Friday May 14, 2010 I had to be at work early to meet with the night staff to discuss open enrollment for health insurance. My morning began at 415am. It's such a relief when Tim Horton's is open that early, so I could actually focus on my driving.

It could have been a whole lot worse thats for sure! But I did make it safe and sound to work. Now, I just have to wait a week or so for my car! Drive safe out there everyone
It was foggy with light rain. As I make it onto the 400, cars are zipping by me. Obvisiouly they had someplace urgent to go at 5:15am. I see the signs to EA 7 miles to go! I thought this is going to be the longest day of my life. I just wanted to get to work, and start my day; so I could go home early. Except Bambi had a different plan in mind for me.