My first bowl game
JT Pilaf
The "true blue" came out in full force to the record setting International Bowl in Toronto. Unfortunately the traffic was insane and we arrived to our seats only 7 minutes before kick-off. Despite the traffic and the fear of not arriving on time, we were in good spirit and ready to root for our hometown team (and since no Pittsburgh team was involved, Zachary was more than happy to cheer for the good guys too).

Everyone was happy that UB had the lead at halftime thanks to the help of 5 UCONN miscues.

Unfortunately the second half didn't fair well for the hometown heroes and we had to mount a 4th quarter comeback. With a little over 2 minutes to go Drew Willy led the team right down the field.

And then it happened, wide right, no goal, you now the story, as soon as I snapped this (knowing it was going to Naaman) thinking it was a TD... the DB for UCONN was already on his 30 running it towards our end zone. I asked frantically what had happened and insisted that the refs take a look at my picture, hoping that he had control. To no avail, the refs couldn't hear me shouting down to them and UUCONN was going to win 38-20. We quietly gathered up our things and made way to the exits for a long ride home.
...and, once Emma says, "It's all about the food!"
awesome blog jff -- I feel like I was there. But now I have to google "1958 UB humanitarian decision" and see what comes up.
And I am not even the second to respond. Great blog and great pix. Unfortunately the outcome you had was much like the one on tv. Adam and I were calling back and forth the entire first half after every uconn bonehead play trying to figure out why the bills could never be the recipients of such bad judgments, but unfortunately that interceptioon by the goal line was way too familiar. Enjoy your week all. time for work.
Good Morning all...pretty slippery out there, watch your step.
Great blog. Too bad it wasn't a happy ending.
Back to work after a long weekend...this sucks!
Great Job! Nephew..
I personally would have liked more pictures of the traffic! That always makes me feel better that I dont go anywhere, as I did not have to put up with the traffic, but then that is just me..
Great Pictures too!
glad you had a great time.
Happy Monday, survive the day..
Great idea! I should have gotten a picture of the traffic... rats!
Or Kristen you could do what I do and watch ESPN's version of the 1958 UB Bulls... then again I need visuals.
We did have fun and are definitely going back if they make it again. This time though, we're staying overnight.
It's getting easier to go back to work and actually work a whole day now... not that I can't wait until MLK Day (I'll need the time off).
Well... the tree came down tonight, needles everywhere, children weeping, wives canoodleling... Ummmm... anyway, no more Christmas tree smell.
Happy Wed one and all.
What a mess driving into work, it was like dodging sniper fire as ice flew off vehicles that sped by me 90 MPH!
Jenna's birthday is saturday, and I have no idea what to get her??? any ideas??? anyone??
have a great day!
Did everyone see Mair getting bit last nite by that dirty senator!
And I dont mean wanna be carolinekennedy either!
Canoodling? Hockey players biting other hockey players? Ice shrapnel on the highway? And this is only wed., the 7th day of the new year. I can't imagine what else lies in store. One of the nice things about today's later start that my delay left only wet roads and heavy rain to deal with. Tomorrow? We will have to wait and see what happens. I think that nc jnn would love a cd with 4 Elvis movies. It would be very timely since "The King" would be 74 tomorrow. And I know where Auntie B. can pick one up at a good price. And no, stubby drill bits do not make a good birthday gift.
Why do you have to say that about stubby bits? What did they ever do to you? Mmmmm... maybe that's a college story we don't want to hear.
What a day today... barely got to work as I too was dodging debris from ice-car explosions. I love getting to work early, but wouldn't mind every now and then more favorable road conditions.
Happy Birthday Jnna! Whatcha' get me? Doesn't she have to share her cupcakes with the class?
Good mornin'
There's a lil' snow outside so I'm off to do the winter work... ugh.
61 days to spring... not that that means no snow.
I should have checked to see whether or not teachers have to report if their local school district is closed by the weather. In any event it was a fun drive. My favorite is when I am following a car who is following a snowplow on rte20 and there are cars passing all of us. I want a cupcake too!
I want a cupcake too! Who is getting a cupcake? Nothing special planned for the big 27.
Although, grandma brought to my attention that when she was 27, she was taking care of her first born son and waiting for gramps to come home from the war, and she had to remind me that she was living in a cold and cramped basement. She said she was trying to make money on the side but she couldn't. I didn't want her to elaborate after that.
It's Friday. That HAS to be a good thing, right? Easiest ride in of the week. Enjoy the day and I will be awaiting my cupcake. Does Flying Bison go with that?
Doesnt Tim Tebow have the best football name!
It is friday, hallelujah!
It has been a very long week with no holiday stuck in between!
I have to take my dead tree down tonite, worst job in the world!
other than celebrating jenna's birthday, it should be a quiet one!
cupcakes go with everything!
I (and I hate to say this) have way too much beer on hand. I have to wait before I make a Flying Bison run... most likely tomorrow depending on the damage I do tonight on my stock. Big Sabres game you know.
Barely made it through the whole day at work today... it took all my strength.
I am dreadfully afraid that I may not be able to ever speak to my brother again now that HIS team has taken OUR star pitcher. Its a sad sad day in the ATL folks.
I guess I can't be smoltzie holtzie anymore. sniff.
I always loved that nickname of yours.... smoltzie holtzie... lovin' it.
Well, Zach is desperately trying to catch up with me on tour in Guitar Hero... will someone please tell him I get a turn.
way to gonote worthy blog t.o.d 5 am
Just returned home from dinner with Mom, Dad, Jill, and GG. Had a great birthday. Thank you for all the birthday wishes.
A most happy b-day nc jnn and I think that gg enjoyed your day at least as much as you, if not more, between last nite and today. Are the birthday cupcakes in the mail?
Happy Bday Jnna!
Is it too late to sing? "Happy Birthday, dear Jenna. Happy Birthday to youuuuuu." If only you could have heard that. I was almost on key!
Hope your birthday was wonderful! Love You!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes AP. I heard you singing to me all the way from EA.
I have decided to open up my own HR consulting business to follow in KDH's footsteps. Let's not get to excited, I have only marketed on craigslist. I am reviewing resumes for a small fee and already have 3 clients who are sending me a check for $20. Hopefully after I am done with them, they can land a rewarding career.
Good luck, can we use that $ toward GG's HDTV???
Can't wait for subzero weather.
sigh sunday, where did friday nite and saturday go??
We did have a most wonderful birthday celebration with Jnna. Started the day with breakfast with my sister and my mom. My sister told me that she had read the blog, Oh the UB game blog, no she said not that one, Oh the Christmas blog, mmm no not that one either, my sister had read the san antonio blog??? what do we do with her???
My mother proudly announced to me on friday that she thinks she needs a cane, and I have to admit I was kind of sad about that. To me she has always been someone to try and keep up with, and a cane, mmm was she finally succumbing to her age. But then on saturday AM at breakfast she decided to hold off til her 93rd birthday and then get a cane, sigh all is right with the world.
Per Jnna's request, it was off to the seneca nation casino buffet, for dinner. And I have to say the food was scrumpdidiolicious! And I am not a buffet person, but it was yummy.
Today, gramma is coming over for birthday cake and beef stew, gramma's reguest not jnna's!
Happy Birthday Daughter, I can honestly say you have put a smile on my face every day of your life!
Nice birthday tribute mom to one of the best ever. If only she uses the proceeds from her Seneca winnings to send me a birthday cupcake, she will be perfect. Great idea on the new business nc jnn. Small steps. Anyone else see where Dave Short passed away? Did anyone else know Dave?
The Short family from NT? I knew of them, nice family.
Do we have to start another work week? Can't we just go right to Friday?
Can we go right to friday??? If we can I am so there!
Had a nice dinner with mom yesterday, we did need to have a conferance call with my sister, as my mother thought she had mixed up the cruet letters! But no it is correct. phew, I envisioned mayhem ensueing.
Who else was happy for donovan mcnab??? show of hands??? after getting benched, come storming back.
I knew dave short, very sad...
I hear my brother is leaving for arizona and my sister for florida.
sigh, sun envy has set in!
have a great day all
Worked with Dave at the Rec. Dept. for 2 summers and played a lot of basketball with him as part of the Eldredge Club team that he was always getting organized. On top of that, there were lots of post game get togethers at Bedell's, back in the days when jack was still tending bar. Great memories unlike those of some of my recent drives into tonawanda. Looking forward to getting out of here but not comfortable when you have to leave the water running full tilt to avoid frozen pipes
Anyhoo... how many more years until I retire? I think I need to look to do somethng else, like crocheting or something... ooh, ooh I got it... I'll read books for a living. There has to be callin' for that.
I'm actually looking forward to Thursday through February's sub-zero weather... I'm grillin' outside. Grillin' what? I don't know.
It is getting bone chillin, teeth chattering artic wind blowing cold!
That was nothing today... bring us your worst tomorrow Mother Nature! I dare ya!
Looks like Friday is going to be the worst of the 3 days. 15mph winds when it is only 5º out, they should close office buildings.
Who else has MLK day off???? KDH?
It's not nice to dare Mother Nature. Let's just not rattle her cage too much, unless of course there is just enough wind chill to close schools, but not enough bad weather to interfere with the operation of Buffalo International Airport. Can't help but think of all of the Fargonians on days like today.
Home sick today, ugh and I have to work on MLK day. In fact, I work every Hallmark holiday, with the exception of sweetest day. I take that day off and watch Lifetime movies all day. I haven't stepped outside yet, and I don't think I will.
At least my locks were not frozen and my car started right away!
KDH, it says it was 32 in Hotlanta, maybe we change the name to Coolanta, I crack myself up!
Yes, Jnna is home, with some sort of ailment that has kept the upstairs bathroom off limits to everyone but her! Thank goodness I am low maintenance!
MLK and the inauguration next week, who really cares, no seriously???
any one have any big plans for this weekend, doing anything fun? Anything, ???
Yea me neither!
Enjoy Friday, stay warm all!
Its freezing here for sure -- 12 degrees. They cancelled all the schools (a six county area) just in case it got as cold as they thought this morning. Whoo hoo!
BBrrrrrrrrr... it's too cold to even wrrrrrrite. MMMommy Nature's mad. She's taking it out on my shocks (which need to be replaced...I've never heard a car squeak and groan louder.
I'm grilling steaks outside tonight while sipping on my Flying Bisons Blizzard Bock. Is that a commercial or what?
Stay warm everyone. Poor Fargo.
Is it cold again ooutside?
Mom and dad are off to Sanibel Islands today (should we tell them it's only in the 50's right now?), so I grab them, take them to the airport and then go straight from the airport back up north to Zachary's Bball game in Sanborn. There's a few miles on the truck.
Enjoy the day everyone.
Feeling a little better today, until I turned on the tv; then I suddenly was sick to my stomach again. Isn't Obama's 4 years over yet?????????
Would it make you all too sad if we told you that it has been close to 80 every day since we arrived?
OK, then we won't say a word...
How about them Arizona Cardinals??And to think it all started for them when they beat up on the Bills and Trent. Will keep checking in. Keep up all of the MLK day and inaugual updates. Wish you were all here.
OK here it is MLK Monday..
I can officially say I am sick of snow! The whole weekend, shovel, watch tv, shovel, watch tv etc..
80 degrees, whew that almost sounds too warm! (yea right)
so my mom did not come over yesterday for her usual dinner and a football game sunday, as she was feeling under the weather. She did not want to go to the ER or the Dr, and will have her grocery list ready for me today. I will keep you updated on her.
My brother wants innauguration updates, is there no TV where he is? And he is in Az, the home state of john mccain, so they are probably not showing it, right??
I got nothing, just another week in paradise!
80 in Arizona! Were lucky were not in the negatives anymore. As I turn on the tv, the only thing thing that is on is Barack Obama. Something must be happening tomorrow. But, I am not sure, the focus is on him.
Why didn't anyone in our family run for President? Maybe we can petition the WH to have Holtzapalooza at 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue.
150 million dollars is being spent on the inaugeration and no mention of it being an outrage, 3X's as much as GW and everyone was throwing a stink bomb back then... how can you spend that much?. Double standards, double standards.
Anywho... we had an fun day sledding and just being outside. AND (a bonus minus the $$ I spent) no more squeaks in my truck after some nice folk at the garage replaced my ball joint and front shocks. It was so nice driving home instead of bouncing home... and I could hear my radio too.
oops, quick typing, I put an 'e' in inauguration... sorry to all the teachers out there.
Not only is 150 million being spent on an innaugration that was supposed to "go green", but they had to close a local aiport down so that all the private jets could fly in.
Unfortunately dr took me out of work until Thursday due to pnemonia, I will be stuck watching it.
Heres some Presidential trivia for you:
Tomorrow, Dick Cheney will be the VP for Barack Obama for one hour. On innauguration day, the president is sworn in at high noon and the VP's are sworn in an hour later.
Prior to Jan 20th, 1932 innauguration day was on March 4th.
wrap obama in bullet proof glass for that hour please.
59 degrees in Sanibal Island today & tomorrow---brrrrr! Should have gone to Disney! (always my answer to everything).
Happy Inauguration day one and all.
still cold and snowy, UGH
Cookie was suppose to be in Baltimore today, and she pretty much told her employer, hellno! can you do that??
Yes Jnna home with pneumonia! And no word if my mom is feeling better?
have a great day one and all!
Boy, am I glad I passed along to EVERYONE I know that Cheney was Obama's VP for an hour. Boy, did I look like a dolt on that one. Everyone looked at me when Biden got sworn in at 11:55 so I quickly pulled an Ashley Simpson and did an Irish jig up to the pizza table.
I used to use our family blog as a news source. Here's an edict: I just might not believe everything I read now.
so im an idiot sorry im a useless suck up
I must apologize to my vousin JFF. My source was CNN. Last week they stated that Joseph R biden wouldn't be sworn in until 1pm.
I should never trust CNN.
Wishin' I was yellow so I could be mellow...
CNN would sell your cat's fur to a mouse if they had a chance... I don't even know what that means... but they'd do it.
What was with that poem???
I think Adm should do a poem blog on the Red Sox nation.
Anonymous??? Was that John Mccain?
No comments about Caroline Kennedy bowing out of the Senate race? I thought someone would be all over that this morning.
Now that I have been home sick for the past week, I have been kept up to date with all the latest breaking news. Luckily for us once they close Gitmo, all the prisoners and terrorists will be scattered out in the U.S.
Red Sox Nation is an abombination,
Its the boys in PinStripes that will leave you with no Gripes!
The End
Very nice poem... and it rhymed. Very tough to do obviously.
Does it really matter who are Jr. senator is? Patterson's going to appoint some liberal just like himself, probably some one he owes money to and then that person is going to nothing just like Hillary. Boy, don't I sound a bit synical.
The paper says: She pulled out as there was some unflattering reports flying around about her. She definately has a tax problem, she also has a nanny problem and there are rumors about her marriage! Plus Gov Patterson felt she was unqualified...
It will be Andrew Cuomo, shockers!
Unqualified??? Ya think?
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