As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Brother
Happy Birthday to the best brother ever! No matter what you choose to do, I hope you (and your new nose) have a great day.
Hey there!! Happy B-Day Son of mine. Looks like K trumped what Mom had in store for the blog. Hope that you have a great day today. I do remember where I was painting 33 years ago today, and the somewhat frantic ride into DeGraff. Enjoy your day!!
Happy Birthday Adm! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Whatcha' do? I know for my birthday. I always have big (and sometimes suprising) plans for me and my family.
Did my tonawanda run today, which involved the library, bank,dollar store, athena's, tops and al-kaida. the big crisis was the lack of Sahlen's ham at tops but we survived. the painters have been silent of late. no updates????
Did you say Sahlens ham??? Not sahlens ham, it is Krakus ham wafer thin! Sheesh So yea, painting, UGH GG came over today on his day off, as surprise surprise it is suppose to rain saturday and sunday! So, tomorrow we are meeting GG's mom and dad, who are named gary and sue! how funny is that! I am just going to throw this question out there??? How many beers can I have before it borders on innappropriate? 1-2? 3-4? More than 4? Response please
Another gary and sue? I don't envy your having to try and keep all of that straight. Drinks? It used to be, maybe still is, the general rule at business related functions: for men, one drink, order a second but never finish it. For women, one drink, but nver to be finished. This may help to explain why Holtzes never flourished in the world of business. But this isn't business so I would say...take an 18 of labatts with you, but try to share, at least a little.Yes, and it was Sahlens ham, but she fell back on the Krakas.
Why get an 18 pack when a 30 pack is only 17.99 at Sam's. Be economical, don't worry about meeting new family. It'll give them something to talk about as you have a heated conversation with your salad.
My first year in the busines office we all went out on a site seeing tour. We stopped off for lunch somewhere and I ordered a beer with my lunch during work hours. The following 26 others all ordered a pop or water, even my buddy left me hanging. I did finish it, but didn't order another one.
OMG! What a laugh I just had, you two guys are way to funny! Happy Friday.. Still up in the air about how many beers to order, maybe I should just drink them before I go? Decisions, Decisions.. Bro, did you order a drink when you met A's mom and dad?
Poor Jeff, Always the trendsetter but no one ever follows along!
Looks like the rain isn't going to come in until late tomorrow afternoon so we can definately put the painting crew to work tomorrow. Almost done with your ladder Jeff! We will have it back to you before the end of summer!
Antie B, if you drink your beer out of a red cup, no one knows how many you've had -- just dispose of the bottles/cans carefully (in your purse... pack a big one). And definately pre-load. That's important. I recommend one in the driveway before you enter.
What I always do is have a couple before leaving the house, one in the parkinglot/driveway and then 2 at dinner. My plan makes EVERYTHING easier even if I don't remember much about the evening.
Jff- Did you get your wrinkled invite to the shower? I have lost sleep worrying it might not have made it to you.
I know that I, among many others, are waiting for a report from Auntie B regarding last nite. With all of the great advice available, I know that everything went swimmingly, unless of course UG was turned loose in the kitchen to make and serve drinks.
Good morning family, friends and fans of the blog! Looks like a nice saturday?? So the obligatory meet n greet went very well last evening. We went to Sterling Pub, a little bar, amazing food, great beer! So Geo and I got there a little early, we had stoppped at premier, I wanted to get the mom and dad a bottle of wine, so I got a bottle of Dessert wine from spain, Yes/No? And of course they have the wine tasting table when you walk in, and needless to say UG was inebraited from the free samples! But anywhoo got there a little early for a drink at the bar, requested a table for 6, and waited, and waited???? Then a very nice looking couple walks in, and I recognized them as being GG 's rents, as Gary looks like his mom! And the dad, a huge yankee fan, was dressed in a yankee shirt! A good time was had by all, they are very nice people, love our jill, and are excited to be part of "our family". It is early in the relationship, so that may change! Work work work today! OBTW, GREAT GAME
Another Yankee win last night. I think I'll wear blue stripes to church today... oh, why be subtle, I'll just wear my Yankee polo. Going for the sweep tonight.
Glad to hear everything went well for dinner. Spanish dessert wine sounds good to me. Nice choice.
Baseball season, for me, officially ended last week. The rest of the summer, and probably the fall will be much too painful to bear. I am really glad to hear that the extended family acquired more yankee fans. Just what we needed, along with another beautiful WNY weekend and maybe lots of locusts.
Adm, what game did you think I was talking about? Oh that game, in your birthday week NEVER, I was referring to david beckham returning to the LA Galaxy after playing the first few weeks of the season in Europe. silly adm So priming is finished and we began today by putting paint on the house, and we litterally did 4 rows, and we were warned to take cover! I think cookie and I wll go to the movies...
just returned from seeing Julia/Julie, very cute movie, most enjoyable. Sun is out and we all have returned to work Oddly enough, in response to K, cookie rec'd this week an invitation to the EP, that was returned and marked "undeliverable" and it was to UJ. Patrick Kane has a horrible buffalo bar reputation, fighting, getting thrown out, throwing beers on people, obnoxious to woman, skipping out on tabs, etc .... But assault, ouch!
Back on line after a 5 hour weather related blackout. Undeliverable??? That term did not exist back in my Uncle Larry's day. If he were still with us I would put him on the case. No wonder the USPS is going under. How much of the Bills game do we watch this evening? And what is our take from it?
Turned the Bills game on just in time to see the Titans trick play and I shut it off! I hope this is not of what is to come during the regular season...............
AP, I forgot to stop by. But planning on it tomorrow. Will you be around?
This just in: The Red Socks did score in NYC, for those who thought that they wouldn't, and the Buffalo Williams were ground into dust by Jeff Fisher's 1st team. How is your world going? But I got the garbage out early this week.
I seem to recall a weather day a few yrs back that resembled yesterday and we were at a shower! The bills game, not sure what to make of it, as the starters were there only temp? Very excited for our weekend get together! I'm bringing the corn! Enjoy Monday, like no other!
My brother sent that e-mail today. That's classic, Lady trying to grill up some ribs when some teenage hooligans make of with them, right off the grill too. What's the world coming to?
Patrick Kane has a bar reputation? Isn't he only 19?
so is everyone as excited as I am that it is Tuesday??? this rain is relentless, isnt it? So what is going on with everybody? Jff is back at work RR posts anonymously on the blog My sister thinks she posts on the blog Jff is in second place, 23 games out of first other than that, I thnk that covers it all... enjoy the day under the flourescents!
Just spent the better part of half an hour reviewing the post 2006 palooza blog entries. Boy we were a prolific fun-loving group way back then. And younger too. I won't even bore you with the math. K comes in tomorrow AM and our busy weekend begins. YEAH!!!
here we are at thursday, who knew we would get here so quickly! so lets see what is going on! The excitement over showerapallooza continues to build, I have to go get gramma a new shirt! K any preferance on color and style? My sister calls me at least well once anyway with our appetizer menu. Its cheese and crackers, not sure why it required a phone call?? So rick pitino apologized for an indescretion 6 years ago??? I quess the statute of limitations never runs out on being a cad! enjoy the day and all it brings!
Is this summer? Not sure, it's been a year since I last seen it.
Emma was beyond excited, she called all of her friends. Twice.
I can't wait until Saturday, a gorgeous day expected and I expect nothing other than a Jim Dandy time. Don't tell Bob Dandy, you know how jealous he gets.
The guest of honor is in town and excited beyond control.
Linda said to remind you to bring those bathing suits and apologizes in advance because this is the week her road got torn up for repaving. It is driveable and her house is on the corner so it will be fine.
The one year count down to the big day starts today!
Looking forward to tomorrow, not so much the painting though. I am fairly confident that the house will be completely painted (minus little touch ups) by Sunday!
Now that is kind of enthusiasm that is needed for a successful paint job nc jll. Way to go. A year from today? Wow. I am afraid that it will be here before we know it. Enjoy the warm friday all.
Happy friday, and welcome quest of honor! So geo has the west side of the house, I have the north side, and hopefully we wont meet! we are making some progress. We were hoping that Jnna would be more helpful, but awesome austin is here with his needs list for his freshman yr. They left for waleymart hours ago??? smart people Can not wait to see you niece, smiling ear to ear just thinkin about it!
We can't wait for tomorrow, I told the kids we had the honors of waking up Kristen first thing in the morning to get the day started and Emma has morning games for everyone to play. Kidding, kidding.
Worked on the touch ups as I believe the entire WNY area was also school supply shopping with us. We got everything on the list and then some. Yankee folders, Yankee binders.
Priming early AM. So excited for the party tomorrow!
We had such a wonderful night last night. KDH looks amazing as expected! The kids swam and had a great time. We had the best of company with a wonderful hostess. (Just trying to see how many times I can say great and wonderful). Austin and Grandma slept as soon as we got in the car.
Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful night.
Looks like I am the early riser to begin painting.
Ditto to daughter jnna! the guest of honor, looked wonderful! Happy and Healthy and ready to take on the world! The food, the drink, the setting, what a wonderful wonderful day! Can not thank the Hostess enough! and all that made it possible. Yesterday was one of the days you think about on a gray feb day, and it will make you smile! When jnna has everything ready to go we will post the link so everyone can catch, Bed time stories by Gramma.. Catchy dont ya think? Travel safe to all those leaving today, we will miss you! AND to top it all off the Bills won. It definately was a red letter day for the bailey building and loan!
Thank you to nc jnn for hitting all of the high points. A most enjoyable time and especial (that term to help Adm along in his teaching) shoutout to aunties b and s for the great appetizers. Looks like we will be spending the day chasing the big o, he was still going at 10 last nite, and eating leftover pizza and salad. Eric and K left this morning at 5 and were back in hotlanta by 9ish so all is well there. Enjoy the day all, and for the first time all summer, keep cool.
The party was a lot of fun and it looks like K got some good stuff. 5am departure...Ouch!
I hate to say it but the sweltering heat did us in yesterday. After doing the front and 2 sides in the 87º sun, Gary and I gave up. All we have left is the very top of the back and this adventure will be over.
How can it be Monday already??? I am sitting at my desk picking paint off my hands! I thought I was clean?? Great weekend, great party, back to work... that says it all enjoy the day
House is empty after a whale of a weekend as A, A and O began their drive back after breakfast this morning. I don't envy them their drive in the heat but they were talking about stopping at fort stanwix in utica and maybe springfield, ma to give the big o a chance to run around. Me, I'm trying to keep cool, something not uttered too much this summer. Enjoy
Wow, wow, wow! What a weekend I had. Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of love and good wishes and wonderful gifts. It was an amazing day. Back in the atl but heading to the beach for a little fun and sun -- nothing better than napping in the sand. I have to fit in my slacking off now, don't you think??
Well, here we are at Wed., one of Auntie B's top 5 favorite days of the week, only surpassed by Sat., Sun., Fri and Thurs. Getting closer to the opening of school everyday so I guess that I need some time to figure out what I am going to be doing. Is this next weekend going to be a downer for everyone since it lies between fun weekends, or does anyone have something exciting in the offing? Not me. Enjoy
so yesterday, my boss, Jnna's boss and geo's boss sent all of us to the Motivation Seminar at HSBC.. So we got MOTIVATED to reach all of our goals, (none of which are work related) and listen to Rudy and Joe and Colin etc... And we had good parking so we did not get caught in the jam.. other than that back at the paper laden desk, and yes this weekend will be a let down! UC, still undecided about Sept?? Let me pass on some words of Wisdom by Steve Forbes, in 5 years the economy will be a bigger mess than what it is now,(infaltion) and you will need at least 7 different forms of income to survive your retirement, so lets list them. 1. Pension 2. 401K 3. Social Security 4. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds 5. Savings 6. Investments 7. mmmm what could 7 be, oh TEACHING! Decison made. Get your back to school wardrobe in order..
Bad, bad, baseball for triple A. Four and a half hours for 3-0 and a 2-0 games. The high point was watching jason dubois get 2 of the 10 hits the bisons had in 14 innings and raise his average by 60 pts. That and seeing another Molina-Gustavo-catch the 2nd game. Too hot to drink beer. That's it for me and the bisons this year.
Exactly 9 days until the big bash! I was put in charge of ordering chairs- Done, Completing the special project room- Not done, and delegating Austin in charge of kids toys- Done.
during the Civil War being a Yankee ment you believed in freedom, equality and justice. It symbolized what our nation would become. A red sock is just an article of clothing that can turn your whites pink. Go Yankees!! Go freedom and equality and yes go America
Well said ANONY after a 20-11 pounding of the Red Sux last night. AND as Emma said last night (while we laughed, enjoyed popcorn and imaginary fireworks), "it's okay to hate the team, but not the players, right daddy?"... My response. "Emma, darling, it's okay to hate some of the players."
Good luck finishing the task at hand Jll. I betcha' UC has some encouraging words as you guys are closing in on that final lap.
are you ever really done painting? No seriously, are you ever really done?? Painting is a task that the more you look at it, the more you see you need to do. We are done, as it is pouring, and well we are done. Kind of glad it is raining, Yankee game and then the bills. I think I will just watch TV?? enjoy the second to last saturday in August.... sigh, where did the summer go???
so what's worse... losing 20-11 or 14-1? I vote for the latter. By the way, some would say that the original yankees were power hungry, large government supporters who stopped at nothing to limit states and individual rights. Its all in how you look at it I guess.
Well, we had for an interesting afternoon yesterday, a huge truck flying down the street caught hold off our electric , cable, and phone lines and ripped them down. The telephone pole snapped off at the base because of the truck's force and landed on this guy's roof. As quick as you can say "Boston stinks" our power went out. Thank goodness it wasn't last week when we needed our ceiling fans going at full speed just to survive. 911 was called and our fire fighting heroes put out the electrical fire on the guys fence (big hole). Won't that guy be surprised when he gets back from vacation?
WoW! That anonymous person really has some pithy observations. I wonder if that crash last nite in JT's neighborhood was responsible for our cable going out at 730 last nite and thus denying me the Opportunity?? to see our beloved bills in action. In my experience Auntie B, yes, there is always something that "you" can see that "could" use more work. The key is to not look in that direction. Thus the painting is over when you say it is over. If I were you, I would say that it was over and move on, and since Auntie P. was last seen with a handful of paint charts I am guessing that my time will soon be at hand. If I declare it over now can I avoid starting? Oh, by the way, my day started yesterday morning with my hitting my first deer in 35 years out here. Fortunately it was a small one, low to the ground, I was going maybe 30 or so, and the deer did 5 magnificent full rolls down Grover rd. before disappearing into the brush. Couldn't see any damage to the car, so I was lucky. Drive carefully. I never saw it. Enjoy the Sunday all.
Hmm for dinner would I rather have a delicious NY Strip steak or a bowl of Boston Baked beans? Its that easy people. The Yankees are grade a choice and the red sox are the crappy extra side dish from KFC.
such levity on a sunday! Lets see who brings there "A" game tonite all... Will it be the pukashell wearing beckett or the formidible CC? Glad your car did not sustain any damage, as deer have been known to kill people, no wait that is icicles.. return to the grindstone in less that 24. UGH
Wow I've missed a lot away from the blog. As the lone Holtz resident of the south, I won't share my opinions on what "yankees" mean in these parts. It was a fun game to watch yesterday though!
Back to Monday...Another weekend flies by. The painting is done. Thankfully!!! And I can pretty much say with 100% confidence that I will not do that again.
Ditto the sentiment of your near death collision with a wild beast Unckie. I'm glad your alright and safe from harm. Your lucky that killer wasn't carrying a sidearm and decided to walk away rather than confront you. Maybe if you developed a tick from the experience you won't have to paint.
Good idea. Traumatic stress disorder associated with my experience is enuf to keep anyone off a ladder, particularly in my advanced years. By the way, speaking of stress, filling gg's tops shopping order today fits the bill. Not just the usuals, but light and dark raisins? Erasible pens? tops sugar cookies? Covered some aisles today, along with a stop at the dollar store to get door/wall decorations. Must be some decoration contest at luther manor. Sandra?? Any details on said contest?
Tuesday is finally here! phew.. The food for the bash is all ordered! The drinks are purchased, the tables the chairs, the horesdevors, chck, now all we will need is some sun! raisins??? what is up with that? that is a whole nother food group? Maybe she is sprinkling them on the sugar cookies, to make raisin sugar cookies?? Maybe rck will do the birthday blog for jff, to keep the theme of best brother ever going??? no probably not enjoy the day
Hey there!! Happy B-Day Son of mine. Looks like K trumped what Mom had in store for the blog. Hope that you have a great day today. I do remember where I was painting 33 years ago today, and the somewhat frantic ride into DeGraff. Enjoy your day!!
oh NO! I bet mom's is better. Trump me mom, trump me!! Adam is cool enough to have two back to back birthday blogs!
Happy BDAY ADAM!! Maybe we should have a blog off and see who has the better birthday blog. Come on AP, lets see it!
May you have the best birthday ever!
I got nothing....
Except a great big happy, happy birthday, dear Adam!
thank you thank you. hard to see how any blog could trump that trifecta of pictures... but I'm willing to see what mom had in store!
So what did you do today, Adam? And did you know that you and Obama share a birthday? Amazing!
Happy BD Adam! Hope you had a great day! I am sure the Yanks will pull off a win for you tonight!
Expecting a painting update after yesterday's beautiful weather. I am guessing that all has been completed, right?
Happy Birthday Adm! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Whatcha' do? I know for my birthday. I always have big (and sometimes suprising) plans for me and my family.
Happy birthday from the rest of the Rice clan too!
Did my tonawanda run today, which involved the library, bank,dollar store, athena's, tops and al-kaida. the big crisis was the lack of Sahlen's ham at tops but we survived. the painters have been silent of late. no updates????
Did you say Sahlens ham??? Not sahlens ham, it is Krakus ham wafer thin! Sheesh
So yea, painting, UGH GG came over today on his day off, as surprise surprise it is suppose to rain saturday and sunday!
So, tomorrow we are meeting GG's mom and dad, who are named gary and sue! how funny is that!
I am just going to throw this question out there??? How many beers can I have before it borders on innappropriate? 1-2? 3-4?
More than 4? Response please
Another gary and sue? I don't envy your having to try and keep all of that straight. Drinks? It used to be, maybe still is, the general rule at business related functions: for men, one drink, order a second but never finish it. For women, one drink, but nver to be finished. This may help to explain why Holtzes never flourished in the world of business. But this isn't business so I would say...take an 18 of labatts with you, but try to share, at least a little.Yes, and it was Sahlens ham, but she fell back on the Krakas.
Why get an 18 pack when a 30 pack is only 17.99 at Sam's. Be economical, don't worry about meeting new family. It'll give them something to talk about as you have a heated conversation with your salad.
My first year in the busines office we all went out on a site seeing tour. We stopped off for lunch somewhere and I ordered a beer with my lunch during work hours. The following 26 others all ordered a pop or water, even my buddy left me hanging. I did finish it, but didn't order another one.
Ouch!! A single beer? Why not have a single salted peanut at the ballpark? Worse than waterboarding.
OMG! What a laugh I just had, you two guys are way to funny!
Happy Friday..
Still up in the air about how many beers to order, maybe I should just drink them before I go?
Decisions, Decisions..
Bro, did you order a drink when you met A's mom and dad?
Poor Jeff, Always the trendsetter but no one ever follows along!
Looks like the rain isn't going to come in until late tomorrow afternoon so we can definately put the painting crew to work tomorrow. Almost done with your ladder Jeff! We will have it back to you before the end of summer!
Antie B, if you drink your beer out of a red cup, no one knows how many you've had -- just dispose of the bottles/cans carefully (in your purse... pack a big one). And definately pre-load. That's important. I recommend one in the driveway before you enter.
What I always do is have a couple before leaving the house, one in the parkinglot/driveway and then 2 at dinner. My plan makes EVERYTHING easier even if I don't remember much about the evening.
Jff- Did you get your wrinkled invite to the shower? I have lost sleep worrying it might not have made it to you.
We did, we did Auntie P. We'll be there bright and early at 8AM.
One salted peanut, exactly... I couldn't have explained it any clearer.
I know that I, among many others, are waiting for a report from Auntie B regarding last nite. With all of the great advice available, I know that everything went swimmingly, unless of course UG was turned loose in the kitchen to make and serve drinks.
Good morning family, friends and fans of the blog! Looks like a nice saturday??
So the obligatory meet n greet went very well last evening. We went to Sterling Pub, a little bar, amazing food, great beer! So Geo and I got there a little early, we had stoppped at premier, I wanted to get the mom and dad a bottle of wine, so I got a bottle of Dessert wine from spain, Yes/No?
And of course they have the wine tasting table when you walk in, and needless to say UG was inebraited from the free samples!
But anywhoo got there a little early for a drink at the bar, requested a table for 6, and waited, and waited???? Then a very nice looking couple walks in, and I recognized them as being GG 's rents, as Gary looks like his mom! And the dad, a huge yankee fan, was dressed in a yankee shirt! A good time was had by all, they are very nice people, love our jill, and are excited to be part of "our family". It is early in the relationship, so that may change!
Work work work today!
during my birthday week, ab? is nothing sacred?
Another Yankee win last night. I think I'll wear blue stripes to church today... oh, why be subtle, I'll just wear my Yankee polo. Going for the sweep tonight.
Glad to hear everything went well for dinner. Spanish dessert wine sounds good to me. Nice choice.
Baseball season, for me, officially ended last week. The rest of the summer, and probably the fall will be much too painful to bear. I am really glad to hear that the extended family acquired more yankee fans. Just what we needed, along with another beautiful WNY weekend and maybe lots of locusts.
Adm, what game did you think I was talking about? Oh that game, in your birthday week NEVER, I was referring to david beckham returning to the LA Galaxy after playing the first few weeks of the season in Europe. silly adm
So priming is finished and we began today by putting paint on the house, and we litterally did 4 rows, and we were warned to take cover! I think cookie and I wll go to the movies...
anyone hear from Uncle John lately?
just returned from seeing Julia/Julie, very cute movie, most enjoyable.
Sun is out and we all have returned to work
Oddly enough, in response to K, cookie rec'd this week an invitation to the EP, that was returned and marked "undeliverable"
and it was to UJ.
Patrick Kane has a horrible buffalo bar reputation, fighting, getting thrown out, throwing beers on people, obnoxious to woman, skipping out on tabs, etc ....
But assault, ouch!
Back on line after a 5 hour weather related blackout. Undeliverable??? That term did not exist back in my Uncle Larry's day. If he were still with us I would put him on the case. No wonder the USPS is going under. How much of the Bills game do we watch this evening? And what is our take from it?
unfortunately this cabbie was 62 years old, so it doesn't look like UJ will be coming into money.
Turned the Bills game on just in time to see the Titans trick play and I shut it off! I hope this is not of what is to come during the regular season...............
AP, I forgot to stop by. But planning on it tomorrow. Will you be around?
This just in: The Red Socks did score in NYC, for those who thought that they wouldn't, and the Buffalo Williams were ground into dust by Jeff Fisher's 1st team. How is your world going? But I got the garbage out early this week.
I seem to recall a weather day a few yrs back that resembled yesterday and we were at a shower!
The bills game, not sure what to make of it, as the starters were there only temp?
Very excited for our weekend get together! I'm bringing the corn!
Enjoy Monday, like no other!
Other News Worthy Notables:
A rack of ribs was taken off a grill on 9th St. in the Falls. What is this world coming to when your dinner is not safe!
My brother sent that e-mail today. That's classic, Lady trying to grill up some ribs when some teenage hooligans make of with them, right off the grill too. What's the world coming to?
Patrick Kane has a bar reputation? Isn't he only 19?
so is everyone as excited as I am that it is Tuesday???
this rain is relentless, isnt it?
So what is going on with everybody?
Jff is back at work
RR posts anonymously on the blog
My sister thinks she posts on the blog
Jff is in second place, 23 games out of first
other than that, I thnk that covers it all...
enjoy the day under the flourescents!
underage drinking in wny im shocked we need an investigation.
TO has a sore toe and missed practice! Can I call off sick at work with that?
KDH have you heard that excuse yet?
Just spent the better part of half an hour reviewing the post 2006 palooza blog entries. Boy we were a prolific fun-loving group way back then. And younger too. I won't even bore you with the math. K comes in tomorrow AM and our busy weekend begins. YEAH!!!
Looks like great weather for the shindig on Saturday!
Hottest week of the summer. Does that mean an all day painting event on Sat. before the party?
here we are at thursday, who knew we would get here so quickly!
so lets see what is going on! The excitement over showerapallooza continues to build, I have to go get gramma a new shirt! K any preferance on color and style? My sister calls me at least well once anyway with our appetizer menu. Its cheese and crackers, not sure why it required a phone call??
So rick pitino apologized for an indescretion 6 years ago??? I quess the statute of limitations never runs out on being a cad!
enjoy the day and all it brings!
Saw the pix of GN Emma in the News yesterday, above the banner and on the sports page. WAY TO GO EMMA!!
Is this summer? Not sure, it's been a year since I last seen it.
Emma was beyond excited, she called all of her friends. Twice.
I can't wait until Saturday, a gorgeous day expected and I expect nothing other than a Jim Dandy time. Don't tell Bob Dandy, you know how jealous he gets.
The guest of honor is in town and excited beyond control.
Linda said to remind you to bring those bathing suits and apologizes in advance because this is the week her road got torn up for repaving. It is driveable and her house is on the corner so it will be fine.
See you at 4:00 on Sat.
The one year count down to the big day starts today!
Looking forward to tomorrow, not so much the painting though. I am fairly confident that the house will be completely painted (minus little touch ups) by Sunday!
Now that is kind of enthusiasm that is needed for a successful paint job nc jll. Way to go. A year from today? Wow. I am afraid that it will be here before we know it. Enjoy the warm friday all.
Happy friday, and welcome quest of honor!
So geo has the west side of the house, I have the north side, and hopefully we wont meet!
we are making some progress. We were hoping that Jnna would be more helpful, but awesome austin is here with his needs list for his freshman yr. They left for waleymart hours ago??? smart people
Can not wait to see you niece, smiling ear to ear just thinkin about it!
We can't wait for tomorrow, I told the kids we had the honors of waking up Kristen first thing in the morning to get the day started and Emma has morning games for everyone to play. Kidding, kidding.
It's kind of warm today. Or is it just me?
Worked on the touch ups as I believe the entire WNY area was also school supply shopping with us. We got everything on the list and then some. Yankee folders, Yankee binders.
Priming early AM. So excited for the party tomorrow!
Coffee, the paper, and a gorgeous Saturday morning sitting outside. Oh yeah, and the Yankees won too. It's good to be me.
Is it to hot to paint or is it me?
We had such a wonderful night last night. KDH looks amazing as expected! The kids swam and had a great time. We had the best of company with a wonderful hostess. (Just trying to see how many times I can say great and wonderful). Austin and Grandma slept as soon as we got in the car.
Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful night.
Looks like I am the early riser to begin painting.
Ditto to daughter jnna!
the guest of honor, looked wonderful! Happy and Healthy and ready to take on the world!
The food, the drink, the setting, what a wonderful wonderful day!
Can not thank the Hostess enough! and all that made it possible.
Yesterday was one of the days you think about on a gray feb day, and it will make you smile!
When jnna has everything ready to go we will post the link so everyone can catch, Bed time stories by Gramma.. Catchy dont ya think?
Travel safe to all those leaving today, we will miss you!
AND to top it all off the Bills won.
It definately was a red letter day for the bailey building and loan!
Thank you to nc jnn for hitting all of the high points. A most enjoyable time and especial (that term to help Adm along in his teaching) shoutout to aunties b and s for the great appetizers. Looks like we will be spending the day chasing the big o, he was still going at 10 last nite, and eating leftover pizza and salad. Eric and K left this morning at 5 and were back in hotlanta by 9ish so all is well there. Enjoy the day all, and for the first time all summer, keep cool.
The party was a lot of fun and it looks like K got some good stuff.
5am departure...Ouch!
I hate to say it but the sweltering heat did us in yesterday. After doing the front and 2 sides in the 87º sun, Gary and I gave up.
All we have left is the very top of the back and this adventure will be over.
How can it be Monday already???
I am sitting at my desk picking paint off my hands! I thought I was clean??
Great weekend, great party, back to work...
that says it all
enjoy the day
House is empty after a whale of a weekend as A, A and O began their drive back after breakfast this morning. I don't envy them their drive in the heat but they were talking about stopping at fort stanwix in utica and maybe springfield, ma to give the big o a chance to run around. Me, I'm trying to keep cool, something not uttered too much this summer. Enjoy
Wow, wow, wow! What a weekend I had. Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of love and good wishes and wonderful gifts. It was an amazing day. Back in the atl but heading to the beach for a little fun and sun -- nothing better than napping in the sand. I have to fit in my slacking off now, don't you think??
Definitely time to slack off, you don''t wanna jump right back into work. You could pull something.
What a truly wonderful day on Saturday. We had so much fun. Thanks everyone.
Well, here we are at Wed., one of Auntie B's top 5 favorite days of the week, only surpassed by Sat., Sun., Fri and Thurs. Getting closer to the opening of school everyday so I guess that I need some time to figure out what I am going to be doing. Is this next weekend going to be a downer for everyone since it lies between fun weekends, or does anyone have something exciting in the offing? Not me. Enjoy
so yesterday, my boss, Jnna's boss and geo's boss sent all of us to the Motivation Seminar at HSBC.. So we got MOTIVATED to reach all of our goals, (none of which are work related) and listen to Rudy and Joe and Colin etc...
And we had good parking so we did not get caught in the jam..
other than that back at the paper laden desk, and yes this weekend will be a let down!
UC, still undecided about Sept?? Let me pass on some words of Wisdom by Steve Forbes, in 5 years the economy will be a bigger mess than what it is now,(infaltion) and you will need at least 7 different forms of income to survive your retirement, so lets list them.
1. Pension
2. 401K
3. Social Security
4. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
5. Savings
6. Investments
7. mmmm what could 7 be, oh TEACHING! Decison made. Get your back to school wardrobe in order..
Thank you auntie, I too am now motivated to get my back to school wardrobe ready. So motivated in fact that I may take in tomorrow's bisons twin bill.
I'm tempted myself to catch the Bisons play two. I just have to conviince Sandra.
Man. it's hot outside.
Bad, bad, baseball for triple A. Four and a half hours for 3-0 and a 2-0 games. The high point was watching jason dubois get 2 of the 10 hits the bisons had in 14 innings and raise his average by 60 pts. That and seeing another Molina-Gustavo-catch the 2nd game. Too hot to drink beer. That's it for me and the bisons this year.
Exactly 9 days until the big bash! I was put in charge of ordering chairs- Done, Completing the special project room- Not done, and delegating Austin in charge of kids toys- Done.
To hot to work.
Zach and Emma had their final soccer game tonight, so no Bisons for me. Sounds like we missed a humdinger yesterday.
Might be time for a new bllog. How about one on the Casper Ghosts?
during the Civil War being a Yankee ment you believed in freedom, equality and justice. It symbolized what our nation would become. A red sock is just an article of clothing that can turn your whites pink. Go Yankees!! Go freedom and equality and yes go America
that was very moving anonymous. Just what I needed to motivate to finally finish painting this darn house!
Well said ANONY after a 20-11 pounding of the Red Sux last night. AND as Emma said last night (while we laughed, enjoyed popcorn and imaginary fireworks), "it's okay to hate the team, but not the players, right daddy?"... My response. "Emma, darling, it's okay to hate some of the players."
Good luck finishing the task at hand Jll. I betcha' UC has some encouraging words as you guys are closing in on that final lap.
are you ever really done painting? No seriously, are you ever really done?? Painting is a task that the more you look at it, the more you see you need to do. We are done, as it is pouring, and well we are done. Kind of glad it is raining, Yankee game and then the bills. I think I will just watch TV??
enjoy the second to last saturday in August.... sigh, where did the summer go???
so what's worse... losing 20-11 or 14-1? I vote for the latter. By the way, some would say that the original yankees were power hungry, large government supporters who stopped at nothing to limit states and individual rights. Its all in how you look at it I guess.
Well, we had for an interesting afternoon yesterday, a huge truck flying down the street caught hold off our electric , cable, and phone lines and ripped them down. The telephone pole snapped off at the base because of the truck's force and landed on this guy's roof. As quick as you can say "Boston stinks" our power went out. Thank goodness it wasn't last week when we needed our ceiling fans going at full speed just to survive. 911 was called and our fire fighting heroes put out the electrical fire on the guys fence (big hole). Won't that guy be surprised when he gets back from vacation?
WoW! That anonymous person really has some pithy observations. I wonder if that crash last nite in JT's neighborhood was responsible for our cable going out at 730 last nite and thus denying me the Opportunity?? to see our beloved bills in action. In my experience Auntie B, yes, there is always something that "you" can see that "could" use more work. The key is to not look in that direction. Thus the painting is over when you say it is over. If I were you, I would say that it was over and move on, and since Auntie P. was last seen with a handful of paint charts I am guessing that my time will soon be at hand. If I declare it over now can I avoid starting? Oh, by the way, my day started yesterday morning with my hitting my first deer in 35 years out here. Fortunately it was a small one, low to the ground, I was going maybe 30 or so, and the deer did 5 magnificent full rolls down Grover rd. before disappearing into the brush. Couldn't see any damage to the car, so I was lucky. Drive carefully. I never saw it. Enjoy the Sunday all.
Hmm for dinner would I rather have a delicious NY Strip steak or a bowl of Boston Baked beans? Its that easy people. The Yankees are grade a choice and the red sox are the crappy extra side dish from KFC.
such levity on a sunday! Lets see who brings there "A" game tonite all... Will it be the pukashell wearing beckett or the formidible CC?
Glad your car did not sustain any damage, as deer have been known to kill people, no wait that is icicles..
return to the grindstone in less that 24. UGH
Wow I've missed a lot away from the blog. As the lone Holtz resident of the south, I won't share my opinions on what "yankees" mean in these parts. It was a fun game to watch yesterday though!
Back to Monday...Another weekend flies by. The painting is done. Thankfully!!! And I can pretty much say with 100% confidence that I will not do that again.
Ditto the sentiment of your near death collision with a wild beast Unckie. I'm glad your alright and safe from harm. Your lucky that killer wasn't carrying a sidearm and decided to walk away rather than confront you. Maybe if you developed a tick from the experience you won't have to paint.
Good idea. Traumatic stress disorder associated with my experience is enuf to keep anyone off a ladder, particularly in my advanced years. By the way, speaking of stress, filling gg's tops shopping order today fits the bill. Not just the usuals, but light and dark raisins? Erasible pens? tops sugar cookies? Covered some aisles today, along with a stop at the dollar store to get door/wall decorations. Must be some decoration contest at luther manor. Sandra?? Any details on said contest?
Your, you're, yer... whatever.
Tuesday is finally here! phew..
The food for the bash is all ordered! The drinks are purchased, the tables the chairs, the horesdevors, chck, now all we will need is some sun!
raisins??? what is up with that? that is a whole nother food group?
Maybe she is sprinkling them on the sugar cookies, to make raisin sugar cookies??
Maybe rck will do the birthday blog for jff, to keep the theme of best brother ever going??? no probably not
enjoy the day
He could... ya gotta give him a chance... c'mon. Nah, yer probably right.
One more day of work for me and then we're off to Oneonta to see the Tigers and Cyclones battle. I'm getting goose pimples.
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