A reflective blog and tall tales
by JT Pilaf
As soon as we got to Magic Kingdom Sandra went in search of the mayor to ask favors. Not sure what the favors were she was asking but she requested I'd leave with the kids for awhile. Why is that lady laughing?
We had a wonderful time at the Contemporary at our character breakfast.
These gigantic rabbits attcked without warning. R.O.U.S I would imagine. They seemed tame.
We told the kids that the lines for the monorail weren't that long and we wouldn't have to wait long.
Zach beat Caroline or Wendy (can't remember) at Mancala and she got us some fast passes for the Safari Ride.
Aaaaaahhhh... wild anteater attacking my daughter. Ummmmm, yeah.

We had a great time this year. More pics to show up later I would imagine.
I have not been the first to comment on a new blog in a month of sundays! And my nephew is back in the fold! You know since his face book account took off, we have not heard too much from him??
How can a Disney blog not put a smile on your face! It looked like an amazing vacation, and a great time was had by all.
top of the 9th, gotta go an resume my Yankee Rally position!
Exercise your right to vote today!
A belated HB to nc sndr and a big yowzuh for the Disney blog. I don't see the fixxitts tho. Sorry that the technology is getting the best of my nphw. Me, I just embrace the new tech with all my heart and being.
Facebook, blogs, Sandra wants wireless... is there no end to the technology madness?
What happened to the daze of me sitting by our green couch playing with my plastic dinosaurs. How I long for those daze.
LOL, nephew makes me laugh...
So today is election day, and in our house, that is a big day! geo and daughter, are "watchers", that means they go to polling places and tally up the numbers as they are shouted out of the machines, and take them back to the mother ship to see who becomes the next mayor of the city of tonawanda, I know me neither!
So we are all excited to embark on our trip to San Antonio, we are all packed, and just waiting to go to the airport for out 7:45 AM flight. Good thing mrs fixxitt called gramma, as she forgot her night gowns!
Speaking of gramma and voting...
So I pick my mother up today to finish her running around and she gets into the car and she tells me she is very very angry??? So I said what did my brother do?
No NO, let me tell you, she says. So she and Betty went to vote at NT Police station. They pull up in front, and park in one of the many empty spaces in front of the building. They were immediately stopped and told there car would be towed, as those spots were reserved for city hall employees only. So Betty who is 83, got in her car moved it two blocks down the next available space, walked back took gramma into the basement of the building to vote, and then walked back to get the car. Needless to say Anastasia was fired up! In the 70 years she has been voting, this is the most ridiculous, ill conceived voting place she has ever seen, and on and on went her rampage. One call to daughter jnna, and the episode took on a life of its own. Voter intimadation charges were thrown around and said daughter has a call into the board of elections, film at 11
Caroline Jeanne, which one of the 6 people running for the mayor of Atl are you throwing your support behind???
See you next week!
I have a big favor to ask family??
could someone please please please
DVR the New York Yankee's capturing there 27th World Series title for tonight?
As I will be at a poker table.
Thank you
Oh so much to comment on! Yes the situation in Niagara County with gram will be resolved shortly as her legislature will contact her upon her return to apologize. I called the BOE for Niagara County, her legislator, William Ross, and Sen. Maziarz to explain my frustrations. I think I can get gram and her friend Betty to vote a few more times if they want.
Tough night in the COT, as I helped a family friend run for mayor. By the looks of it, he will not win. Dad and I were at Dem headquarters until midnight last night. (I know, I know).
But a great night for the GOP locally and nationally. Looks like Chris Collins scheme may have worked, and upsets in VA and NJ. I love election night!
Koch for council in 2012.
Wow!! Great stories and with nc jnn, the family political activist at work, there WILL be changes made. I am afraid that I can't be of much help with the dvr but hopefully all will go well on the SA trip. Be safe.
4 four the fingers 1 for the thumb the Yankees win the Yankees win!!!!! Got to love AP, DJ, Jorge and Mo!!!!!
How will I fill my evenings now that baseball is over?!?!
12:20 AM??? Whatever would keep some anonymous person up so late?
Any reports of our travellers?
I talked to gram this afternoon who told me she was enjoying her 75 degree weather ( I forgot how to do the degree symbol), sitting on a porch eating fritos; but she was missing something....... She needed a beer. Her 4th beer and it was only 12:30! What a trooper!
4 beers by 12:30???? God love her I'm jealous.
I was up at 12:20 but not posting that's for sure. As soon as that final out was made, I smiled, smacked Sandra on her backside (we're a butt smacking family) and went to bed.
That's my Mom!!!!
It's 5:10 and I'm just wondering how many beers gramma has had already. I just cracked open my first for the weekend.
Might be the last chance for a yard work weekend. As my sister might say, were she not in SA,nah, me neither.
Sabres loss... boo and unfortunate. They really didn't play that well in the second period.
What a gorgeous day outside, after much yardwork and winter prep, we're off to Auburn, NY to check out the Bass Pro Shop (can't wait around for Buffalo's to come here) and then a drive home to Rochester and the Dinosaur Bar for dinner.
Lucky for us we don't have to feel pain during a bills game.
I got a call from the SA travellers. Last night was the big birthday bash and gram was having the time of her life. She met a cowboy and they danced and talked for most of the evening. They exchanged addresses, and he promised her he would write.
They will be back tomorrow!
Sounds like the travelers are having a great time. Hopefully Hurricane Ida won't delay their trip today.
Thanks nc jnn for the update. Now do i have to worry about a pair of boots under my mommy's bed? Travel safely. No complaints about the Bills performance yesterday from me.
Where's my mommy?
What wonderful weather we're having. Outside work is close to being done and I grilled steaks outside tonight. Tomorrow is the Bulls final game v. Ohio (the good team not the bad one and not Ohio State) on ESPN2 so look for us. We'll be on the Bulls side about the 10 yard line.
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