Sometimes you just have to sit and think. But your interested now... aren't you?
By JT Pilaf

Of course every home project needs the empty bottle of beer and blow torch lying around.

Ahhhh... one day this will be a throne for the mighty and powerful. In the meantime, it's just a landmark to a man's dream. Believe it or not: I think I'm looking for a good chili recipe.
Every Saturday brother in law Bill and I work like dogs in the corner of my basement, hoping that one day it may be a sanctuary for respite.
Don't trouble yourself looking for the perfect setting. What's up with Salvatore's? Talk about an over-exposed, over-priced, (insert comment here).
Whatcha' thinking KDH?
I'll admit that I've always been intrigued by the fake people in the fake cars in the front lawn of Salvatore's -- bold decorating move -- but beyond that ...
I'll do some poking around today and see what I see. Partying at Lutheran manor was clearly rejected, huh?
How many people are we?
Great blog Jff!
I like Dick Jouron.
Did anyone read on Fox Sports that Terrel Owens thinks it's a good thing that Parcells left. Are you kidding me? What an idiot. He's a joke. You have to read the article.
Gram can do what ever she wants. I'm not making it to 90, soooo...
I'm part of Colbert Nation. I have to get an eagle. I know Thrllie wants an eagle.
my blog time has been SEVERELY limited since the new security procedures were put into place at QHS. just a reflection here. I have never been to salvatores. hmm. anyhoo, I say we have gramma's 90th at the eye doctors. 2 birds with one stone, eh?
Buffalo Brew Pub
Eagle House
Old Red Mill
Our House
Great idea Adm. That'll teach 'em.
love bowling. LOVE it!
Didn't see AI last night, but Tivo's got it for me. I was wrapped up in "I love NY". Has anyone else seen this show??
I think what you smell is the bowling shoes.
I'm in though. I'll do anything, anything I tell ya. I'll wear a skirt if I must.
Just set me up with bowling shoes that match.
I'm trying to set up my afternoon baseball game with Zach and I have very few dates to choose from. Even Cleveland and Pittsburgh are playing on the same afternoon date. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.
I want some dip. Where you going for the SuperBowl? That dip was great.
Who's Pootie? 7th Grade?
what's "I love NY"? what type of dip did mom make?
Mom's Taco Dip
2 pkgs cream cheese mixed with dry taco seasoning,
2 cans hormel chili without beans
Shredded cheese (taco cheese if you can find it) 12 oz +
Bake in oven until melted and bubbly
eat with chips
Obviously I talked to the vacationing holtz's. All is well in Florida -- dad saw an eagle eat an egret on the golf course, and mom's enjoying margaritas with every meal. Go UC & AP!!
I love NY and White Rapper are the best block on TV right now. I was sorry to see Romance go -- even if he was a little wacky, I appreciated his tenderness!
I'm just not hip to these shows. Is the 'White Shadow' still on?
Jimmy Buffett and drinking ALL DAY LONG... is there anything better?
It's colder here than in Fargo. The heats a crankin' at the Rices's.
Are gifts expected at this unplanned 90th 'cause i really am a need-to-know kind of gal...if so...what exactly does a 90 yr.old need?
Let me know if you plan on getting her another ticket south...maybe Jff & I could supply the peanuts--they are no longer a free item ya know...bourbon swillin' could provide the flask...hey...speaking of "bourbon swillin'"...maybe we could just send her down there and KDH could take care of it--I hear she has an in with her company exec.!
Happy birthday Dad...aka: Mr. Fix-it!
Hey Quiet one...ya reading this??? It is YOUR DAD'S it? You know Glen right? Yeah...that "Do right" this year...please call the man...and no ringing once for the call-back! No laughin' call too...jeesh!
Too funny. She makes me laugh... inside.
How come Mrs. Fixit wasn't nice to you. That's is so uncool (Sandra made me get rid of my earlier profanity). I already told her that Salvatore's was a schmaltzy. What is schmaltzy??? Is flying down gramma to Atlanta schmaltzy?
I miss so much since I have been blocked from the family website at work. Geesh I told them I use it as a recruitment tool, BUT they didn't buy that.
So the other day gram was over and she complained and complained and complained about her tv. Then she raved about the color and picture on our tv (our tv was off at the time). So, I guess we decided to get Gram a new tv. Would anyone like to go in on that? Henry her next door neighbor has a pc, so that idea is out the window.
Happy Birthday Uncle Gary!
TV... count us in. Is gram hosting the Super Bowl party with the taco dip?
No activity today? That's just sad.
We had dinner at Loughran's tonight to celebrate father's 63rd b-day with a fish fry. Good times.
Snow, snow, snow. We are definitely sledding tomorrow.
Good mornin' folk, time to scrap and sponge the drywall. After that, it's priming. After a long debate Sandra and I came up with the perfect design for the bathroom... blog to come soon.
Emma got her 1st pair of glasses and looks adorable! She stuck on Zach's old ones and said...hey mom, I can see this n that over me thinkin!
She went with the purple frames...very cute!
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