A photo journal
by JT Pilaf
We were surprised to see our friend Donovan the deer at the (CG) campground exhibit. We had just seen him a night earlier roaming the streets.
They had a nice beach for the kids.
We went skiing and knee boarding and sometimes just swimming. Look at that concentration... actually II'm just trying to see. Did I mention my last prescription was for bi-focals 2 weeks ago.
Now Sandra looks good knee boarding, such ease, what a smile.
On Friday afternoon we went to Altoona to go to Lakemount Park. $9.95 gets you an all day rides pass. The kids had a blast on the rides and waterpark.
Then we went to the game, 6,022 in attendance. Not bad for AA. Beautiful ballpark.
Here's Emma getting ready to answer her triviia question that she was asked to participate in. And the answer is #16 Adam Hydzou... you got it.
Fireworks after the game.
What a view.
Emma's turn to knee board... attta girl.
Beautiful sunset out on the boat. Our BIL Bill was very generous taking all of us around on his boat.
Then we went to Trough Creek SP. Neat place. Trout streams, suspended bridges, very pretty there.
Posing with my pretty lady at Balanced Rock at the end of our hike.
I think the sign says it all. So if you are a diabetic with an anger issue. This is your place to shop.

Next trip... The kids and I go to Allegany SP on Saturday.
Numero uno! Now that has not happened in a month of sundays!
Great Blog, great pictures, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Jff, you seem to make the most of your vacations!
Just talked to cookie and she is stuck in Amarillo, where it is pouring! and flooding! Needless to say she is not happy not happy at all!
So where will lebron land??? thoughts?
Very very excited for sunday! I need my Ms Caroline fix!
Great job pilafs! thanks for sharing for those less fortunate! (like me, no vacation in site)
Now THAT is a vacation that has it all. Like AB said, nphw jff sure does know how to maximize his vacation time even tho he seems to get so little. i was hoping for a blog with the newly captured brewers baseball==that too is an event. Enjoy Allegheny Pilafs. We will miss you but try to find time on sunday to hoist a cold one in your honor.,
Is anyone else's roof leaking... yeah, I thought not.
Thanks Auntie and Unckie we had a good time. The ballgame was tons of fun. And I got two "small beers" (seemed like 20 ouncers to me) for $9. What's not to like about Altoona?
What a great day! Days like today make Mondays less bearable!
Wonderful day with Ms Caroline and the family, food, drink, company and the weather, just fabulous!
Great to see everyone! Enjoy what is left of the day
Got a call last nite from Hotlanta that our travellers were back safe and sound with a quite tired CJ in tow. One more trip to the airport this morning to get ADM back to his family and our fantastic weekend will be officially over. Thanks to everyone who journeyed out to be there for our little GA Peach and for your continued fantastic generosity. A few more weeks and we will get to do it again, this time for a wedding. Stay cool
7-1-3, my favorite numbers to play! Not that they ever win mind you, but a great combination none the less! A little muggy this AM, I did not water last night because it was suppose to rain, but I dont think it did! So do we watch the all star game tonight, or Capt Phil's final days??? Enjoy your job today, whatever it may be!
Hi family! What a hard time getting back to work this week, after such a great weekend! Thank you all for coming to the Christening -- it really meant a lot to us. CJ is back at home after a busy busy July, and easing back into her routine. I took her back to school this morning after 11 days away, and she crawled right over to her friend Xander and stole his toy. I wonder if they missed her?
Such a great time on CJ's day! Welcome back to HOTLANTA!
Bachelorette plans are almost finalized. I like telling cookie everything is TENTATIVE, it makes her worry a little bit!
When is this rain coming?
Back from Allegany, the weather was awesome. We hiked, swam, paddle boat, fished, and ate like pigs. After 4 daze of no showering it took two showers to get all of the crud of me. I think Sandra appreciated it.
By the by, our house is open for a few drinks & snacks between the wedding & reception for anyone who wants to stop by--Rices will be here!
I'm sorry I missed CJ's big day and Gary's stag... please let them know I had libations in their honor on both daze.
Jeter just let out a huge yawn and stretch out in the backyard. Ahhhh... the life of a dog.
Emma has another tooth ready to come out.
i keep checking to see if the Steinbrenner online memorial has gone up on this site yet. Surely y'all must be working on it?
Cookie had her work shower yesterday, very very nice! Of course I did make the mistake of calling her cookie in front of her fellow employee's, by the look she shot me I am guessing that was a big no no!
still a little sticky and no rain yet??
Our GMS memorial is in the planning stages, we just need a little seed money to establish, Adm what can I put you down for?
Glad the Rices had a great camping weekend!
Enjoy thursday
Great quote from Al Davis on the passing of the Boss. hope that everyone saw it on sportscenter. I am afraid that Al is long gone. Me, I'm in for whatever is needed to get the memorial off and running as long as it includes film from all the Seinfeld episodes with "Big Steiny"
Sandra and I are down in NOLA at the Nat'l Youth Conference. I don't think I'll be able to catch a Zephrys game.
Bourbon St. is ... ummm... nuts.
I have to challenge nephew on the level of "nuts" as in the COT they are setting up for canalfest, now that is crazy!
Enjoy NO nephew!
Had a great day in Rochester, picked up the MOH dress, got the boys measured for there tuxedo's, our to do list is getting smaller and smaller, just one little thing still sitting out there, I know I Know
As Canal Fest is kicked into gear today, Austin is doing chores to save up money so he can "ride all day for one price".
Shopping with my mom and enjoying Sunday!
The Pilafs in the Big Easy?? Can't wait to share stories with nphw jff of my "incident" on Bourbon ST. Be careful nphw of "painted women" and travel safely. Ah, canalfest....one of these days. Enjoy what is left of the weekend
Two daze down in NOLA and three to go. So far, we've eaten at The Gumbo Shop, that was awesome, and at The Crescent City Brewery, also very good. Home brews there were VERY good... I'll be back.
I have the whole day to myself today. So this afternoon will consist of settling into a bar stool and suckin' down some cold ones with the sweet sounds of homegrown music in my ear.
Unckie, please share that story.
How can one year pass so quickly!
Have put in lots of effort lately to find the most perfect MOB dress!
So far no luck, no luck at all!
My daughter is clearly annoyed with my procrastination, but I ask you spending all day Sunday at the Galleria, Sunday no less, does that not show my level of commitment? I know I know I have waited way to long to start my search. Kind of a cloudy Monday, so did not mind heading off to work!
The basic elements of the story, which are not appropriate for this family oriented blog, involve me standing outside of one of the many Bourbon St. shops where Auntie had stepped in, and a "not so young lady" who was totally convinced that I was "new in town" her dedicated efforts to "show me the sights", combined with a timely appearance by Auntie. I do remember stammering a lot. Do take one of the cemetery tours though, they are neat. Enjoy
Coincidently enough, my first walk around the block of our hotel had a young lady wanting to show me a good time. Knowing full-well my place in this world, kindly said I needed to be somewhere but definitly took her invitation as nice way to welcome a tourist.
Today I'll venture out to the French Market along the Ole Miss, the Ol' Lady, find a small snack, and then find a place for Sandra and I to have dinner tonight. I love exploring.
Jff don't miss Lafitte's blacksmith shoppe (941 Bourbon Street -- keep walking, its on the quiet end) for drinks, Acme Oyster House for food (724 Iberville Street, Iberville and Bourbon), and Cafe du Monde (800 Decatur Street) for dessert. And Port of Call has great burgers that they serve with baked potatoes! (838 Esplanade Avenue) I'm jealous!!
Wow, thanks for the info. Sandra wants to Margaritaville tonight after we peruse through the French Market (it's close by). We'll pass Cafe De Munde on our way back so I can definitely talk Sandra into dessert, that's not hard. We have one more dinner tomorrow night, so we'll go to Acme then, I've walked past it... thanks again!!!
This place is really cool.
KDH do love and know her Nawlins.
Okay, question of the day: When in New Orleans what does one do to pass time... no need to answer, I have an hour and a half to sober up before Sandra gets back. Aw geeze.
Does anyone need to know the hot spots at the canalfest? Austin is a veteran!
Yea to my favorite day!
Thursday and payday!
Spent last evening at C anal fest,
not to much to report, oh no one was stabbed at McDonalds, so that was good!
nephew and lovely wife are home from NOLA, our family blog can be kept going all summer long on nephew's vacations!
Lots of wedding planning going on, so we are busy busy busy
Took Anastasia for her visual evaluation today at the Elizabeth Olmstead Center at 1170 Main St Buffalo New York, one block south of the Anchor Bar, and I am only giving you the address as they have a catalog of items for the visually impaired, and now that Elle is legally bl(0)ind, a whole new avenue of shopping has opened up! Next time you speak disparringly about the state of new york, let me say some positives. She met with the program director Andrea, nice lady, who hooked GG up! In a few weeks she will be visited by a visual coach who will help her navigate through her day, and bring a plethora of VI products, a gynormous clock, calendar, address book, pens that are dark black that do not bleed through,so she can do a cross word puzzle, a cane with a red tip that will indicate that she is VI, "beeping prongs" that she can put in a glass that will tell her the glass is full, stop pouring,they will mark her stove so she can read the dials, and the state of NY also has a reading book club, that upon her request, she will be sent, with return postage already on it, 3 books of her choosing with a digital recorder, which is easier to run than the tape recorder, and she left with "magnifying glasses to watch TV, a small menu reader, which she already tried out at Athena's, and a hand held magnifyer so she can read a book, her mail, Kristin's post cards and the news paper. The total cost of this service, was a 20$ copay for her eye exam. the benevolence of the state of new york foot the bill for the rest! And the smile on her face, was priceless! It seems her farewell tour of the libraries was a bit premature!
I had called mom earlier and she was positively giddy. Thanks so much to my sisters for all of the work you did on this to make it a reality. She was watching tv when I called, and actually seeing the picture, as well as doing her xword puzzle. It is gooing to make things a lot better, especially after she invests the 4 bucks for the giant poker cards.
Bachelorette party preparations have been completed! Off to my friends to have a cold beer and make some smores!
I am hoping my aunt and uncle in EA will come visit me at the Sidewalk Sale tomorrow to keep me entertained!
Busy busy day
Garden walk with my sister in the AM, and after that not much else!
Yikes, 3 weeks from today, is that not crazy, how quickly time flew by!
enjoy this sticky saturday
Sorry nc jnn, but I make it a point to go nowhere near downtown EA on reunion weekend. hope that all went well for you and you stayed dry.
I posted on the blog, but it didn't make it on the comment list! HMMMM!
I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday! Were heading out shopping.
What a gorgeous night tonight... unfortunately my lawnmower is giving me fits and I have to pay for a new roof on Wednesday. Life of a homeowner.
At least I have camping this weekend with the fam.
Zach is one game away from winnning the 13-14 year old championship; They won tonight 4-1. Saturday they play in the championship game. Zach, unfortunately will be camping and will miss the game. Do I dare ask if he wants to stay home and play. What would I have said when I was 13. Hmmm???
pretty quiet on here. We are busy busy in the t-wand with wedding plans. only 17 more days...eek!
Took the day off to do some things for the wedding, plan, shop, prepare.
Ah who am I kidding?? Austin and I are going to the movies!
So this evening cookie, gary and I went to our floral designer's home to finale the wedding flower's and while sitting in Liz's kitchen the thunder, lightening and rain came!
And then the tornado blew threw!
The chestnut tree in front of Liz's house came down, the utility pole and power lines came down next to liz's house, so we sat on her front porch and drank beer and watched the neighborhood assess the damage! Oh and the flowers will be beautiful!
17 days and counting!
Gramma outfit check.
Flowers done check
tux's fitted check
massive housecleaning, refreshing, re-doing, begins today!
Glad I am going to work!
Has everyone heard the news about my sister???? I know I know me too!
I took the day off yesterday and had a list of things that I HAD to get done. Let's just say; NOTHING was accomplished.
What news? I am out of the loop. The last I heard, Mom still needed slacks for her outfit, but that was tuesday. No storm damage here, but then we are still waiting on FEMA to assess the earthquake damage.
Did anyone save their cake knife/server and/or toasting glasses from their wedding? Just thought I would ask before we tell Pearl St. we are going to use theirs.
How about a card receptacle? anybody? anybody?
Jill I bet you Auntie P could hook you up on some of those things -- i know she has a beautiful cake server.
So exciting! Can't wait!
Tornado! Where am I when all of this is going on?
Zach's championship game got changed to Monday at 6P at State St. Field.
Yep, hheard the news regarding your sister.
We're going camping (Taughannock Falls), be back Monday night for the big game.
Now I'm dying to know the news about Aunt Sue! Update please!! Good luck at your championship game, Zach!
I believe Aunt Sue officially retired as of yesterday.
Practice run for wedding hair today! Fun!
WOW!! So much going on. Me---nothing
anybody have a good idea for a baby shower gift? My friend is having twins and I have waited until the last minute to buy her gift and everything on her registry is gone! I would buy her $100 worth of diapers, but she didnt register for them, so I don't know wha kind she would like.
Jill~How was the practice run for your hair? Veil and flower work? Need any tweaking?
I have a lovely cake cutting knife- silver with apearl handle. I can put some ribbon on it if you want to use it. Let me know.
Well where did July go?
Less than 2 weeks! What a beautiful day it was!
sndra, I have your staple gun, as you MIL and I did some re upholstering! And she only shot herself once!
AP, the trial run was perfect, and no tweaking necessary and everyone from the salon patrons to the plumber at our house (nother story) was wide eyed over how fantabulous she looked!
To bring everyone up to speed:
NO, but we really wish we could!
Of course, we did way back when.
I think that ans everyone's Q's?
see everyone in less than 2 weeks time!
Jill, if she didn't register for them I highly recommend "miracle blankets" -- they're amazing: http://www.miracleblanket.com/index.htm and she'll love you forever for them.
They also have Target gift cards in baby themes, and she'll always need stuff from target.
I'm so excited about the wedding!!
A place setting, candlesticks make a good present, you could find out where she registered... get two. Love Bull Durham.
Back from Taughannock Falls, we had a really good time. Taughannock Creek was a nice hike up to the falls.
Good morning, kids are away at camp for tonight. Hmmmm... what to do?
And a big win for Zach's team. Way to go!! Enjoy the hot one today. Me, I am heading to Evangola. And a big HB to my favorite son. Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Adam! Hope you had a great one!
Happy Birthday Adm
Sandra and I had a nice time last night (without kids) in Letchworth SP... I did lose the top to my battery box (forgot to tie it down... oops) driving home this morning trying to avoid the heavy rain.
Just a reminder to everyone that you're all invited over to our house after Jill's wedding and before their reception if anyone is interested. We'll provide snacks and libations.
Emma played soccer in the pouring rain last night, she was giddy and hilarious. Too funny.
Amazing at how fast the time went!
Thank you rice's that is very generous of you!
Soccer in the rain, I bet she had a ball!
Well, the countdown to Sat. begins. When I saw nc jn on Friday she said that all was calm, cool and collected on Adam st. and everyone was just sitting around waiting for Sat. That's the way it's supposed to be, right? Sat. was a golf outing for Dan, a wine tour for Amanda and then a picnic afterwards. Great time all the way round on a perfect day. Just hoping that this Sat. and next Fri. are as nice. Enjoy the week, it will go fast.
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