Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ken-West and Kenmore Middle Share the Stage

A Christmas Video Blob

Emma got to share the stage with Ken-West's orchestra for some holiday fun.  She's on the right hand side 4 chairs in; she's hard to see.  It was a fun night and they played some pretty good Christmas music.  Emma plays second fiddle for Kenmore Middle, not bad for a 6th grader.


Betsy said...

great job Emma! So very proud of you!
Not for nothin, but your dad has been a second fiddle his whole life! LOL!
UGH to the Bills and Sabres, Yea to Christmas!

Betsy said...

Finally got my sound to work at work! They sounded awesome!

unky said...

Nicely done Emma!! Ah, Christmas concerts. One of the great joys in life and sorely missed since our kids have grown. Thank you for sharing. Me, It's my last work day of 2011. Is everyone out there happy for me? Just 5 more classes to get thru.

Betsy said...

I am always happy when someone no longer has to return to the grind!
Me, Jnna and I stood in the post office line last evening to assure that our Hotlanta family got there goodies from GG!
Now seriously who waits til the last minute to mail!! mmm I do!
Not sure if everyone is aware, but our awesome Austin, for his Junior and Senior Year was accepted into the Environmental/Forestry Program at Lockport HighSchool, and this fall sememster was apparently Tree's 101, so yesterday while woodworking Austin put a drill bit through his hand, and to quote him, it was while I was working on your Christmas Gift Aunt Jnna! So after a quick tetanus shot and stint in the ER, he was feeling better!
Jnna and gg are marathon shopping today, so it will be interesting to see how that goes!
It probably will just involve lunch and tops!
Enjoy Tuesday all

jt said...

"second fiddle" ... too funny.

Very happy for ya Uncky (what, now with a "Y"... really). Someone's going through a change in their life.

"Me, Jena and I" ???? Interesting.

Tuesday!!! Not counting today, only two more days... YAHOO! I love Christmas!

Betsy said...

Me, Jenna and I, not sure what I meant??
Just bored at work, and my mind is wandering..
Does anyone have a head count of who is left in Rochester after the last round of Sabre call ups?
Was everyone aware that the Montreal Canadian coach does not speak french???

And Bing Crosby was 51 when he made White Christmas the movie....

Jnna said...

I'm exhausted! Two more days of work then I'm off! Yeah!

jt said...

Bing Sizzle was only 51 in "White Christmas" (just saw it on AMC)??? Why did he always look like he was 65? Must be Hollywood make-up.

I still have to wrap Sandra's gifts! Oh boy.

unk said...

I just posted on the last blog and not this one. Must be the egg nog I have been sampling.

jt said...

Already brewing??? Please share with us who are less fortunate.

Betsy said...

show of hands, who still has shopping to do? My hand is up.
Gramma is done, I bought her a sweater, I hope she needed one.
I have finalized my pirate gift and I must say, it will be one for the ages!
I want a full account of how the Bunts Pirtate Game goes, in there innaugural season.
Yup, still raining!

jt said...

Hmmmmm... just ran into Auntie B at Target. Which one of us was working and which one has the day off?

Christmas buying is almost done. Sandra and I have to go to one more store for 2 more items... that's it!
AND I'm done wrapping Sandra's presents... Yahoo!

Betsy said...

LOL, too funny running into nephew at Target! Oddly enough he would not let me sneak a peek in his bag??? what do you think that was all about..
I am just recapping, and it looks like the only one who will be a little light this Christmas is George!

unk said...

so let me get this straight, the big argument in the middle of Target was who was supposed to be at work? And the decision? either? both? neither? One more thing to get resolved on xmas day. I have little hope for the Bunts pirate game. Mother Bunts seems to feel that when she gets something that she likes, the game should end. The actual rules are a real tough sell. It cries out for cellphone video. Looking forward to the arrival of the Quincy Holtzes tomorrow AM. See you all on sunday

kdh said...

Merry Christmas family! we're watching the Ralphie movie after a great Christmas Eve day of cookies and goofing and bike riding -- yep, it was 60 and sunny in our Hotlanta xmas.

Antie B, the package arrived in time -- thanks so much -- the kids can't wait to open it tomorrow.

Much love to all -- we will miss you very very much --

Text me pictures as the day unfolds!

JT said...

Merry Christmas!!!

unkie said...

Hey, we made another one. Looking forward to seeing everyone in just a little bit. Quincy Holtzes arrived yesterday and we had a great day. Already had a video conf. with the Atlanta folks. Travel safely. How bout them Bills!!

unk said...

A great, great day again yesterday. A wonderful time, no punches thrown during the pirate game, great food and everyone so generous with Audrey and Oliver. Thanks to all for everything. Hope that everyone is enjoying the day after too.