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The ladies of the hour, looking angelic! |
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The whole gang! (minus the kids that were swimming) |
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Gram with her kids (no family resemblence there, huh?) |
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Gram with the grandkids |
Gram with the great grandkids!
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Refreshing after a long morning in church
Such technique! But did he stretch beforehand? |
Thank you all so much for coming to Baptism-palooza 2012. It was wonderful to see you and have you be part of the twins' day. We had a great time -- aren't the pictures evidence of that? Mark your calendars now for NMLEBWHAPA (no major life event but we're having a party anyway) 2013!
And I get to be the first person to comment and I have only been home for 3 hours? Great pix of a most memorable day. Yes, the time at the beach with the Holtz-Twombley group was GREAT! What was not so great was the rather long drive, 3200+ miles, but there were a lot of stops for National Parks, Minor League baseball stadia, etc. Yes, my wife is a saint. Thanks to AB for keeping the blog going with a distinct absence of significant comments from others. Have to giv GG a call now and let her know that we are back in town. Can't believe how little the grass grew over the last two weeks.
Those are such great pictures! I can not believe how much the girls have grown!! Thank you for sharing, K! Great memories from a great day!
I should nap the yankee game is at 10!
Happy to be back at work on Monday with only work to focus on! Did I really write that?? So Anastasia is home, but not resting as yesterday she wanted to go out to lunch! So we picked up Jill from the airport, and went off to lunch, Mom did not stay out to long, and when I stopped by afterdinner, she was just fine!
Mercifully, cananlfest has come to an end!
Other than that, nothing else is going on! Enjoy your day, and hoping it is non eventful!
The family blog has been real quiet of late. I echo the sentiments of my sister that hopefully this week will be a bit quieter than last and that Mom continues her recovery. Thanks AB for all the time you spent with her last week. Maybe the pilafs will have stories to share of their time in "the Big Easy"
Happy Tuesday or as I like to call it, at least its not Monday! Anastasia seems to be on the mend, stopped over yesterday, she had her air on, apt was cool, she was listening to her books, and just chillin!
Ichiro Suzuki??? What is up with that???
enjoy the cooler day!
The good news is that there are fresh bananas on Bryant St. the bad news is that I missed the air freshener. could be another trip; the chicken sandwich did meet all requirements tho. The weekend is coming. Stay optimistic.
Thank you brother for the groceries, will lessen the load on sunday. Or as what I like to call it the Belated Birthday party for my s-i-l!
Nothing from my nephew, I hear Obammaa was in NO, did jff stay to hear him speak??
Hey its thursday, so enjoy Friday Eve!
Maybe nphw jff has abandoned his family to follow the prez around the country. I didn't see him in the Colorado crowd tho.
I would be more vocal but many of you may know that I am in London for the 2012 olympics. It was always an aspiration of mine to compete in beer pong. Wish me luck! - jenna
I think I am getting stale in my posts, as to always saying UGH to Monday? Show of hands, to keep my negativity at bay for Monday. Just as I expected, UGH to Monday is universal!
Had a wonderful belated birthday for good gary yesterday! Great food and great birthday cake of course! GG cleaned her plate as usual, and had a most wonderful afternoon!
well July is almost over, hard to believe, so enjoy!
Everytime I look at those pix I smile! Great diversion in the work world!
Small observation, my sister, my brother, myself and my mother, we all have the same color hair....
Glad to hear that GG has her appetite back. Is nc jnn back from London yet? I expect pong to be covered on bravo but I haven't seen any updates. July ends tomorrow. How about that. enjoy the rest of the week
7-3-1, those are great numbers to play! Heard it hear first!
Where did July go??? Happy Tuesday, and hey at least its not Monday! So Geo and Jnna, went to a Democratic get together last evening, well they both tended bar for it, I know I know I should have taken pix! But anywhoo Brian Higgins says the republicans are destroying the world?? Now I dont think thats true??? Just wanted everyone to be aware. GG still on the mend, she got a new air conditioner, which is remote controlled, and she seems to be using it more! So thats good.
Other than that, nothing but work
Back from London where I took 4th place. They should have a medal for 4th. It's the Holtz luck. My gram is in a beauty contest and she also took 4th place (no medal awarded). The winner would advance to California and model. A similar story many years later for me in London.
Today starts 8 days of vacation. On the agenda today: GOLF at Rothland. My goal today: To lose less golf balls than last year (10).
$950 later at the mechanic I might be looking for a 2nd job this week.
Happy hump day! Or as it is commonly known in the Kaleida world, payday eve! Was invited out last evening by the wonderful Pilafs! As you know it was the eve of day of Jff's birthday-athon.
Started with a fantastic evening at the shores! beer was cold, food was good, company splendid, bees and seagulls annoying! but hey.
Looks like an amazing day, live it to the fullest!
Everybody on vacation and celebrating birthday-a-thons. Me, I just think that I will sit around and wait for the contractors to come and give me roof estimates. Big news from Hotlanta was that today Eliz and Charly moved to new classrooms that requires, get this, shoes. they apparently were NOT happy about this turn of events but, considering that they made it thru the first 50 weeks of their lives without shoes, that in itself is pretty good. Glad to hear that nc jnn is back on this side of the pond even if it is without a medal. A scandal in badminton? what has come to the Olympics? I may stop watching, nah, I have become a fan of water polo and the variety of muggings that can and do go on. Happy August to all.
Both newphew Jff and I used the same roofer, can not think of his name, but Jff might remember, good crew, efficient and affordable, Jff might remember, geo will, give a holler if you want the info.
What about the scandel with ping pong? who knew
Happy almost Friday! So yesterday our awesome Austins shift began at 7AM, and he decided to ride his bike that way he would not have to walk home. So on the way to work, his tire blew on his bike, so not only did he have to push it to work, he pushed it home! Poor guy!
Off to Honeoye on Saturday, not sure if the world knows, but Chuck and Barb are no longer at Honeoye, the are living close by.
So we are off to see their new home and visit!
Other than that, just waitin for quittin time!
Happy Birthday Adam!!!
Happy Monday, is there such a thing?
At least its a tad bit cooler! the rice family is off to Gettysburgh, Sndr posted a pix on FB of the driving rainstorm they were going through, hope that did not last
Hope Adam had a nice birthday!
Busy weekend, with a trip to Honeyoye/Conesus on Saturday. Nice visit with Chuck and Barb, and Mom enjoyed herself! Had her over yesterday, where her dinner was a McDonalds plain hamburger made by her g-grandson, she said it was the best she ever ate! Just an FYI, the grocerylist did not include bananas or ham, so I am sure more to come on that!
Enjoy Monday, having lunch at the Liberty Hound at the naval park, very excited about that!
Sounds as if poor Auntie B has to go back to work to get rested after her weekend. Talked to Mom and she said that she had a glorious weekend altho she ate her entire burger and hence, no doggie bag. Talked to the Pilafs yesterday while they were on the move and tried to provide directions for locating Dad's "brick" in downtown Gettysburg. Will be interested in hearing how their quest goes. nasty storms down Pa. way yesterday as only Pa. storms can be. Hope they didn't find camp site floating away. The last time it was as hot in Wny as it was sat. was July 15, 1995. Who out there remembers that day, where they were, and how hot they were? Enjoy the week.
Happy Tuesday! Hope Adm had a great birthday!
Got a great picture of Grampa's brick yesterday from Jff, that was nice! Cant imagine looking for that! Like a needle in a haystack!
Glad the weather has toned down abit, making it more bearable!
Enjoy day 2 of the work week!
oh I remember 7/15/95. I remember.
So I got an email from Auntie B this morning but she's changed her email address to gucci08? and is sending me files I must open immediately? I didn't open them, so antie B, if you really need that wire transfer, text me, ok? :)
Yesterday was the first day of Jefferson's SECOND GRADE. Unbelievable, huh?
hot down here. Hot hot.
lol k!!! Too Funny! Good to be wary! No I did not change my email address and wire transfer, mmm no!
That is odd that both you and your brother have been targeted? I am thinking the weak link in the security is your dad? Thoughts?
Good luck in 2ND grade Jefferson!!
I hope you like your teacher and have a good lunch time! None of this 10:45 stuff!
My vacation is almost winding down. BOO! Checked my email today (big mistake) and my email inbox said I have 229 unread emails. OUCH! I may need a vacation after I read all those. Great pic of the brick jff! Hope everyone enjoys Wednesday! Jnna
Weak link? Me? yeah, you are probably right. I didn't get a pic of the brick and I helped provide direction. Story of my life. Time to mow the lawn.
happy thursday, or what is commonly known as Friday eve.
couple of things brewing, an evening at the shores for all? Dates and times that are good will be forthcoming.
1298's chowder party? date and time forthcoming
After that, the summer is winding down way to fast! Unk wil be chaninging his tag line from cutting the grass to shoveling snow, before you know it!
keep it simple today
Decisions, decisions. What will it be tonite? the fair? the Bills home game? or sit on the couch and watch more of the Olympics? That is a tough one, but I think I know the direction that I am leaning. enjoy the day and GO USA WOMEN"S SOCCER!
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