By JT Pilaf
My friend Dave and I have been wanting to see Spock's Beard live for a loooooong time. Unfortunately, they don't tour much here (the states, even though they're from Calif.) but are always over in Europe where prog music is appreciated just a lil' bit more. Here I am enjoying some tailgating with a libation in between sets. We arrived in Burgettstown, PA just in time to catch the end of Mandrake Projects set. As you can see it was a beautiful day outside.

"Ryo is Rock n Roll"

Just another shot of Neal and his old bandmates tearing it up.

Then it was Neal's turn to take the stage. I was hoping he wouldn't wimp out and play secular music for the masses and play his Christian Prog and he didn't disappoint. He started out with "The Creation" from the One CD and then played his latest CD Sola Scriptura in its entirety minus a short lil ballad. What a show! And just when you think its over... Mike Portnoy from Dream Theatre and Roine Stolt from the Flower Kings joined him (if your keeping score that's 3 of 4 TransAtlantic members, minus Pete Trewavas) for an encore and they played "We All Need Some Light" and then their 30 minute epic "All The Above". Neal ended up putting on a three hour concert... SWEET!!! We didn't get out until after 1AM and then we had a hour drive to Butler before we could rest our wearied eyes.

You guys missed a great show. So next time in your in Burgettstown, say hi to the Pepsi Roadhouse and thank 3RPfest (Three Rivers Progfest) and Howard for hosting an awesome show. Unfortunately, our wives and kids wouldn't allow Dave and I to stay for Sunday's show featuring California Guitar Trio and the Flower Kings, but we had an unforgettable time this day.
yeah! I am first to comment. My first thoughts are, I heard of Celine Dion. Looks like it was an interesting concert with, if I am not too confused on this, a vocalist with a broken jaw and a keyboardist with a cast on his hand. Reminded me of the time I took auntie to see edgar bergen when he was still touring with Charlie and Mortimer. Only problem was Edgar had laryngitis. Still a great show though with charlie doing his impression of Marcel marceau for 2 hours. It's all about the atmosphere of a live performance
Edgar had laryngitis or Mortimer ??? Could Charlie play the fiddle?
How come there's only one baseball game going on?
Now there is no room for the Celine Dion blog???
I am on sensory overload. Tied with my little sister in hffb going into the last day, battling ug in hfff, a full slate of games in mano a mano, with fortunes to be won or lost, or in Adam's case, mostly lost and a pretty decent day outside today. What to do??? Never too late for a Celine blog. Me, I only wish we had photos from when auntie and I saw Lawrence Welk in person. Now THAT would be a blog!!! Alice Lon dancing, Myron Florn on the accordion. Memories.
Let's go Buffalo! Great Blog Jff! I see you are one of the few tailgating.
So Canada does not have a set schedule for elections. They just announced today that there elections will be held on Oct 14th.
Not sure why, but will someone who knows why this is please explain!!?!
SS teachers out there speak up!
In a Parliamentary system there has to be an election within a certain number of years, varies by country, but an election can be called at any time with 6 weeks notice in the case of a vote of "no confidence" in the legis. body, or if the party in power feels strong enough that they can win. Don't know why the election was called in Canada. Anyone else out there? How about them Bills huh? May be the best overall game they have had in awhile, thanx to special teams. How come good Gary is getting beat up on so badly by the Tyranos?
Me commenting again? Where is everyone?? Me and UG still nose to nose in football, and now in baseball too. Oy, the pressure! Brady out for the season maybe? Plus the Bills got a few breaks yesterday. Could the WNY mojo be swinging? I know, I know, say nothing. Enjoy your Monday all. we spend a seventh of our lives on Monday so do the best you can with it.
A seventh of our lives our spent on Mondays... now that's news.
Well, I lost to Jnna in baseball by a nose. Got crushed by Jll in football... obviously the cookies have my number.
I'm off to enjoy my own special Monday.
Brady out for the season it looks like ( boo hoo), I defeated my cousin Jeff in HFB but have to face my other cousin Kristen. Life sometimes is not fair.
I would have posted last night. However, I was watching a new Fox show called "Hole in the Wall." I am disappointed to report that the beer bellies lost to Six Pack.
Did anyone else happen to catch that show? It was on Primetime after the Football game?
Sarah Palin on a one on one interview this week! I might have to DVR that!
Have a good Monday everyone. Hope your feeling better Mr. O.
Nice game Jeff.
Good Gary has quickly become obsessed with HFFF. Unfortunately, he had to make some last minute changes do to his growing IR list.
I have a direct sight line from my office to the old Aud. And let me tell you, if this is the pace that they will be working at to tear it down, then I am projecting it will be complete by the year 2020.
One guy working, seven guys watching??? Yep... that seems about right... 2020.
How did I lose 5-4... I have the best team on paper.
Okay, time to concentrate on fantasy hocket now.
Mom reported that she had a great time at the "Kochie Chicken BBQ" on Sunday, but it seems as if there was a lot of yelling during the course of the Bills game. It seems as if there has been a real shortage of commentary here on the pennant races of late, so I just thought that it would be a good time to get back to that topic. I know that my sister, nieces and nephew spend an awful lot of time on the road and with their jobs, and that is the ONLY thing that might prevent them from providing a "pithy" observation or two about what has transpired of late. I think that and recent events in fantasy b-ball and football merely validate what we know to be true: good things do happen to good people, right? Seems to be raining out there, drive safely.
Good Morning troops. Anon your right our comments have taken a back seat lately. But, I still check this blog everyday.
Austin will be in town from the 12th-14th. Maybe we can get Emma and Zach together?
Make sure everyone who is registered to vote, goes out and votes today!
Sorry, anon was me very early this morning. I am sorry that I won't be able to support John McCain. I had my hopes set for another Dick Cheyney and since obviously Sarah Palin is no Dick Cheyney, it will be a step back and we must continue to move ahead. Maybe if he dumps Palin and picks up Donald Rumsfeld as a running mate, I might reconsider.
And thank you Jenna for at least carrying on with dignity, unlike so many others who are choosing to offer nothing. come on people.
Anon??? I thought it was Adm.
Bush/ Cheney... I agree, 4 more years. Maybe Palin can get together with the other Monty Python crew (- Graham of course, rest his soul)... but that would be so sweet.
Zach had soccer and baseball practice today, man am I tired. And he has a soccer game and baseball game on Thursday... does Sandra push him too hard?
Well I am disappointed to report that the only Dem I would ever support in my life lost her primary election to Baby Mesi.
But I am pleased to report that the only Primary election I had was for a judge and the judge I voted for won, by only 16 votes!!!!
Good Morning...I confess I did not vote yesterday. I was traveling instead to York, PA. Not a very exciting trip, but my flight home was on time and thats all the really matters.
Baby Joe won?!?!?!?!
Where's Celine???
Good Mornin' everyone, is the Yankees season over yet? Incredible. Do they even want to try playing anymore? They get outhit 11-3??? 3 hits for the game?
Stay warm everyone.
After a long deliberation with the boyz inside my head (Ollie & Stan), we've decided to support McCain's efforts to win the presidency. Whew... now that, that order of bizness is taken care of. On to more important items on the list of my life.
How can Baby Joe of won??? Who votes for a guy that went to ECC, when everyone knows NCC rocks!!!
I will try to recap my week, work has been very stressful, to top it all off, I had a big meeting with the big boss tomorrow to discuss some concerns??? I dont think that ever sounds good, do you "concerns" and I have been dreading this meeting, as I did not think I would be able to give good answers, I was facillating between the truth and what they want to hear, but lo and behold, I come into work this AM, had a message the meeting was cancelled, the big bosses father passed away! so I was kind of sad for her but very glad for me!
recap #2. fakebloodysockwearing kurt shucksterilling, calls the NY fans bitter and jealous! somebody stick a bloody sock in his mouth!
re cap #3. We did have anastacia over for barbecue chicken and the home opener. Unfortunately we listen to the game on the radio and change the channel alot! I think we confused the ole gal!
recap #3) we are going to SA, and it looks like our layover will be in Hotlanta, KDH, can you grab a boarding pass drive to the airport and hang out with your gramma during our layover? Yea I did'nt think so, but I told her I would ask.
#4) Tom Brady is my HFFF QB, and the only better news I could have gotten was a piano fell on his head.
#5) enjoy the evening...
I knew once McCain won the republican nomination that he had my vote. I did converse with the people in my head and we all agree (It's only fair).
Took the day off tomorrow as I am anxiously awaiting for Austin to come to visit.
He skipped football practice today because he forgot his "girdle."
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
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