Thank You Bob for a great movie.
We all know it was Jean Shepherd's words and creativity but it was Bob Clark who put the stories together and made it a visual we all could laugh at.
In Clark's most famous film, all 9-year-old Ralphie Parker wants for Christmas is an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle.His mother, teacher and Santa Claus all warn: "You'll shoot your eye out, kid."A school bully named Scut Farkus, a leg lamp, a freezing flagpole mishap and some four-letter defiance helped the movie become a seasonal fixture with "It's A Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street."Scott Schwartz, who played Flick in "A Christmas Story" and kept in touch with Clark, called Clark one of the "nicest, sweetest guys that you'd ever want to come in contact with.""It's a tragic day for all of us who knew and loved Bob Clark," Schwartz said. "Bob was a fun-loving, jelly-roll kind of guy who will be sorely missed."

I think the looks on their faces tell the story.

Oooooh, an Easter marathon would catch the true spirit of the Easter season. What a great idea. KDH knows about marathons.
I think there's a lil' bit of Schwartz in all of us. "I see your Schwartz is just as big as mine", and "May the Schwartz be with you." What movie?
I was SHOCKED when I emerged from my proposal fog today to read the NY Times and find out the horrible news. So sad. Rest assured that a glas was raised in his honor at dinner tonight. Thanks for the great movie, Bob!
You say you WON that?
NU Dad met Gary on Betsy's birthday. 1st impressions are very positive. Thought the family would like to know.
I don't get it.
Anyway... Sandra and I happened upon IL NY last night and have no suburban idea whats going on. At first I thought Thrllie and KDH were hip because of this "in" show. Now I just think they're whacked out or bored, or maybe watching it to earn ebay points, because this is the worst show (besides Chevy Chase's show quite a few years back) ever to hit TV land. Seriously, what is the point? I may be too white for VH1.
Not that its a happy day, but have a good day today.
Rents are in Q as I type. Got the voicemail last night, but I don't have any details on the lake effect they did or did not go through to get there!
And a Blessed Good Friday to you all too. Are there big plans for Easter in the B-lo?
I choose to ignore Jff's incendiary comments about ILNY. The whole POINT is that we don't understand!!
No point...Oh, then I get it. She's freaky and she scares me.
Don't take it too hard KDH...those comments are coming from a guy who makes time with his wife on the weekends to catch multiple episodes of "The Girl Next Door"!...speaking of "not getting it"....he is 80+...what is up with that!!!
However...we did learn what a "grill" is though...
Adam, Amy and Auntie went out shopping and left me and the dog together. Adam claims to have hundreds of satellite channels available and I can access zero. So I came to the computer and eventually figured out enough of his laptop to allow me this far. we made it thru the lake effect and once past Rochester it wasn't bad. Spent today readying baby Holtz's new roomp. Perhaps a blog is inthe offing. fTomorrow's plans call for a one pm game in Manchester, nh as the fisher cats take on thier hated rivals the New Britain, ct. whoknows. Hav e a great Easter all. Looks like we will be on the road. Sorry about Bob.
Jeffery the movie is Spaceballs do I win a major award?
The correct answer is Spaceballs, nice job. You can't beat ludricras speed. The major prize will be sent directly to your home, congratulations NU ALUM.
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