MissedMas eve morning dawned clear and bright. " Hmmm", said Chuck. "I think I'll golf." Off he went but was soon to discover there were only 3 balls in the bag he borrowed from Kristen. Two of these were still damp and moldy from spending considerable time at the bottom of a pond. Chuck managed to arrive home after a quick stop at Cowtippers, his favorite gay bar, where he had a daquerri and watched a quick rerun of Bewitched.
Missedmas eve dinner was a feast indeed. No fatted goose for us. We went straight for the epicurean delights of Bangladeshi take out. The flies were delicious and the spices, a mix that kept on giving..and giving..and giving.
Fed Ex managed to round up a sleigh and a very tired Santa and deliver all our gifts just in the 'nick' of time.
Missedmas morning finally arrived after spending a restless night which we attributed, not to anticipation, but rather to the feast from the night before-still giving and giving. The crystal moose glasses were quickly located and we toasted in a sunny happy morningSanta's helpers were quick to RIP open the box and place everything under our carefully constructed Missedmas tree.
Now? Now?? What do you mean ??? Breakfast first? How cruel!!
After a bachanallia of presents, paper and shrieks of delight it was time for a breather so off we went to the park. Caroline declared loudly for all to hear, several times, "I no have poops in my pants, Nonna!" (She is taking this potty training thing very seriously. )
Bowling was our next order of business and has become something of a tradition for Missedmas. Unfortunately there are no action shots because Chuck, Eric, Kristen and Jefferson were very busy bowling and Nonna was very busy taking Caroline to the potty. Many, many times.
After a long and busy day it was time for our Missedmas Dinner. Finding no Chinese place to accommodate us and still recovering from the Bangladeshi "episode", we opted for a lovely Italian restaurant. The food was excellent but more importantly, recognizable. The waiters, after a bit of coaxing sang a rousing chorus of 'Deck the Halls' with a STRONG Italian accent.
Elizabeth and Charlotte remained cool and collected throughout the entire celebration. Charlotte only looked worried once or twice and Elizabeth only covered her eyes 2 or 3 times!