As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's no Celion Dion blog....
Jill "Double fisting" french fries up her nose.
Yeah, first to post! Nice job, is that a MickeyD's fry? Just look at the concentration on her face.
Ahh thats a nice picture to post. Where did that nose come from???
Headed to Allegany for a weekend of camping...too bad it is supposed to rain, but we got all the provisions we need: Lots of Beer and chips. We are all set!!!
This picture was taken from Duff's. I agree, total concentration, focus, determination. Everything we stand for!
I have the day off today figures and it's raining, and I am spending it watching clips from Sarah Palin's interview while I am singing, "Simply the Best, better than all the rest." and maybe I will do a little shopping.
Good mornin', we got a little rain last night. Not much going on today, we want to get to the new Rainforest bldg. that opened up last week at the zoo and of course the Bills game... so, enjoy the grey today and GO BILLS!!!
The rain forced us to pack it up a little early this weekend. It rained from 1pm yesterday up until 7pm last night when we decided that mother nature had won out and we were going home.
Whooped and beaten by mother nature.... been there before. It's always nice to know that you have a cold beer waitin' at home for ya. Sorry to hear she shortened your stay.
Huge games on the weekend... The UB game was incredibly exciting and the Bills really are good this year... I mean really good. I don't know how to react to this.
So much happening sports wise. Is it true that the titanic battle between UG and niece jnn in hffb goes on for 2 weeks? Does UB +33 and a half points agains Mizzou look like a good bet? Can I play good gary in fantasy football again real soon? Who won between the Cookie sisters? Wallenwein's in EA, the biggest pro Yankee bar that I have ever been in has taken down their yankee schedule which covered an entire wall. Does that mean anything? The Bills are 8 and a half point favorites on Sunday. Can anyone in this family ever pick them as that kind of favorite? I think that nc jll needs to go camping again. Our sports teams seem to do better when she is out somewhere being flash flooded. Sabres camp open yet??
That's a lot of questions... I mean a lot. Where does one begin?
Zach's team (Dodgers) won big last night 18-6 and Z got walked 3 times and scored one run. Then we stuck around for awhile and shared a father/ son pizza. Snif.
Be careful there nc jnn about "guarantees". they have been known to come back to haunt you. I am keeping my financial nest egg in beer cans. Always worth the nickel, but I can only get a max of 12 dollars at a time.
Went to my last Braves home game of the year last night family -- I wept a tiny tear as I walked through the gates. Mostly because of how badly the braves stink right now!
I think we need a new blog: Maybe about the kids first day of school, or everyone's plan B of where to invest in stocks, or the bills 2-0. The options are endless !
any good plans for the weekend??? I got nothing. Of course the weekend is supposed to be beautiful, but I have hung up my camping gear until next summer.
We can talk right?? so I am kind of depressed about my new job! it is was too much work!! Long hours, lots of meetings, I am cranky and tired, lots of traveling between sites, and I really am not the new girl anymore, as Children's just got a new manager, and I think everyone likes her better than me! Not really, just kidding, but it is a lot of work, I did not really enjoy the summer, and now its fall. But I think I have to hang on as the economy continues to nose dive, and Joe Biden says its patriotic to pay taxes, what a tool he is! So that is just my little gripe, I got an email back from San Antonio that they want us to come the week before I told my sister that we were going, I hope she is not mad about that. Other than that it looks like a beautiful day, and I am at my desk looking at piles and piles of paper! UGH Enjoy this beautiful weekend family, friends and fans of the blog as it will soon be snowing!
I was at a golf tourney today (what a beautiful day) and I have to pat myself on the back. I shot very well and was VERY happy with my game. Long, straight drives, excellent putting and pretty good chips... that makes for a very enjoyable day. PLUS and a huge plus, I got two Sacramento River Cats hats as door prizes (the kids have them on now). You know the AAA world series winner River Cats.
Zach's team won another game tonight (5-0)...he got hit in the hand batting--he wanted to be like Jeter! The Rices are watching the Yankee game all decked out in Yankee gear...I'm pretty sure Jff has tears in his eyes! If they tell one more story about the stadium, he just might lose it!
It is a little easier going to work on a Monday morning after a bills win, plus a fantasy football win. Love that Ronnie Brown, especially when he single-handedly beats the hated Patriots and gets me 41 fantasy points doing it. Looks like a good week weather wise to be not working. Make the best of it
Happy Monday morning! Everybody check out the ceremony for Yankee Stadium last night??? That was awesome! Gotta love Babe Ruth's daughter throwing out the first pitch! Very appropriate
Happy Tuesday to one and all! So lets re cap... What a bills win!!! The last play of the game, and the hated oakland raiders to boot. Poetic Justice. A great send off to Yankee Stadium, note to all Yankee fans, and I know there are billions of you do not read that knucklhead ryan's column in the bostonglobe. We are off to San Antonio, 10/22-10/27. Gramma is very excited, and for the 3rd year in a row she has said this will probably be my last time there. With a sad face. KDH, we have an hour and half layover in Hotlanta, gramma will ask you to join us for lunch I have already told her you are busy. Cookie is in Orlando today, working, not playing. Cookie and I have the best idea for a pirate gift, nope not telling!
Loved the tribute to Yankee stadium. Hard to watch with the tears rolling down my cheeks. Especially touching was the tribute to Joe Torre and all that he did over the years for the Yanks, as well as the tribute to Roger Clemens. Where are all of the old coots that they trotted???, no, not really, more doddered out, going to hang out now? .Will Yogi finally get a job, perhaps at Walmart as a greeter?? Get the wrecking ball oiled up. By the way nc jnn, seemms as you have a few holes in your lineup due to byes. I think that Mark Bulger is going to have a week against the Bills so he will get you a ton of points. Go REDSOX!!
The SI reported said it best when it came to Roger Clemens being absent from the Yankee Festivities: Roger Clemens was not invited because he is lacking one thing that the Yankees are all about PRIDE.
While sitting in the Orlando airport, I was doing a little PLing (people listening) and there was this group of workers who must have been going to Buffalo for a conference. None of them had ever been to Buffalo before and they were all a little nervous that they didnt bring enough warm clothes for the trip. They were going to anchor bar and they didnt know if they should dress up. I was so amused by their conversation I didnt want to ruin the fun and tell them that Anchor Bar is just a bar.
Was that sarcasm from my BB re the Yankee stadium tribute??? Can never really tell with him, can you? Kind of sad today??? Why you ask, well because for the first time in 14 years my baseball ends in Sept. There is no justice in muddville! Here is to an early implosion by the despicableredsux, and an undefeated season by the Bills!
Still waiting for a response by my yankee loving family members on the Torre snub? And no sis, i would NEVER resort to sarcasm in an attempt at humor. That would be cheap and way below the high standards that I hold. And I agree fully with hank steiny, if the yanks were in the same division as sacramento they would be in the playoffs. Just one more injustice delivered in the Bronx, and just when carl pavano was coming around.
jll, you missed a golden opportunity to tell them that anchor bar is "creative upscale, jackets preferred". It would have been priceless to see them walk in, no?
antie B, I'm a little sad that baseball is ending too, and also that my job is a little more than I bargained for. So I feel your pain -- but I can't get behind you on the red sox thing. Empathy only goes so far.
KDH, thanks for 2/3rds empathy in this economy that does mean alot! With all our DWTS fans out there, who is the on odd's favorite Cloris? Susan Lucci? who could it be?? Its Wed...
Nope, missed that onne. I was busy breathing last night. So many important things to do.
What's going on this weekend? Who's UB playing? How come the Red Sux partied like it was 1999 when alll they did was just make the playoffs... pretty sad if you ask me.
It was a trifecta last evening, I tell ya! a trifecta! 1. The Yankee's win, the yankee's win, and you all know who's voice to say that in! 2. SUX lost, say no more. 3. And 72 year old John McCain, his first name is 72 year old right, bullying brackosammabinobama. 4. And the Mets imploding, even though they are our new parent, watching them 2 years in row let the playoffs slip away, I have to admit its kindoffun, as I totally find Keith Hernandez obnoxious So it was a trifecta plus one! Nothing special planned this weekend, Anastasia has a cold, so we will check on her... Other than that, go bills
Me, I'm looking forward to seeing what will probably be at least a four part "Yankeeiography" on how "pride" allowed them to hang on to third in face of the charging BlueJays. And, as long as I am starting my day off stepping on toes, I will toss in how much I am enjoying all of the "let the free markets operate", "government is the problem" folks beg for socialism to bail out Wall St. I guess that as long as you are committed to your convictions, that is all that really matters. enjoy the weekend all; go bulls, go bills!!
My brother is so bitter! I thought all his retirement money was tied up in Blomberg blue chip stocks? A four part Yankee-ography on Pride, now that is TV worth watching! A sad farewell to Paul Newman! Loved his movies! And blue eyes....
Right on nc jnn!!!That same loophole allowed me to sneak past bourbon swillin' daughter into 3rd place. And, by the way, the old saying that the best deals are those not made: I recall a conversation at a chowder event where a certain niece of mine attempted to pry bret favre away from me but the deal could not be made. Just think if bret had been quarterbacking the tiki hut team yesterday??
I did, I drove to work with my high beams on the whole wayyyyy... Unfortunately I had my window up and I couldn't hear the people yelling at me coming from the opposite direction. I just figured they were all warning me that it just keeps on getting darker as I go.
There's rumors going arond the neighborhood that the USA is borrowing 700 trillion dollars from Peru or Bolivia or someone like that. Is that true? Does that mean coffee's going up?
STRESS, so how does everyone deal with it??? over eat, over drink, over sleep... Just curious? Because seriously, between work and the tension in the house over the weekend, as father vs daughter were tooth and nail over HFFBB, too much for the human spirit! So cookie is in New Orleans today, how fun would that be? And Nancy Pilllosi keeps talking about main st? What if you live on Adam St? Just dont want to be left out. I still have not received my George W stimulus check, should I call? Or was thrown in the pot to bail out Lehman Brothers? GO BILLS
Just got an email from cookie, who described NO as a S***Hole! For every inhabited house there are 3 that are empty, garbage strewn all over, and in the words of the attorney she was working with down there, (mmm I wonder if it was Harry Connick's dad?) Katrina did not cause this mess, she just exposed it! phew now that is deep. enjoy tuesday evening all
Hey, it's October, and a beautiful start to it weatherwise. yes, I jest. With the start of playoff baseball, I will be "man" enough to offer props to the ladies who dominated hffb in both the regular season AND the playoffs. Well done KDH and nc jnn!! After my single pre-Katrina trip to nawlins, I tend to agree with nc jll's assessment, altho I know that my daughter feels differently. Try to enjoy the day and keep your fingers crossed that whosebeckystan comes thru for us
Happy 10/01 My mother got her GW Bush stimulus check yesterday, and my sister is taking her out today to cash, I think she is afraid the building and loan will fail! OK raise your hand if you had not thought about its a wonderful life this week with all this talk about bank failure, remember the scene with Mr Potter assuring the bank president who is wiping the sweat off his brow, that he will quarantee the bank.. CLASSIC enjoy, the day because tomorrow it all changes.
Downtown New Orleans looked to be pretty nice and unfortunately we did not have time to go to the French Quarter, which was really disappointing. But the wrong turn we made off of 90W was a bad idea and just a little unsettling. So was the dirty laundry that was laying across 3 lanes of traffic on the I-10. Not sure how it got there, but I got a close up of someone elses undies. I'm sure there are some parts of the area that have rehabbed and bustled since Katrina, but unfortunately I did not get to see those parts. I overheard someone on the plane asking where New Orlean's $700 billion was after the hurricane. I'm sure they could use some of that bail out money.
Yeah, first to post! Nice job, is that a MickeyD's fry? Just look at the concentration on her face.
Finally!! After all this time, a blog that truly captures what this group is all about. It's Friday!!
Ahh thats a nice picture to post. Where did that nose come from???
Headed to Allegany for a weekend of camping...too bad it is supposed to rain, but we got all the provisions we need: Lots of Beer and chips. We are all set!!!
This picture was taken from Duff's. I agree, total concentration, focus, determination. Everything we stand for!
I have the day off today figures and it's raining, and I am spending it watching clips from Sarah Palin's interview while I am singing, "Simply the Best, better than all the rest." and maybe I will do a little shopping.
Breaking News on MSNBC, "The Juice Faces an All White Jury." I hate when there is nothing else to report.
Beau-ti-ful! that indeed is our family!
Can that be a Holtzapalooza game next time?
Have fun camping... looks to be a wet one.
My baby girl is so talented.
But did she eat the french fry after she stuck it up her nose???
Camping in the rain??? Now who does that???
Unkie, If I knew my dads Yahoo password you would be winning!
Zach and I are off to see the UB Bulls in a conference showdown of the titans... hopefully we don't get soaked.
We need a rainy camping trip blog... oh wait, the Pilaf's camp in the rain ... I get it! RATS!!!
What a game! Willy to Jackson with no time left on a 35 yd. hail Mary to win the game. UB wins 30-28. Great game.
Good mornin', we got a little rain last night. Not much going on today, we want to get to the new Rainforest bldg. that opened up last week at the zoo and of course the Bills game... so, enjoy the grey today and GO BILLS!!!
I just can't believe that after all these weeks on Fantasy Baseball, Ike is going to undo me. Sheesh.
Anyone see SNL last night? Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was pretty awesome.
Great SNL last night. SNL makes me laugh so hard.
I think its safe to say that KDH won the regular season league and she deserves a prize.
Georgie vs Me in finals. It's also safe to say that he will have 0 computer time this week.
"If its Sunday, its Meet the Press day." "Go Bills!"
The rain forced us to pack it up a little early this weekend. It rained from 1pm yesterday up until 7pm last night when we decided that mother nature had won out and we were going home.
Whooped and beaten by mother nature.... been there before. It's always nice to know that you have a cold beer waitin' at home for ya. Sorry to hear she shortened your stay.
HOW ABOUT THEM BILLS!!! I can feel another trip to the superbowl in the offing~
What a great game that was. ESPN keeps replaying the Hail Mary pass in the UB game. Gosh I wish I was there for that one!
Tried to invite gram over for the game today, but she had company.
Huge games on the weekend... The UB game was incredibly exciting and the Bills really are good this year... I mean really good. I don't know how to react to this.
I'm as giddy as a school girl. At least I have jury duty tomorrow to bring me back down to earth.
Jill I hope you enjoyed your 1st place run in HFFB, because it looks like you may be dropping after your loss to Me!
No, I won't gloat.
Only 100 days til Christmas...I hope everyone is thinking hard about their Pirate Gift
So much happening sports wise. Is it true that the titanic battle between UG and niece jnn in hffb goes on for 2 weeks? Does UB +33 and a half points agains Mizzou look like a good bet? Can I play good gary in fantasy football again real soon? Who won between the Cookie sisters? Wallenwein's in EA, the biggest pro Yankee bar that I have ever been in has taken down their yankee schedule which covered an entire wall. Does that mean anything? The Bills are 8 and a half point favorites on Sunday. Can anyone in this family ever pick them as that kind of favorite? I think that nc jll needs to go camping again. Our sports teams seem to do better when she is out somewhere being flash flooded. Sabres camp open yet??
That's a lot of questions... I mean a lot. Where does one begin?
Zach's team (Dodgers) won big last night 18-6 and Z got walked 3 times and scored one run. Then we stuck around for awhile and shared a father/ son pizza. Snif.
Wow, Where does one start?
What a news day:
Canada has predicted that Barack Obama will win "hands down." (No comment)
I'm only 26 years old and all my investments in the stock market would get me a whopper value meal at BK.
NASA is worried that its running out of astronauts. I applied online. I need a few references though.
Im defeating the Chairman of HFBB by a mere 6-2. The house is not the same I tell ya. I am even going to GUARANTEE a victory in HFBB.
Be careful there nc jnn about "guarantees". they have been known to come back to haunt you. I am keeping my financial nest egg in beer cans. Always worth the nickel, but I can only get a max of 12 dollars at a time.
Yeah, that stinks now that "they" (the man) put a cap on bottle returns. Now what am I going to do with my Saturdays?
I'm golfing in a tounament tomorrow! Hopefully it will be nice weather.
Went to my last Braves home game of the year last night family -- I wept a tiny tear as I walked through the gates. Mostly because of how badly the braves stink right now!
Hey everyone check out the new Oliver blog!
I think we need a new blog: Maybe about the kids first day of school, or everyone's plan B of where to invest in stocks, or the bills 2-0. The options are endless !
KDH... too funny. I have to admit, ya make me giggle sometimes.
Zach's team got rocked tonight by the A's 17-2. Just the opposite as the last game.
Keep warm everyone.
any good plans for the weekend??? I got nothing. Of course the weekend is supposed to be beautiful, but I have hung up my camping gear until next summer.
We can talk right??
so I am kind of depressed about my new job! it is was too much work!!
Long hours, lots of meetings, I am cranky and tired, lots of traveling between sites, and I really am not the new girl anymore, as Children's just got a new manager, and I think everyone likes her better than me! Not really, just kidding, but it is a lot of work, I did not really enjoy the summer, and now its fall.
But I think I have to hang on as the economy continues to nose dive, and Joe Biden says its patriotic to pay taxes, what a tool he is! So that is just my little gripe, I got an email back from San Antonio that they want us to come the week before I told my sister that we were going, I hope she is not mad about that. Other than that it looks like a beautiful day, and I am at my desk looking at piles and piles of paper! UGH
Enjoy this beautiful weekend family, friends and fans of the blog as it will soon be snowing!
I was at a golf tourney today (what a beautiful day) and I have to pat myself on the back. I shot very well and was VERY happy with my game. Long, straight drives, excellent putting and pretty good chips... that makes for a very enjoyable day. PLUS and a huge plus, I got two Sacramento River Cats hats as door prizes (the kids have them on now). You know the AAA world series winner River Cats.
What a beautiful day considering Monday is the first day of fall.
Spent my Sat Morning at the Tiki Hut. One of the last weekends we will be open. So it's kind of a sad time. But what a great experience that was.
That's about it for me. GO BILLS!
planted a shrub and a lilly... woohoo!
Big Bills game today! I think I'll get a steak n cheese sub for it.
What's everyone doing?
Were having gram over for the game today. Grilling Chicken and having corn on the cob.
How about dem Bills!?!!?? This could be a tough season on the old ticker.
Zach's team won another game tonight (5-0)...he got hit in the hand batting--he wanted to be like Jeter! The Rices are watching the Yankee game all decked out in Yankee gear...I'm pretty sure Jff has tears in his eyes! If they tell one more story about the stadium, he just might lose it!
It is a little easier going to work on a Monday morning after a bills win, plus a fantasy football win. Love that Ronnie Brown, especially when he single-handedly beats the hated Patriots and gets me 41 fantasy points doing it. Looks like a good week weather wise to be not working. Make the best of it
What a close match up on HFFB in the Koch household.
What a cold start to a Monday morning. Friday will be here before we know it.
Happy Monday morning! Everybody check out the ceremony for Yankee Stadium last night??? That was awesome! Gotta love Babe Ruth's daughter throwing out the first pitch! Very appropriate
I score a 109 pts. and still lose to Ronnie Brown? He'll score 1 TD the rest of the year. I see how this year is going to be.
Nice game Unckie.
Looks like Unkie snuck into first place!
I like my chances this week against Unkie in HFFB. Considering 5 of his players are on a BYE week.
Happy Tuesday to one and all!
So lets re cap...
What a bills win!!! The last play of the game, and the hated oakland raiders to boot. Poetic Justice.
A great send off to Yankee Stadium, note to all Yankee fans, and I know there are billions of you do not read that knucklhead ryan's column in the bostonglobe.
We are off to San Antonio, 10/22-10/27. Gramma is very excited, and for the 3rd year in a row she has said this will probably be my last time there. With a sad face.
KDH, we have an hour and half layover in Hotlanta, gramma will ask you to join us for lunch I have already told her you are busy.
Cookie is in Orlando today, working, not playing.
Cookie and I have the best idea for a pirate gift, nope not telling!
Loved the tribute to Yankee stadium. Hard to watch with the tears rolling down my cheeks. Especially touching was the tribute to Joe Torre and all that he did over the years for the Yanks, as well as the tribute to Roger Clemens. Where are all of the old coots that they trotted???, no, not really, more doddered out, going to hang out now? .Will Yogi finally get a job, perhaps at Walmart as a greeter?? Get the wrecking ball oiled up. By the way nc jnn, seemms as you have a few holes in your lineup due to byes. I think that Mark Bulger is going to have a week against the Bills so he will get you a ton of points. Go REDSOX!!
The SI reported said it best when it came to Roger Clemens being absent from the Yankee Festivities: Roger Clemens was not invited because he is lacking one thing that the Yankees are all about PRIDE.
While sitting in the Orlando airport, I was doing a little PLing (people listening) and there was this group of workers who must have been going to Buffalo for a conference. None of them had ever been to Buffalo before and they were all a little nervous that they didnt bring enough warm clothes for the trip. They were going to anchor bar and they didnt know if they should dress up. I was so amused by their conversation I didnt want to ruin the fun and tell them that Anchor Bar is just a bar.
Was that sarcasm from my BB re the Yankee stadium tribute??? Can never really tell with him, can you?
Kind of sad today??? Why you ask, well because for the first time in 14 years my baseball ends in Sept. There is no justice in muddville!
Here is to an early implosion by the despicableredsux, and an undefeated season by the Bills!
Jll, good call, somethings are better left unsaid.
Still waiting for a response by my yankee loving family members on the Torre snub? And no sis, i would NEVER resort to sarcasm in an attempt at humor. That would be cheap and way below the high standards that I hold. And I agree fully with hank steiny, if the yanks were in the same division as sacramento they would be in the playoffs. Just one more injustice delivered in the Bronx, and just when carl pavano was coming around.
jll, you missed a golden opportunity to tell them that anchor bar is "creative upscale, jackets preferred". It would have been priceless to see them walk in, no?
antie B, I'm a little sad that baseball is ending too, and also that my job is a little more than I bargained for. So I feel your pain -- but I can't get behind you on the red sox thing. Empathy only goes so far.
KDH, thanks for 2/3rds empathy in this economy that does mean alot!
With all our DWTS fans out there, who is the on odd's favorite Cloris? Susan Lucci? who could it be??
Its Wed...
Did anyone catch the game show Opportunity Knocks? We would dominate that show. Dominate I tell ya!
Who is letting my dad use their computer? It's not me. But somehow, and I mean somehow were tied.
Nope, missed that onne. I was busy breathing last night. So many important things to do.
What's going on this weekend? Who's UB playing?
How come the Red Sux partied like it was 1999 when alll they did was just make the playoffs... pretty sad if you ask me.
It was a trifecta last evening, I tell ya! a trifecta!
1. The Yankee's win, the yankee's win, and you all know who's voice to say that in!
2. SUX lost, say no more.
3. And 72 year old John McCain, his first name is 72 year old right, bullying brackosammabinobama.
4. And the Mets imploding, even though they are our new parent, watching them 2 years in row let the playoffs slip away, I have to admit its kindoffun, as I totally find Keith Hernandez obnoxious
So it was a trifecta plus one!
Nothing special planned this weekend, Anastasia has a cold, so we will check on her...
Other than that, go bills
Me, I'm looking forward to seeing what will probably be at least a four part "Yankeeiography" on how "pride" allowed them to hang on to third in face of the charging BlueJays. And, as long as I am starting my day off stepping on toes, I will toss in how much I am enjoying all of the "let the free markets operate", "government is the problem" folks beg for socialism to bail out Wall St. I guess that as long as you are committed to your convictions, that is all that really matters. enjoy the weekend all; go bulls, go bills!!
My brother is so bitter! I thought all his retirement money was tied up in Blomberg blue chip stocks?
A four part Yankee-ography on Pride, now that is TV worth watching!
A sad farewell to Paul Newman!
Loved his movies!
And blue eyes....
I guess there is reason to celebrate this gloomy mon AM.
Even though, Unkie beat me in HFFB. I will still hold my head up high, since Jorge was not crowned the champion in HFBB.
After reviewing the rulebook, and several calls to yahoo fantasy staff, in the event of a tie; the lower seed is champion.
Right on nc jnn!!!That same loophole allowed me to sneak past bourbon swillin' daughter into 3rd place. And, by the way, the old saying that the best deals are those not made: I recall a conversation at a chowder event where a certain niece of mine attempted to pry bret favre away from me but the deal could not be made. Just think if bret had been quarterbacking the tiki hut team yesterday??
Anybody else notice that it was just a little bit darker outside when they drove to work this morning?? I sure did. Fall must be on its' way.
I did, I drove to work with my high beams on the whole wayyyyy...
Unfortunately I had my window up and I couldn't hear the people yelling at me coming from the opposite direction. I just figured they were all warning me that it just keeps on getting darker as I go.
There's rumors going arond the neighborhood that the USA is borrowing 700 trillion dollars from Peru or Bolivia or someone like that. Is that true? Does that mean coffee's going up?
STRESS, so how does everyone deal with it??? over eat, over drink, over sleep... Just curious?
Because seriously, between work and the tension in the house over the weekend, as father vs daughter were tooth and nail over HFFBB, too much for the human spirit!
So cookie is in New Orleans today, how fun would that be?
And Nancy Pilllosi keeps talking about main st? What if you live on Adam St? Just dont want to be left out.
I still have not received my George W stimulus check, should I call? Or was thrown in the pot to bail out Lehman Brothers?
Just got an email from cookie, who described NO as a S***Hole!
For every inhabited house there are 3 that are empty, garbage strewn all over, and in the words of the attorney she was working with down there, (mmm I wonder if it was Harry Connick's dad?) Katrina did not cause this mess, she just exposed it! phew now that is deep.
enjoy tuesday evening all
I thought we were borrowing a gazillion dollars from Ubekistan?
Youbetchastan??? Are they syill around?
Deep, very deep indeed. It sounds like something Harry's dad would say.
Zach had a soccer game today and played really well. They beat St. Matthhews; a lot to very few (if not less). Sorry, I was talking most of the time.
Hey, it's October, and a beautiful start to it weatherwise. yes, I jest. With the start of playoff baseball, I will be "man" enough to offer props to the ladies who dominated hffb in both the regular season AND the playoffs. Well done KDH and nc jnn!! After my single pre-Katrina trip to nawlins, I tend to agree with nc jll's assessment, altho I know that my daughter feels differently. Try to enjoy the day and keep your fingers crossed that whosebeckystan comes thru for us
Happy 10/01
My mother got her GW Bush stimulus check yesterday, and my sister is taking her out today to cash, I think she is afraid the building and loan will fail!
OK raise your hand if you had not thought about its a wonderful life this week with all this talk about bank failure, remember the scene with Mr Potter assuring the bank president who is wiping the sweat off his brow, that he will quarantee the bank.. CLASSIC
enjoy, the day because tomorrow it all changes.
Downtown New Orleans looked to be pretty nice and unfortunately we did not have time to go to the French Quarter, which was really disappointing.
But the wrong turn we made off of 90W was a bad idea and just a little unsettling. So was the dirty laundry that was laying across 3 lanes of traffic on the I-10. Not sure how it got there, but I got a close up of someone elses undies.
I'm sure there are some parts of the area that have rehabbed and bustled since Katrina, but unfortunately I did not get to see those parts.
I overheard someone on the plane asking where New Orlean's $700 billion was after the hurricane. I'm sure they could use some of that bail out money.
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