Does Global Warming Effect Field Mice?
A Subjective Essay By JT Pilaf

It goes without saying that the excitement surrounding the Christmas season had everyone on pins and needles. Some people relish the feeling of the warm glow bursting inside, others, well... they treat the season a little differently. That's not our family, we dive head first into the lake of Christmas Dreams. We eatit up, some of us drink it up too. Thank goodness for Auntie P's nog.

Some of us dipped into the nog earlier than others. Some of us say "I won't drink that stuff". I'll always remember Rafael Palmiero wagging his puffed up finger at congress, saying he never did steroids too.

Oliver was the main attraction at Christmas this year. What a beautiful little boy... and mommy.

Adm was very happy that he received red flubber this year, now he has every primary color.

Here's Oliver reading to his daddy. Poor Oliver, so much responsibility at such a young age.
Just a quick little recap of a wonderful Christmas day. Thanks everyone for making it so special.
An EXCELLENT essay. I would give it an A + at least, and perhaps more had their not been the innuendo regarding non-nog drinkers. I am glad that you included nc jll. As we have seen, she gets cranky if omitted. Still time for ice bowl tickets at e-bay. Go Bills. Go Sabres. Bad luck for the sabres last nite.
Great Job! Thanks to my amazing sister, I scored Ice Bowl tickets for Tuesday. I can promise you there will be a blog for that!
If I can get my digital camera to work. :(
Since the Ice Bowl is 3 days away, I am reaching out to my family and friends for help.
My goal is to be on tv. So I need help with a sign. The best slogan will be created and will hopefully be displayed on NBC during the game.
An ice bowl blog? For real? Sign? Gotta do something with NBC I would guess. Natives Bring Confetti to first ice bowl? New england Breeds Contempt? Nah. Can we work in Aurora Park too? We will be working on it today.
A sign? How about???
An A+ for my essay, awesome and thank you!!! First time.
Well, we skipped out on church this AM, first time in a long time. I feel bad, but, well rested. Big day in sports today, an entire day of meaning less football games. GO BILLS!!! Play respectable... Pleeeeeaaaaassse.
Great Job nephew!!!!
I had a lot of great sign idea's!
For ex Now
or how about Nothin But Class!
How vile are the new england patriots??? UGH to that game last nite!
Go Bills today, and PLEASE somewhat resemble a team!!
Loved the OLiver pictures!!
Football all day and gray skies :(
I actually dozed off while "watching" the Bills. Was that because I was tired after a busy week, or because, as I suspect, that they are as boring as I think they are. I loved the ending as they tried to keep the last play alive with laterals--two short laterals and Josh Reed falls down. Fitting way to end the season.
Happy New Year's Eve ALL! I reluctantly made the trek into work today. Anybody else have to work today?
Any fun plans for tonight? I have a couple bottles of wine and a bottle of champage..Im staying in tonight to rest up for the ice bowl!
Happy Eve!!! Not working, but I should have gone in for a half day. Plans for tonight include Sandra's family and a little lamb named Leo covered in mint jelly. I need to keep my wits about me, big Sabres game tomorrow and I'm beyond excited.
I wish I would've fallen asleep yesterday afternoon during the game. Consider yourself lucky Unckie.
House empty as bourbon swillin daughter returned to Hotlanta yesterday. Looks like the day will be spent starting to de-christmas the house, watching a little football and then meeting the Fixxitts for an early N.Y. eve dinner. Sounds as if the weather for tomorrow's game could be a bit "interesting". Ah, Buffalo in Jan. Did the post-mortem on 2007 and decided that it was, all in all, a pretty good year. Happy 2008all!
Happy New Years Eve family and friends of the blog.
I too am at work, quiet ride in, which is all I ever wish for.
No hot plans for tonite, nothing for tomorrow, Mr Austin returned home yesterday, which officially signifies the end of the christmas holiday.
2007, was just OK. Anxiously awaiting 2008!!! I think it will be HUGE!
Ooooh, I love assessing the past year. The Pilaf's (I believe) had a grande 2007. Many vacations, many ball games (major and miinor league), and just a house full of love. Yeh babee!!!
Happy New Year to one and all!
Here's to health, hope and prosperity for '08!
Well the tailgaters have left, the cars are full of beer, wine, OJ, pop ,snacks of every shape size and flavor, the grill, the briquettes,
matches, hot dogs, rolls, a crock pot full of pulled pork, more rolls, ketchup, mustard, relish, chairs, blankets, a change of clothes, camera's, cell phones, the news paper, mmmm I do believe that is all.
I bet they have a blast!
To each and every one who reads this, May your road be bump free in '08, may you realize what you have instead of what you dont have,
may your friends and family be your blessing,
and heres hoping that what you read here will always put a smile on your face, it does to me!
finally got the internet working again. boy did I miss it! Wish I could be in b-lo for the big game. I'll be watching it on the tube though! Happy '08 all. But I don't think a year could be any better than '07 was for this household. Too many blessings to even list; but they all start with a boy named oliver.
Happy New Year everyone!
Definitely a wonderful '07 for you Adm and we wish you were here too.
Big game today!!! Unfortunately, I just found out that the Michigan game is on at the same time, so now I can only watch a lil bit of that game. I really thought it was on at 4. RATS!!!
Happy New Year all!! Looking forward to the start of the game in just a bit. Had a very nice evening with the Fixxitts. The only "incident" occurred when we were seated in a relatively smallish dining room with about 6 other tables and mrs. fixxitt discovered hats and noisemakers on our table and let loose a blast with one of the horns. Unfortunately, for them, there was a group of even "more seniors" right next to her and her blast almost ended a few of them permanently. she quickly explained that the reason she did it was that she didn't "really" think that the horn would work. Anyone actually see 2008 come in last nite? Go Sabres! Hope everyone enjoys their holiday
Maybe it's the stadium?
Happy New Year family! Here's hopin 2008 is filled with as much fun (and blog activity) as 2007. I know the game didn't end the way we Sabres fan would have liked, but boy, that was a good one!
Just returned home nearly frostbitten from the Ralph, I promise a blog will follow as soon as I thaw out.
I would have been home sooner, but I had to fight 70,000 + fans out of the parking lot.
It was a fun game to watch, that's for sure.
Good mornin', back to work today. Rats. Well, at least it's a short week. Enjoy it.
Happy New Year everybody! I for one did not see the ball drop at midnight. I was fast asleep by 10pm. Oh well there is always next year.
The game was a lot of fun yesterday, but it was a sad ending.
Bundle up's pretty cold out there.
Glad to see that our intrepid warriors returned safely from the Ralph. Great atmosphere for the game. Embarrassed over all of my energetic family out there working today. i confess that I haven;t been as ambitious as I should be of late. Have a good one all. From the sound of the Atlanta weather report I am guessing that the employees of KDHRC are unlikely to venture outside today. True?
Brrr! I thought this was HOTlanta! And I left my heavy coat in EA. Dang!
Pretty quiet on this blog today!
Pretty quiet indeed.
So what's going on with everyone?
I have a Tools game at 8:30 and have to admit, I'm getting really close to retiring before the season ends. Only my idiocy is keeping me going.
hmmmm...haven't heard THAT before!
Watched "Christmas Story" one more time to round out the holidays--
What was also in the building with the Chinese Restaurant?
How many smelly hounds did the Bumpus' have according to "My Father"?
Who is "the old man" talking to when they are centering the major award?
Where does the author/narrator appear in the movie?
I've actually accomplished nothing today and I'm proud of that.
Good mornin',
Looks to be a balmy day outside today in beautiful Buffalo. At least we're not on the west coast. Wowza! What's up with that? Am I getting old? I love the Weather Channel!
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