As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Even though the picture is of GG posing without beer. Who's the mysterious beer pose? Nice sweater.
Double beer pose with family.
This one's always the best. Sharing a cold refreshing beverage with another that truly enjoys the beer. Notice the pretzels.
Empty beer pose. No one should be put through this cruel torture.
Dog head in cooler pose. Can you blame her? Here we are enjoying our beer on a beautiful evening and she's without. How unfair.
Delicare as a flower beer pose. Remember kids, when trying to impress the girl next you and show her how much class and elegance you have. Pinkies out.
End of the night beer pose. Nothing screams end of the night like tie-dye t-shirts and big goofy grins. This too impresses the ladies.