MissedMas eve morning dawned clear and bright. " Hmmm", said Chuck. "I think I'll golf." Off he went but was soon to discover there were only 3 balls in the bag he borrowed from Kristen. Two of these were still damp and moldy from spending considerable time at the bottom of a pond. Chuck managed to arrive home after a quick stop at Cowtippers, his favorite gay bar, where he had a daquerri and watched a quick rerun of Bewitched.
Missedmas eve dinner was a feast indeed. No fatted goose for us. We went straight for the epicurean delights of Bangladeshi take out. The flies were delicious and the spices, a mix that kept on giving..and giving..and giving.
Fed Ex managed to round up a sleigh and a very tired Santa and deliver all our gifts just in the 'nick' of time.
Missedmas morning finally arrived after spending a restless night which we attributed, not to anticipation, but rather to the feast from the night before-still giving and giving. The crystal moose glasses were quickly located and we toasted in a sunny happy morningSanta's helpers were quick to RIP open the box and place everything under our carefully constructed Missedmas tree.
Now? Now?? What do you mean ??? Breakfast first? How cruel!!
After a bachanallia of presents, paper and shrieks of delight it was time for a breather so off we went to the park. Caroline declared loudly for all to hear, several times, "I no have poops in my pants, Nonna!" (She is taking this potty training thing very seriously. )
Bowling was our next order of business and has become something of a tradition for Missedmas. Unfortunately there are no action shots because Chuck, Eric, Kristen and Jefferson were very busy bowling and Nonna was very busy taking Caroline to the potty. Many, many times.
After a long and busy day it was time for our Missedmas Dinner. Finding no Chinese place to accommodate us and still recovering from the Bangladeshi "episode", we opted for a lovely Italian restaurant. The food was excellent but more importantly, recognizable. The waiters, after a bit of coaxing sang a rousing chorus of 'Deck the Halls' with a STRONG Italian accent.
Elizabeth and Charlotte remained cool and collected throughout the entire celebration. Charlotte only looked worried once or twice and Elizabeth only covered her eyes 2 or 3 times!
A giant OOOPS. Birthday Part deux was not up when we started this. Great minds do run in the same channels. It is either feast or famine. Do continue below this.
With nothing pressing to do today, I was greatly surprised to find 2 , 2 new blogs! FABULOUS!!!
Loved Loved Loved the christmas tree! Was that a Jefferson original creation?
This truly was a Christmas Story!
And a first, as I do believe we have never had the word bachanallia used in a blog before!
great job!
And Please Please Please, when the Holtz-Twombly clan arrive I have months and months of hugs to give, and people to meet, so alot time accordingly!
Thank you all for making such a great saturday, and we have Niagara Hose chowder, and Austin is here, and its Koch Family Game Night! Who is luckier than me!
Thank you to Sandra and Jeff for posting the below blog! Thank you to The Holtz's for also posting a blog! Lazy Sunday with Awesome Austin in town. Heading to a friends for game night tonight. Let's go RAVENS AND 49ers!
Awesome blog! I love it. It sounds like everyone had a fun time.
BTW love the pictures too.
Good morning from balmy Tonawanda. The kids are bummed that they haven't been able to go skating on their Uncle Bill's pond. We've gone down to Buffalo to skate on the outdoor rink there, but Zach wants to play hockey.
Sooooo, when is GG's party?
Can I call a family meeting on the blog?? Waiting for a show of hands?
annnyyywhooo- I just want to bring everyone up to date on GG's 95th.
The day long event will be held at 431, total # of people invited will be about 35, not sure who will attend?? But those will be the invitations that will go out.
And I will try with cookies help to get them out this week.
There has been some talk of having it catered, I am thinking as it will be an open house, it will be very simple, sandwiches, crock pot food...
Deserts, will be cake and cookies.
Drinks, will be coffee, beer, wine, pop, tea???
So I am thinking we have this under control, so say all???
Sounds great !!!
We can bring whatever you want us to; swedish meatballs, cheese/ crackers, fruit salad... let us know what date we should bring these appetizers on (save the stamp).
The Party will be Feb 19th, which is a Sunday.
You will need the invitation to get into the party, so stamp money not an issue, security reasons, as we do not want any party crashers, because this party will be one for the ages!
Happy Birthday Mr Fixxitt!
The only man I know that can take something old, and make it shiny and new! Too bad he can not do the same for my sister, ba dah dum!
Anywhoo have a great Birthday!
And the Sabres even gave you a win, and they have been pretty stingy with those lately!
Do you need help with door security? Do I get a drink voucher if I help?
Okay, got it! The 19th, it's on the calendar. BUT, I ask this, isn't KDH and fam coming into town the 2-4th of February? Just asking.
Happy Birthday Dad!
Nephew, KDH is coming in the 2-4, however according to your Grandmother that is not even close to her BD, therefore we will have 2 celebrations!
Yes, you can work the front door, please verify ID's!
M&D so wonderfully captured the spirt of Missedmas 2011. It was a GREAT weekend.
And don't let dad fool you. He cleaned his plate of Bangladeshi and went back for more. :)
WE are so looking forward to seeing you guys when we come home! Would a friday night fish fry on the 3rd work for everyone? It'd have to be early as the babies melt down around 6, 630. We could meet us somewhere convenient at 4ish? Don't know how that works with work. Thoughts, discussion?
KDH, the 3rd is open on my calendar and 4PM is fine with us. Have your dad pick a middle-ground, maybe Cheektowaga on Union, and pencil the Rices in.
I love Sandra's sweedish meatballs! Just saying........I think Gram does too, yeah yeah she does. :)
I will meet, drive, walk, hitch hike, do whatever is necessary to meet the newest additions to the family!
So this AM, I am driving to work, not really paying attention, and all of sudden I look in my rear view mirror and coming up very fast behind me is this person, obviously speeding, so I creep over to the next lane, and the car pulls up next to me beeping and waving, normally I do not make eye contact earlier than 7AM, but in this case I made an exception, of course it was cookie, on her way to work! Nice way to start the day!
Keep us posted on the Holtz-Twombly meet n greet, I did suggest to K we could meet at 431, it was selfish on my part really, as I am thinking once I am holding, does not matter who, I do not have to let them go, ever!
hi family -- new and breaking plans! I appreciated Antie B's offer to host but I think that would be hard on a work night -- let's do this instead --
Lunch/brunch at mom and dad's house in EA, 11am on SAturday the 4th. The babies wake up from their nap right around then and will be fresh and ready for a party instead of tired and looking for a meltdown.
Sound good? Doable?
That IS a nice way to start the morning. Was she smiling or wagging her finger at you? That might change the demeanor of the impromptu car glance.
Absolutely! What can I bring???
Other than gramma???
Can not wait!
My mother likes to say that I was speeding, BUT I thought it may have been her so I kept a safe distance. Normally I would have been all over her bumper since she was only doing 60 in the left hand. 190S is ruthless in the morning!
Is it really that bad?
I've got an idea for Brunchapalooza!!! Maybe we could all sings songs that were popular in 1917. "Over There" and "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I" were big hits that year.
So much going on and I haven't had time to get a word in edgewise. Looks as if there is a plan in place for Groundhog Day plus two. Cant wait to see everybody and have them meet the newest additions. I love starting my weekends on thurs. nite. I can't recall the last time I passed one of my kids driving to work. In my blog defense: 1. I did in fact order the Bangladeshi and it was excellent. that was Auntie's take on the spices. She didn't partake and apparently did not appreciate sharing a bed with me in the aftermath. I did have seconds too. We also had a great lunch at a Cuban rest. 2. Cowtippers is the only bar I have been able to find in the Atlanta area with Keno/Quickdraw. Everyone there is very "friendly" and they have been encouraging me to join them for movie trivia night. First up is Mean Girls with other classics to follow. Glad to hear nphw jff volunteer for security detail on the 19th. You can't be too careful.
Is it true, at Cowtippers, if you finish the "10 Gallon Hat Sandwich", the barmaids sing "We'll Meet Ya Back at the Ranch" to you in all their glory?
I'll have to ask my dad if he has any bright yellow safety gear from his Durez days that I can borrow... that way there will be no disputing my authority at the door.
I am still looking for my first barmaid at "tippers" but I have a hunch that on request the Glee club might entertain with a few choruses of Roll me over in the Clover. I think that identifying security garb is a must for the 19th. I always saw Chuck Wilson as a potential rowdy.
What exactly is Bangladeshi food?
The best line in Harry met Sally, lets go out for Ethiopian food, the nation is starving, so they just bring you an empty plate! Ba da dum!
I a quessing everyone smelled like curry???
I think some sort of authoratative garb would be absolutely necessary!
What is everyone doing this weekend? Anything fun?
I have spent my friday evening doing invitations to the 95th 1st ever Birthday Bash, a tribute to 1917...
You should all have yours soon, very soon!
With all of the inquiries I think that we just might have to serve Bangladeshi next Sat. If Mom enjoys it, that just might be what she wants for her b-day. Another dull, dreary day, but nothing to shovel. Just hoping that our "whopper in waiting" waits until after next weekend. Auntie will be out today chauffering Rod and Betty on their errands so I will have to find somewhere to go and misbehave. Cowtippers is too far so.....
Hmmmm... "looking for trouble to get into" is my middle name. Sandra's out of town so I took the kids to see 'Hugo' last night, let me just say... GREAT movie!
Today, the kids want to go to Duff's, who am I to deny them this simple request? What kind of father would I be if I kept saying no to them?
Had i known my brother was available he could have assisted my sister and myself in todays activities, what activities, you say?? Well my sissy and I put our heads together to put a plan in place for our 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, A tribute to 1917!
Lets just say the menu is in place, decorations in place, music in place, pyrotechnics in place, invitations mailed, bar in place.
I think thats everything! So very excited to host this major event, and I think it is safe to say it will be one for the ages! Be there or be square, oh and you better read up on 1917 trivia, you never know what you may be asked???? And what the prizes are?
I can feel the excitement building!
ugh to a snowy weekend.
And now its Monday
Did not have Anastasia over on Sunday, she was not willing to venture out! Can not say as I blame her!
Enjoy super bowl week Monday!
I'm not really sure we can "enjoy" Super Bowl week... ESPN repeatedly keeps showing all of the Bills losses and since I don't watch anything else (well, I am hooked on "Bayou Billionaire") I have little choice but to fall into a deepened depression of Super Bowl jealousy. Curse you Chuck Noll!
Bayou Billionaire, ??? Is that any relation to "Louisiana Luckiest"?
I think their the cousins of "Swamp People".
they are = they're... sorry about that. I promise to be better.
Anywho, Sandra's still away in sunny and warm Orlando and last word was she's having a good time. They've been to EPCOT Center, lunch at Germany, dinner at Great Britain, and yesterday went to the Kennedy Space Center. It's nice to get away during these winter months.
Today Sandra's off to Magic Kingdom and the weather is supposed to be awesome.
The kids and I will have to settle with leftovers and Buffalo's own balmy weather here. Maybe I'll throw on my Halloween pirate costume and pretend we're at an amusement park. I can charge them for dessert.
Holy Cow!!! Is it February?
Just a few questions? why is sandra in florida with out her family?
where did January go?
And who would like to assist us with making decorations for the 1st ever,95 Birthday Bash, A tribute to 1917? We just need a few people with sharp scissors and exceptional glitter skills?
Oh and the Sabres won!
I can't even begin to tell you what kind of trouble I found myself in the last time I used glitter. Let's just say, I ended up with 3 phone numbers, $22 bucks was shoved (very deep) into my trout fishing waders and I did not get any sleep that night. I'm still haunted by the high pitched whining sound of fishing line being cast off the reel.
How does Jeff come up with these things? He has the exceptional skill of painting a screen with words that I'd just as soon erase from my memory banks :)
laughing and snorting!
Happy thursday,in my world its payday, whoo hoo!!
Very excited for our brunch get together this weekend! Maybe we can discuss some of our tentative plans for the 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, A Tribute to 1917.
Also it is our Austin weekend, so I hope its OK if he comes with us? He will not be any trouble in fact he barely picks his head up from his phone!
My sister and I did have some tasks for my brother, nothing major, just involves the purchasing of alcohol.
enjoy the day people!
Oh and did everyone see that Tom "crybaby" brady does not like the hotel accomodations in B-Lo??
Don't they stay at Adam's Mark? Or maybe they stay at Bob's Pump and Pull??? I blame Belipuke for the lodging problem.
KDH, thank you, thank you, thank you for that kind compliment.
I'm looking forward to this weekend's Brunchapalooza.
Goooooood morning, it's FRIDAY! and Sandra is home safe and sound from her vacation. Thank goodness she wasn't tempted to stay in the warmth and sun and sell pencils on the beach.
27 Hours to Brunchapalooza.
glad to hear, Sandra is home safe and sound! I hope she brought some florida sun home with her!
Friday, wow, it was touch and go this week!
Very excited for tomorrow!
I call dips on holding a baby the whole time I am there!
Please let me know if there is anything that Gramma can bring! :)
Can not thank my bro and S-I-L for hosting yesterdays brunch! The food was fantastic, who knew you could hold an outdoor picnic in Feb in WNY! But of course the stars of the show, all our southern belles home for a few days! Caroline, has just gotten so tall, and so grown up! And of course Charlotte and Elizabeth, who just light up when they hear their mom or dads voice, and the smile on Gramma's face, which could not be washed off with an SOS pad, BTW was invented in 1917!
I think the biggest hi light of the day, was our crowning of our new Bible Boss, Adam! Should this be an competition?
Again thank you for just a great day yesterday! Makes facing Monday almost bearable!
Travel safe Adm, give our love to everyone!
oh and Go Giants, only because the patriots are vile.
Getting ready to take Adam to the airport and then the house will be empty once again. thanks to all who gave up a big part of their weekend to make the visit of our Georgia Peaches so special. Rest assured that I am dilligently working on securing the string quartet for the big bash in two weeks. Can cousin Frankie sing when accompanied by a string quartet? Paul Marlin does play the accordion and might be available. Giants? Pats? Is there any way that they can both lose and suffer numerous career ending injuries? no, I shouldn't really say stuff like that. Enjoy the day
Unckie and Auntie P, thank you for hosting Saturday's Brunchapalooza, we had a wonderful time. Who knew we needed to pack our beach gear. You should have let people know the party was outside. We could have brought our volleyball and ladder game with us.
Everyone recovered from last night? Is it just me or was that the saddest collection of S-B commercials ever? Maybe Doritos?? Anyone else? I know that Emma took a lot of pix on Sat. Any chance she could do a quick blog? I'm tired of looking at the pic of my Atlanta logo ball that didn't turn out. Enjoy monday.
Tuesday? Is this considered the half-way mark of the week? I may need it to be. I need a day off and Friday seems as good as any to do it.
I called in yesterday, I could not face a 5 day work week this week!
Jnna has landed in sunny balmy florida! And was grateful to land with a flight full of screaming babies, and canadian tourists!
Unky and AP I hope your flight is uneventful! And you arrive safe and sound!
I knew I wouldn't be the only one taking advantage of a 4 day week... Good for you Auntie B.
Thank you so much for coming on Saturday to spend time with our lovely ladies. It was GREAT to see everyone and makes me feel so good to know how many people love my family!
We got back to Atlanta quite successfully -- good little travellers, my girls are, and Eric got all the credit from a gentleman a few rows over. Seems he was impressed by Eric's ability to hold two babies and a gin and tonic!
Sunday was a super Superbowl party with 21 people and 7 kids kids under the age of seven (not counting four infants) in attendance. The house is still recovering.
I left for NY and DC on Tuesday and am currently on the train between those two cities. Is this the first blog comment posted from Amtrak, maybe?
Jealous of all our family that is currently in Florida!~
Happy Thursday! Great Sabres win last night!!!
Wonder if it is too little too late!
Asked my daughter if she has seen her uncle on the golf course, but her comment was I have not left the pool!
She is having a great time, weather has been wonderful, and reconnecting with her brother even better!
Maybe I will leave early today?
OBTW, if you have not RSVP's for the 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, A tribute to 1917, do so now...
Just need to know how many gift bags to make...
That is great to hear that Jenna is enjoying herself in the sun, even better to hear that she and David are spending time together.
Count the 4 Pilafs in for GG's grand Birthday-palooza celebrating the innovative year of 1917. The first hybrid car was built in 1917 by the Woods Motor Company.
We're off to Butler, PA today after work to see Sandra's sister and family. Hopefully the snow won't be too bad during our travels. One of the things we're going to do is go see 'Star Wars in 3D'.
It's Friday! Enjoy your weekend.
Got the word that fantasy baseball is open for business! Kochs, let us know if you're tiring of being commissioner and I'll volunteer. Nothing says spring is coming like fantasy baseball!
Well it is a snowy saturday in WNY with an arctic blast on the way!
jff is out of town this weekend, my brother and S-I-L are in the sunny state of Fla, and so is Jnna!
So it looks like I have to hold down the fort! We are in full birthday bash mode here, just trying to make the 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, A Tribute to 1917, one of the most memorable parties ever!
Other than that, shoveling is the order of the day!
Fantasy Baseball, and the pitchers and catchers have not even reported yet! But yes we can definately get on the ball, and be ready to go. I will have everything set up today. Make sure Jenna has the proper e-mail address for all.
HOLTZ FAMILY BASEBALL 2012 is now set up. League ID is 26508 password is the commissioner's mother in law's first name with a capital "A". Go to Yahoo sports to register
Back in WNY all too soon. Only minor shoveling is a good thing. All of the babies, plus Canadians, plus 30 or 40 wheel-chaired customers made for interesting boarding. That with an airspeed indicator that was reading 500+ mph while still on the ground meant that we were 45 minutes late getting out of a 37 degree Orlando and frigid plane. But, we made it back and the weather thru friday was 80+. Haven't decided yet about next Sunday----no, I am just kidding. Auntie and I will most assuredly be there, with or without the string quartet. Back to work tomorrow. Hope the rest of the travellers get back safe and sound.
We had a nice weekend down in PA even though the weather wasn't what we're accustomed to here in Buffalo. Driving down the snow and wind was pretty bad about 30 minutes past Erie for our final hour's drive south towards Pittsburgh. Once there though, we had fun, Star Wars, burgers and beer (offered Penguins tickets for Sat. afternoon's game... only two though). It was pretty close to be the perfect weekend. Don't ya think?
Driving home the weather was bad until we got to Erie and then clear sailing home. Once home we spent the entire evening watching "Finding Bigfoot"... I'm hooked.
Glad everyone is home safe and sound! Because we need all hands on deck to insure the success of next sunday! Hopefully this pesky snow will be gone! Cousin Terry called, you know Gary and Wayne's brother, well he wanted directions? Who does not mapquest?
But he was given directions, so the quest list is climbing! Lets see we are up to??? 20!
Oh and whoever my sister has invited.
Nothing from Frankie Don, so the live entertainment may be a bust!
Nonetheless we are forging through!
Just remember brush up on your 1917
trivia, as MR Fixxit is in charge of prizes!
T minus 6 days...
Good morning, we're looking forward to "GG's First Ever 95th Birthday, celebrating 1917"! We'll be there right after church and we're never leaving. Sandra's packing three daze worth of clothes and I'm bringing the camping tent and anything Coleman.
Leave it to my nephew to turn a 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, a Tribute to 1917, into a slumber party! FABULOUS! Wish I would have thought of it! Good news!
My sister has a cold, so she can be the baritone for our barber shop quartet! Come to think of it, she could probably still be the baritone without a cold!
Plans are in place, things are shaping up nicely, getting very excited for our bash!
I got to tell you though, fun facts of 1917, after the invention of the zipper, things are all down hill!
We may have to spice up this game a little! Maybe Beer Pong, always an ice breaker!
Film at 11
If we're playing beer pong, make sure the pongs are officially licensed by the IBPL, the International Beer Pong League. There's cheaper pongs out there that just can't handle the elements and are poor imitations of the true pong.
I'm not really sure what I just said there.
I too am not sure what you just said? But it was interesting reading!
I am thinking of replacing the Barbershop quartet, with a Polka band? Thoughts?
What about singing hamsters OR any kind of animal entertainment?
I've been to a party before (pre-Sandra) that had turtles that could pop their heads out whenever you whistled. That was kind of neat.
Maybe a petting zoo with llamas out back for the kids? Has anyone seen that singing cat on You Tube? Maybe we could book that act?
OR I could just bring over Jeter???
All exceptional ideas!
I like the llama in the yard idea!
I just think a party of this magnitude needs a wow factor!
Thanks for playing Jff!
02/16 - And a very Happy Birthday to a wonderful Husband, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Son in Law and brother in law! Happy 65th
May Social Security last long enough to collect all that you have put in!
My gift to you is a pledge of 65 baseball games this year!
FYI - the 18 the Tonawanda Red Warriors play do count!
Unfortunately, Geo's BD celebration will be after the 1st ever 95th Birthday Bash, A Tribute to 1917!
So I contacted Father Mike to see if he wanted to stop by, and "bless" our food and gramma of course, (its a catholic thing) and he has not gotten back to me.
And apparently the COT has an ordinance thing about wild animals in back yards, so the llama may be out, but I am still leaning towards the Polka Band!
Lots to do yet, add 2 more to the head count up to 28, for those who are keeping track!
Question? Does anyone think 95 Birthday Candles will set off the smoke detectors? Just curious!
Ummm... I'm going to go with a resounding YES! How about we just put on the cake the number 9 and 5 and then as a joke we add the number 0 at the end??? he he...
Also, Sandra wanted me to tell you (at least a week ago) that we bought a birthday hat for GG at Vidler's. It's pretty sweet, so don't buy anything.
No llamas!!! What will the kids play with now?
Happy Birthday Uncle George!
Purchase hat, scratched off my list!
Thank you
Landed safe and sound to snow at the BINA on Sunday. Had an amazing time in Orlando with David, his girlfriend, and her son. He checks the blog, but NEVER posts!
I played the game; Where's Unkie? Kind of like Where's Waldo? But, was unsuccessful! At the same hotel that I stayed at there were 8softball teams. I was invited to the men's slow-pitch tournament less than 5 miles from the hotel! The tournament was 55+ and in fact the Renegades were short one player. I almost called Unkie to have him suit up!
The weather was great and my visit was too short!
Now, on to the party! I am anxiously awaiting my assignment from my mother. Happy Friday everyone!
Happy Friday Family! So here we are birthday weekend!
I see weather center is calling for snow! I quess that eliminates the garden party theme!
nonetheless, it will be a great day!
Birthday gifts have started to arrive at the house for our quest of honor, which only is adding to the excitement!
busy busy day!
Still waiting for "glitter' volunteers????
So much going on at 431 and poor UG has to wait on his celebration. And "Commish" to that list of things he deserves recognition for. My "winter break" starts today, but it looks like the definite high point will be sunday. What ab out a bouncy house for GG? She has always enjoyed them. What kind of hats were popular in 1917? I want to be fashionable. See you all in 2 days. thanks again B for making all of this so special for Mom
Great idea, but... isn't a big bouncy house a big balloon. Why would GG want to be INSIDE a balloon?
Sandra and I are off to a new (ish) restaurant tonight, the Canvas @1206, it's on Hertel. Date night! Yeah!
Tomorrow it's tubing down in Colden.
See everyone on Sunday.
T minus 28 hours!
Nice shout out to Mom in this AM's Tonawanda Snews from Brb Tucker!
busy busy busy day, all jobs have been assigned, and things are starting to fall into place!
Here's hoping this snow goes away!
Jff, does Sndra know that she is on the list for meatballs? Just curious!
Enjoy the day all!
Cuz tomorrow we party harty!
Glad to see the sun! So no ones drive into Tonawanda will be impeded!
Everything is ready, just waiting for you!
Called Mom this morning and she couldn't stop talking about how happy she is/was. Apparently spent the morning in "tears of joy". a great big thanks to my little sister for all of the time, effort and love she put into making such a special day. Hope that everyone is enjoying their President's Day. Talked to K this morning as she was calling for details on yesterday and the Twombleys are on their way to Chattanoooga for the day. I'm not.
Thank you Auntie B for Sunday's huuuuuge "first ever 95th b-day" party. We all had a lot of fun. I'm glad you called about the meatballs... had you not called, we would have been meatball-less.
NOW, I'm in spring training mode. I did 3 sit ups this AM.
More details please! i've heard from one and all that it was a party like none other. So exciting and so sorry to have missed it! Will there be a blog?
Chattanooga was a blast as always! Basically we drive 120 miles each way to eat ben and Jerry's and go to a park. But we've been doing it since Jefferson was a wee lad, so its a favorite haunt of ours and one we keep going back to.
OK, story time...
Last week I brought in french fries for lunch but forgot salt, so I looked on one of my co-worker's desk who has everything on her desk. I found some in a medicine container, but tasted it and smelled it first just to be sure, then I sprinkled some on my fries. Today someone goes to her and asks to borrow her salt and she replies "what are you talking about"? "Your salt, Jeff used some last week".
"That's not salt, that's Miralax"
Good morning, a little slick out there today. Maybe Ms. Winter has decided to peek her head outside again.
Not too much going on with the fam this weekend. It might be nice just to chill.
I guess that the 95th birthday celebration is officially over now. Snow on the ground and more to come?? This is too much like winter. Travel safely.
Happy Thursday! I took my mother out for a fish fry last night, just to finish up her birthday celebration. She was still beaming!
Had so much fun on Sunday! I can not thank everyone enough for all that they did!
And to all our out of towners, who made a special trip!! All I can say is WoW!
Tonawanda Liquors called, they want to know when our next shin dig is???
It was a great and fabulous day!
Lol!!! Jff, Miralax!
too funny!
I can honestly say, the party and work wiped me out, so here is a huge hip hip hooray its Friday!
so I was expecting gloom and doom this AM, and the drive in was uneventful, what is all this hullabaloo about snow???
Who is doing something fun this weekend?? My amazing Sister in laws birthday is Monday, so I am sure my brother has something fun planned! I think I am reduced to doing thank you cards for Anastasia!
She actually wrote me a thnk you note which is going to be the premise of the birthday blog, which is coming, pnky swear!
She got a card that said" If you did not know how old you were, how old would you be" ? Satchel Paige.
good question, how old would you be?
Have a fantastic friday!
Good morning.
No plans tonight, small gathering tomorrow night at someone's house, and the Daytona 500 will make up my weekend.
Yeah Friday!
Daytona 500? Why...just turn left...what's so special about that? I'm with Mr Fixit...all you need is the last 5 minutes and you've really seen it all.
I am in a quandry, and we all know how uncomfortable that can be, regarding Auntie's b-day. The 65 b-ball games has already been taken. I used the saranwrap surprise last year so I am open to suggestions. Nphw jff is usually the creative one. What might be in your bag of tricks? If only the big party was this sunday I might have been able to convince her that it was for her. I don't think that going to the yard to make snow angels will work. I saw a "pinky swear" somewhere. Time to put missedmas to bed.
And pictures will not upload!
Film at 11
Unckie, what our your assets? If you had a wheel barrel among your assets I think I could come up with a pretty good B-day idea.
Maybe something that incorporates 3yards of soil, balloons, at least 10 Canadians... But we need that wheel barrel.
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