Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween Is Gonna Suck This Year

Poor Emma and Zach... does anyone now where these poor kids can go trick or treatin' this year?


Anonymous said...

good morning. We are almost approaching the 3 year blog. Mom wants me to delete it and start over, with a different family, new people, new friends. She was thinking maybe the Osborne family.

Anonymous said...

could we get some more red sox fans in the next family?

Anonymous said...

I would never have said that! But hey its a thought!
cute cartoon!
enjoy the day one and all!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, ouch, and more ouch. I know that I wasn't responsible for driving fargo off. did my good deed and cashed anastasia's coins and scratchoff winners. looks like she is ready to fly..think I will go and rake some more leaves

Anonymous said...

Leaves, leaves, and more leaves. A new family? Stop...

Can you believe Tony Gonzalez turned down a trade to Buffalo. What was he thinking?

Why can't we all be Yankee fans. It be a happier and richer world. Richer spiritually too. And isn't that what really matters?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of baseball, and I am sure that everyone stayed up last nite, and even if you didn't this morning's sportscenter has about 45 minutes of the program devoted to it---and by the way, in case anyone is planning on spending an extended period with gg in a confined area, like an airplane, you might want to politely discourage her from loading up on her new perfume. It's one of those "flower things" and I had to drive home with my car windows down yesterday. Enjoy friday all

Anonymous said...

UC, LOL!!! Oh NO, am never sure what is worse, the eau de new Perm or her Jean Nate, the nature edition!
UGH to the sux winning...
lets hope it is there last win of the baseball season

Anonymous said...

Hello Family...back from my whirlwind tour of the Southwest.

Vegas was nuts!!!! It is totally acceptable to walk through a mall and drink a beer. Heck it is even encouraged. Crazy stuff going on there! Some of the casinos are so over the top! The weather was perfect!

Then we drove through the Mojave desert and Death Valley to visit Gary's sisters family in Beaumont, CA. We ate some awesome Mexican food, visited Laguna Beach, and got a good whiff of the forest fires. It's easy to see why there is an issue with fire out there. Everything is so dry!

Anonymous said...

So I leave for a conference in MN on Sunday. I am staying in the hotel across from The Mall of America!! I have 26 minutes of free time--think I'll get any shopping done?!

Anonymous said...

Pick up your pirate gift then!
LOL about gram and her perfume. SO TRUE! Watch out for the bright red lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I will be home alone all next week. Mom may come home to take out containers and pizza boxes.

Anonymous said...

California's on fire, the Sabres are on fire, GG's bright red lipstick is on fire, if Unckie doesn't detox his car it may catch on fire... what's with this crazy world?

Our family is off to see UB/Army today and Army's triple option offense... maybe, Turner Gil uses his triple dog dare defense against it?

Where's KDH? I'm a lil' concerned.

Where's Oliver? And does he know the Rays are going to end the series tonight?

Anonymous said...

I know that all REAL baseball fans have to be just loving the ALCS. Right??? Go Bills!!

Anonymous said...

I'm here, I'm here -- no worries at all. I'm on day three of Ikea assembly hell. I have people helping me, but good lordy!

The good news is that its all very exciting though -- the office is going to look great when its done.

The bad news is that I had to go back to Ikea yesterday and spend another ungodly amount of time and money!

And the even better news is that I finally got my directTV hooked up so I was able to see the Sox win last night in high definition!

Anonymous said...

How's Youkilis look in HD? I'm not sure if I'm ready for that in life.

Yes, yes, I'm a real baseball fan, which means I can't wait for the Rays & Phils to start the World Series. If Boston wins tonight I just might pull an Alec Baldwin.

Glad to hear all is well in Hotlanta. Sorry to hear about the hired help. We have the same prooblem at our house.


Anonymous said...

HOW ABOUT THEM BILLS!!!!!! Halfway to a perfect sports day. I think that the blog cries out for an update of the action at the world headquarters of KDHRC, with at least pics of the little IKEA guys assembling furniture. If you do that it will prevent further baseball discussion. Hey, by the way, how about them UB Bulls yesterday? Wasn't there a Pilaf presence at the game? While mama shops in Minn. the rest of the family is out enjoying our fall, and no, we didn't lose power here this afternoon. Must have been confined to OP

Anonymous said...

KDH how do you like the Direct TV??? I am this close from dumping Time Warner!!!! None of my HD channels ever come in and NO CBS?? Whats wrong with them! I would switch to Verizon Fios if it were in my area, but unfortunately it hasn't made it to Kenmore yet.

Anonymous said...

Great Series. Go Rays!! My "direct" tv consists of sitting with the 12" rabbit ears tv in the back yard which yesterday allowed me to watch Pitt-Cinn. That, plus I chose to leave Lendale White on the bench yesterday in order to play Ronnie Brown and Warrick Dunn. Another in a series of very good decisions on my part. Taken down 2 weeks in a row by the young guys. Where is the respect for the elderly? Big birthday this week plus the travellers to San Antonio. Hope your mom bought you an early b-day dinner this weekend nc jll. Enjoy the monday all

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday one and all!
Sandra, did you get any shopping done at the mall of america?
did everyone catch SNL? It was the highest rated SNL in 14 years!
At the koch house we have reverted back to the radio!
It sounded like a great Bills game!
I am so grateful to be able to watch sportscenter again! TGITR!
(thank goodness its the rays)
KDH, we do have our layover in Hotlanta, we could hot glue and insert A into B while waiting?
Well keep us in mind!
Enjoy Monday after a bills win!

Anonymous said...

I heard it was a great game yesterday... We drove all the way up to Niagara county to watch the game on cable rather than use the rabbit ears and then had to listen to my dad's conspiracy theory regarding Time Warner and the Canadians. Well, at least it'll be good for a future blob.

We had to leave the UB/Army game at halftime (Zach had a church outing at the corn maze). Because it was a sellout, the closest we could park at 1 minute before game time was 7 miles away. Ask Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like UB-Army was a real adventure. anyone else looking forward to the first snowflakes of the season in the air tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Gloves, jackets, and boots are out for tomorrow's early freeze (my dad probably will blame Canada for this too). And I probably should have put away the outdoor furniture.

Anonymous said...

Zach played in today's near freezing rain in NT today. Trust me, being a bystander as the wind comes whippin' off the mighty Niagara is not my idea of a good time. They did win 8-0 and play on Thursday for the championship in soccer. Did you know that the Niagara is a strait and not a river?

Anonymous said...

The straits of Niagara? Cool. Did not know that. Which is the more "hearty" parent? The spring baseball? Or the fall soccer? Based upon pilaf family experience? How about our travellers? Are they off amid the snow flurries? What about nc jll/s b-day? No acknowledgements, or is my family calendar in error? Look at all of those question marks. Should I add one more? Have a good wed. I wish that I was on my way to somewhere warm.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooh, great question! Which is worse or as Unckie asked, a more hearty parent; being a spring baseball observer or a fall soccer observer? Ouch! In Buffalo how do you answer that? Brrrrrrr... I think we need more detailed data to truly be honest. There was this one day in July that had me wishing for a candystand arson.

I'm gonna go with spring baseball the parent needs to be prepared with coffee and a stiff upper lip on more occasions. Yesterday's soccer game was the only day so far that had me digging a hole five feet deep to escape the wind's reach.

Where is Jll after her bday bash?