After being called out by my d-in-law, I realized that she was right; my next grand child cannot be born without having some money riding on the outcome. So, last nite, beer was consumed, fish was eaten, even by CJ and AP--a first for both--and wagers were made. So here is what we have as the picks for our forthcoming blessed event. And from the sound of the conversation with adam last evening, it sounds as if the people picking early are lookin' good. GO AMY!!
5-13 GG 3pm girl
jnna 4:18 pm girl
5-15 AP 7 am girl
mrs. fixxitt 11:05 am girl
jnna 8:18 pm girl
5-17 jnna 3:53 am girl
unkie 5:30 am girl
ab 7:30 am boy
austin 4:28 boy
5-18 jnna 2:18 am girl
5_19 emma 1030 am boy
jnna noon boy
5-20 nphw jff 11:02 am boy
jnna 2:02 pm boy
emma and nanna 6:05 pm girl
5-21 zachary 8 am boy
ug 8 am boy
jll 10:21 am girl
kdh 2 pm boy
sndra 5 pm boy
5-22 mr. fixxitt 732 pm girl
This is just a temporary blog for info purposes only. Anyone feeling the need to update on toe hair or any such other topic, please feel free.
5-13 GG 3pm girl
jnna 4:18 pm girl
5-15 AP 7 am girl
mrs. fixxitt 11:05 am girl
jnna 8:18 pm girl
5-17 jnna 3:53 am girl
unkie 5:30 am girl
ab 7:30 am boy
austin 4:28 boy
5-18 jnna 2:18 am girl
5_19 emma 1030 am boy
jnna noon boy
5-20 nphw jff 11:02 am boy
jnna 2:02 pm boy
emma and nanna 6:05 pm girl
5-21 zachary 8 am boy
ug 8 am boy
jll 10:21 am girl
kdh 2 pm boy
sndra 5 pm boy
5-22 mr. fixxitt 732 pm girl
This is just a temporary blog for info purposes only. Anyone feeling the need to update on toe hair or any such other topic, please feel free.
Thanks to everyone for coming last night and fighting the traffic -- great to see you.
great blog. thanks everybody for your guesses. can't wait to see who wins. the quincy holtz's wish we were there last night. oliver would have loved a cold one.
I notice my name is missing, I was 05/17 at 7:30 in the AM, and my name is missing as I did not sign my 3X5 card, my mistake.
We had such a great time last nite, and the picture of Caroline is priceless! It was a wonderful evening, that could have lasted for hours!
This AM, gramma went and got her hair done, and Mrs FIxxitt, jnna, gramma and I did lunch, which was most enjoyable.
It really is all about your family!
Enjoy them, cherish them, support them, laugh with them and love them!
Happy Birthday tomorrow K - enjoy your time off!
Sorry AB, I did figure out which card was yours, and I don't know how it did not get included. Please insert that official guess everyone on your scorecards!! Gotta take our birthday girl and miss cj to the airport in a bit. The weekend has just flown by. The good news is that we will be heading to hotlanta this week for a little babysitting duty as K and Eric go off for a few days of much deserved R and R to Key West. Sounds like GG is having herself a great mother's day weekend too. Amy, you take care and remember that you have to come real close to the same time that you had Oliver in order for me to edge out Auntie B. Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there. I have 2 to take care of here.
I have something to add about toe hair. Should I start a new blob?
Awesome Friday night... thanks again.
Great picture!
Happy belated mothers day to all the mommies and a very happy belated birthday to K!
Pearl Jam tonight and off tomorrow so I can reflect on the concert, or just nurse my hangover.
Dress warm, a little chilly out there.
CJ and I are safely back in ATlanta -- thanks to all our family for really busting it out to see CJ -- it makes me so happy that she's got such a fan club! GREAT to see you all and looking forward to the festivities this summer too.
How was Pearl Jam, Jill? How about a blob?
Baby Pool commissioner GG, the holder of the cash, has added 2 more players. Uncle John is on 5/19 at 3AM and a boy; Laurie is on 5/17 at 1:53 AM and a girl. Please add these picks to your official schedule. Yeah, what about Pearl Jam--good review. update??
I think there is a bug in our blob?
I have been posting witty, funny thought provoking comments and they seem to disappear in cyberspace? Maybe there is something to that conspiracy that Mrs fixxitt has been complaining about all these years!
happy thursday
I thought I passed President Obama's motorcade this morning while I was driving into work, but it was just some Hells Angels out for a ride.
mom, you have to hit "publish your comment" twice. At least thats what I have had to do lately
Zach's getting 4 teeth pulled tomorrow. Ouch.
Emma was home sick today. Actually, I think she just needed a day to chill.
Nothing up with Sandra and I... all is norm. That's too bad.
what is up with jeter rice? you left him out of the update?
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
we are celebrating Mr Awesome Austins birthday tomorrow, not sure what we are doing, I hope it involves bowling, though.
note to self, click publish your comment twice
Ahhhhh... Jeter. His attentions are on bunnies in the backyard. Once he starts thinking about them he thinks of nothing else. He's focused.
Zach's Little League Opening Day is today. Thank goodness it looks nice out. May we'll win that plasma TV???
I'm going fishing for awhile enjoy your Saturday.
Final day of babysitting Miss CJ today as the vacationers return. She has been a doll the entire time. AP said that nc jnn posted a facebook a run in, literally, with one of the 400's finest deer. Are you OK, jnn?? I can't begin to tell you how many close calls I have had over the years with those things. I guess that mom to be is REAL uncomfortable and hoping to move things along soon. Lots of money on the next few days. Enjoy the weekend. 87 and muggy here
Yes that is true. On Friday morning at approx. 530 am right near the Maple St. exit; I was an unlucky target for a deer.
$3,000 in damages and I might have my car by next Saturday. I was told by the collision shop that if I would have hit the deer a half second earlier, "more significant damage would have been done."
Drive safe everyone!
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