Wednesday, October 01, 2008

happy post season!!!

I was hoping you guys could root for my team, since your team is sitting at home and all.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NEW BLOG!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take it off!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a general trend here in the comments. I am really disappointed since we all know that if the shoe were on the other foot there would be total family unity behind the team still playing. I guess there are those who insist on clinging to the past no matter what current evidence may show. I know, I know, the Yankees shall rise again. Cling to your Bill Bradley, Walt Frazier memories; the Knicks will be back to their glory days too; hang on to all of your Whig party posters-they will be back, keep that membership card in the flat earth society. All of these, and the belief that A-rod will some day win a championship, will carry you thru the cold winter nights.Oh, and keep believing that Sarah Palin answering a question on world affairs has absolutely NO resemblance to Miss S. Carolina a while ago. Have a good day all, I know that I will.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the bro comes out swinging on a Thursday morning! Personally, I'm rooting for the Brewers -- love that CC Sabathia!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you forgot Earth Shoes, and everything else good and pure..
Sigh, I long for the good old days!

Anonymous said...

Adm, my dear Adm, I would totally support any all of your wishes, dreams and hopes.. Within reason of course, rooting for the axis of evil is just not in the cards, dont take it personal. We love you, its your choice of BB teams that we differ on!
but just to extend an olive branch, I am hoping and rooting for the Sox to loose in 5. How's that???

Anonymous said...

Very poetic, but I find it interesting that it's the first year in 13 years and already RedSux fans are talking about "clinging to the past" like the last time the Yankees won was during the Carter years (two during his term BTW).

That's right, I'm home and I can't find my spreader for plastering.

Anonymous said...

you know, like father like son. I was talking to a colleague and comparing Sarah Palin to Ms. South Carolina just this morning.

Anonymous said...

Who was that out of control anonymous person? I am guessing either nphw rck, who i suspect has harbored long term anti-yankee feelings, or perhaps Aunt Barb who chimes in anonymously on occasion. There should be no rancor. Let's just all enjoy the second baseball season. It is really interesting watching Joe torre and manny together. And personally, contrary to other opinions, I suspect that Ms. Palin will acquit herself quite nicely tonite. I know that her aides have explained that she does not have the same options as being a contestant on smarter than a 5th grader, and I eagerly await the debate.

Anonymous said...

Fifth grader? That's probably the analogy her aides used too. That's funny.

I agree, very wierd watching Torre and Manny together. I just expect Manny to turn over the secret formula to Piniella soon, he always wants to be on the other team.

We've got our tickets, we're off to see UB/Army on the 18th. I hope it's going to be warmer than yesterday. Yesterday, I was standing out in the rain from 4PM until 7PM; Zach first had a soccer game (we left that early) and then a playoff baseball game (which he won and hit the ball)... all in the wind and rain.

Anonymous said...

Well here it is Friday! who knew it took so long to get here.
So there was no channel 4 today???
This has to be resolved today, doesnt it, or we do not get the Bills game??
That would be kind of disturbing!
I am driving to work when it is dark and leaving when its dark so basically I am in the dark!
LOL, I crack myself up sometimes!
So this morning on the radio, the announcer said, that if you bought 1,000$ worth of shares from Lehman Bros last yr, today its worthless.
If you bought 1,000$ shares of Delta, it would be worth 33$, but if you bought 1,000$ worth of beer, you would have 250.00$ in returns! so the moral of the story invest in beer!
Have a great day!
You gotta admire the passion of the convictions of the Holtz men, I sometimes do not understand my brothers tirades, but ya gotta love the commitment!

Anonymous said...

so I just did the math... If the 700billion bailout package that was just passed was instead given to the people, every man, woman and child in this country would receive $24,000? I know my family could use $75k. For the first time, I'm a little upset about this.

Anonymous said...

It's Friday!! Let the weekend begin.

Anonymous said...

I think that after reading the math (thank you anon., Lord, knows I couldn't do the math), I'm starting to think that I'm upset about it too.

Now I would need Aunt Betsy let me know how much beer I can buy for $100,000.00 (Labatt Blue rebates)and what I'd get back in returns?

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday to one and all!
24,000$ a piece, WOW, I think I will donate my fair share to Time Warner so I can get the Bills game on Sunday, so say all??
OJ found quilty.
John McCain loosing ground.
And my nephew investing in Labatts.
A sign of the times.

Anonymous said...

OJ Guilty its about time they get it right the second time around.

I worked a half day yesterday, so I decided I should hang out with Grandma. She brought 2 library books in tow. As we went to the library to return her books, there was a nylon stocking in her bag. She quickly grabbed it and shoved it in her pocket. That's probably the last time I go to the NT library.

I am taking gram to Time Warner Cable to picket with me. They can't say no to her and she will heckle them worse than anyone.

Wish Brett Farve was on my fantasy team. :(

Enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...

Holtz family Kizmet
both cookie and KDH were in NO within days of each other, both sent gramma the exact same postcard, which arrived on the same day.
Now that is spooky!

Anonymous said...

That is spooky.

I was up at the St. Lawrence river fishing opening weekend for bass season when the white Ford was on it's way down the freeway. Bizarre.

Anonymous said...

I just love fall Sundays... I love going to church, coming home and having a huge lunch (usually a beef on weck or a sub) while I watch football on TV.
... oh wait, hmmmm... no CBS today, that's knocks out our Bills game and Zach has a playoff baseball game, possibly two if they win the first. Well, I think I'll just stuff my face with pizza and popcorn at the candy stand this afternoon.

Enjoy Sunday everyone... tune in to 97 Rock for the game.

Anonymous said...

whoa. That is weird. At least Jll and I have good taste in postcards! Jll, think you remember more of your trip than I remember of mine?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, the Bills game (not over yet)was a waste of my time today and to think I wasted 15 minutes looking around the house for rabbit ears too. I knew they were going to lose... but, get humiliated? Didn't see that one coming.

Anonymous said...

What was that today???

Anonymous said...

This week can't end soon enough! Leaving for Vegas on Saturday! Weather there is 80s and sunny!!!

Sounds like KDH had a good time in NOLA. I bet she went down to the French Quarter judging by her comment. Still bitter that I didn't have time to check that out.

Anonymous said...

"Bitterness will only get you to Vegas". Not exactly sure what that means.

Anonymous said...

I am reaching out to all the "bloggers", lets face it, we can CHANGE America, Obama and McCain can not.
Review the NY State Budget, and contact your local representatives and tell them to STOP, be fiscally responsible!
How far away from another great depression can we really be?

A Fellow New York State Taxpayer

Anonymous said...

Love the anonymous fellow taxpayer trying to change the world.Me, I'm wishing that i was going to vegas or anywhere, for that matter. Looks likelots of leaping off the bills bandwagon, but lets face it, anyone who would have rejected a 4-1 record before the season started??? I don't think so. We have next weekend free from football, right? No rabbit ears. Enjoy the week all

Anonymous said...

Who was that nut?
Oh I mean the taxpayer, not my brother...
Well here it is Tuesday, enjoy it, infact embrace it, as we have to I quess

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that last clarification sis. Looks like a nice day today, unfortunately I will be spending it running errands while auntie has another day with flu shots. Travel safely nc jll. I trust that everyone is enjoying fantasy football. Thanks for arranging it UG. And we will continue to not discuss baseball. Was hoping that Hotlanta daughter would post a blog about her $10,000 shopping trip to Ikea yesterday, but guess not.

Anonymous said...

$10,000?!?!?! KDH we need an explanation on this one.

Anonymous said...

That just may keep the economy alive!

Gram has a $30,000 credit limit on her credit card. Should I tell Congress to spend it wisely?

Anonymous said...

OOh boy, Sandra loves IKEA and it's easy to spend that little of money there (compared to the 700 billion that gets tossed around by congress). Feels like a Tuesday, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I always know when we are getting close to IKEA in Canada because Jff starts speeding & driving like crazy..."We can't stop now honey! We can't stop now...I'm making great time" Now (Jnna, you can relate to this I'm sure) if you have ever been in a car with stay-the-speed-limit-Jff, you know that this is definately premeditated!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just... ahhhhhh... I've got nuttin'.

Anonymous said...

my mother spent 10,000 on lottery tickets, errr close to it.
I smell thursday

Anonymous said...

Goooood mornin',
It's Thursday, 2 more daze left and then the weekend is here. Can't wait.

I must be loosing my sports mind, I thought the BosSox /Rays game was last night. It just goes to show you, kids take away the the things you love.

Anonymous said...

a few random thoughts:
I too thought the baseball game was on last nite?
Why did KDH drive to Toronto to spend 10,000$ on furniture, she probably could have gotten more bang for her buck at FWS, dont ya think?
who has a 3 day weekend??? yea me neither..
A new sabres captain, yea I never heard of him either..
clint milarchuk accidently shot himself in the jaw??? Ok I am a pretty clumsy person but I dont think I would do that!
The weather is suppose to be superlative this weekend! ENJOY

Anonymous said...

Stock in GM is $4.87. So I have decided to buy 4.106776 for my pirate gift. Instead of pirate gifts, we should all just buy shares in a company and see whose is better this time next year.

Anonymous said...

KDH how much is your stock?