A photo journal
by JT Pilaf
We were surprised to see our friend Donovan the deer at the (CG) campground exhibit. We had just seen him a night earlier roaming the streets.
They had a nice beach for the kids.
We went skiing and knee boarding and sometimes just swimming. Look at that concentration... actually II'm just trying to see. Did I mention my last prescription was for bi-focals 2 weeks ago.
Now Sandra looks good knee boarding, such ease, what a smile.
On Friday afternoon we went to Altoona to go to Lakemount Park. $9.95 gets you an all day rides pass. The kids had a blast on the rides and waterpark.
Then we went to the game, 6,022 in attendance. Not bad for AA. Beautiful ballpark.
Here's Emma getting ready to answer her triviia question that she was asked to participate in. And the answer is #16 Adam Hydzou... you got it.
Fireworks after the game.
What a view.
Emma's turn to knee board... attta girl.
Beautiful sunset out on the boat. Our BIL Bill was very generous taking all of us around on his boat.
Then we went to Trough Creek SP. Neat place. Trout streams, suspended bridges, very pretty there.
Posing with my pretty lady at Balanced Rock at the end of our hike.
I think the sign says it all. So if you are a diabetic with an anger issue. This is your place to shop.

Next trip... The kids and I go to Allegany SP on Saturday.