Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011 Martinsville

A Nascar Blob
by JT Pilaf

Unfortunately the pictures are out of order, but I'm not messing with them.  I guess there's a new way to post pics.
Here I am Sunday at the track right about an hour before the race started. 

 The pacecar leading the troops out.
 Little Ricky got me and Bill a pitpass, so here am I Sunday morning on the track.
 Sunday morning before we got going.  A little breakfast and some beer to start the day.
 Jr. making his presense felt.
 Sunday morning again... here's the garage in the infield.  You could get as close as you wanted.
 We sat right... about... here.
 Saturday morning... freeeeeeezing.
 Martinsville campground.

 You have to believe me when I tell you this is a picture of Richard Petty... I'm serious.  He's in the golf cart.  I had just put my camera away and zipped it up.  Incredible.
 We had a pretty decent spot in L loop.  The guy next to us grrew up in NT.
We had a great time.  Can't wait til next year.


unk said...

Me first, me first!! Doesn't look cold there . Not even any snow on the ground. I can take a picture of my yard and we can see snow. Any blogthat has beer for breakfast is an all-time keeper. I am really glad that I made no plans for this week so I could have the time to get my house painted. Holtz luck strikes again. Go Sabres! I will be looking for nc jnn and stn tonite. Oh, at least part of the family will like this. The big question they keep asking at Wallenwein's is: who will win more games this season, the Bills or the RedSox? And almost everyone there laughs hilariously.

Betsy said...

Great job nephew! Looks like a glorious race weekend! sunny and green!
I concur go sabres!
I say the bills will win more games than the sox, but that is just my opinion
I believe jimmy will be putting our roof on, maybe when it stops snowing!

jt said...

You'll love Jimmy, he cracks the whip.

Ugh Sabres... ugh snow.

The Fixxits are home safe as of Sunday night at 10:30.

Betsy said...

still snowing, how is that possible?
The new roof is to be started thursday, thats good, I would hate for it to be started on Easter Sunday! OBTW, Jimmy's says his name is Erwin? Like Erwin " magic " Johnson, probably.
If you want to stop by and say hello, feel free! Geo also wants him to clean the gutters while he is up there? Not sure if Jimmy will agree to that?
Glad to hear Mom and Dad are home safe and sound, we will have to hear all about it!

jt said...

Irwin with an I... yep, that's his name.
Good guy.

Papa Fixxit bought us pizza and wings tonight.

unk said...

Figured that since I couldn't paint I will at least rake the yard. Seems that the area I was working on is under about half a foot of water courtesy of last nite's storms. Been quite a week to be off. Pizza from the mister? That's Italian, right? Sounds as if the Fixxitts got into the culture. Anyone for party in the square tonite with 50mph winds and dropping temps? I think that I will pass. enjoy

jt said...

Maybe for game 6.

Soooo, what's the game plan for Quincy in May? We have our reservations for the weekend at Wompatuck. We'll be up late Friday afternoon the 27th, we plan on just chilling and hiking on Satuday and then hooking up for Sunday's "big party".

A very excited AB said...

No its not because the new roof is going on, its for our party on Saturday, how fun!
We have never had an Easter Eve soiree????
What does one wear?

jt said...

Uuuuuuuuuge Sabres win last night!!! Miller was stellar.

We're off to the Broadway Market this afternoon as soon as I can finish up here. I'm hoping for an 11AM departure time.

Betsy said...

Are you home from the Broadway Mkt yet? Saw the crowds on TV, could not believe you would venture down just for a butter lamb!
Jimmy finished our roof, we were under strict instructions to not hand out the 18 pack until the job was done, per Jimmy he did not want anyone drinking on the roof, but apparently drinking and then driving is OK.
Hope to see everyone saturday, tailgating starts at 1!

kdh said...

getting ready to leave for the airport -- can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

unkie said...

Hey, we were at the"Market" yesterday too, but didn't see the Pilafs. Did see a significant police presence, if you count groups of them standing around and schmoozing. Leaving for the airport soon. Hope to see all tomorrow. did AB contact the Fixxitts?? What about Jimmy? He has beer; tell him to come on over.

adam said...

can someone please explain to me why Lindy Ruff insists on going into the hockey equivalent of the "prevent defense" once the sabres take the lead? Does he want me to have a heart attack and/or break my tv?

jt said...

Sorry Adm, can't answer that other than they were trying to play a good defensive road game. Drives me crazy too, BUT...
It was awesome that they pulled it out in OT.

We spent alot of money down at the Broadway Market... consider the Pilafs contribution to the Polish commmunity. The kids had a good time seeing it though. Emma bought her self a glasss necklace.

We'll see everyone at 2 today.

jt said...

Why is my keyboard soooooo bad?

jt said...

Awesome day today! Thank you Holtz's for the wonderful lunch. We had a really nice time.

Betsy said...

Happy Easter Family!
I break things down into 2 parts some days are good days, some not so good! And yesterday was what I condsider a good day! No maybe a great day!
Thank you KDHRC for lunch! I hope you found my HIPPA inservice rivetting and useful for future projects!
So wonderful to see everyone!
Lets go Sabres!
Could it be possible?

jt said...

Ummmm... not possible. We need to keep the faith for game 7.

unkie said...

Yes, yesterday, Sat. was a good day. Today, until about 6 pm was also a good day. Hope that everyone enjoyed their Easter. It's a lot quieter here tonite. Everyone back safely in GA. where it was the mid-80's on their arrival. Not the mid-80"s here. Thank goodness tomorrow is one more vacation day. I figure that the only ones off tomorrow will be meand nphw jff.

Betsy said...

UGH to Monday, back at work just barely
How could that happen yesterday no really how could it happen?
Keep the faith for Tuesday.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all soooooo much for coming to the twins announcement shindig! it was great to see everyone and such a good time. Jnna, Jefferson is still raving about playing mini golf with the big kids.....

We're back safely and missing home --

jt said...

Glad everyone is back safe in GA.
Thanks gain for Saturday and once again congrats on your awesome news.

Betsy said...

Glad you are home safe and sound!
Hope you had a great, yet brief visit home, and can not wait for our 06/18 date?
Keep us posted

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the cat is out of the bag re: twins. I can now post again without fear of giving up that juicy tidbit of info. I'm so bad a keeping secrets. In other news... the sabres are breaking my heart!
PS- We've decided to have the party at our place instead of at another location. It will be simpler for people to arrive, relax and head out when they need to. But to that end- does anybody (Jff) have a camping style canopy thingy? in case it rains, I'd like to be able to set up some waterproof seating in the back yard.

Betsy said...

We have one we used for the engagement party, we can throw it in our car and bring one, but only about 8-10 people can sit under one comfortably, but we will not need one, I am here to tell you it will be a glorious weekend, with sunshine and great company!

jnna said...

I am so glad Jefferson had a great time! Tell him when he comes back there will have to play again!
Such wonderful news we heard. Thank you again.

I always see the glass as half full. Hoping for an upset tomorrow night!!!!

jt said...

Anonymous (if that's really you), here's the deal-io. Last fall the tent shelter was torn in a wind storm. My fault, I should have taken it down before we left my BIL's party and I didn't. With that said, I am in the market for a new one. I just haven't bought one yet.
BUT... I won't let you down cousin. We will definitely bring one to Mass.


jt said...

Auntie B, bring yours too. The one I'm looking at is only 11X11 (the same as I had).
Sandra wants one with screening on it. That's where the debate lies.

adam said...

well- I have one that can fit 8 people. If the Koch's bring theirs, that would be cover for 16 people which would be more than enough. But Auntie B is right, we ain't gonna need them 'cause its gonna be a beautiful day!

jt said...

Sounds like a plan, my new one will be coming with us too(so we'll have it if it's needed).
If we all start praying now that'll be enough time for a perfect, sunny day on 5/29.


Betsy said...

That is all I have to say

jt said...

Rats! That's ALL I have to say.

Okay, I'll say more. Zach had a nice birthday yesterday. He wanted his grandparents over to spend the evening with him and I thought that was really nice.

JNNA said...

That's all I have to say!

Jenna Koch said...

Von Miller???
I'd be happy with that pick. Please, no QB in the first round.

It's confirmation weekend for Zachary. First, we have a dinner tonight at church and then he gets confirmed on Sunday. Pretty cool.
Busy time though, birthdays, confirmations, etc...

Jenna Koch said...

Jenna did not write that... no idea how that happened.

JT Rice said...

One more time

JT Rice said...

Really? You have to sign in?

betsy said...

I am very confused by this?
What happened? Another level of security seems to have appeared?
I only have so much time that I can frivelously waste at work, and now we have to sign in?

betsy said...

what is up with this?
We need a google acct now? i think this added level of security will keep people away from our blog!
It almost did me!

JT Rice said...

I agree the security level just might disuade me from my numerous visits.

betsy said...

I was contemplating cutting down my visits, but then what would I do during work downtime 8-4?

Betsy said...

what a great way to start a Friday, with a wedding!

jt said...

Was that dress right for her?
She she have had her hair down?

unk said...

It is friday isn't it?? Looks like a very busy weekend shaping up.

unky said...

You people had me "freaking out". I posted the way I always do. Anyhow, I'm up at my usual 5 AM and after sportscenter I check out my channel four for weather and what do I find but "the royals". I go in the bedroom to say goodbye to Auntie and I mention how "Kate" or whatever she is going by now is arriving at the church. Auntie, who normally takes a significant amount of time to get up and about in the morning, bolts from the bed like it was on fire, trampling me in her haste to get to the tv. That is where I left her at 6.

jt said...

Maybe a royal wedding blog from Auntie P is forth coming?

JNNA said...

Happy 35 years to Mom and Dad.
I brought a picture in from their wedding cake to a local bakery who is going to do a replica wedding cake for them.
Cake, champagne, laughs, and Grandma will be at mi casa at 6pm tonight. All are welcome.

AntieP said...

I would do a royal wedding blog but my fascinator fell apart and I'm feeling a bit wobbly over it.