Even though the picture is of GG posing without beer. Who's the mysterious beer pose? Nice sweater.

Double beer pose with family.
This one's always the best. Sharing a cold refreshing beverage with another that truly enjoys the beer. Notice the pretzels.
Empty beer pose. No one should be put through this cruel torture.
Dog head in cooler pose. Can you blame her? Here we are enjoying our beer on a beautiful evening and she's without. How unfair.
Delicare as a flower beer pose. Remember kids, when trying to impress the girl next you and show her how much class and elegance you have. Pinkies out.
End of the night beer pose. Nothing screams end of the night like tie-dye t-shirts and big goofy grins. This too impresses the ladies.
For the first time on the blog, I am speechless. Cousin Jff has opened my eyes up to a whole new outlook on drinking.
And yippee, I am the first to post. I got nothing, but I am trying to hide from the painting crew before they give me a brush.
What can possibly be better than a beer blog to open the weekend celebrations. So much going on!!! I know that the house painting will be a complete success and everything will be wrapped up by the end of the weekend. If my prime painting days were not behind me, i would be there, scraper in hand. Nphw jff, you have outdone yourself. I think that you covered most every possible pose. The extended pinky was definitely YOU.
You forgot Jnna's "Oh Crap, I forgot I don't like this kinda beer" pose...(right Jll?)
Great Beer Blog!
I love it! I am on scrapping break! So we rented a powerwasher to get things moving, and were warned that it is very powerful, could shatter glass, yadadayadayada, and when put in use our shower was more powerful, thankgoodness Mr Fixxit stopped by on the way home from the Allentown Art Festival, He identified the problem ASAP, solved the problem and was on his way! Much like a super hero!
Back to work!
Mr. Fixxit to the rescue, got to love it.
Sitting outside with a fire a blazin' asking cuzin' Jll "what's hip" questions.
What a gorgeous day today. We totally took advantage of it, spent the whole day outside.
Zach has two more days left of school and then we're off to see Blue Oyster Cult at ArtPark... not sure if that's his reward or mine.
Hey, it's Monday. K and her fellow traveller are back in Atlanta, Auntie and I are resting up from our busy weekend, I am sure that the painting is complete at 431 and I have to get ready to make my drive in for a token appearance today at work. Exam correcting will start tomorrow, a task that I could do without but, what the heck. Enjoy the day all, it's the only one we have today.
After being outside for 2 straight days, scraping paint off the house, I am certainly feeling it this morning.
No painting yet. Maybe another weekend of scraping and we will be on our way.
OMG, can you believe its Monday!
Yea to Monday! cuz that always leads to tues, to wed, to thurs, to FRIDAY!
Cookie and good gary and jnna, made a good start on painting, but as everyone knows this is a painstaking process! but I am very happy with our start!
Invited my mom over,but she already had plans?? Such a social calendar of our matriarch!
An absolutely gorgeous weekend!
Any one who stayed inside, you missed it!
I thnk all families should come up with each individual beer poses!
Soon to come, Koch Beer Poses, while on a ladder!
Race through your workday!
Quiet on here... No one has a witty comment to brighten our mundane Wednesday?
Hey, it is wed., right? Me, I will be spending the day reading bad essays. Re-reading Auntie B.is it Koch beer poses or poses with Koch's beer? I think that pictures of family members holding that famous "lighter lager" are definitely called for. That would mean more work for somebody else, but that is one of the things that I am good at, figuring out work for other people. Enjoy the day all. The forecast calls for this as being first of a number of moist days to come.
Our blog has been pretty quiet??
So here we are at Wed? With rain coming, can we scrape in the rain?
Just curious?
Did everyone see that stallworth gets 7 days in jail for running someone over, but vick got a yr in prison for dog fighting?
Other than that, nothing really going on!
Ewwww... Koch's Golden Anniversary. Remember that? We got 5 free pitchers of that stuff after our softball games while playing for the now defunct Bachelor's Den. I say ewwwwwww again. Is there such thing as memory vurps? Because I think Pavlov would have studied a memory reflex.
My nephew has an away message up at his place of employment?
Where did he go? And why can't you ans email from home?
Oh I can, I just choose nahhhhhhhhhh...
sorry I just fell off my comfy chair.
Rainy, cold, gloomy = yuck
Got a voicemail from Gram 2 days ago who sounded distraught, urging us to call her. I returned her call today. (It took me awhile to get around to it). Her problem was solved, she accidently pressed the DVD button on her remote, and was confused as to why she had no cable and was staring at a blue tv screen for two days.
After that comotion, Ruth (Gram's BF) called and told Nancy to hunker down that Russia was attacking, and she saw it with her own eyes.
Heres hoping thats not a premonition.
Glad to hear that the tv crisis was resolved, with or without the Ruskies. It's Friday, and better to be here than holding an Open ticket at Bethpage. I was all set yesterday to enjoy a pleasant afternoon switching back and forth between the Open, the yankees game and the Bisons game and, you know the rest. Stay dry. More essays to read!!
Ugh, unfortunately a day of rain outs, 0 for 3 Unckie.
Today Zach and I are going golfing with Mr. Fixxit, his first time out. Unfortunately I've been up since 5AM and not with that Christmas morning excitement either. Hopefully, I'll be fine tonight for the big sosh (that's short for social... from the movie Meatballs).
How's KDH down in Hot'lanta?
Is the rice clan going to bethpage black to golf. Because on the TV it does look a little waterlogged!
Just a side note, that I hope that all future generations have the DNA of Anastasia Camille Fronczak.
Because last nite, she seriously is amazing! She ate everybite of her fishfry did not leave a crumb, shopped for her groceries and then headed to home to watch her TV, now that the DVD is off. At 92, may all of us be able to clean our plates! Of course she did have her shirt on inside out, but that is another story!
Wearing a shirt inside out as a trade for 92 and an appetite? I will take that tradeoff in a heartbeat.
Hope that the folks at 431 plan on using a water based paint today. Quite the spring/summer so far.
No travels down to Bethpage Black but definitely on the bucket list.
GG is the bomb! I wear my shirts inside out now and everyone knows about my appetite. So, hopefully I can sustain it another 50 years... ugh, did I just say 50 years?
Sandra and I had dinner last night at the River Grill and had a very nice meal and time there.
Painting has been suspended at 431 as Mother Nature took control today.
A very Happy Father's Day (a day early) to all the dads out there. May you get everything you wanted and spend quality time with your children.
Supposed to have a tournment today, that is postponed as well.
Father's Day! Yeah, I get to go fishing, drink coffee all day, eat donuts, sleep... oh wait... it's Father's Day. I don't get to do any of those things.
so I was feeling a little guilty that my mother had been unable to watch her TV for 2 days because, she was DVR'ing something, which of course she did not have a DVR.
So with the plethora of rain forcasted for the weekend, and painting definately on hold, I planned a road trip down to honeyoye on Saturday for lunch. So cookie and I packed up the Honda and headed out in a driving rainstorm for the lake. And of course Anastasia was most appreciative as was cousin barb and chuck happy to see us!
so we had a nice day yesterday inspite of the rain!
Happy fathers day to all you Dad's!
May the day be what you want it to be!
Wow, some people know how to spend a rainy day. What a nice thing for Mom. Sorry about the loss of a paint day, but as a veteran I can tell you that the job will get done, eventually, sorry, I had to laugh as I was listening to the 40's radio station and they were playing Spike Jones and "the race": "It's cabbage by a head, Mother in law nagging in the rear, and the winner is......BEETLEBAUM"!! I have had my laugh for the day. Enjoy it , it's the first day of summer.
Talked to Mom and she was actually "glowing" over her trip yesterday. Apparently nc jll showed great skill in navigating down to the Wilsons. Great job!
Hey family, and happy fathers day to one and all. hot as hades -- had to stay inside all weekend to avoid harmful smog levels. Feeling a little stir crazy! At least I didn't have to paint -- or watch it rain.
Sounds like people had a nice weekend. Good to hear. I/we was/were busy Friday AM until 8:30 Sunday night. I usually prefer it a lil' slower paced... but you take it how it comes. Now it's time to slow 'er down a notch.
Wow! What a gorgeous day... close to being perfect. I grilled, we ate, played a little game (where you throw balls on a string) thanks to Aldi's low low prices. And just got done basking my face in the warm sun. Thank goodness for tall fences.
Tuesday is finally here!
TGIT! I am trying to start a new trend, giving Tuesday the recognition it deserves!
Other than that I got nothin!
happy thursday! I do believe my brother and his lovely wife are on his dream birthday vacation! So maybe they will take the time to drop us a line every now and then til he returns to the fold!
Our blog is definately seasonal! when the weather is nice, none of us touch our keyboards, except at work of course!
Cookie had a hot sweltering 24 hours in fort myers!
sigh, another day that joe girardi is still the manager...
get through it!
Its true -- mom and dad landed in Salt Lake City late last night-- they're on their way and VERY excited!
Will there be a Michael Jackson blog or a Farrah blog? Decisions decisions.
or an Ed McMahon blog???
Which pop culture Icon will be blog worthy?
Stay tuned....
Heading to my friends house for a Friday night get together. My friend informed me that we will have a drinking gam, every time we change the channel and we see Michael Jackson on tv, we have to do a shot.
I am up to this challenge!
What an absolutely gorgeous day in WNY! Warm and sunny with a nice breeze, sigh, great day to be alive!
The painting crew was here bright and early with gg hitting the high peaks and cookie working the post!
My tribute to the NBA draft, kind of quiet on the blog, as everyone is busy... enjoy...
Monday masquerading as Tuesday!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
not much chatter on the blog...I got nothing.
cookie, we can talk to each other?
We were up in Toronto for the weekend. We went to the Hall of Fame on Saturday and ate at the Overdraught Pub for dinner and then on Sunday, went to the Phillies/ Blue Jays game. Good times, good times.
Stayed home today to catch up on life. Then decided to rip down the barn wood in the dining room. That was my day.
Happy Birthday Unkie! I got nothing. Heading to NYC this weekend to catch Yankee game. I will try not to get nose bleed seats so I can actually walk up and down stairs.
Rub it in.
Happy Birthday Unckie (39 again?), hopefully you didn't spend your morning golfing in the rain. Did Auntie treat you well tooday?
Kids are outside playing. Casey's barking her head off, litterally, I had to pick it up twice.
Sandra's out back enjoying the sun. I'm gonna join her.
Have fun in NYC.
Do we really need Hinske?
Tried a long comment before, but could not get it posted. Trying again from casper, wyoming.
Hmm, that one went thru. We are off to see the rematch of last thurs. idaho falls vs. casper shootout. Auntie is thrilled since she fellin love with the Chukar second sacker. Keep that painting going
rain delay??? Hinske???
Casper Ranches for Sale?
Beautiful Wyoming land starting at $995/acre. Schedule a tour today.
Do you think my brother saw this add in the Casper Sun & Times?
Also you could have your birthday party at the Casper Ghosts game for 115$, invite 10 friends and throw out the first pitch! Maybe next yr AP? MMM could a pirate gift this year be a signature glow in the dark cap???
Hope you had a great birthday!
Have fun in Casper. No, seriously, I didn't mean that to sound sarcastic.
Auntie has to be in her glory out there. Smilin' from ear to ear I imagine. I'm so jealous.
happy 07-01! It is always a good sign to flip your calendar over to July! so cookie is in chicago as we speak and she says it is cold and rainy, so we all know what that means, cold and rainy on the way! not good!
So who has big plans for this holiday weekend??? speak up dont be shy. Everyone is going to be jealous for what the kochs are doing, we are holding a bbq, where you need to come dressed as your favorite painter, I know I know, creative idea! so all you Picassos's, Michaelangelo's, Sherwin Williams out there, come on down!
Enjoy the day!
We'll be down in the southtowns under a tent (trying to keep dry) at a wedding. Enjoy painting.
Grilled us some Mahi Mahi tonight... delish.
Now I'm going outside to enjoy 13 minutes of summer.
so here we are, another rainy day!
what is up with that!
Did everyone enjoy there canada day holiday, yea me neither..
Day before a day off, so not motivated... But I read one of the keys to success is:
" Do what you should do
When you should do it
Whether you feel like it or not"
and of course to marry well!
stay warm dry and safe!
Okay, even I'm getting tired of looking at me in tie-dye... we need a Casper blog.
Outside of the rain, is anything else going on?
Through the wonders of inflight internet, I'm updating my family on the WAY to Denver CO -- going to meet M&D for a little rockies fun. I've never been to the mountains before -- and M&D should need a break from each other -- so all signs point to a good trip. Good luck squeezing in some painting and hot dogs amidst the rain this weekend, family! And happy 4th of July! I'll try to take good pictures to do a blog.
I know that there will be a new blog up ASAP!
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