd nipple come from, anyway?
Adam~ That's a very personal question to be asking Jff, even if he is your cuzin. I thunk I done brung youse up gooder den dat!
Its just similar to the question that Johnny Damon recently asked Jeter. THat's all. They've been very close lately
Thanks all for the pity posts. I feel so much better about myself, except for having only 2 nipples. By the way, it is much easier to like Nick Johnson now that he is no longer a Yankee and, for all of the Brandon Phillips bashers, he is now in the Cinci starting lineup. Nfw jff, is Brandon one of yours? Did the Yankees actually leave 16 MOB last night? What is the major league record??
Third nipple?? I must be sleeping with the wrong Jff! Who is that guy?
Adam...check out the documentary "Autism is a World"... good quotes to help fill your page quota.
Auntie P. is the ULTIMATE good sport when it comes to me and baseball, although she did not join me yesterday to see C.C. Sabathia's rehab assignment at Dunn Park. Just me and about 1000 others. Very disappointing crowd, especially for the vendors trying to make a buck. Isn't there a big 30 anniversary coming up very soon (or did we miss it?) Event #3 so far this year. JNNA??? JLL?? DVD?? What about it?
And it sounds as if the day is going to be great weather-wise. A most happy 30th and hopefully the gift of the day will be a sweep. Who are the victims this Sunday?
Auntie B~ It's the second one and thanks so much for noticing that I am all of those things you said.
Ga' day family, just got back from a healthy portion of pulled back pork and an oatmmeal stout courtesy of the Gallery Grill. Mmmmm good eats.
Adm, I was just askin' a general question regarding the ownership of three nipples. I'm not saying I have three nipples and I'm not surprised Sandra is questioning me, since it's been 16 years since she last played with my chest hair (I believe during a Magnum PI episode, coincidense?).
CC throws in Buffalo and only a hand fill show up? Where is the interest? You have the opportunity to see a man twice the size of Mike Mussina and people pass this up. Maybe CC will be back for Wingfest '06.
I was glad that CC was there. He was the only guy in the stadium fatter than me. He makes David Wells look petite. Anybody going to bother watching the hockey game tonite, or are we all committed to D-N-D? And, I will NEVER be able to watch another Magnum PI rerun. thanks jff
Now I KNOW you're not my Jff...chest hair?!?
Is KDH ok?
I wax...now.
Hey!!! There's a Holtzapalooza idea. Free chest waxings in the big tent. I know my mom will go.
Could we include back waxing? Sign Unkie up!!
Oh I'm here, family. Never fear. Just travelling a little, with inconsistent access to the Internet. I was SO glad to get back to regular Holtz updates!
Did anyone see the chest waxing scene in 40 year old virgin? I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time.
why do fans in philly suck? I don't know why, but there's something about them that just turns my stomach.
I just came home from seeing United 93. I am speechless. Then, I turn the TV on and see the Ugly Philly fans celebrating.
All I have to say is bring them back to Buffalo.
Philly fans booed Mike Schmidt and Santa Claus. We cheered Scott Norwood. Is there any more to be said? Is that sound I hear all of WNY jumping off the Sabres bandwagon? And, by the way, REAL men never wax. I always found the silver-back lowland gorilla to be particularly attractive.
They're gentle creatures without a care in the world.
I have to say, it's a bit early for me to relive 9/11. Not ready yet folks. I have no desire to see that movie.
Okay, is there any way we can sell Jaret Wright for a box of Bernie Williams bobbleheads? He is aweful!!! He's almost as bad as Ninardo from Boston. I had to get my BloSox shot in there.
Bad news family -- its finally caught up with me. All the shirking I've been doing over the last 6 weeks has tumbled down like a house of blocks. You'll find me on this lovely saturday afternoon, holed up with my computer, trying in vain to accomplish the work of 3 people generally completed over the span of 3 weeks -- all before 4pm. Yahoo!
stupid kristen!
I know that I should not be worried. Marv has a plan. It is just that none of the commentators that I have heard so far, and that includes ESPN, NFL and radio 55 seem to understand it. What happened to all of the phone calls that Buffalo was getting to trade down from #8 so somebody else could take Lineart? And trading up with Chicago? Did Jauron owe people money when he left? To take the 3rd defensive lineman from a team that went 6-5? I hope things are better in Morrisville and on mount eagle ridge.
Three words... Safety Donte Win(something).
And that DT that the team desperately needs... that probably could've been drafted in round three. Please Marv, tell us you know what your doing and we'll believe you.
I wanted Oggie Oglethorp.
so... did lois need the lifeline, or did she just phone a friend?
seriously, was she being carted off to the hospital?
phone a friend... ahhhh good times.
I think Gramma should have taken the deal.
So the Bills' next pick is on Tuesday, thanks to the trade.
so, what's the local breakdown of the draft? I gotta say, marv did a good job of picking 3 guys I've never heard of. That bodes well,ala Andre Reed? I hope?
I'm glad the Bills went defense, I just hope they can start and help the team right away.
The trade kinda surprised me. It'll be interesting to see what the paper says today.
So day 2; all offense or just a few players more on defense???
Okay, I'm watching ESPN (Sunday morning, go figure) and Mel Kyper and Tom Jackson both picked the Bills as day 1 losers. Bring on the '06 season.
Kristen, did you get your work done by the deadline?
Half my cast comes off tomorrow. I'm a lil' excited. I had a dream that I was walking last night.
So much happening! Way to go Mom, that is why you are "management". Right?? Size up the situation immediately and take the appropriate action. Isn't that what you guys (I was never mgt.) do? Bout time the Bills had a player named YO-Booty! Happy 30th sis and unkie G. Enjoy your day in the sunshine. Today the Eagles will take 2. But that means that you won't be able to watch the sabres.Jff, sounds as if the healing process is going on well. Keep up the good work. We have to get on the golf course this season. Only 14 weeks to the palooza.
Happy Annivarsary to Mom and Dad. I woke up and the Groom was downstairs watching ESPN and the bride was in the kitchen making breakfast.
She said the same thing happened 30 years ago too. Some things just don't change.
NCCC Softball is on a winning streak. 6 in a row. We resume on Tuesday against GCC.
Enjoy your Sunday all!
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