As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Emma at tap class
Emma's been practicing tap dance for awhile now. They're doing a routine to "These Boots Are made For Walking". Emma's the one in the pink Sabres outfit (if you couldn't tell). This is Part I of the dance...hopefully they will be ready by June!
Emma clearly is the only one with any talent whatsoever, all those other hacks should sit down! Thanks for sharing this future DWTS star! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER!!! May your day be filled with things that only make you smile! Off from work today, as geo is having some "tests" done. Seriously nothing is better than not having to get up, but just getting up cuz you want to! once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS FIXXITT!
Happy Birthday mom, You're the best mom ever (thanks Jnna for reminding me).
Not much going on... Zach's playing for the Cincinnatti Reds this year (it'll be great to see Griffey Jr., I have sooo many questions). Obviously the coach heard rumors of Zach's arm strength.
Loved the bow at the end. Finally a dancing star that I can relate to. Happy b-day sis. Hope that you had a great one, always caught between st. patty's day and st. joseph's day. Hope all went well for U. G. Tomorrow is my friday. Yeah for me.
UG was home in time to catch the Hokies vs Yankees 7 inning game. After a little nap and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, he seems none the worse for wear! Stopped an saw my sis today and wished her a happy birthday, reminded her she could retire, she slyly smiled and told me "NO". Either her career is so rewarding or the thought of being home 24/7 so not appealing! thrillie is off to hotlanta on thursday. hopefully there will be no de icing issues, phew that was ugly the last time. mm basketball tonite, yankee replay tonite, DWTS tonite, AI tonite, so much to watch! enjoy the evening
Why does everyone have thursday and friday off?!?!? I am so jealous! KDH...I have a one day trip planned in Hotlanta. I may have just enough time to do lunch, if you are available. The plan is to go to Norcross, then visit a site on Peachtree in Atlanta and then back to the airport. I will be traveling with a coworker and he doesn't care what we do as long as he is fed.
Working on Holy Thursday is wrong, just wrong I tell you. I am guessing that it is a paid holiday at KDHRC. I had a hunch that nphw would be off, one way or another. Getting reading to watch lots of bball and with the impending start of fantasy baseball, perhaps some action there too. First day of spring tomorrow enjoy all of the great weather that we are bound to have. where is ms. fixcitt reporting on her birthday??
Ditto I also turned the game off, only it was 2-1, when I turned it off! When will I ever learn! I am envious of anyone who is sitting home today, enjoying day 1 of spring! Austin comes tomorrow!!! YEA, all is right with the world I hope KDH and thrillie can break bread today,that would be very fun to hear about, yea thats what we need a lunch blog!
I will jump in with "I turned it off at 3-1". Looks like a trip into NT today for an early Easter with Mom. Where are the fixxitts??????????? I got an email, she replied, and then disappeared. I hope mister hasn't found some of the "naughty" sites and is monopolizing the computer. Go Peay!!! Travel safely Jill, Austin and whoever is picking Austin up.
After calling Mom, and getting only her machine from 10 until almost 11, I finally freaked and called poor Mrs. Fixxitt and work to see what was going on--suffice to say I had no shortage of negative thoughts--and she rushed over to find that all was well--back and forth to Dorothy's etc. without ever checking the blinking lights and 5 missed messages on her machine. anyhow, did Athena/s, shopped, al kaida, etc. and now back watching ncaa. Did find out that if it is possible to master the computer by mere force of post-it notes, mr. fixxitt will have this situation well under control shortly. He has already learned that calling Dell for service gets him Dell allright, as in New Delli india. Go ORAL!!
I have no shortage of negative thoughts and I do talk to her! Cookie was not able to catch KDH for lunch, and she was most disappointed, her field inspection was longer than expected, but she will be back in hotlanta soon she said, she did comment on what a nice sunny, and 60 ish day it was.
When I found out that jll was heading to norcross today, I wasnt' surprised to hear she didn't have time to meet up -- that's way out in farm country, man!
And I can't even tell you the non-shortage of negative thoughts I had when I read dad's signoff line out of context. My goodness father!
Well here we are at the point in the work week that we are all eternally grateful for, FRIDAY! Ok show of hands, who was rooting for Belmont???? Heading out early afternoon to pick up austin. Taking Gramma, she likes to drive on the highway, what harm could it do??? To each and everyone of you, wherever your travels take you, may you arrive safely and return to us safely. Be Careful out there!
Mom does enjoy the drive to Avon and the stop at Mickey D's. I happen to be a big Oral Roberts fan, both the "crystal palace" and the basketball team. I am taking such a beating on my choices that I was desperate for a comeback over Pitt that never materialized. Did you hear the interview with Coach K after last nite? would have been great to see little Belmont triumph, but not to be. Where is Mr. Pilaf in all this madness? Have a good one all.
I just got home moments ago from a Butler trip with the fam. I enjoyed all day yesterday dominating the TV watching just basketball with a sprinkle of Yankees thrown in. Now I'm watching OT W Kentucky/ Drake. I chose W Kenttucky as my 5/12 upset and just heard they had a 16 pt. lead. Just my luck.
umbc- u of maryland baltimore county. They wre the winners of the powerful America East Conference. Home to such other programs as Boston University, Hartford, Stony Brook and others. yuck
Oliver knows alot about college basketball!!! Just returned from p/u Austin. If any one is keeping score Gramma still reigns as champion of the alphabet "I am going to a picnic" game. There was one trip up on her part as she had "H" and said Jalapeno Peppers, and was hard pressed to believe us that Jalapeno was a "J" fortunately Austin was able to call her out on this and cooler heads prevailed! Great basketball games! Sienna up by 11!!! GO MAAC Conference
Jff, LOL!!!! Gramma called this morning, she could not sleep last nite and did our picnic game from Zucchini to Applesauce! No mention of bad dreams or Phil...
HAPPY EASTER everyone! so yesterday I am in Platters Chocolate store and I am number 47, oddly enough they are on 18. So my cell phone starts going off, and I do have the most obnoxious and offensive ring, and of course I can not find my phone and all eyes are on me. Good thing I do not embarass easily! Well it was daughter Jnna, we needed to make a liquor store run for Luther Manor. So remember when you had to buy liquor for the underage drinking crowd, those days are back, but oddly enough it is for the geriatrics who cant was delivered along with dinner, as they did not want to pay the delivery charge to Pane's.. enjoy your sunday all
Yeah, I just noticed that as I was checking out the blob. I'll tell her.
Oop, sorry, Happy Easter all.
We had a nice lunch/ dinner at Sandra's parents and then ran over to my 'rents to find Cherry Pie on the pie menu... unfortunately not, who makes pumpkin pie at Easter? It's definitely fruit pie season.
My sister, always just a little bit to the left, you gotta love that about her! Pumpkin pie is fine at Easter, no really it is! Had a most lovely time at 1298 Nash, food was very yummy! Thank you to my sister for being such a gracious hostess with the mostess! Enjoy Dyngus day one and all!
Spent my Dyngus day in the car on the way to Williamsport, pa and back. BaILed yesterday when I saw all of the snow down there. Not a bad drive and got my March round of golf in at the White Deer resort. Two 18 hole courses and they weren't in bad shape. Snow seems to disappear at the state line. Seems that Oliver is giving Auntie a run for her money. She called at 8 am and wanted to know if I could drive up and help. Back to work tomorrow. My five day weekend went fast. Sounds like everyone enjoyed their Easter. Great basketball yesterday. Three games at once that went to the finish. they couldn't decide which to follow. Hve a good tuesday all
Hope you had a nice couple rounds of golf down there. How was the Crosscutters' field, is it ready for the '08 season? Now there's a baseball trip for ya. Lot of teams in that area.
Happy Dyngus Day!!! Sandra said she's gonna whoop me tonight.
sorry haven't been on the blob hiding out at the dome than clickingon the computer lot a pressure i think i'll call that nice man in india i felt a bond between us he understood my pain or under wood my pain ok back to clik clik
no one tells me anything i was clicking on that cute little envelope easter was so nice except for the lumps in the the pumpkin i guess every one is right canned pumpkin mus be out of season but i think cherry is for february. gld everyone is back to work
im having a real hard time with this first i tried the little envlelope and then we couldnt send and now my grate comments are lost in neo space. easter was great company gracious i do apologize for the lumpy pumpkin pie i guess canned pumpkin is out of season should have done a creme brulee'
Happy post dyngus day to one and all! A little bit of cover up will cover all pussy willow welts. I am a little confused by the anonymous/fixxitt commments. Is it one continuous run on sentence? There was no doubt in my mind,that Mr Oliver would give AP the business! She will need a long vacation when she returns! Returned Austin to his world last nite, that was a much to quick visit! DWTS, no on comes close to Kristi Yama coochi!!! POLO! IRON PIGS!! 120 days!
Both my kids woke me up at 5:55 AM today so we could watch the first pitch... is that love or what. Do I have Mark Ellis? Well then, I want him... (today's game only though).
Celebrated my Dyngus Day yesterday at Hearthstone Manor with the other 4,000 people who showed up. I successfully broke about 10 pussy willows in half from pervie guys and got in several verbal altercations about people being in my space. Fun time, but way too crowded. The 64oz. beer for $8 wasn't a bad deal though. But my choice was Budweiser or Budweiser.
Off to Charleston, SC tomorrow where it is 76º...must be nice.
Just some random thoughts, cuz I so dont feel like working. KDH, how do you motivate your staff, when the energy level seems low? I was suppose to do 2 evaluations today and both people called off. Does that mean I can write what I want, sign it, make umpteen copies and hand it in? With out discussing said employee's need for improvement. Yea I did not think so. sigh, my baby girl does know how to have fun!!!
Any Dyngus day celebration is bound to be a good one despite the crowds. Only thing better is heading south on the company dime. Great sox win today. gave the girls a study hall so I could watch online. I don't think that Dicekay got me a lot of points in fantasy though. One down, and 161 to go. I was having trouble following the pumpkin saga thru two anonymi and a ms. fixxitt. Can someone who was there translate?
Easter Sunday Dinner Recap: Gramma " What is on the pie menu" My Sissy "There is no pie menu, there is only pumpkin" Gramma( said with a disgusted tone, and an even more disgusted puss on her face) "But I dont like Pumpkin, and its Easter, why did'nt you make apple, or cherry or strawberry rhubarb" My Sissy " Because" Pumpkin Pie, very good, but it did have some "clumps" of undissolved dream whip.
Auntie, that's an excellant question to KDH... what means of motivation do you use on a holiday such as Dyngus Day to get the employees concentrating on work related items? I need to know.
Sorry to hear about your space issues Jll. I know how it is to be hip and one of the pretty people... the chicks just won't give me my space. It just gets to be too much. When you say you broke a few pussy willows... exactly how were the willows used?
As a casual observer and totally impartial contributor, I would offer that it should actually count as one and a half wins because the 13 hour difference constitutes another half day so with the time change it would be a win on one day and a half win on the next. That does not even take into consideration the huge number of players suffering from stiff necks due to the plane ride. Maybe one and three quarter wins would be fairer. Go Pirates
Now my kids are all excited and putting on their Pirates garb--both Pirate fans as well...way to go non-sux fan...starting a Rice household controversy on the first day of the season!
My Papa just got a new computer. He told me that he can't believe how many things he needs to erase--he doesn't understand "forwards". I wonder if Nana ever gets to see them.
Adm, LOL!!!! Now that made me laugh. apparently I got thrashed yesterday by zach?? All I know is I had eva longoria on the bench, and she got sent down to the minors or something like that???
So when I dont watch the Sabres they are worth watching, when I watch I just want to stab myself in the eye!' too much quess work with them! UGH to cleaning snow off the car this AM, enough is enough! Enjoy the friday, cus tomorrow is saturday, YEA!!!
What's not to love about them Sabres? I almost turned the game off when they were up3-1 with about 3 minutes left. Looks like its Auntie's turn for some extra airport time tonite. She was due in at 10 tonite and now looks more like midnight plus, just a tiny bit past my normal bedtime. What a beautiful snowfall this morning. This has been just one great all around day. How does one signify sarcasm on the internet?? Enjoy the weekend all
What is going on with Davidson? What an awesome game last night (no, not the Sabres... they did play well though). Steph Curry, that's Del Curry's boy, he was a 3 pt. specialist awhile back. Anywho, I had them losing.
No big plans today. Me, I'm gonna dream aboout spring and baseball.
Ah yeah, my nephew's, not mine. Hellooooo... it's all about me. Sheeesh indeed.
So, we just attempted this movie for the second time "The Last Kiss" (with Zach Braff) , and turned it off for a second time. Not my kind of movie. Two thumbs down. Just lettin' ya know.
before you start studying, make SURE the house is clean, the laundry is done, the car is washed, the lawn is mowed, the walls are painted, the garage is organized. I always said, "studying is 99% procrastination, 1% concentration"
Why are you taking your Sophmore exam now? I say, that's the extreme in procrastination. You're a smart lady, you should take the Junior exam at least.
LOL Jeff! The SPHR exam is the Senior Professional Human Resource exam. It's a certificate given to qualified indivduals to show knowledge of all aspects of Human Resources.
So needless to say the studying begins. Since I can't even beat the game show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"
It's a lil' nipplely out there today. What's everyone doing? Me, I guess I'm just waiting around until tonight's baseball game to officially start the season.
Happy Sunday one and all I am not a big fan of sunday, not that I do not believe that its sacred or anything, I just dread mondays! So hence the not so fond of sunday route. I LOVE the sun,but hate the cold! So Jff, yesterday I took GG to get her groceries and the dollar store, and I am in the dollar store, and I see a guy who I have not seen in quite awhile, well since canal fest anyway, anywhoo he told me he bought a house, on pickford, 126 exactly, so your new neighbors will be jim and shannon. He is a HUGE yankee fan! He is a nice guy, he will fit right into your pickford pack! If I had a nickel for everytime jnna has said over the last week, I wish I would have worked harder in school, well lets just say I would have a lot of nickels! Zach, I've 2 count em two players going tonite! I can catch ya!
I have only one player playing tonight! This doesn't look good for the Brewskies! No work for me tomorrow! YAYA! Getting the wisdom teeth out at 10am and then settling in to watch the Yanks home opener!
Happy Monday to one and all! So nice to watch baseball!! Kind of hard to type as I have my fingers crossed for the sabres! I had bid on a job at Suburban, got to work early, got my work done here as I had an inverview scheduled for this new job, put my coat on, chugged my coffee, and looked at my calendar to double check where the interview was taking place, and discovered that its tomorrow! kind of made me laugh! have a great day all, yankee home opener today, that says it all...
Opening day of baseball season, games going on three channels, gotta be the best day of the sports year made only better by our fantasy league which allows me to go from game to game and see my players take turns disappointing me. Oh well, maybe they will all get better as the year progresses. Hope that nc jll came thru her procedure without any problems. Sorry that your Yankees were rained out.
AWESOME to come home and watch baseball!!! I hope all are catching the cubbies and the brewers! Gagne what a chump! take out chinese food for dinner, baseball and a beer, my life does not get one iota better than this!
My favorite day of the year (second place... Thursday when the NCAA bracket starts). 4 channels, count them 4 channels... 25,26,27, and yep 11 out of Cleveland... and if anyone was interested, the YES network was replaying a Yankee classic... so, 5 channels. Beer, dip and chips... that was my meal. And I'm still lickin' my fingers to get the salt off.
I missed ch. 11 and the Cleveland game was probably the best of the bunch, altho you gotta hurt for Kerry Wood and the Cubbies. TV is gone for the nite. Auntie takes over with DWTS. She was patient all afternoon tho. If I had known what nphw jff was up to, I would have come over and licked his fingers after I ran out of chips
Unckie, believe or not I had salt to spare... I could have shared. The Cleveland game was a good one. Thome had a whale of a game (unfortunately, he's no longer in my fantasy posession). I'm surprised you didn't flip past the retro channel (11), hoping for a Mayberry reunion episode.
I'm watching the Twins/ Angels game now, I've got both Mauer and Cuddyer in my other league, 2 rbi's there, thank you.
OK I just returned from my interview, and I must say I am kind of excited! The job sounds exciting and challenging, and I would love that!!! Even though I have figured out excactly how much work I have to do every day to not get fired, I am thinking, spring, new growth, yadayadayada. However, I am in quite the connundrum.. You see the person who interviewed me is going to suggest to the President of MFS, that he interview me, and I am OK with that, but the connundrum is, Mr Lane is a huge huge BOSTON RED SUX Fan! How do I ever keep my loathfulness of the BSR under wraps???? Now that is a challenge.. Keep my eye on the prize!
consider it sweetened! So I have a topic for a blog I'm kicking around but I'm not sure its in good taste. I hate to be morbid, but you guys know I like to keep it real for my family. Shall I do a blog on crime in Atlanta or just let my dad tell you the story over beers sometime soon? Please advise.
In the interests of "full family disclosure" I think that it is important for burbun swillin' daughter to do a new blog. Best to include the Fox news clip with your neighbor. I can't figure out how, with all of the baseball happening yesterday I remained at 2? Don't I get points for anything? JJ putz had a save. Who is scoring this thing?? I blame the commissioner. I knew that I was going to hate this. Uncle John was right. It's FIXED!!! Just like wrestling
The Commissioner is looking into your complaint. Just remember you have all week to catch up to me, well it won't happen. My boys came to play this week.
I vote that we all stop using punctuation it is a waste of typing energy and only confuses things we don't need any more confusion necxt thing to goisspacingcapitalsandspelling
Was that Russian? Bizarre, because I could barely make that out. You can call me Jeffy Bourne. I have amnesia and I know Russian. Maybe I don't have amnnesia.
you all call yourselves yankees fans. I am practically GIVING away joba chamberlain and none of you will take him.He's just going to wilt away on my bench,'cause i'll never use him!
Too cute! They are working hard!
Are there only 4 tap dancers in the class? Emma did a great job!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT SUE! Jff, this is your chance to put up a embarrasing picture of her up for the world to see.
What are we putting on her front lawn today?
Emma clearly is the only one with any talent whatsoever, all those other hacks should sit down!
Thanks for sharing this future DWTS star!
May your day be filled with things that only make you smile!
Off from work today, as geo is having some "tests" done. Seriously nothing is better than not having to get up, but just getting up cuz you want to!
Headed to KDH's territory on Thursday. Hopefully the tornadoes will be gone by then
hey jll -- if you get to leave the airport, give me a ring!
Happy Birthday mom, You're the best mom ever (thanks Jnna for reminding me).
Not much going on... Zach's playing for the Cincinnatti Reds this year (it'll be great to see Griffey Jr., I have sooo many questions). Obviously the coach heard rumors of Zach's arm strength.
Loved the bow at the end. Finally a dancing star that I can relate to. Happy b-day sis. Hope that you had a great one, always caught between st. patty's day and st. joseph's day. Hope all went well for U. G. Tomorrow is my friday. Yeah for me.
UG was home in time to catch the Hokies vs Yankees 7 inning game.
After a little nap and spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, he seems none the worse for wear!
Stopped an saw my sis today and wished her a happy birthday, reminded her she could retire, she slyly smiled and told me "NO". Either her career is so rewarding or the thought of being home 24/7 so not appealing!
thrillie is off to hotlanta on thursday. hopefully there will be no de icing issues, phew that was ugly the last time.
mm basketball tonite, yankee replay tonite, DWTS tonite, AI tonite, so much to watch!
enjoy the evening
UG... Godzilla for Fatzilla??? Zachary needs someone a lil' more reliable to make it through the year.
Good mornin' everyone, Wednesday, last day for me this week. And boy, am I glad.
The baseball season is drawing nearer. I'm getting so excited.
Why does everyone have thursday and friday off?!?!? I am so jealous!
KDH...I have a one day trip planned in Hotlanta. I may have just enough time to do lunch, if you are available. The plan is to go to Norcross, then visit a site on Peachtree in Atlanta and then back to the airport.
I will be traveling with a coworker and he doesn't care what we do as long as he is fed.
I dont have thursday and friday off.
Holy week is not recognized as a time off days. Kaleida is a bunch of heathens
Working on Holy Thursday is wrong, just wrong I tell you. I am guessing that it is a paid holiday at KDHRC. I had a hunch that nphw would be off, one way or another. Getting reading to watch lots of bball and with the impending start of fantasy baseball, perhaps some action there too. First day of spring tomorrow enjoy all of the great weather that we are bound to have. where is ms. fixcitt reporting on her birthday??
jll give me a ring tomorrow (phone number is on the corporate website) and we can see what we can work out! Safe travels ...
UH OH! Jill, I gave you the wrong number. OOPS!
KDH do you have a secretary to book your engagements?
i can't BELIEVE i turned off the game at 4-1. when will i ever learn???
I also turned off the game when it was 4-1. What the heck was I thinking????
Ditto I also turned the game off, only it was 2-1, when I turned it off! When will I ever learn!
I am envious of anyone who is sitting home today, enjoying day 1 of spring!
Austin comes tomorrow!!! YEA, all is right with the world
I hope KDH and thrillie can break bread today,that would be very fun to hear about, yea thats what we need a lunch blog!
I will jump in with "I turned it off at 3-1". Looks like a trip into NT today for an early Easter with Mom. Where are the fixxitts??????????? I got an email, she replied, and then disappeared. I hope mister hasn't found some of the "naughty" sites and is monopolizing the computer. Go Peay!!! Travel safely Jill, Austin and whoever is picking Austin up.
After calling Mom, and getting only her machine from 10 until almost 11, I finally freaked and called poor Mrs. Fixxitt and work to see what was going on--suffice to say I had no shortage of negative thoughts--and she rushed over to find that all was well--back and forth to Dorothy's etc. without ever checking the blinking lights and 5 missed messages on her machine. anyhow, did Athena/s, shopped, al kaida, etc. and now back watching ncaa. Did find out that if it is possible to master the computer by mere force of post-it notes, mr. fixxitt will have this situation well under control shortly. He has already learned that calling Dell for service gets him Dell allright, as in New Delli india. Go ORAL!!
I have no shortage of negative thoughts and I do talk to her!
Cookie was not able to catch KDH for lunch, and she was most disappointed, her field inspection was longer than expected, but she will be back in hotlanta soon she said, she did comment on what a nice sunny, and 60 ish day it was.
When I found out that jll was heading to norcross today, I wasnt' surprised to hear she didn't have time to meet up -- that's way out in farm country, man!
And I can't even tell you the non-shortage of negative thoughts I had when I read dad's signoff line out of context. My goodness father!
Well here we are at the point in the work week that we are all eternally grateful for, FRIDAY!
Ok show of hands, who was rooting for Belmont????
Heading out early afternoon to pick up austin. Taking Gramma, she likes to drive on the highway, what harm could it do???
To each and everyone of you, wherever your travels take you, may you arrive safely and return to us safely.
Be Careful out there!
Mom does enjoy the drive to Avon and the stop at Mickey D's. I happen to be a big Oral Roberts fan, both the "crystal palace" and the basketball team. I am taking such a beating on my choices that I was desperate for a comeback over Pitt that never materialized. Did you hear the interview with Coach K after last nite? would have been great to see little Belmont triumph, but not to be. Where is Mr. Pilaf in all this madness? Have a good one all.
I just got home moments ago from a Butler trip with the fam. I enjoyed all day yesterday dominating the TV watching just basketball with a sprinkle of Yankees thrown in. Now I'm watching OT W Kentucky/ Drake. I chose W Kenttucky as my 5/12 upset and just heard they had a 16 pt. lead. Just my luck.
wky held on with a last second shot. Great game. Back down to g'town and umscbqr or whatever they are.
I thought they were the marines at first.... who are they?
Great game and a win at the buzzer for WKY.. that was fun.
umbc- u of maryland baltimore county. They wre the winners of the powerful America East Conference. Home to such other programs as Boston University, Hartford, Stony Brook and others.
Oliver knows alot about college basketball!!!
Just returned from p/u Austin. If any one is keeping score Gramma still reigns as champion of the alphabet "I am going to a picnic" game. There was one trip up on her part as she had "H" and said Jalapeno Peppers, and was hard pressed to believe us that Jalapeno was a "J" fortunately Austin was able to call her out on this and cooler heads prevailed!
Great basketball games! Sienna up by 11!!! GO MAAC Conference
Thanks Oliver!!!
Oliver, who do you like in today's match up???
Good mornin', big day today... I think. More ball games, a family b-day celebration, and ... I'm sure something else.
Unfortunately the Sabres couldn't do it again... so I don't feel so bad that I was watching the tourney games instead of them.
Wierd dream last night about Jnna, Jll, and a porcupine named Phil... very wierd. I guess it was a bad week to stop sniffing glue.
Jff, LOL!!!!
Gramma called this morning, she could not sleep last nite and did our picnic game from Zucchini to Applesauce! No mention of bad dreams or Phil...
I am not sure I want to hear the rest of the dream.But did I happen to kiss phil?
Let's just say in was fairly innocent up until Phil was found out to being an undercover agent. Then it got ugly.
Marquette/ Stanford... fun, fun, fun.
That Easter Bunny is a funny guy. He hid Austin's EB in the car.
I hope everyone finds there baskets tis morning.
HAPPY EASTER everyone!
so yesterday I am in Platters Chocolate store and I am number 47, oddly enough they are on 18. So my cell phone starts going off, and I do have the most obnoxious and offensive ring, and of course I can not find my phone and all eyes are on me. Good thing I do not embarass easily! Well it was daughter Jnna, we needed to make a liquor store run for Luther Manor.
So remember when you had to buy liquor for the underage drinking crowd, those days are back, but oddly enough it is for the geriatrics who cant was delivered along with dinner, as they did not want to pay the delivery charge to Pane's..
enjoy your sunday all
So I realized that Aunt Sue is not clicking on the comments, she is clicking on the letter next to the comments.
Can someone explain that to her?
Yeah, I just noticed that as I was checking out the blob. I'll tell her.
Oop, sorry, Happy Easter all.
We had a nice lunch/ dinner at Sandra's parents and then ran over to my 'rents to find Cherry Pie on the pie menu... unfortunately not, who makes pumpkin pie at Easter? It's definitely fruit pie season.
My sister, always just a little bit to the left, you gotta love that about her! Pumpkin pie is fine at Easter, no really it is!
Had a most lovely time at 1298 Nash, food was very yummy! Thank you to my sister for being such a gracious hostess with the mostess!
Enjoy Dyngus day one and all!
mmm OK but if you opened the email would'nt you go back and then hit the comment count? Maybe thats just me
How do I edit my lineup for games???
Click and drag... click and drag... nice and slow...
Well, I had a nice day today. It went fast and I got alot done.
How's Marco???
Happy Dyngus Day everyone! hope its good for you!
Spent my Dyngus day in the car on the way to Williamsport, pa and back. BaILed yesterday when I saw all of the snow down there. Not a bad drive and got my March round of golf in at the White Deer resort. Two 18 hole courses and they weren't in bad shape. Snow seems to disappear at the state line. Seems that Oliver is giving Auntie a run for her money. She called at 8 am and wanted to know if I could drive up and help. Back to work tomorrow. My five day weekend went fast. Sounds like everyone enjoyed their Easter. Great basketball yesterday. Three games at once that went to the finish. they couldn't decide which to follow. Hve a good tuesday all
Hope you had a nice couple rounds of golf down there. How was the Crosscutters' field, is it ready for the '08 season? Now there's a baseball trip for ya. Lot of teams in that area.
Happy Dyngus Day!!! Sandra said she's gonna whoop me tonight.
sorry haven't been on the blob hiding out at the dome than clickingon the computer lot a pressure i think i'll call that nice man in india i felt a bond between us he understood my pain or under wood my pain ok back to clik clik
no one tells me anything i was clicking on that cute little envelope easter was so nice except for the lumps in the the pumpkin i guess every one is right canned pumpkin mus be out of season but i think cherry is for february. gld everyone is back to work
im having a real hard time with this first i tried the little envlelope and then we couldnt send and now my grate comments are lost in neo space. easter was great company gracious i do apologize for the lumpy pumpkin pie i guess canned pumpkin is out of season should have done a creme brulee'
I just love when "rookies" post on our blob.
Happy post dyngus day to one and all! A little bit of cover up will cover all pussy willow welts.
I am a little confused by the anonymous/fixxitt commments. Is it one continuous run on sentence?
There was no doubt in my mind,that Mr Oliver would give AP the business! She will need a long vacation when she returns!
Returned Austin to his world last nite, that was a much to quick visit!
DWTS, no on comes close to Kristi Yama coochi!!!
IRON PIGS!! 120 days!
Not sure about the newbie...
We didn't do anything for Dyngus Day... too bad.
Both my kids woke me up at 5:55 AM today so we could watch the first pitch... is that love or what. Do I have Mark Ellis? Well then, I want him... (today's game only though).
Celebrated my Dyngus Day yesterday at Hearthstone Manor with the other 4,000 people who showed up. I successfully broke about 10 pussy willows in half from pervie guys and got in several verbal altercations about people being in my space. Fun time, but way too crowded. The 64oz. beer for $8 wasn't a bad deal though. But my choice was Budweiser or Budweiser.
Off to Charleston, SC tomorrow where it is 76º...must be nice.
Just some random thoughts, cuz I so dont feel like working. KDH, how do you motivate your staff, when the energy level seems low?
I was suppose to do 2 evaluations today and both people called off. Does that mean I can write what I want, sign it, make umpteen copies and hand it in? With out discussing said employee's need for improvement. Yea I did not think so.
sigh, my baby girl does know how to have fun!!!
perves with pussy willows, its a rock band from liverpool
Any Dyngus day celebration is bound to be a good one despite the crowds. Only thing better is heading south on the company dime. Great sox win today. gave the girls a study hall so I could watch online. I don't think that Dicekay got me a lot of points in fantasy though. One down, and 161 to go. I was having trouble following the pumpkin saga thru two anonymi and a ms. fixxitt. Can someone who was there translate?
Easter Sunday Dinner Recap:
Gramma " What is on the pie menu"
My Sissy "There is no pie menu, there is only pumpkin"
Gramma( said with a disgusted tone, and an even more disgusted puss on her face) "But I dont like Pumpkin, and its Easter, why did'nt you make apple, or cherry or strawberry rhubarb"
My Sissy " Because"
Pumpkin Pie, very good, but it did have some "clumps" of undissolved dream whip.
I can concur. Verbatum.
Auntie, that's an excellant question to KDH... what means of motivation do you use on a holiday such as Dyngus Day to get the employees concentrating on work related items? I need to know.
Sorry to hear about your space issues Jll. I know how it is to be hip and one of the pretty people... the chicks just won't give me my space. It just gets to be too much. When you say you broke a few pussy willows... exactly how were the willows used?
go sox! Could this be the first ever162-0 season? ps- punctuation: its a very good thing, as martha would say.
2 comments about an aleged sux win in the land of the rising son. Does it even count?
As a casual observer and totally impartial contributor, I would offer that it should actually count as one and a half wins because the 13 hour difference constitutes another half day so with the time change it would be a win on one day and a half win on the next. That does not even take into consideration the huge number of players suffering from stiff necks due to the plane ride. Maybe one and three quarter wins would be fairer. Go Pirates
Now my kids are all excited and putting on their Pirates garb--both Pirate fans as well...way to go non-sux fan...starting a Rice household controversy on the first day of the season!
WHAT KIND OF "RUN-ON" IS THAT?!?--and I thought I had trouble with the English language!!Sheesh!
My Papa just got a new computer. He told me that he can't believe how many things he needs to erase--he doesn't understand "forwards". I wonder if Nana ever gets to see them.
Wow, I literally missed all the action today.
I will only say this once but thank god Manny is on my fantasy team!
Emma, please explain to Papa that he doesnt have to use the white out on the computer screen when he makes a mistake.
Yea! A's 1
Red Sux 0 bottom of the 3rd!
very very sad sabres loss.
Crosby... that's my guy (bench player, different league). Donefrio with the bibby.
Good mornin', Zach and I are totally into this AM baseball thing. Coffee and a hot dog in the mornin'... Mmmmmm... I'm always thinking out of the box.
Maybe with my full concentrated prayers the Bosux will go 1 - 161. A boy can dream, can't he?
5:55am for the past 2 mornings my son has informed me that "the game is about to start--get up!" You people are crazy!
I do that to my parents all the time, right before I set off the smoke detectors. I love that game.
I am in a close match up with Unkie. Geesh Auntie, can't you limit his computer time?
and, unlike some, I will always post my real name.
except for that post
C. Adam Holtz
How is Austin beating me 2-0already most teams haven't even begun their season yet!
Adm, LOL!!!! Now that made me laugh.
apparently I got thrashed yesterday by zach?? All I know is I had eva longoria on the bench, and she got sent down to the minors or something like that???
Isn't she hanging out with the "Saved By The Bell" cutie? Screach or something?
Anonymous said 161-1... Oh wait, C. Adm Write it. That WAS funny.
Okay, how come Rich Harden wasn't in my lineup?
Because I took him...oh right...I wasn't allowed to play...couldn't have been me!
So when I dont watch the Sabres they are worth watching, when I watch I just want to stab myself in the eye!'
too much quess work with them!
UGH to cleaning snow off the car this AM, enough is enough!
Enjoy the friday, cus tomorrow is saturday, YEA!!!
What's not to love about them Sabres? I almost turned the game off when they were up3-1 with about 3 minutes left. Looks like its Auntie's turn for some extra airport time tonite. She was due in at 10 tonite and now looks more like midnight plus, just a tiny bit past my normal bedtime. What a beautiful snowfall this morning. This has been just one great all around day. How does one signify sarcasm on the internet?? Enjoy the weekend all
Your sarcasm was incredibly evident. Nice job.
What is going on with Davidson? What an awesome game last night (no, not the Sabres... they did play well though). Steph Curry, that's Del Curry's boy, he was a 3 pt. specialist awhile back. Anywho, I had them losing.
No big plans today. Me, I'm gonna dream aboout spring and baseball.
No big plans...just your nephew's birthday party...sheesh!
Ah yeah, my nephew's, not mine. Hellooooo... it's all about me. Sheeesh indeed.
So, we just attempted this movie for the second time "The Last Kiss" (with Zach Braff) , and turned it off for a second time. Not my kind of movie. Two thumbs down. Just lettin' ya know.
I just signed up to take my SPHR exam. Hopefully that will be $500 well spent. So needless to say it will be 3 months of non stop studying.
I haven't studied in YEARS. I need some good tips!
before you start studying, make SURE the house is clean, the laundry is done, the car is washed, the lawn is mowed, the walls are painted, the garage is organized. I always said, "studying is 99% procrastination, 1% concentration"
Why are you taking your Sophmore exam now? I say, that's the extreme in procrastination. You're a smart lady, you should take the Junior exam at least.
Baseball tonight !!!
LOL Jeff! The SPHR exam is the Senior Professional Human Resource exam. It's a certificate given to qualified indivduals to show knowledge of all aspects of Human Resources.
So needless to say the studying begins. Since I can't even beat the game show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"
Adam did my mom tell you to say that?
Jnna, good luck then.
It's a lil' nipplely out there today. What's everyone doing? Me, I guess I'm just waiting around until tonight's baseball game to officially start the season.
Happy Sunday one and all
I am not a big fan of sunday, not that I do not believe that its sacred or anything, I just dread mondays! So hence the not so fond of sunday route.
I LOVE the sun,but hate the cold!
So Jff, yesterday I took GG to get her groceries and the dollar store, and I am in the dollar store, and I see a guy who I have not seen in quite awhile, well since canal fest anyway, anywhoo he told me he bought a house, on pickford, 126 exactly, so your new neighbors will be jim and shannon.
He is a HUGE yankee fan! He is a nice guy, he will fit right into your pickford pack!
If I had a nickel for everytime jnna has said over the last week, I wish I would have worked harder in school, well lets just say I would have a lot of nickels!
Zach, I've 2 count em two players going tonite! I can catch ya!
I have only one player playing tonight! This doesn't look good for the Brewskies!
No work for me tomorrow! YAYA! Getting the wisdom teeth out at 10am and then settling in to watch the Yanks home opener!
I'm definitely taking an extended lunch to catch the Yankees game.
If I had a nickel for every nickel I have, I'd have twice as many nickels.
Happy Monday to one and all!
So nice to watch baseball!! Kind of hard to type as I have my fingers crossed for the sabres!
I had bid on a job at Suburban, got to work early, got my work done here as I had an inverview scheduled for this new job, put my coat on, chugged my coffee, and looked at my calendar to double check where the interview was taking place, and discovered that its tomorrow! kind of made me laugh!
have a great day all, yankee home opener today, that says it all...
Jnna--Why not call Jimmy--he might have some study tips that could be useful...Oh Jimmy! Where are you?
Opening day of baseball season, games going on three channels, gotta be the best day of the sports year made only better by our fantasy league which allows me to go from game to game and see my players take turns disappointing me. Oh well, maybe they will all get better as the year progresses. Hope that nc jll came thru her procedure without any problems. Sorry that your Yankees were rained out.
AWESOME to come home and watch baseball!!!
I hope all are catching the cubbies and the brewers! Gagne what a chump!
take out chinese food for dinner, baseball and a beer, my life does not get one iota better than this!
came through her wisdom- tooth -ectomy with flying colors!
she was chomping on some jello when I called! I hope its the green kind...
fantasy question??? Is the first week of the season 2 weeks long?
I was loosing 4-0, now I am loosing 3-1, either way I'm still loosing...
Who does Oliver like??? Kansas or NC???
My favorite day of the year (second place... Thursday when the NCAA bracket starts). 4 channels, count them 4 channels... 25,26,27, and yep 11 out of Cleveland... and if anyone was interested, the YES network was replaying a Yankee classic... so, 5 channels. Beer, dip and chips... that was my meal. And I'm still lickin' my fingers to get the salt off.
and... 100.
oliver's a memphis tiger all the way
green jello??? Reminds me of a party I almost was allowed into during my college daze. Ahhhhh... memories.
I missed ch. 11 and the Cleveland game was probably the best of the bunch, altho you gotta hurt for Kerry Wood and the Cubbies. TV is gone for the nite. Auntie takes over with DWTS. She was patient all afternoon tho. If I had known what nphw jff was up to, I would have come over and licked his fingers after I ran out of chips
Count me in for May 2nd to babysit. It will be a blast! Popcorn, Cookies, and Kool-Aid for dinner!
Unckie, believe or not I had salt to spare... I could have shared.
The Cleveland game was a good one. Thome had a whale of a game (unfortunately, he's no longer in my fantasy posession).
I'm surprised you didn't flip past the retro channel (11), hoping for a Mayberry reunion episode.
I'm watching the Twins/ Angels game now, I've got both Mauer and Cuddyer in my other league, 2 rbi's there, thank you.
I am asking for the pot to be a little sweeter, KDH, just a little sweeter!!! :)
Jim Thome ROCKS!
My team hit for .517 today!!!!!!!!
Sweet pot... isn't that what leads to the munchies?
OK I just returned from my interview, and I must say I am kind of excited! The job sounds exciting and challenging, and I would love that!!! Even though I have figured out excactly how much work I have to do every day to not get fired, I am thinking, spring, new growth, yadayadayada. However, I am in quite the connundrum.. You see the person who interviewed me is going to suggest to the President of MFS, that he interview me, and I am OK with that, but the connundrum is, Mr Lane is a huge huge BOSTON RED SUX Fan! How do I ever keep my loathfulness of the BSR under wraps???? Now that is a challenge.. Keep my eye on the prize!
consider it sweetened!
So I have a topic for a blog I'm kicking around but I'm not sure its in good taste. I hate to be morbid, but you guys know I like to keep it real for my family. Shall I do a blog on crime in Atlanta or just let my dad tell you the story over beers sometime soon? Please advise.
Do the Blog!!!!! Just start out with a disclaimer about how it may not be appropriate for children.
Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity.
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."
8. Don t use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme?
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
"Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity.......
Send This E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile.
Its Called ........ Therapy
KDeeH... do the blog. We neeeeeed it.... I'm begging you.
My mom doesn't use punctuation. Does that mean she's mentally healthy?
In the interests of "full family disclosure" I think that it is important for burbun swillin' daughter to do a new blog. Best to include the Fox news clip with your neighbor. I can't figure out how, with all of the baseball happening yesterday I remained at 2? Don't I get points for anything? JJ putz had a save. Who is scoring this thing?? I blame the commissioner. I knew that I was going to hate this. Uncle John was right. It's FIXED!!! Just like wrestling
The Commissioner is looking into your complaint. Just remember you have all week to catch up to me, well it won't happen. My boys came to play this week.
DO THE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I vote that we all stop using punctuation it is a waste of typing energy and only confuses things we don't need any more confusion necxt thing to goisspacingcapitalsandspelling
Was that Russian? Bizarre, because I could barely make that out. You can call me Jeffy Bourne. I have amnesia and I know Russian. Maybe I don't have amnnesia.
Ilove call me by my wrestling name, rock bottom!
yanks down sabres down
lets put our rally slippers on!
you all call yourselves yankees fans. I am practically GIVING away joba chamberlain and none of you will take him.He's just going to wilt away on my bench,'cause i'll never use him!
I have yet to turn down a trade that was offered to me. Oops I forgot we aren't using punctuation marks
adam maybe if you put joba in your starting lineup they might just give you a pity point. just a suggestion
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