Thursday, August 30, 2007

My baseball weekend to end the "Summer of Jeff"

Where are you Mrs. Rosewater?
JT Pilaf

Last weekend was my farewell song to the "Summer of Jeff" and what a summer it was. Friday after work we traveled down to Auburn to see the Doubledays (Toronto's A affiliate) take on the Cross Cutters of Williamsport (The Phillies youth in training). As you can see our seats were close to the action, second row, right next to the Cutters bench on the first base side. We saw the Doubledays starting pitcher of the first game throw a no-hitter thru 3 innings and he finished wth just one hit after four. No one knows why he was pulled and we asked, oh we asked. The home town Doubledays won the first game 4-1.

Emma took the bubblegum picture, she makes me laugh, you had to be there. We had a wonderful night. The stars were out and we had a waitress getting us anything we wanted to eat or drink (unfortunately, it wasn't free). Emma always says to me at the ballpark, "It's all about the food, dad". Truer words could not be spoken.

Then, Sunday was Zach's baseball banquet at Dunn Tire Park. Free, all you can eat hot dogs and hamburgers and pop. The mornning was perfect and Zach was handed his (just for playing) trophy. The Bisons/ Yankees game followed the banquet and admittedly I was torn.

His coach had some really nice things to say about Zach's season and his smile while playing the game.

Zach really liked him as his coach.

Kei Igawa was throwing for the SWB Yankees and the Bisons (like everyone else up in the bigs before his demotion) hit his high fastball. He's a lot smaller than I thought. But he's got strong thighs.

After the game Buster finally married Belle and made her an honest women. They served cake and ice cream for the kids after the game. Emma was giving Belle some advise on keeping Buster happy.
Of course she loved the reception afterwards too. They played the High School Musical soundtrack.

On Monday I decided to have surgery on the back of my neck. I had some excess fat removed that was bugging me. Too many hot dogs and beers and the ball parks I imagine.

Don't I look better now? You can't even see the scar.
I should have gone to a tanning salon and had them touch up the back of my neck with some tanning spray. Talk about "redneck geek" ...sheesh.

Tuesday night we went to the Bisons last home game of the regular season with Aunt B, Uncle Geo, and Jenna. The night was absolutely gorgeous. The moon, huge and orange, but that might have been the donut in the Tim Horton's ad sign, they both looked the same to me. Where's Mars?

The night was capped off by fireworks that reminded Sandra of her wedding night. Her words not mine, well... maybe mine, I can't remember.


Anonymous said...

I am the first to respond! Great Blog cousin JFF and family! I can't believe your POST OP recovery.

Anonymous said...

I just "get er dun".

We may have a seemless entry from the "Summer of Jeff" right into the "Fall of Sandra" (different than the Fall of the Roman Empire). Sandra wants to go to Disney World for Turkey Day and I think it's a pretty good idea too. We can save a boat load (or plane load) of money by going then instead of April.

Zach and I went to the golf range yesterday to hit a few after a 4 month layoff. Now he wants his own clubs.

Anonymous said...

I guess that I was wondering why I had not played golf with my nphw since April 27. I thought that it had something to do with the 75 cents that I won, but now I realize that he had no time for golf as I reviewed the series of blogs posted over the last four months. I do think that we need a bit more clarification regarding the little friend that Auntie B. is holding. By the way nc jll, while me and my friends were in Ithaca, we kept the damn hippies out, but once we left....

Anonymous said...

I am still stunned the summer of Jeff is over? But seriously who packed more fun, more baseball, more clams, into the summer of 07 than Jff!
Awesome blog, awesome pictures!
That blog alone will make working on a Friday almost, semi bearable, with the sun out and the calendar reading 08/31, Why am I at work? thrille is driving to NY.
SO Jealous! She has a great weekend planned! They of course have Yankee Tickets, are going to some Brazialina steak house on 34th, doing the empire state "star show" and jazz concert from atop of the empire state building, Lombardo's Pizzeria, and the first Ice Cream Parlor, that is at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge, to quote Emma, it is always all about the food!

Anonymous said...

Was that a Yankee sweep of the sux? And the Bills win!
God is in His Heaven, all is right with the world!

Anonymous said...

and to think, I almost posted a comment...

Anonymous said...

Made it to NY...well at least New Jersey. Headed to NY in about one hour. Uneventful ride, which is a good thing.

Updates to come...

Anonymous said...

Adm, not to get you on a technicality, but isn't it considered a post when you mention that you're not posting? That's my posted comment. Go Joba!!!

Anonymous said...

September 1st. sigh....
What a wonderful summer it has been! Here is hoping everyone takes the day to get there last licks in of fun in the sun!
Not sure what the kochs are doing today, but rest assured it wont be much.
enjoy family, mmmm I smell chowder!

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if nc jll has got a lock on the most exciting Labor day weekend award. and, she plans on being back in time for soup too? Go D-Rays: America's Team!

Anonymous said...

Hi Family! Getting ready to head out to YANKEE STADIUM!!!! Can't wait for a beautiful afternoon of baseball.

Yesterday's trip into NYC was quite a ride. We took a 30 minute detour through Jersey City...desperatey trying to find our way to the PATH train that takes us into the City. Once that was accomplished it was smooth sailing.

We ate dinner at a Brazilian Steakhouse where waiters come around with meat on skewers and slice you off a piece. I have never eaten so much meat in my life! But it was amazing! Next stop was Time Square, a mandatory. Always some good people watching down there. Then we capped the night off at Empire State Building, where we got to watch an exciting fight between two women. One who was "defending" her daughter because this woman supposedly "pushed" her. The guy running the roasted nut stand intervened.

Last time I went to the Empire State Building I am pretty sure I didn't have to go through a metal detector. But it was worth the wait. there is no other view in the world like on the 86th floor of the ESB.

Anonymous said...

Good day all, Zach and I just got back from Buffalo's Wingfest down at the park. We started off with the Anchor Bar and I finished off the day with wings from The Wing Coop. In between stops included Danny's for some chicken wing soup. Delish. Entertainment was provided by Terry Buchwald, it was most enjoyable.

Yanks seem to have a 9-6 lead over America's team, hopefully cousin Thrllie is having a great day. I tried to look for her on TV. No luck though.

Anonymous said...

America's team???

Anonymous said...

heard from my daughter as A Rod hit his HR, pretty exciting! thrillie is a savy new york tourist, but the 9$ brewski's in the bronx even took her aback.
America's team??? Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

What a day we had yesterday!!! The Yankees game was amazing! Jff and mom you would truely feel right at home after getting off the D train and landing right in Yankee Stadium. Everyone had Yankee gear on and the vendors and bars were in full swing. We got some pretty great souvenirs. Can't find this stuff in Buffalo.

Gary bought a shit that said on the front, "Big Papi has small pee pee" and on the back it says, "and no mvp"

My one complaint is that its a little difficult to find your seat. Ushers or a help desk would have been nice. But we settled into our right seats after 3 tries. What a thrill it was! Great game. I was on the phone with mom when A-rod hit his homerun! Couldn't have been a better game or day.

After the game we headed down to Spring St. to eat at Lombardi's. The first pizzeria in the US. Best pizza I ever had!

We were pretty spent after that so we went back to the hotel for a long night's rest.

Then suddenly at 4:30am the fire alarm goes off.

Anonymous said...

I wake up suddenly and Gary immediately goes into the bathroom. I figure he is gathering provisions. Come to find out he was putting his contacts in because he didn't want people to see him in his bottle caps.

We are in the parking lot and I have on a t-shirt with a chocolate chip cookie with arms and legs saying "I am one tough cookie".

I'm thinking the Europeans pulled the fire alarm because they all came down with their cameras in hand. They are taking pictures of the fire trucks, fire men, and cop cars. One posed in front of the cop car with his middle fingers being displayed.

Must have been a false alarm because Saddle Brook's finest allowed us to go back inside. We go back to sleep at 5am only to be woken by the fire alarm once again at 7:30am. Oh well, we are up and ready for another day.

We are heading down to South Street Seaport to checkout the Bodies Exhibit, and then to the World Trade Center. Enjoy your Sunday all!

Anonymous said...

America's Team will be rewarded with a well deserved victory after they finish examining the bat that they confiscated from what's his name, no, not the steroid using first baseman or his 48 year old pitching partner. No the bat that they took from the master of pop flies at third base. Plus, picking on the poor A=team player who needed a translator to be told what he was being accused of? Is there no decency??? That is a rhetorical question to which we ALL know the answer.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'll man up. Bucholtz pitched a heck of a game. Congrats rookie.

Is Thrllie's keyboard missing an 'r'? Hmmmm... I thought this was a family blog?
According to the post she's living up to her nickname. I'm not sure I would have gotten up at 4 in the AM.

Anonymous said...

I tend to think that it was a freudian slip that Thrillie called it a papi shit and not a shirt. we all know who "the man" is. And BuchHOLTZ pitched a no-no. all is right with the world. come on family, the guy is practically related to us. I'll call him cousin Buck from now on.

Anonymous said...

good sunday morning family, another gorgeous day in WNY!
I hope my souvenir from the big city is the papi sh--!
It is a family blog, so I will remind my daughter of her foul language.
My brothers tirades against my beloved Yankee's never cease to amaze me! A Rod lost the pop fly in the sun,a believable explanation. Please read Bucky Gleason in this AM's paper,UC,
with tissue in hand.
how about
batting out of order!
Even the little league teams in the world series did'nt do that! But I am thanking my neighbors to the north, for handing the M's there 9th straight loss!
Isnt Buckholz'z name spelled with out a T? He cant even spell our name right. He must be one of those "Fargo" Holz'z.
Lets all chant togother, Lets Go Appalachian State, dadadadaddada!
sorry jeff, but you gotta love those david & goliath stories! Like when the bombers swept the sox I love a good underdog story!

Anonymous said...

I deliberately avoided any reference to the "maize and blue" out of sympathy for my poor nphw jff, but then his favorite aunt and greatest ally goes and turns on him. Gettin' ready to take Auntie to the airport. Only 10 hours until chowdahhh! Gotta love them D-Rays. Yes, and I did read Bucky's column. I was going to make some comment about the general "condition" of Yankee fans, but that would be crude and insensitive and it is a holiday. see y'all later.

Anonymous said...

5:08AM??? Is Unkie just getting in fron a Labor Eve party? Was he and Auntie P down at Bob's Pump & Pull? Maybe a blog will follow?

Ok, I gotta get some toilet paper and a donut.

Anonymous said...

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning family and friends I am headed to work for a few hours then it's the chowder party.

I was telling my friend at work that I had to leave early for a family party, chowder, hot tub, etc. She looks at me and goes "what's that? clam chowder?, the soup?"

So Gary is not the only one! I said no, oh wise one it is the greatest thing in the world, especially when Gary, my uncle makes it!

See you all soon!

Anonymous said...

GREAT party!! Burp!!! Now I need to get some beauty sleep to prepare for what will likely be a titanic golf struggle tomorrow. Story to follow. Film at ll.

Anonymous said...

I'm up... I'm up. I just need my coffee.

Anonymous said...

Well I am looking at my Yankee Calendar and it says September 4th, but I dont believe it!.
"The boys" should be lacing up there golf shoes right about now, and having a great day of golf!
Have a great day!
MMMM Chowder and hot dogs, shared with family and friends is a delicacy like no other, thank you sue & gary (my brother in law not jills bf) for hosting such a great picnic!
food was lucious and so was the company!
It was wonderful to see rick and stacy!
Just a great day.
We have finalized our trip to San Antonio, we will leave Sept 30th!
Very excited about that! Cousin Pat is so gracious and generous when we are there. Looking forward to that.
oh well back to work UGH

Anonymous said...

I was with you in gustatory spirit yesterday, family -- hope it was a GREAT chowder party!!

Anonymous said...

I know that you have all been awaiting the golf match results with great suspense, and I can only report a tie. The "kids" won the front nine but the cagey veterans, led by Mr. Fixxitt's booming drives, rebounded to win the back nine. The high/low points were: 1. the distraction of having to lift the lawnmower off from the first day hire maintainance man who was at the bottom of a ravine with the mower on top of him before we could play the 3rd hole 2. nphw jff's error of standing off to the side of Mr. F. as he hit a screamer off the toe of the club past his ear on no. 12 3. running out of beer on the back nine 4 no chowder in the golf cart. 5. the argument over who did better at lunch, the fried baloney choice or the sausage w/peppers and onions. A great time and I can't wait to do it again. travel safely rick and stacy.

Anonymous said...

It was most definitely a fun day. And I especially loved Mr. Fixxit talking through his own swing on almost every hole.

Anonymous said...

Mr Fix It talking? Naaa...come on! Really? Out loud?

Anonymous said...

Another Holtzapoola is in the air...November...Disney...8 signed up to go already...anyone else like to join the fun?!?

Anonymous said...

Have a great day at school Austin, Zach, Emma, okay and you too Uncle Chuck!

Study Hard and Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

had dinner with stacy, rick, and the fixxits. heard all about the golf outing, and the heroic measures of the boys to save the rookie senior citizen landscaper who commented to mr fixxit, his hip hurt, once he was pulled from the ditch. I am quessing subpoena's and statements taken all the way around. And cellino and barnes have been called.
have a great first day of school to one and all!
sigh, I do miss the smell of freshly sharpened pencils!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's back to work today after a nice, long, 4 day weekend. And after a long and beautiful summer layoff the kids return back to school today. So sad.

Sandra and I have our fantasy football draft tonight. Sandra, with the #1 pick, is surely to grab LT. Not Lawrence Taylor, that would be funny though. I follow up with the 9th pick.

Enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Still trying to recover from all of yesterday's adventures and two periods of algebra this morning. Auntie made the right decision to go to Boston.

Anonymous said...

We're three hours from the first pick of the football draft tonight. Ohhh, the pressure.

I've got my Yankee stadium all-star shirt on and it's a perfect fit. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Austin today. He had a great first day in the 7th grade. He was rather excited about his schedule on "B" Days:

1st Period: Math
2nd Period: English
3rd : Science

Just wait it gets better.
4th Period: Study Hall
5th Period: GYM
6th Period: Lunch
7th Period: Study Hall

Let's just hope he goes to 4-7th periods on B days.

Anonymous said...

It is thursday family, thursday!
sighhh... If only I did not have so much work to do I could actually enjoy the day!
I was curious?? Was thrillie called into look at the tractor once it was pulled from the ditch?
I believe that is the protocal.
Algebra, UGH, I took that class 2 days and then went promptly to math 9!
Still trying to book our flight to San Antonio. I found a reasonable flight through Delta, but the ride home has 4 stops, Houston, Memphis, Baltimore and then Buffalo.
Not sure if Anastacia would be up for that! She says yes, but I dont know???
Did everyone see that Thurmon Thomas is working on a kids cartoon? Called "pondscum"? quess its not intended to build self esteem.
enjoy the sun

Anonymous said...

hey antie b -- as a seasoned traveller, I have to chime in that 4 stops would completely SUCK -- the chances of something going wrong (especially on delta) are way too high, resulting in a nap for you all on an airport bench.

Try -- it's this cool site where you can input your city pairs and it will tell you if the flights are getting more or less expensive and the best days to fly. Its pretty amazing -- hopefully that will help some!

Anonymous said...

KDH, I did go there but I did not understand the info that it put up,was confused on how to read it and book the flight? but I will definately look again. I quess we are doomed to pay 411$ round trip.
Thanks for the heads up on Delta!

Anonymous said...

KDH, I quess I should have been a little more patient, all the airlines, price comparisons, market shares, and the weather came up! I tend to get a little antsy when I do not get answers in a nano second! this looks great, and they have a 353$ flight, but still a stop in Houston to change carriers, I quess we are doomed to go the George Bush Airport!

Anonymous said...

Zach had his first fall little league baseball game tonight in a thrilling 10-4 victory. He went 2 for 4 with 1 rs and 3 rbi's while playing LF. He had a great time and it was fun watching fall ball. He had his old coach (good guy, good guy) from last season and he's very happy.

Anonymous said...

I had jury duty yesterday...Alas, I did not get picked! DARN! It was a medical malpractice suit and was expected to take 3 weeks! No Thankyou! My boss was happy to see me back at work today. I don't have to serve for another 8 years. YIPPEE!

Anonymous said...

Man, good news all over from baseball to the court system. Me, I just survived my first week with ninth graders, integers, absolute value and heat. I am encouraging them to move the search along as rapidly as possible. Go Bills!!!

Anonymous said...

It loks like you had the toughest week Unkie.


... and windy. Mr. Fixxit called me earlier to tell me that Lake Chatauqua was busting out 40 mph of wind/gusts down there. I retorted with, "38 up here". Have a good evening fam.



Anonymous said...

Good mornin' fam, looks like it's going to be a hot one again. The ceiling fans are cranked already.
Stay cool.