Does Global Warming Effect Field Mice?
A Subjective Essay By JT Pilaf

It goes without saying that the excitement surrounding the Christmas season had everyone on pins and needles. Some people relish the feeling of the warm glow bursting inside, others, well... they treat the season a little differently. That's not our family, we dive head first into the lake of Christmas Dreams. We eatit up, some of us drink it up too. Thank goodness for Auntie P's nog.

Some of us dipped into the nog earlier than others. Some of us say "I won't drink that stuff". I'll always remember Rafael Palmiero wagging his puffed up finger at congress, saying he never did steroids too.

Oliver was the main attraction at Christmas this year. What a beautiful little boy... and mommy.

Adm was very happy that he received red flubber this year, now he has every primary color.

Here's Oliver reading to his daddy. Poor Oliver, so much responsibility at such a young age.
Just a quick little recap of a wonderful Christmas day. Thanks everyone for making it so special.