It was clearly stated." Your birthday is coming up and I want to take you to lunch. Bring Patti too because I still owe her lunch". Sounds good Mom. See you Saturday.When we arrived, we knew that she was serious. She had on herDarth Vader glasses and was sitting in the entranceway to Luther Manor. We were off to lunch. But first a stop at Highway gardens on the Falls Blvd.

There was a question as to whether the flowers that she recently placed on Dad's grave were still breathing, so we picked up a replacement but found that the geranium had survived. Mom navigated to the gravesite effectively, complaining all the way about her back problems, but the only compromise to date was agreeing to hold my arm. Amazing for going on 91.

Time for lunch at "the Dome" and, believe it or not, she did pick up the check. Thanks Mom. Good lunch.

Patti decided to spring for dessert, and Mom said that Anderson's is always a good choice. My Girls insisted on singing Happy Birthday to me, a song that I enjoy hearing less each year.

I think that she enjoyed her Strawberry Sundae.

Of course we had to stop at Tops, cash her scratch off winners and pick up a few groceries. Note the "staples"; seemed a bit heavy on the potato chips, etc.

We returned to Luther Manor. The aroma of hot packs and seared skin was heavy in the apartment, but we returned "our diva" safe and sound. She hit the chair for a well deserved nap, somewhat grateful that Ruth was not sitting there waiting for her. Thanks Mom, we had a great visit.
Wow -- another great post! I feel like I was there!
When I'm 90 can I eat nothing but potato chips and strawberry sundays?
What was not shown was the strawberries, whipped cream, choc. chip cookies and scratch offs. She is something else.Great gene pool to rely on.
This morning at 10am I called Gram to see if she wanted to join Austin and I for breakfast. Apparently, she eats much earlier than that. But, she went along for the ride and even ordered her usual fried egg sandwich. She raved and raved about her time with Unc and Auntie. She even said she was hoping they could do it again soon, as in tomorrow. (wink, wink)
Austin has kept us very busy. He starts camp tomorrow, and just for the record his goal for 7th grade is to "pass".
I know this is premmature but Happy Birthday UNKIE!
Thanks jnn. And I have been roundly criticized for not taking the proper care in the one picture that I took which was "not flattering". Sorry girls.
Great Blog!!!
We can only hope that is our gene pool, however, sadly I feel I tend to favor the one that has been gone for 5 years now.
Luther manor, aroma's LOL how true!
Yes Austin is here, and summer is in full gear! Does everyone have there Kohler Pool Card? So we have been very busy, seeing Shrek 3! Which is pretty gosh darn funny!
Getting Austin ready for camp, making sure we have enough drink boxes, etc..
LOVE the recent pix of Oliver!!!
Has anyone heard if the fixxits are back in NT???
Enjoy this sunny warm great blue sky day!!!
Its fully summer here too -- 97 yesterday, 98 today! Whoo hoo! Thank god for laptops so I can go work outside!
Happy Tuesday one and all..
Rumored 90 today, phew how will we get through??
Summer is in full gear at 431adam.
Hope everyone enjoys the day!
Thrillie moves this sunday, jnna and I are discretely trying to hide her shoes that we like, but to no avail she has found them and packed them away. sigh...
Be grateful for the day, all..
97 here in the Q today. hot hot hot. mom's coming for a visit. just in time for the 1st heat wave of the year! new oliver video goin up on the "other" site.
I don't care how hot it is..I'm still coming to hold my babe!(not you Adam,--Oliver)
Have a safe trip AP!!! Hug and kiss for all of us!!
He has probably grown so much you'll barely be able to recognize him!
How is Amy feeling??? Great I hope.
Beat the heat all!
so allegedly we were suppose to get this soaking rain??? mmm nary a puddle in the North Towns.
I do think the fixxits are back in town, as I think I passed my sister on the road yesterday?? But not sure.
SO Jenna has been umping mens softball games for the Tonawanda Rec dept. And on Monday, the one team came up to her and told her what a great job she did and how much fun they had, and she was feeling pretty good about the job she did and then the third baseman said " Yea, normally umps dont let us drink during the game" OUCH
enjoy the day all..
It is thursday!
Hi family -- Every other member of my family is out and about -- AP in Boston, Unc out on some random baseball junket, so I'll hold down the fort. Very exciting news abotu Jll moving -- I hope there will be a post about it, as moves are alwasy full of adventures (and I'm very intrigued by the cemetary view from the living room). And I LOVE the story about jnna as ump -- that is too funny!
I think i've declared that this Thursday is my new saturday, so KDHRC might be running slow today....
I am thinking that there will be a blog about my recent "2nd job". Yes, that's right I am chief umpire of the Tonawanda Rec. Dept (The only umpire who doesnt wear glasses and under 62) Men's slowpitch league. The league consits of 4 teams, 2 already hate me. I did allow 2 bar teams to participate in their 1 through 7th inning rituals of drinking while they bat.
Yesterday, the two teams that played was the Master Batters and TonaWanders. As you can tell that there was no drinking involved. So apparently the CF dove for a line shot and the ball hit the ground and he picked it up. I felt the need to call the Batter out (He had a Boston hat on). The captain of the team told me I blew his chances for making playoffs.
I guess you can't win them all!
Game tonight at Niagara 2.
FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh... now who can concentrate on Friday, not me. I have to leave the building for a meeting, and it is always a crapshoot if I will return..
so we trekked to target yesterday, took gramma, she said she wanted to "shop". Which usually means she sits and eats popcorn and we fetch. Said she enjoyed her lunch with #1 Son.
Yes the fixxitts are home, and apparently my sissy broke her wrist in asheville, quess she wasnt much help painting and mulching.
moving thrillie on sunday, then not much else going on..
enjoy the day all
Dad, thinking of you, with a smile!
Back in EA after the "big" baseball trip. Started in Scranton for the Yankees game against the Bisons on Wed. nite. Game delayed for an hour by a horrendous storm. Stopped raining and cleared but the YANKEES decided that there was more rain coming and they cancelled the game. Suffice to say that there was NO more rain that evening. Somehow not surprised when the YANKEES are involved in anything. Binghamton Mets vs. the Akron Indians last evening--good game, 5-4 Indians. Drove to Oneonta to catch the Oneonta Tigers but the start was 7 tonite and I chose to not hang around. On to Cooperstown and then drove home. So I spent the Anniversary of Dad's passing, which used to be known as Chuck's birthday, in the car. Need more info on the wrist, more on the Tonawanda umping--incredibly creative team naming still runs rampant in T-wanda; reminds me of when me, Paul and Art's bowling team in HS, the "sea urchins", but we called ourselves the "searchins". We thought that was real clever. Looking for updates and new blogs.
what an absolute glorious saturday in WNY, beautiful sunshine, nice breeze, not to hot, just a beautiful day.
Happy Birthday Chrlie! Hope you had a great one!
Sounds like you did exactly what you wanted to do, which is what I thnk birthdays are about. How thoughtful the Yankee organization was to try and save the fans from a potential drenching.
too nice a day, you almost hate to do something and miss it. that settles it, just enjoy the day.
to elaborate on my sisters broken wrist, I have to confess she called me at work just before our friday AM meeting and I was not really paying attention, she either A) fell off a stool or B) a door was falling on her and she put her hand up to stop it, or maybe it was both, not really sure. But she iced it the whole time she was down there, then by the time she got up here and had it x rayed, the cast if she choose to get one would only be on for 3 weeks, or she could get an immobilizer, but they were 60$, she set out to find one for free or cheaper, which is a whole nother story in itself.
hope AP is enjoying OC.
"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures."
-- John F. Kennedy
Thanks sis for the update on my other sis. Big moving day tomorrow for nc jll? Nice cool day predicted, always a good thing. Sn adm claims that there will soon be a zoo visit blog update on ollie's website. I will continue to pressure.Auntie/nonna due in later tonite so I will get an update on the events in Quincy. Have to call mrs fixxitt and offer sympathies.
Had a great time with grandma last night. Austin and I treated her to dinner at Zebbs. We were going to have the waitress sing happy birthday to her. (We do it all the time). But, we decided against it.
Today is the big moving day. Cookie is not home yet. She had a rough night partying.
Getting ready to clean quinnie out. We will sure miss her at 431.
Last night Grandma said, "since your down one roommate, do you want a new one?"
The lease is in the works.
Have a great Sunday everyone!
Briere...NOOO. Drury. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Yes the sun is out, but it is a very gray day in WNY. Briere and Drury both gone.
Moved Cookie yesterday, as we were busy getting her settled, actually I was watching pirated cable that geo had gerryrigged, her neighbor came over and introduced herself to us, seems that she is Shirley Eikenburg's sister, to those that dont know, Shirley is the one and only employee Holtz's Deli ever employed, so that was kind of funny, Tonawanda is so small..
I think the Pilaf's have been gone for about a yr now???
Hugs and Kisses to Oliver!!!
No moving blog? No Fla. blog? No Drury or Briere? Yanks and Sox equally inept. Gettin' ready to set off my sparkler on the 4th; once a year whether I need to or not. Sorry for all of the work force that our holiday comes mid-week. Have a good one all.
working on a 6th grade graduation blog and a moving blog, the working title is "Moving/Graduation"
hope to have it completed ASAP..
ooh new blog. Love new blogs!
Yeaaah!! New blog!
Happy 7/3/7 all
sorry I did not finish the new blog, seems that austin had a chance to play baseball for the boys and girls club, so he jumped at that chance, he is on the Tigers and wearin good ole number 7! NO I did not watch the game, I spent the entire evening trying to find his glove, keeping track of his things is not one of his strong points, however, his aunt came to the rescue with a guick trip to Dicks, and the day was saved.
Thrillie has some very exciting news!!! which I am sure she will elaborate on..
Austin pitched and caught yesterday, not at the same time!
And the Yankee's finally WON a game!
Any exciting plans for the 4th, anyone anyone anyone???
What was Thomas Jefferson's favorite desert???
give up??
MontiJello (Monticello) get it!
a little 1776 humor
that's priceless! I'm using that today for sure!
Jll, news please. Don't keep us hanging!
I just got home from work. What a DAY! I participated in the July 3rd EA parade. I was handing out candy to all the bystanders.
Here is some July 4th humor for you:
What would you get if you crossed a patriot with a small curly-haired dog?
Yankee Poodle!
We will work on the blog this week I promise.
Its raining???
I might as well go to work!
Happy 4th of July family!
My sister is up and blogging before 6am on a holiday?? What's with that? Me, I have no good 4th of july jokes. Looks like we will be helping Matthew Wagner celebrate his 23rd birthday today in the rain. Got an email from jeff yesterday relative to the fact that we were scheduled for golf that he was still in S.Carolina someplace and something about an "incident" of some sort. Sounded like they had a travel problem.Anyone have any details??Have a happy and safe 4th all. Enjoy the day.
An incident?? Oh no!! There should be a blog about that one!
Cookie may be out of the blog loop since her new apartment is awaiting the DSL hookup.
So does anyone want to know the news about Jill? AHHH, I can't tell you.
UNK, were you a bystander in the EA parade?
Still raining.
Talked to my mother, betty on the first floor was going to Teds to get them all dogs and fries, nothing says happy 4th like a Ted's Dog!
Asked my sister if she had heard from her #1 son, and she had not, they did expect them home on Monday as Zach had a game on Tuesday. So she knew of no incident, I bet the alternater was involved what ever the incident was, the alternater is always involved
Happy 1st 4th OLIVER!!!
We always called holiday weather like this "Rod Weather" because everytime he and Bette hosted a holiday get together it was a day like today. Jff told me it was almost a major accident but all they did was rip apart a tire. I thought that someone might have more details. He promised a blog and unlike others, who shall remain nameless, when he promises he ALWAYS comes through. what about nc jll. I tried pumping Mom for info but got nothing, other than she plans to outdo the guy in S. Buffalo by shooting off fireworks from the balcony. Stay dry.
Hello Family...Sorry for such a late response but my cable does not get hooked up until Thursday.
My BIG news is that I got a NEW JOB!! Starting July 18th I will be starting my new position at a law firm in downtown Buffalo as a law firm investigator.
The law firm has a client that manufactures machinery that is used at contractor sites all over the country. When any type of workers comp or malfunction claim is reported I am sent out to investigate. I take statements/pictures and then I write my report for the attorneys in case any type of law suit occurs. I will be training in the position for awhile though, because I need to understand the inner workings of the machinery almost as well as the engineers do.
More money, better hours, and there is lots of traveling involved! I am very excited! It is a great opportunity!!!
Great blog Unckie... sorry we're a bit late to read it. We're safe and sound in Nebraska... long story, wrong turn in Charleston, SC... I'm sure I wasn't the first to do that.
Awesome news Jll, that's great!
The details are foggy with "the incindent in Brunswick, GA". An 18 wheeler jack-knifed off the Santa Anna (I-95) carrying a load of manuer after slamming a Ford ranger truck and a commercial van. We were 50 yards behind it in one of Georgia's torrential downpours, but got caught up in the debris and ripped apart our front tire. blah, blah, blah.... three hour delay after holding back a jungle while the paramedics tried helping a large woman wedged into her stereo console . Thanks to the kind folk in Brunswick for helping me arrive safely at a tire distributor "down the road a piece".
way to go Jill. THat sounds like a great job! way to go austin. way to go jff... way to go everybody!
Oliver what time do you get to sleep?
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