Friday, December 03, 2010

Winter Wonderland 2010

Ready or not here comes Winter! The above pictures were taken on 12/2/2010 during my journey from Tonawanda to East Aurora. The worst hit areas were Lancaster, Depew, West Seneca, South Buffalo. Not even a dusting of snow made it to Tonawanda. Along with hundreds of passangers stranded on the I90, I discovered Mustafa; also an unlucky soul who was trapped on the thruway. He was shivering and cold, but thankfully the Thruway Authority responded to him before any trapped drivers and rescued him. At last report he was found at a bar eating beer nuts and drinking on a Guinness.  I am so glad to hear he is safe and sound!


Jill said...

What a great blog! Not surprisingly, the airport was unaffected by the severe snow storm that was going on around it. I flew home right on time. Not only was Tonawanda spared, but Cleveland was too!
Yay for Friday. I have my work Christmas Party tonight. I have to get all dressed up just so i can eat and drink too much.

Betsy said...

Captures the essence of our recent snow storm, well not mine, as the COT was spared, infact Geo was grilling burgers last nite!
And who ever gets tired of hearing about Mustafa, not I!
It is Friday! Hip Hip Hoorray!
Enjoy today, 3 weeks to Christmas Eve!

unkie said...

Great job nc jnn. There are only 2 of us who got a chance, well maybe 3 counting mustafa, who got a chance to enjoy the winter wonderland that was the southtowns as well as the frozen snowless tundra known as the northtowns. Let's just hope that this is it for the winter. Nver tire of viewing that cute little rodent.

adam said...

I want to know how the bartender poured a guinness with a perfect head in such a small glass. Kudos to him! Glad to hear the whole family survived.

Jnna said...

Kudos to the bartender! Heading to Elmwood today to do some Christmas shopping. Maybe I will get some pirate gift ideas!

unk said...

If this was a fight and not a bills game, they would have stopped it long ago.

Jill said...

What a snowy start to the week! Glad I am going to Vegas on Thursday :)

Betsy said...

Snow, a Bills loss, and more snow!
How much can the human spirit endure?
And its Monday!
Keep the faith, people! It has to stop snowing sometime!

unkie said...

Another fun drive today. Just think, only 2 more weeks until the start of winter. Las vegas?? Boo, hiss!

jt said...

LOL... how long did it take you to get into town, Unckie?

Have fun in Vegas, tell Maurice I said hi.

The kids have been outside all day since getting home. I love it!

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday!
Hope everyone is enjoying the winter wonderland!
So astute Jerry Sullivan wrote this AM in the Bfflo News that the drafting of CJ Spiller was a bust, ya think???
So I am kind of on the fence with my PG??? Fruit Cake or Figgy Pudding, show of hands por favor?
An Official invite will be contained in everyone's Christmas Card, but Christmas will be at 431 Adam, so be prepared for a convivial type of affair to partake in!

jt said...

Can't wait! I too still need to pick up my PG (hee hee), but I'm not worried.

Wow! What a sweet goal by Vanek just seconds ago.

Jill said...

Headed to Vegas tonight where it will be 50ยบ warmer than Buffalo is right now. We have the Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds concert on Friday and then hopefully trying to fly home Sunday night.

adam said...

the yankees fans on this board sure are quiet today. Where is everybody?

unk said...

Son, don't stir up the yankees. They have about $600 m. in petty cash that they are looking to spend. Me, I am heading south tomorrow after school. I will not stop until I find an open golf course to keep my Favrian-like streak intact. I am taking my camera. There may be a blog attached, particularly if I get hooked up with 3 squirrels in my foursome.

Betsy said...

So this evening we took Austin shopping for some formal attire for the Lockport Highschool Winter Holly Hop!
It was an enjoyable time shopping, and enjoying Austin's company
The everetts are winging there way to Vegas as we speak
Loved the Caroline blog
Are the Yankee fans suppose to be vocal? The Captain has been signed, God is in His Heaven all is right with the world!
Hope my brother finds an empty green some where?

Betsy said...

I am kind of surprised there was not a comment from Adam or K re Unky looking for a foursome with 3 squirrels!
Enjoy friday
The Everetts landed at 2AM and I believe they were off to some buffet
Today would be a leisurely day off for me, 2nd cup of coffee, read a little, putter IF it was not 2 weeks to Christmas and I still have my thanksgiving centerpiece on the table!
Hunker down apparently it is suppose to snow!

kdh said...

hello family! The countdown to christmas really is in full swing, huh? I had a few things to do. Like everything. But I'm looking forward to every minute of it and the brisk weather down here in Dixie is putting me in the spirit.

Can't wait to see you all!

I got all the way to work today before I noticed that there was a spectacular Caroline-related stain all down the right side of my sweater. Dang. I'll just have to sit crooked today.

Here's hoping dad behaves himself on his drive south. On record, he was invited to Atlanta where the golf courses are open AND he'd have a nice place to sleep and people to hang out with -- but I guess he prefers rural Pennsylvania, instead.

Jnna said...

The countdown is sure on! I can't wait to see everyone. Hmmm, I need some pirate gift ideas! What would everyone like for Christmas? Can we keep it under $5.50?

jt said...

I'm pretty sure my dad thinks the pirate game limit is $5.50 (beware of the recycled Snoopy gift wrapping paper).

Good luck Unckie in your quest. I put in a call with my good friends at Fox and Friends, so you might have a TV crew with you as you tee off. Please outdrive the squirrels. That would be embarrassing.

Betsy said...

random thoughts?
Why could'nt the metrodome collapse last week!
Yes, its figgy pudding
No, no she had one in '88 and its still good
Yes, it needs water everyday!

unk said...

If my sister can do random thoughts, so can I. Yes, it was just me and the squirrels on the golf course, and no, they didn't want to play golf. Glad to get there and back in a relatively easy trip. Pressure is on for Jan. golf, but that looks like it will be in not so hot lanta since yesterday it was 30 there while we were in the balmy upper 30's. I figure that I can get caroline to caddy for me. Got to make it thru friday when the official start of xmas break begins. Brother, it's cold out there! I'm tellin' ya, the Bills are a juggernaut!! Hard time recovering from all of yesterday's excitement: listening to a 13-6 game and watching a 7-3 game. Are you suggesting that you would rather have us bring figgy pudding instead of egg nog on xmas day? Any word from the vegas travellers? Be careful out there

unkie said...

Just take the blog and redate it for today. My worst drive in over the past 3 yrs. 15-20mph all the way. Looked like traffic was stopped on the other side of the 90 with an accident. Hope that it didn't tie up nc jnn. Supposed to do lunch with mom today, but I don't think that is going to happen. Just want to get back to the southtowns, hopefully in one piece.

Betsy said...

I concur worst drive ever!
Bailed off Delaware ave, choose parkside and colvin into the city, biggest mistake ever! As the 198 was down to one lane, and the wait to get over to main st was 45 minutes!
It was a 2 hour ride to work today!
Unky I was at the Mount in 20, maybe we could have changed places today!
And clifflee to the phillies, how and why did that happen???
Definately bail on mom today, bro, as she will not want to go out in this! She has more than enough food to keep her happy!

jt said...

Gosh, I admire you guys for braving the elements and traveling hours and hours to make to work. I on the other hand woke up at 5 and started shoveling. I'm still not done.

What a yucky day it was outside today.

unk said...

Mom was not eager to go out so we postponed to hopefully a better thursday. the ride home was not all that terrific either. Tomorrow is another, and hopefully, better day.

Jnna said...

I have worked in EA for 4 years and I think it has taken me more time to drive to work this month than all other years COMBINED! The drive yesterday was terrible. I had to be to work at 8 am, so I could pleasantly greet all 4 new hires. As I am driving on the 90 West; the radio tells me it is closed! Traffic was at a stand still, not even Santa's sleigh could maneuver.

I have an easy solution to our commutes to work Unkie, your "winter" home can be in Tonawanda. You can move here from Nov-April, and I can relocate to EA.

Took the day off work to finish up my Christmas shopping. Gram wants to venture out, but if it is too cold I am putting my foot down!

Hope everyone has a great 7.50 hours today! I will see everyone in 10 days!!!!

Betsy said...

Happy Wed
Holiday Luncheon at work today, so it is kind of a no brain work day!
Ride in today was much much better, of course there was still the person who stopped just short of the skyway to hop out of her car and throw snow on the windshield as she was out of wiper fluid ( I am assuming)
enjoy the day

unk said...

So, I am thinking that i read somewhere that the 18th wedding anniversary is zinc, and since Mr. and Mrs. fixxitt were hosting the grandchildren in honor of the pilaf's anniversary, just what gifts did the not-so-newly weds bestow on each other? Hope that you guys enjoyed your day. Seems like only yesterday I was watching nphw rck standing upon nphw jff's back singing a surfin' song. Time sure do fly

Antie P said...

Jenna~ The switch could be arranged as long as you wouldn't mind me curling up against you at night. What can I say? I get cold and Unkie is my personal little furnace.

Betsy said...

Well here we are one week from the big day!
Got beautiful Christmas cards from my brother and his lovely wife, and an inspirational note of Christmas from my sister and her husband, I have to tell you I feel renewed!
so I am very excited to host Holtz Family Christmas this year, one never knows when our plans may all change as our family grows!
But I am always eternally grateful for those who take the time to keep us together!
Date 12/25/2010
Place 431 Adam St
Time: Whenever you can make it!
The buffet table will be open and stocked until you walk out the door
The bar will be open and stocked til you walk out the door
Just waiting for you to walk in the door!

unkie said...

One class down and 3 to go until xmas vacation officially begins for me. Lunch @ Squire's with mom yesterday and a bit more shopping for her so she seems satisfied. Only dilemma was she wanted meatloaf at squires which was her way of telling me she wanted to be at Athena's. gotta love her. Enjoy the day.

Betsy said...

No meatloaf, beatloaf at Squires?

kdh said...

It was the KDHRC holiday party last night at the hotel across the street. Very swanky and fun. Caroline, in her party skirt and motorcycle boots, raided the cheese and cracker tray. Jefferson was a perfect gentleman in his tie and reindeer antlers -- he held court telling stories next to the dessert table. Good times.

Eric and I treated ourselves to a babysitter and dinner afterwards to celebrate. I think the message from the universe was to stay home -- dinner wasn't great (lots of weird stuff on the menu -- quail? pork belly?) and we got a WHOMPING flat tire on the drive home! But it sure was fun to have a dinner that didn't involve a bib or high chair!

I'm so ready for it to be Christmas break now! Can't wait for the party!

jt said...

Sounds nice KDH.

I thought year 18 was paper... so I got Sandra a card. If I was misinformed I blame my dad.

Betsy said...

Kind of a snowy saturday, isnt it?
drive careful, be safe as I am sure everyone has a busy day planned!

unk said...

Looks like the snow migrated to the northtowns. This is the season for sharing, so consider the snow as shared. Today is tree cutting day and the annual quest to find a tree comparable to the Griswold's which usually winds up more like Charlie Brown's. Enjoy the busiest shopping day of the year.

jt said...

Kinda late for a tree isn't it?

Shopping is done. Done I tell ya. Done. Bwaaa ha ha!

Bolts just scored... rats.

Driveway is clean and clear of disturbing debris.

Is everyone going to be at Adam street? We'll be there at 7:15, just like last year.

jt said...

7:15 AM

betsy said...

Never to late for a tree dear nephew, never to late!
Was at Walmart at 9AM for there special sunday 9 AM sale!
I am embarrased to say, nonetheless got my sale item
It will be non stop all week, so if I forget to say it, I will say it now

unk said...

Have to admit that yesterday was a near perfect tree-cutting day weather=wise. Sunny, no wind and about a foot of snow to wade thru. Tree is currently in the garage awaiting its trip into the house for decorating which is always an adventure. Lookin' forward to squishin' the fish. Has there ever been another full=bearded quarterback to root for? How about them Sabres, eh?

Jill said...

I was knocked out of the game last week with a serious cold, but I am back in the game folks! I am a little late on the Christmas tree this year too Unkie. We bought it on Saturday and we didn't put it up until yesterday because we couldn't find our tree stand. Gary insists it was "lost" in the move. And I insist that my artificial tree loving hubby threw it out on purpose with the intention of sneaking a fake tree into my home!

unkie said...

Looking around for that perfect pirate gift and was shocked at the apparent shortage of lint brushes in WNY. Thank goodness I was able to find some "wonderful" NYY apparrel. Can't wait until Sat. Please remember that this is Eric's first christmas experience in the area so be kind.

jt said...

We know Eric like a long lost third cousin twice removed. No harm will come to him. You have my word as a sailor.

Our Christmas is moving along like a well oiled machine. Tree is up, decorated, and watered daily. The house is twinkling with beautiful white lights. Snow is covering our new roof and no signs of leaks or drips. Ahhhh Christmas.

jt said...

WooHoo! Boy, it was good to get that out.
"Countdown to Big Days" is getting closer. If I can just make it through this day I only have a half day tomorrow and then I'm off for a bit.

Good game by the Sabres, not that any of us saw it. The only game blacked out for the year and they play well, goals and fights.

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