As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Holtzapalooza 2011
A Flip Video
JT Pilaf
Proud to be first and a great video.I particularly enjoyed seeing the verification that I haven't lost any of my athleticism over the years. Enjoy the weekend and GO BILLS! By the way, who did win the bubble blowing?
This is a first! A flip video? Our blog has now been promoted to new levels! We never had a video! Let's just hope there are now videos that are about to go viral from 8/14/10.
That was the best, a great reminder about a most wonderful day! Had kind of a touch and go incident yesterday, my mom was out of books, so I told her I would come to her when I got out of work, so I went to pick her up, went to the library, and they were closing! So not only did I return to full bags of audio books I ran and grabbed 6 off the shelf, need to say, this year at Christmas the Library staff will have to get more than just hershey kisses! Love the video Jff!!! Have a great day all Do we dare dream? GO BILLS
Bills!!! WooHooo!!! Can't wait until we beat the Pats in week 3... oh wait, am I getting ahead of myself?
We had a beautiful day yesterday at Camp Pioneer in Angola (we missed the rain thank godness). We spent time on the beach and Emma and her friend Nikki went swimming. Jeter even had a nice time and kept his streak alive by being rude and barking at family.
Mondays are always bearable after a Bills win! To bad I didn't start Fitzpatrick! Just my luck. I start the Saints D and bench Fitz! Who knew he would have a career high game!? Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. I think we should all make a flip video! I nominate unkie to do a flip blog next. Let's just hope my dance moves from my sisters wedding have been archived!
Ah yes, a flip video. Right up my technological alley. I will get right on that. 2 ties in fantasy the first week??? What are the odds of that? Gonna be competitive this year. Oakland looked good last nite so this sunday?? Time to go to work. Enjoy all
Gary and I saw Pearl Jam up in Toronto on Sunday for the 20th anniversary tour. What an amazing concert. The band played until 11:30pm and for their 2nd Encore they played Rockin' In the Free World with surprise guest Neil Young. INSANE!
wow that MADE my day! thank you jff -- great memories. I particularly love the delicate way I belt out "one, two, three, go!" I'm a model of ladylike ways for my three daughters.
Umphrey's concert was awesome last night. What was not awesome was the fact that I got home at 1:45 in the AM... not good. I obviously have to stay within the BFLO confines on work days.
Love to hear how everyone is livin their life! Love it! to recap, K and Eric battling it out for HFFBB supremecy! Bro and nephew in a battle for place number 2! So that is how amazing our K is, battling for first and giving birth to twins! Now who can top that! Survey team at work, I am on badge duty! All badges must be on the collar, people, how many times do you have to be told that!
My only hope is that with my little sister on duty, that the strawberries don't disappear. Not an easy task to keep them all in line sis. I was prepared to use my free periods this morning to make a tops banana run, but apparently Misses Fixxitt took me offthe hook on that one. Talked to Mom and she said that Barb's surgery went well. Good news. Fantasy baseball, fantasy football, so many demands on my time. Finished painting the garage yesterday. All that remains is the trim. Need the good weather to continue. No exciting times for the EA Holtzes, unlike the travelling concertgoing folks. Ah, youth.
Survey update, no badge issue, but incomplete chart issue! HIp HIp Hooray, it is FRIDAY! So looking forward to the end of the work day, I totally earned my friday night folks! I am not ashamed to say that I worked extremely hard this week! Plans: Friday - p/u our awesome Austin, for a weekend of FUN! Not sure what it will entail, but it will be fun! Saturday - Niagara Hose Chowder! That will insure Chowder and Hot Dogs for the Bills Game on Sunday. I think I may serve that on Thanksgiving, thoughts? Also on Saturday going to the Botanical Gardens with my sister for there succulent show, now that is kind of a catchy phrase isnt it? We got some bad news yesterday, when bronxy went to the kennel day care she picked up kennel cough! I just know they put her next to that dirty dachsund named "fenway"! I'm just saying... Enjoy your day all! To each and everyone of you, you make my day!
Good morning, it's Friday! We have big plans this weekend. Zach has a soccer game tomorrow morning and I'm grilling up dogs... I'd rather be watching his game.
Sunday, we're off to Toronto for the Yankees/ Blue Jays game!!! Yeah!
Hopefully we don't do anything tonight and we just relax and enjoy the evening.
Yes it's true Bronx has a mild form of kennel cough. However (unfortunately) it hasn't slowed her down AT ALL! Plans for the weekend...NADA! And it feels good I tell ya!
I got to listen to the entire 4th quarter on the radio on our way back from Toronto (thank goodness the skies were clear and we got reception)... what a game. We were just outside of Fort Niagara when the game ended and all 4 of us hooped and shouted with the win. Pretty cool.
Mom reported that the first half of the game at the bar at Jill and Gary's was pretty noisy, and that was when they were losing. I can't imagine what it was like during the last few minutes of the game. Adam and I talked after the game was over and neither of us was making much sense and we agreed that we needed to take a walk to decompress.
Bronx is in daycare today, and I was given the web address by my daughter, so I can litterally sit and watch her play with all the other dogs today! Talk about wasting company time! Sabres play the Habs tonight, which brings up the age old question? What exactly is a Hab? Looking forward to our beer and wing night! Should we come dressed as our favorite Literary Character? Just curious?
Got a little more painting in before the rain came. I've got my dad adding a layer of joint compound to my dining room ceiling so I can paint that when I get home.
Happy Saturday! Had a very fun evening at Jff & Sandra's, inspite of the rain! menu was delicious, beer was cold, party goers lots of fun! Thanks for hosting nephew, so much fun! Hoping for a dry day to garden, and paint the fence Do we dare hope for a bills win tomorrow, do we?
This is the first time I've ever been able to savor a bills victory over the pats in front of students. This is the single BEST day I've ever had as a teacher!
Zach and I golfed all day yesterday afternoon. We played in a 2 man scramble tournament and I could not have imagined anyone else as my partner. We shot a combined 85 AT Deerwood; tough course. The sun was shining and we had a really good day. It would have been a perfect day if I'd only had a little bit more patience with my dear son driving the golf cart. My problem, not his. I'll get better.
St. Joe's freshman beat St. Francis freshman 3-0 yesterday. Zach played a strong game, hustled and came close to scoring... again. He hit the crossbar in Saturday's loss.
WOW what an end to the regular season! All the games were great last night. I wish I could have stayed up late enough to watch all of the endings! Let the Playsoffs begin!
Okay, okay, I'll be the obnoxious Yankee fan this morning. Yahoo! It's great to be a Yankee fan. After all the questions in the spring regarding their pitching; (CC and then no one else) the pitching comes through.
I was rooting for the Braves last night, I just can't stand the Cardinals, so I'm sorry that they lost. They'll be back next year though as their team gets older and hopefully Heyward plays to his potential. What a disappointment he was.
Cardiologist report on Gramma: She is fine! Did order one test, and Echocardiogram, so maybe just maybe we may make it to ATL some day soon! Got to admit, the Rays game was most enjoyable, even though I do hate the way girardi manages the pitchers! poor scott proctor! Not a big cardinals fan either nephew, can not stand tony lorusso! I think he dies his hair, I am just saying! I was absolutely rooting for the braves, but they did look like a very tired team! All ready thinking of the weekend???
October 1st, is that possible? Seriously where did the summer go, where did sept go? I dont think we can say it enough, that time flies! Can not believe CJ will be 2? Can a prom be that far away? Little scared of the Rays, they seem rejuvenated, am thinking my yankees should have closed the door on them! Might come back to nip them. Big plans for the day, take my overdue library book back. After that, just cleaning the palace. Anastasia over tomorrow for roast chicken and football! Enjoy the day family, like only you can!
Looks like the most exciting thing for today will be turning the calendar page. What an ugly day! Hearing lots of complaining from the south about the unusual "cold snap" down there. Who else is nervous about tomorrow's game? Not an issue that we have had to deal with over the last few years. Make the best of it today. Go Rays/Tigers/Rangers!!!
The winter heating season began officially at 6 AM with the ceremonial "turning on of the heat". A mere 7 months and I can seriously consider turning it off. Bills overconfident? Too much to hope for that they win and both Jets and Pats lose?? Record cold in Fla. I love it. You got it right nc jnn----Go Bills!
We/ I turned our heat on Saturday morning too at 7AM. It was about 48 degrees in our house and I felt that was a good starting temperature to start with. THAT and I couldn't feel my toes.
Zach and I went golfing yesterday at Evergreen with papa fixxit. Th conditions were pretty crappy and unfortunately we had to rush through the day instead of enjoy ourselves... which means I was nagging Zach to hurry up. I wsh we could have enjoyed it a little more. On a high note I did par 6 out of 9 holes.
Zach's soccer team beat the Clarence freshman 2-1 yesterday. He played a good game but thought he could've played better. To make up my Monday's "grumpy day" we went to Duff's after the game. There we saw Jenna's frend Kristen with her family... it was nice to see her.
I'm REALLY excited abut these next few das coming up. We've got some sun and warmth arriving.
Happy Happy Birthday, to our sweet Caroline! Hard to believe you are the 2! Everyone attending the festivities this weekend travel safe, wish we could be there! So excited for a weekend of sun! I hope everyone makes the best of it!
Can you believe that weekend? We were at the UB game on Saturday and Sandra wrote on Facebook; "It's 80 degrees and the Bulls are winning, I'm so confused". That's kinda funny.
Back from cloudy, cool Atlanta to bask in the warm WNY sunshine. Had a great time for the joint b-day parties on Sat. Travelled up to north Ga. for Octoberfest at the town of Helen which had been redesigned as an Alpine village. Had all of the beer and wursts you could imagine.Twins are doing great. Guess that I will go and mow. Great wins by the Bulls and the bills!!!
I didn't get a chance to check the results before I left this morning, but I don't have high hopes. At least we are going to squeeze out one more nice day, and it's hard to complain when you are off monday, work tuesday, off wed., work thurs. and then off fri. Just a little gloating from the resident senior citizen. Enjoy.
You know, that's REALLY hitting below the belt. I have at least 35 more years before I can even consider retiring. Though, I am looking forward to my next career as a WalMart greeter.
UGH to the rain, so getting used to the sunshine and warm Oct days! So in a meeting today, my boss told me that I was exposed? At first glance I thought she was referring to a wardrobe malfunction, but she really meant in the hierarchy pyramid I am on a line all by myself! Which is good for job duties, but bad at budget, when only one name appears on a line it is very easy to draw a line through it! So I have resigned myself to the fact,that if I get laid off, I will hitch a ride to Hotlanta, and becoome the Twombly's live in " go fer"! Thoughts? K? not rooting for anyone in baseball, and what is going on with the NBA?
Well, we have reached another Friday and I expected a bit more enthusiasm out there. At least it's better than it was 5 yrs. ago for you northtowners. Enjoy
Happy Friday! Sabres game tonight! Kind of a gray gloomy day outside, at least it was when I walked in. So the big debate at BGH today is, and it has nothing to do with the JP Morgan protest, it is, is the Hot Dog truck and Lloyd's Taco truck still parked over at Roswell so everyone can get lunch! Now thats impt! Other than that no big plans for the weekend, what is everyones agenda?
beautiful day like today makes it difficult to decide what to do. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I will just nap on the couch. Enjoy. Go Bills! Sorry about the Sabres but lots of games left.
Jll, If you tighten up the leash when Gary passes another male he should be fine. God luck.
Yes, it was cold, windy, and rainy over the weekend down in Allegany but we were prepared for it with winter coats and we had a good time. The camping season is officially over until 2012.
UGH to Monday UGH to Monday after a Bills loss! Had a great day with gramma yesterday, she told me she is trying to consolidate her grocery list so she can only go every 2 weeks? My home work is to compile a list of foods that have potasium for when she runs out of banana's. I like projects, they keep me busy! get through the day people!
apparently the new shopping plan calls for once every two weeks or everyday since i was there to pick her up to go shopping this morning. In any event, she wasn't feeling well enuf to go so I went with the list. I checked to see that currently she has 11 bananas, 3 loaves of rye and 4# of unsalted butter. Who is up for this thursday's shopping assignment? 3-0, 1-2 or something else for the Bills next 3 game segment? I think that Bronx and school should be the next blog. And no fair helping him with his homework.
Rumor had it an anniversary blog was in the works?? Not sure which procrastinator had said that?? I think when we all stop by and see Mom, just bring her a bunch of bananas. No flowers, just bananas! She did perk up yesterday afternoon, as she had a Drs appt. This weeks assignment is to work with the Dr's at Gates, which means I pretty much watch TV!
I got some golfing in yesterday at Beaver. Decent enough weather, got a little rain on me a couple times... no biggie. Shot okay, some good shots, some bad. 47 for the front 9. A little better on the back... Bogey, bogey, par, bogey, bogey... that's all we got in before night fell upon us. I was just happy to be outside hitting them.
Proud to be first and a great video.I particularly enjoyed seeing the verification that I haven't lost any of my athleticism over the years. Enjoy the weekend and GO BILLS! By the way, who did win the bubble blowing?
This is a first! A flip video? Our blog has now been promoted to new levels! We never had a video! Let's just hope there are now videos that are about to go viral from 8/14/10.
That was the best, a great reminder about a most wonderful day!
Had kind of a touch and go incident yesterday, my mom was out of books, so I told her I would come to her when I got out of work, so I went to pick her up, went to the library, and they were closing! So not only did I return to full bags of audio books I ran and grabbed 6 off the shelf, need to say, this year at Christmas the Library staff will have to get more than just hershey kisses!
Love the video Jff!!!
Have a great day all
Do we dare dream? GO BILLS
Almost wet my pants.
...Because I was laughing so hard. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I knew that I should have taken Ryan Fitzpatrick for my fantasy QB. That sound you heard was me jumping back on the bills bandwagon.
Bills!!! WooHooo!!!
Can't wait until we beat the Pats in week 3... oh wait, am I getting ahead of myself?
We had a beautiful day yesterday at Camp Pioneer in Angola (we missed the rain thank godness). We spent time on the beach and Emma and her friend Nikki went swimming. Jeter even had a nice time and kept his streak alive by being rude and barking at family.
Mondays are always bearable after a Bills win! To bad I didn't start Fitzpatrick! Just my luck. I start the Saints D and bench Fitz! Who knew he would have a career high game!? Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. I think we should all make a flip video! I nominate unkie to do a flip blog next. Let's just hope my dance moves from my sisters wedding have been archived!
Ah yes, a flip video. Right up my technological alley. I will get right on that. 2 ties in fantasy the first week??? What are the odds of that? Gonna be competitive this year. Oakland looked good last nite so this sunday?? Time to go to work. Enjoy all
Gary and I saw Pearl Jam up in Toronto on Sunday for the 20th anniversary tour. What an amazing concert. The band played until 11:30pm and for their 2nd Encore they played Rockin' In the Free World with surprise guest Neil Young. INSANE!
That's awesome Jill! Glad you had a good time.
I'm off to see Umphrey's McGee tonight in Rochester. Maybe Neil will show up there too.
Zach's second soccer game is tonight v. Canisius. In West Seneca? Hmmmm...
Emma had her second art lesson yesterday and brought home her stained glass project... pretty nice.
wow that MADE my day! thank you jff -- great memories. I particularly love the delicate way I belt out "one, two, three, go!" I'm a model of ladylike ways for my three daughters.
You're welcome K, it was a fun day.
Umphrey's concert was awesome last night. What was not awesome was the fact that I got home at 1:45 in the AM... not good. I obviously have to stay within the BFLO confines on work days.
Love to hear how everyone is livin their life! Love it!
to recap, K and Eric battling it out for HFFBB supremecy! Bro and nephew in a battle for place number 2!
So that is how amazing our K is, battling for first and giving birth to twins! Now who can top that!
Survey team at work, I am on badge duty! All badges must be on the collar, people, how many times do you have to be told that!
"Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges".
We had a nice evening grilling up brats, chicken, clams and baked potatoes last night... topped that off with a nice IPA... delish.
My only hope is that with my little sister on duty, that the strawberries don't disappear. Not an easy task to keep them all in line sis. I was prepared to use my free periods this morning to make a tops banana run, but apparently Misses Fixxitt took me offthe hook on that one. Talked to Mom and she said that Barb's surgery went well. Good news. Fantasy baseball, fantasy football, so many demands on my time. Finished painting the garage yesterday. All that remains is the trim. Need the good weather to continue. No exciting times for the EA Holtzes, unlike the travelling concertgoing folks. Ah, youth.
Survey update, no badge issue, but incomplete chart issue!
HIp HIp Hooray, it is FRIDAY!
So looking forward to the end of the work day, I totally earned my friday night folks! I am not ashamed to say that I worked extremely hard this week!
Friday - p/u our awesome Austin, for a weekend of FUN! Not sure what it will entail, but it will be fun!
Saturday - Niagara Hose Chowder! That will insure Chowder and Hot Dogs for the Bills Game on Sunday.
I think I may serve that on Thanksgiving, thoughts?
Also on Saturday going to the Botanical Gardens with my sister for there succulent show, now that is kind of a catchy phrase isnt it?
We got some bad news yesterday, when bronxy went to the kennel day care she picked up kennel cough! I just know they put her next to that dirty dachsund named "fenway"!
I'm just saying...
Enjoy your day all!
To each and everyone of you, you make my day!
Good morning, it's Friday!
We have big plans this weekend. Zach has a soccer game tomorrow morning and I'm grilling up dogs... I'd rather be watching his game.
Sunday, we're off to Toronto for the Yankees/ Blue Jays game!!! Yeah!
Hopefully we don't do anything tonight and we just relax and enjoy the evening.
Yes it's true Bronx has a mild form of kennel cough. However (unfortunately) it hasn't slowed her down AT ALL!
Plans for the weekend...NADA! And it feels good I tell ya!
I may stay on the internet all afternoon so I don't have to watch the second half. Looks like a replay of last year's run defense.
Well, I guess that I had better issue a retraction for that previous commment. God, I love the Bills!!!!
2-0! Great game!!!!!!
I will be at the game next Sunday.
I got to listen to the entire 4th quarter on the radio on our way back from Toronto (thank goodness the skies were clear and we got reception)... what a game. We were just outside of Fort Niagara when the game ended and all 4 of us hooped and shouted with the win. Pretty cool.
Mom reported that the first half of the game at the bar at Jill and Gary's was pretty noisy, and that was when they were losing. I can't imagine what it was like during the last few minutes of the game. Adam and I talked after the game was over and neither of us was making much sense and we agreed that we needed to take a walk to decompress.
Time to get over that "hump day". Not much going on with the fam. I did a little painting last night, just door trim, nothing exciting.
Bills are ranked 15th in the USA Today's Power Rankings.
Bronx is in daycare today, and I was given the web address by my daughter, so I can litterally sit and watch her play with all the other dogs today! Talk about wasting company time!
Sabres play the Habs tonight, which brings up the age old question? What exactly is a Hab?
Looking forward to our beer and wing night!
Should we come dressed as our favorite Literary Character? Just curious?
Great idea, you know I love theme parties.
Got a little more painting in before the rain came. I've got my dad adding a layer of joint compound to my dining room ceiling so I can paint that when I get home.
Thank goodness, I'm just working a half day today so I can spend a little time with Sandra now that she's back from Wisconsin... poor girl.
It's friday and I'm liking it already. Just trying to finish the painting project.
Painting, everyone is painting!
So very excited for the weekend!
Of course, drinks tonight at my nephews! Perfect way to end a tough work week!
Happy Saturday! Had a very fun evening at Jff & Sandra's, inspite of the rain! menu was delicious, beer was cold, party goers lots of fun! Thanks for hosting nephew, so much fun!
Hoping for a dry day to garden, and paint the fence
Do we dare hope for a bills win tomorrow, do we?
Dear Lord:
Thank you for today!
Let me provide a DITTO!!!! for the comment above. They are taking a toll but they are fun to watch.
This is the first time I've ever been able to savor a bills victory over the pats in front of students. This is the single BEST day I've ever had as a teacher!
Wonder if I can disguise reading the Boston Globe on line at work?
I am gonna try, thats for sure!
Adm, too funny. Enjoy your day gloating.
Zach and I golfed all day yesterday afternoon. We played in a 2 man scramble tournament and I could not have imagined anyone else as my partner. We shot a combined 85 AT Deerwood; tough course. The sun was shining and we had a really good day. It would have been a perfect day if I'd only had a little bit more patience with my dear son driving the golf cart. My problem, not his. I'll get better.
Good morning! Man, what a gorgeous morning today! How many of these !!! can I use?
Zach has a game at St. Francis today and hopefully I don't get too wet watching it.
St. Joe's freshman beat St. Francis freshman 3-0 yesterday. Zach played a strong game, hustled and came close to scoring... again. He hit the crossbar in Saturday's loss.
I was pulling for the Braves last night! What a heartbreaking game! Happy Friday Eve everyone. Enjoy the next 7.5 hours.
WOW what an end to the regular season! All the games were great last night. I wish I could have stayed up late enough to watch all of the endings! Let the Playsoffs begin!
There is no pain as acute as the pain we Braves fans feel this morning.... unless its the pain a Red Sox fan feels this morning.
And to think I stayed up for that and gave up what little sleep I had coming. The twins didn't take it easy on my after that either.
Okay, okay, I'll be the obnoxious Yankee fan this morning. Yahoo! It's great to be a Yankee fan. After all the questions in the spring regarding their pitching; (CC and then no one else) the pitching comes through.
I was rooting for the Braves last night, I just can't stand the Cardinals, so I'm sorry that they lost. They'll be back next year though as their team gets older and hopefully Heyward plays to his potential. What a disappointment he was.
Cardiologist report on Gramma: She is fine! Did order one test, and Echocardiogram, so maybe just maybe we may make it to ATL some day soon!
Got to admit, the Rays game was most enjoyable, even though I do hate the way girardi manages the pitchers! poor scott proctor!
Not a big cardinals fan either nephew, can not stand tony lorusso!
I think he dies his hair, I am just saying!
I was absolutely rooting for the braves, but they did look like a very tired team!
All ready thinking of the weekend???
Rain in the forecast?
Woo Hoo! MLB playoffs start tonight, 8:37 is a bit late for me... at least I'll be able to watch 4 innings.
October 1st, is that possible? Seriously where did the summer go, where did sept go? I dont think we can say it enough, that time flies! Can not believe CJ will be 2? Can a prom be that far away?
Little scared of the Rays, they seem rejuvenated, am thinking my yankees should have closed the door on them! Might come back to nip them. Big plans for the day, take my overdue library book back.
After that, just cleaning the palace. Anastasia over tomorrow for roast chicken and football!
Enjoy the day family, like only you can!
Rain and gloom... ugh
Looks like the most exciting thing for today will be turning the calendar page. What an ugly day! Hearing lots of complaining from the south about the unusual "cold snap" down there. Who else is nervous about tomorrow's game? Not an issue that we have had to deal with over the last few years. Make the best of it today. Go Rays/Tigers/Rangers!!!
The winter heating season began officially at 6 AM with the ceremonial "turning on of the heat". A mere 7 months and I can seriously consider turning it off. Bills overconfident? Too much to hope for that they win and both Jets and Pats lose?? Record cold in Fla. I love it. You got it right nc jnn----Go Bills!
Nothing is worse than Monday, and nothing is worse than a monday after a loss! UGH
We/ I turned our heat on Saturday morning too at 7AM. It was about 48 degrees in our house and I felt that was a good starting temperature to start with. THAT and I couldn't feel my toes.
Zach and I went golfing yesterday at Evergreen with papa fixxit. Th conditions were pretty crappy and unfortunately we had to rush through the day instead of enjoy ourselves... which means I was nagging Zach to hurry up. I wsh we could have enjoyed it a little more.
On a high note I did par 6 out of 9 holes.
Zach's soccer team beat the Clarence freshman 2-1 yesterday. He played a good game but thought he could've played better. To make up my Monday's "grumpy day" we went to Duff's after the game. There we saw Jenna's frend Kristen with her family... it was nice to see her.
I'm REALLY excited abut these next few das coming up. We've got some sun and warmth arriving.
Am I the only one who exists in cyberworld? Has the world been vaporized and I'm the only one left? I'm getting a lttle concerned.
Happy Birthday Caroline!
Happy Happy Birthday, to our sweet Caroline! Hard to believe you are the 2!
Everyone attending the festivities this weekend travel safe, wish we could be there!
So excited for a weekend of sun!
I hope everyone makes the best of it!
How do you guys know that information?
Happy Birthday Caroline!
Sabres today at 1PM!!!
UB game tomorrow at 3:30
Ellicottville this weekend.
And sun, sun, sun...
Great Sabres win! Looking forward to a Bills win on Sunday!
Enjoy the weekend everyone. Should be a sunny day!
An absolutely, positively gorgeous sunday!
Who could ask for anything more!
Mmmmmm... had wings on the grill and listened to the game on the radio. I did it old school. What a game.
Can you believe that weekend?
We were at the UB game on Saturday and Sandra wrote on Facebook; "It's 80 degrees and the Bulls are winning, I'm so confused".
That's kinda funny.
Back from cloudy, cool Atlanta to bask in the warm WNY sunshine. Had a great time for the joint b-day parties on Sat. Travelled up to north Ga. for Octoberfest at the town of Helen which had been redesigned as an Alpine village. Had all of the beer and wursts you could imagine.Twins are doing great. Guess that I will go and mow. Great wins by the Bulls and the bills!!!
Down 23 points to unk with 2 of my positions playing tonight! Hoping to pull off an upset here. Highly unlikely!
Our blog will turn 6 years old on October 18th. There is a very creative blog in the works!
This is a close one Unk!
Creative Blob!!!!
Sandra, in our CBS league, had a 30 point lead going into last night's game. Jahvid Best had the best game of his career and beat her... poor Sandra.
I didn't get a chance to check the results before I left this morning, but I don't have high hopes. At least we are going to squeeze out one more nice day, and it's hard to complain when you are off monday, work tuesday, off wed., work thurs. and then off fri. Just a little gloating from the resident senior citizen. Enjoy.
You know, that's REALLY hitting below the belt. I have at least 35 more years before I can even consider retiring. Though, I am looking forward to my next career as a WalMart greeter.
UGH to the rain, so getting used to the sunshine and warm Oct days!
So in a meeting today, my boss told me that I was exposed? At first glance I thought she was referring to a wardrobe malfunction, but she really meant in the hierarchy pyramid I am on a line all by myself! Which is good for job duties, but bad at budget, when only one name appears on a line it is very easy to draw a line through it! So I have resigned myself to the fact,that if I get laid off, I will hitch a ride to Hotlanta, and becoome the Twombly's live in " go fer"! Thoughts? K?
not rooting for anyone in baseball, and what is going on with the NBA?
Who cares about the NBA.
What's going on in Beantown? Fried chicken, beer, video games, Theo is gone to ChiTown, a Boston paper wants Beckett gone... holy cow.
Well, we have reached another Friday and I expected a bit more enthusiasm out there. At least it's better than it was 5 yrs. ago for you northtowners. Enjoy
Happy Friday! Sabres game tonight!
Kind of a gray gloomy day outside, at least it was when I walked in.
So the big debate at BGH today is, and it has nothing to do with the JP Morgan protest, it is, is the Hot Dog truck and Lloyd's Taco truck still parked over at Roswell so everyone can get lunch!
Now thats impt!
Other than that no big plans for the weekend, what is everyones agenda?
beautiful day like today makes it difficult to decide what to do. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I will just nap on the couch. Enjoy. Go Bills! Sorry about the Sabres but lots of games left.
Horrible Sabres loss yesterday. Let's hope the Bills can savage the sports weekend by pulling off a win!
The heat kicked on in our house. Looks to be a lazy Saturday here.
Jeff took me camping this weekend...I'm still cold & wet & cold & wet...did I mention wet & cold? Got two letterboxes though! That was fun!
Boo to Monday! Bronx starts obedience class tomorrow. Actually Gary and I start tomorrow and Bronx starts next week. Other than that...I got nothing.
Jll, If you tighten up the leash when Gary passes another male he should be fine. God luck.
Yes, it was cold, windy, and rainy over the weekend down in Allegany but we were prepared for it with winter coats and we had a good time. The camping season is officially over until 2012.
That's meant to say good luck... my leybpard stinks.
UGH to Monday
UGH to Monday after a Bills loss!
Had a great day with gramma yesterday, she told me she is trying to consolidate her grocery list so she can only go every 2 weeks? My home work is to compile a list of foods that have potasium for when she runs out of banana's.
I like projects, they keep me busy!
get through the day people!
apparently the new shopping plan calls for once every two weeks or everyday since i was there to pick her up to go shopping this morning. In any event, she wasn't feeling well enuf to go so I went with the list. I checked to see that currently she has 11 bananas, 3 loaves of rye and 4# of unsalted butter. Who is up for this thursday's shopping assignment? 3-0, 1-2 or something else for the Bills next 3 game segment? I think that Bronx and school should be the next blog. And no fair helping him with his homework.
Rumor had it an anniversary blog was in the works??
Not sure which procrastinator had said that??
I think when we all stop by and see Mom, just bring her a bunch of bananas. No flowers, just bananas!
She did perk up yesterday afternoon, as she had a Drs appt.
This weeks assignment is to work with the Dr's at Gates, which means I pretty much watch TV!
I got some golfing in yesterday at Beaver. Decent enough weather, got a little rain on me a couple times... no biggie. Shot okay, some good shots, some bad. 47 for the front 9. A little better on the back... Bogey, bogey, par, bogey, bogey... that's all we got in before night fell upon us. I was just happy to be outside hitting them.
My nephew golfed yesterday? Wasnt it a work day yesterday?
gray gloomy day today!
waiting for tomorrow!
I did it immediately afer work. I arrived at Beaver at exactly 3:36 and golfed to about 6:45... 5 minutes after it was dark.
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