Saturday, March 08, 2008

Poor George!

As the snow continues to fall, the maintenance crew is hard at work in the City of Tonawanda shoveling us out. Or Maybe Santa Claus is coming early this year. Stay Warm, Dry, and Safe friends and family of the Holtz family blog.
Back to my wii.


Anonymous said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but no way am I staying cooped up in this small apartment all day!
Alton Brown is at the casino tonight and I have front row seats!!


Anonymous said...

ditto, poor george!!!
What a snow fall, ehh folks!
So I have made my way to tops and dollar general, so I think we are set for the day!
Talked to my mom, she was feeling a little under the weather, but needed nothing, so I am sure she too will weather this storm, she was suppose to go to a quilting bee with my sister today, but I saw on the chanell 2 crawler it was cancelled. So as I was perusing the internet news, I noticed a story about a guy who built a house out of beer cans, which struck me as real news, which of course sends me back to Darrren McGavin and his comment about real news! sigh, may we all be able to find the "real news" today!
enjoy your day all!!!

Anonymous said...

Uncle George ??? Are you sure? That looks like Nanook who just got back from chain gang camp from the artic. Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

UG are you OK? You take care of yourself. you are the only one who hasn't tried to take advantage of me in fantasy bball trades, just because I am the oldest. Got sleet here now which I guess is good because it doesn't mount up as fast as snow

Anonymous said...

UC, Take advantage of you in a trade? I'm insulted, I offered you a respectable retread who once won back to back MVP's (in the 90's)and is currntly in a quiet secluded area of Shady Acres Resort & Spa for a future HOF'er, 4 category stud (- the SB's). I just figured you were more into nostalgia than winning this thing. My mistake. Consider my current trade offer (where I give up/sacrafice Butch Hobson and Bernie Carbo for your Justin Morneau off the board)... and I thought I was helping you. Sheesh...

Anonymous said...

Good mornin', what a beautiful day. The sun is out the birds are singin'... enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Happy sunday!
At least the sun is out, but brr is it cold!!
enjoy, back to the grind mannana

Anonymous said...

And to think that a month ago I actually considered not getting my sno-blower fixed. Every now and then I stumble into a good decision. What happened to the fixxitts computer gambit???

Anonymous said...

The latest word on the Fixxits is they are reading the blog (???), but can't figure out their e-mail. I'll have to make a visit tomorrow.

What a day today... gorgeous sun, brrrrr cold, and the kids played outised all day today. Hopefully they'll sleep well tonight.

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday, to a very snowy and non plowed east side!
The fixxitts are reading the blog, what year are they on??
But can not figure out their email?
Mr fixxitt who could rebuild a transmission using popsicle sticks and florist wire, but the internet is beyond his reach???
I am confident the fixxitts will master and conquer the WWW.
Enjoy this snowy monday, can you believe easter is in less than 2 weeks????

Anonymous said...

jll more details on alton brown please. I have a big crush.

Big weekend here in the ATL -- atlanta motor speedway and the black crowes concert. Now I can go back to sitting on the couch as my social engagements for 2008 are fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

KDH you are in luck! He lives in Atlanta!!!! But he is married to his second wife. So no doubt you could be his lucky number 3!
His favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and he can't live without his electric tea kettle.
He put on a great show and was very entertaining!

Anonymous said...

alton brown... is he the guy who does that show on Food network. About making the ultimate pbj sandwiches? you really have a crush? that's weird. I have a man crush on bear grylls.

Anonymous said...

What's a bear gryll???

LOL Jll, very funny, tea kettle... who can?

Yankee trip is getting closer to fruition. I can feel it. I think we're off to see the Lehigh Valley Ironpigs... UC, Lehigh Valley's inaugaral AAA season... you can't miss that.

Anonymous said...

well here it is tuesday already, seems like it was just monday
nphw and I hard at work to put togother the ultimate Yankee excursion! We have had some bumps in the road, but hey what great journey does not start with a misstep or two!
So client 9, aka elliott spitzer's favorite call girl is "kristin, kristen" I have seen it spelled both ways...making 4300$ a session do you think she cares if they misspell her name.
Iron Pigs, what a great name!
What is a bear gryll?
enjoy the next part of your day, it is sure to get better!
pinky swear!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone watch Man vs Wild??? Bear Grylls is the host of the show. He goes around squeezing water out of animal poop and skins camels to use their fur as a blanket.

Anonymous said...

sighhhh, I am so proud of my baby girl!
There is no end to her wealth of knowledge! Thanks cookie, for the Bear Grylls update, I will now look for him.
I did not know you could squeeze drinking water out of poop??
Now thats real news!

Anonymous said...

Nice Antie B -- the KDHRC secret is out now! ;)

I love Bear Grylls! Especially when he jumps out of airplanes and eats snakes. I think he slept inside a dead camel once too. I'm not saying he'd smell good once he got home, I'm just saying ....

Anonymous said...

Crud! I watch that show too... I had no idea that was his name. The other day he made a cave out of frozen snow and drank leftover moose meat with pine needles and willow branches (Sandra had to correct me). He said it helped his headache.


Anonymous said...

For the first time, in a very long time, all of the Bear Gryls stuff has left me speechless. Color me old, but if I had $4300 laying around, I know what I wouldn't spend it on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have no clue about that show, but it certainly perked my interest.

So, Gov Spitzer...... I just have to bring it up since the latest news is he spent up to $80,000 and this has been ongoing since 2002.

Looks like the next Gov of NY is going to be legally blind.

I am also going on record to say that I was not one of the 69% NY voters who voted for him.

I voted for the lawyer who spied on her husband.

Anonymous said...

9 days til the big dance!

Anonymous said...

I am so an IRONPIG fan!!!
I think I will get season tickets!
I too was one of the 29% who voted for the woman who spied on her husband. Maybe Silda should have spied on elliott???
50 years ago today, MLB made it mandatory to wear a helmut. I think we all should wear helmuts!

Anonymous said...

I wear a helmet at work everyday. You never know when some crazy woman is going to walk into your office with a shovel and threaten you. You have to take precautions in the workplace. And it starts with wearing a helmet. Next... a visor. But, I'm old school, so that might be tough.

Anonymous said...

So now JT has admitted to wearing both a helmet and a hockey neck protector in the work place. Is there any other specialized items of apparrel that he is wearing that we don't know about? I have always favored the codspiece, but find it uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

baseball trip!! ironpigs!! you have inspired me.

Anonymous said...

The brick--6:30--AWANA night!

Anonymous said...

If I was allowed to play in the Fantasy Baseball league, my name would have been Bear Grylls Growlers...I'm just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I feel bad, sndra you can have my fantasy team! take it, its yours.
our july journey is in place, it is SWB, NYY, LVIP. We are staying at the Mayflower in NYC, but only for a few hours!
I think Ironpig should be our theme for holtzapalooza, the suite.
The sun is out today YAHOO
talk to you tomorrow

Anonymous said...

I do wear something else but I'm embarrassed to say publicly. Let's just say they keep my mid-section firm and I look better in my dress slacks with them on. The downside, I have to plan my trips to the lil' men's room.


Charles Adam Holtz said...

i try and wear a mirkin whenever i'm out in public.

Anonymous said...

Dictionary please!!!

Anonymous said...

Well here it is thursday and I am very glad for that! On my Derek Jeter Yankee Calandar, he is set and ready to go!
Now our journey we have run into a bit of a snag! I was reminded by my daughter, that we probably should have gotten our yankee tickets first and then planned our iron pig excursion, as getting 8 yankee tickets has been a bit of a problem. But I am thinking austin, zach and emma can sit by themselves, right??? In the bleachers, thats OK isnt it?
IRONPIG Factoid: Other names considered for this new franchise, were: Phanatics, Gobblers, Keystones( I kind of like that one)
Crushers, Vulcans and Wood Chuck's!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mom an experienced ticket shopper has found ample seats for all of you to sit together.

Just got back from the dentist. A wisdom tooth extraction is in my near future. BOO!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! Thanks to cookie, we have our tickets 8 seats togother!
somewhere high above NYC, I am sure!
Just talked to my sister, she is trying to add blog comments to our page and Olivers, but she says she keeps getting denied??? Do we have a fixxit block?

Anonymous said...

I think that the fixxitt's oldest son needs to spend less time worrying about what he is wearing and more time sitting with mom and dad and walking them thru these various computer/related activities. 8 tickets together at yankee stadium?? It's nice to know where all of the wealth in the family is located. I still haven't paid off the 3 I bought up in nosebleed heaven 2 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Hi, everyone... we're here... I think.

Anonymous said...

I fought through an excruciating headache at the fixxits tonight and got them a few steps closer to the cyber world. I showed them a few fancy moves (Mr. Fixxit wanted to know how to get to the Emperor Club)and showed them how to compose an e-mail. Also they have a copier/printer (Mr. Fixxit is completely enammered with his hindside). I guess that's where I get it from... who thought.

Very excited about the Yankee tickets.


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! another family added, how exciting!
YES we are all very excited about the Yankee tickets, and of course,
UC, you are more than welcome to tag along! There will be enough egg salad for everyone!
Get the fixxitts up and running on their email. I am very desperate to get my address book up to 8 so I can break my bad luck!
JUST an FYI, mrs fixxitt will correct your spelling and she is not very nice when she does it!
Did everyone see billy crystal wearing number 60??? Now thats news!
Can we all wait til tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least he fouled one off.

Big day today... IT'S FRIDAY!!! Enjoy it everyone.

Anonymous said...

IronPig Factoid: This Minor League franchise was formerly known as ....

The Ottawa Lynx!

Anonymous said...

I'm home and now the weekend can begin. Happy St. Patty's day weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Im home the weekend can begin..
anastasia would like a fish fry, who is taking her nutit...
so my sister calls me today at work, and normally we dont talk very much, especially during work hours, I try to limit my personal phone calls, unless my nephew and I are planning a dream trip, then that is another story. But anywhoo she calls to thank me for the email I sent her and her hubby. Are we suppose to thank email senders for emails??? If so, I have been remiss for years, so let me make it up to one and all, I would like to thank each and everyperson that ever sent me an email, I laughed I cried, I prayed, I got rich, I got poor, I looked for lost children, I forwarded but never deleted (: well maybe once or twice, I acknowledged my sisters during sister week, best friend week, etc, phew I thnk that covers it!

Anonymous said...

So the fixxitts claimed to be "here" and then disappeared. What's with that? I am trying to get Crystal on waivers. He's better than most of what I have. So if Matt Damon shows up in a sox uni, are we all going to be excited? Yea Friday and St. Patty's. Must be the Downey in me. I plan on a "harp or two" over the weekend before it's ......I don't even want to think about monday. Enjoy all. If you guys go to the iron pigs, that's another team and stadium that i am behind. I gotta get movin' enjoy the weekend all. March madness is upon us

Anonymous said...

Happy non snowing saturday one and all..
I hope everyone has a great day, me I am taking Gramma to get her hair done, the library and tops, it will be busy saturday!

Anonymous said...

Unkie has a whole new attitude about the weekend doesnt he, before when everyday was a weekend he was very nonchalant, now he grasps it both hands like we do!

Anonymous said...

KDH, eyewitness report on the tornado to hit HOTLANTA por favor?
I hope KDHRC head quarters did not loose a shingle~

Anonymous said...

Auntie B's observations regarding my newly discovered love of weekends is right on target. I have re-embraced Friday nite as the best part of the week. Glad to hear that Sis is taking care of the perm responsibility. I know that Mom was concerned about it. I have to see about getting over there this week. is it true that Niagara hose is making chowder? To paraphrase my nphw, mmmmmmmmhhh, CHOWDER! Enjoy all

Anonymous said...

I love chowder... and Gratwick Hose may be up this weekend (ya know, they take turns in NT... good folk, good folk).

I too would like to thank everyone who has sent me an e-mail in the past, except for the DNC looking for support and $.

Zachary did very well at baseball tryouts this AM, I was very proud of him. I hope a nice coach drafts him.

Early looksies at a big van to NYC has it at $520 for the timeframe we need it (Budget). That is too much $ for this American on a budget.

Anonymous said...

Home sick with the "bug". Just checking in to see if there is any word from KDH?

Anonymous said...

KDHRC is all ok, though there was massive destruction not more than 3/4 of a mile from here. I was away when it happened, and was a little nervous to see what there was to see when I got home... but all is well. Phew!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear KDHRC is still operating. I can only imagine.

Thanks to webcam for dropping in.

As of 1pm tomorrow, we will have a new governor.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your safe and sound KDH we were wooried about you (and definitely had our prayers). That had to be pretty freaky when you returned and saw the damage. They say that weather is a game of inches, oh wait, that's bowling or or curling or something... Nevermind.

Have a great day. One more week and I'm wearing pink.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all is well on all fronts, except, still nothing from the fixxits and waiting for an update on the trip with gg for the perm. Auntie and I made a brief trip to the Racino in Hamburg yesterday to hear the blarney bunch play and have a few guiness'. after 2 or 3 renditions of the unicorn song, we had enuf. That's it for st. patty's for us. sorry to hear nc jnn is under the weather and glad to hear that gr-nphw Zack has baseball season officially under way. Have a good sunday all because we all know what tomorrow brings

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Zach on your good tryouts, your dad will tell you major league draft day rates right up there with opening day!
520$!!! mmm I am quessing that will be a no. We will either all fit in one, or take two! Maybe two is the way to go that way we can change seats if we wish... For example, Jenna, Sandra, Emma and I can all go in one car and follow you boys! Or we can give all the kids to Jenna, and all adults ride in one car, mmm I think I am on to something!
KDH, many rosaries were said that you were OK, thank goodness you were out of harms way! But you know you have a guardian angel!
Nephew Jff, in Pink! Aunt Clara is always so thoughtful
The Perm, let me just say that the first words out of her mouth are always they cut it tooo short! And can you run into wilson farms and get me some scratch offs.
Thanks for the hug webcam, you can never have enough hugs!

Anonymous said...

I will take the kids. We can bring a dvd and play movies. Or, we can play the ultimate road trip game, "I am going to a picnic and bringing". The games are endless.

Anonymous said...

Yanks are on and I'm loving life. God bless the YES network.

I'm off to my baseball draft in a few hours. Hands down one of my favorite times of the year.

Anonymous said...

You are not going to drive AND watch the movie are you Jnna? I'd need somethng to calm my nerves if that was so!

Anonymous said...

Of course not!! One of the kids can drive cant they?

Anonymous said...

Zach's willing to learn... but he asks a lot of questions.

Anonymous said...

Happy HOly Monday, is there even such a thing! during holy week I want to end everyday with batman, happy holy monday, batman. I crack myself up.
Got an email from cousin Pat, it appears she fell last week and suffered some injuries, so keep her in your prayers all, that she makes a full recovery, so we can get invited back there!
Nothing serious, but still!
Did everyone do there bracketology?
I am picking Drake to win it all, going out on a limb on this one.
Purple Eagles Hocky going to the frozen 4, thats some good news. They have a player named Ted Cook, he always told Jill she spelled her name wrong, kind of funny, dont ya think.
Oh well here is hoping the next 7 hours fly by so fast, they become a blur!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Happy St. Patrick's Day. I hope everyone has their Kelly Green on today.
I have the corned beef in the slow cooker and Gary is getting the Guiness. Only 9 more hours until the corned beef is ready!

Anonymous said...


2.79$ per gallon

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's day, family! What with St. Patty's day and easter being so close together this year, I'm not quick sure how to decorate the KDHRC offices for the holiday. Can bunnies and leprechauns peacefully coexist?

Hope everyone has a great day!

Anonymous said...

Of course they can. Try it. BTW KDH, that was funny, very funny.

Anonymous said...

Who is the anonymous downer? I don't think NY was EVER at 2.79. It is time for bunnies & leprechauns @#$%^&*-it!

Anonymous said...

KDH, LOL, that is funny!
Leprecauns and bunnies, as long as they are not referred to as little people I think you are good to go

Anonymous said...

I still have my Martin Luther King decorations up in my office. I guess I am a few holidays behind.

Anonymous said...

What exactly does an MLK day decoration look like?

Anonymous said...

Do you know what Martin Luther King looks like? Well, there nice dollar store paper cut outs of his profile. No streamers, banners, or table tops.

Anonymous said...

I started getting into the Dancing with the stars. Did anyone see the season premier?