As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Not so much breaking news.......anymore
As many of you know our blog serves many purposes. This morning as I was snug in my bed after a late night out (9:00pm), mother awakened me to the screetch the Elk's Lodge is on FIRE! As the Koch family was first to break the news on facebook, I thought I would follow up with some pictures. The twin city landmark was built in 1921 and served millions of fish fries.
It was set to be demolished today. What will go into this vacant lot? KDHRC franchise?
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Wow, first to post!
What a shame. Do we know what started it yet?
Fun weekend with the fam, nothing exciting to report other than it was a productive and fun weekend.
I think that it is cutting edge news reporting. Film at 11?? Way to go nc jnn!
Nice job daughter!
Another good fish fry place bites the dust! And another empty lot in NT!
Had Anastasia over for foot ball and dinner yesterday, one was successful! The Bils are just, plain ugly to watch!
Enjoy Monday!
Illness report:
Sandra's feeling much better as of yesterday and woke up this morning feeling great. BUT, she reports that both kids felt a lil' warm this morning... uh oh!
any word on where our Christmas Holtzapalooza celebration will be held?
The Elks Lodge 866, is now out of the running.
KDHRC Enterprises? They do have a pool table?
I just need to know where to drop gramma off at, and what time of course.
Talked to Ms Fixxitt this AM and it appears that the xmas festivities will be on Nash Rd. The EA option was not practical this year since church would prevent the Fixxitt arrival until 2ish and that would limit the gift-exchange/eating to about 28 minutes since we have Linda's to go to. What is with all of this sunshine.
Okay, Christmas Holtzapalooza is official.
Illness report Part II:
Zach is home sick. He came after school yesterday and went right to bed. Not normal behavior for a 14 year old. Normal for me, a 45 year old though.
Sorry nephew's household has been bitten by the flu bug!
HOpe everyone feels better soon!
Happy tuesday, other than that I got nothing..
Not ready for the big day! Other than that not to much else going on?
Zach was forced to go to school today, we'll see if he can finish it. Boy, are we awful parents.
Happy thursday!
I feel that the clock is ticking quicker! Heard that Christmas will be at my sisters, and there will be no nog, oh and I have to bring corn, other than that I have no other information.
I would rather see rain than snow
I would rather watch the Sabres than the bills
I would rather be home than at work
I agree with your third statement, being at home than work, but...
I'd rather have it snowing than raining. I don't like being cold and wet, just cold.
I'd rather be knitting than watching the Bills or Sabres right now.
I'd rather wear sneakers than shoes.
I'd rather have steak than chicken.
I'd rather have soup than salad.
And I'd rather smile than frown (it uses more muscles but it's worth it)
That is awesome nephew! And I agree one hundred percent!
I would rather smile than frown
and I am adding
I would rather drink bottled beer than draft!
So many things to respond to. I would rather, beer. I would rather be on a warm beach than get rained or snowed on. I am working on my mona lisa smile but I don't think it will ever make a painting. I did see the rubble that used to be the Elks today. Rumor has it that nc jnn is taking Gramma out shopping next tuesday. Ms. Fixxitt did a great job vacuuming for the company on Bryant St.. Vacuuming, that's a funny looking word. Hope the Pilafs are healing
Happy Friday!
Sabre game tonight.
I am thinking which is worse for us downtrodden Buffalo Fans, a hat trick by connelly or a stellar performance by Losman??? Just asking which would be more painful?
I have a whirlwind weekend planned, as there still is no tree at 431, and some people have more gifts than others...
May the time clock whizz by today
I concur with my brother, vacuuming is a funny looking word!
vacuum, VACuum, vacUUm... it's funny to say too.
Sandra and Zach are back to being healthy, thank goodness. Zach was up and feeling better after only a day.
Hmmmm... Losman or Connelly? Great question. Right now, I think it would hurt more to see Connelly score three because the Sabres will only score 2... meaning we lose the game.
If Losman does well (and he probably will), the Bills still have a chance to win.
I'll be at the game, I'll let you know.
Are these snow flurries putting everyone into more of a holiday mood? Auntie has donned her Mrs. Claus costume to get into the spirit of the season. Me, I guess I look more like an unshaven Grinch. Enjoy the weekend. Next sat. is xmas eve. Can you believe it?
Yes, rumor has it I will be taking Gram out on Tuesday. I almost forgot too! But, by the looks of it my almost 95 year old grandmother didn't. One week to Christmas Eve. Where did this year go? Enjoy the day! BRRR!
Looking for reports/updates on yesterday's shopping excursion. Was AB's prediction correct, or did the shoppers make it past Tops and Athenas. In case anyone is interested, Auntie, Alias Mrs Claus is working me like a rented mule today. Oh, to be back at work and taking it easy...
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