Monday, February 11, 2013

Super Storm Snowpocageddon 2013. The Snowpocageddonist

If you really want to hear about it The first thing you'll probably want to know is that it all started on Thursday morning.  Amy and 1 day old Benjamin were luxuriating at exquisite Beth Israel resort and retreat. 
Benjamin had been escorted to and from a private bath, sauna and circumcision combo, while Amy was resting comfortably trying not to think about how much her womb hurt.
When in I walked; harried, hurried, full of dread- "The Sabres lost...Again!!! Oh, and the storm, its a comin'!" I cried.

  "We gotta get out of here!  We gotta get home where its warm and safe!" I said.  "But honey," Amy replied, "I'm hemorrhaging massively.  I just gave birth 18 hours ago."  "Pish posh" was my retort.  "You're fine.  Besides, I need Ben's help hunting, gathering and preparing the homestead."  So we packed up and headed out.
We were greeted at our front door by a human harbinger of the doom that was about to befall us.
A scary sight it was!  Oliver and Audrey did have a wonderful time bonding with their little brother...
The storm started off innocently enough.  Just a bit of snow. 

But then... it happened!

At 7:23 IT HAPPENED!  We tried to make the most of it at first.  Candles, parcheezi, books.  It was quite nice for a while...

But then it got cold.  Really freaking cold!!!
So we decided to get the hell out of Dodge.  But wait!  Where did I park my car?

There it is.  3rd lump on the left.  So we disobeyed the governor's orders and joined the exodus.  Driving was slow...
But we finally made it to our salvation.  The Hampton Inn!  And we lived happily ever after.  Until the power went out at the hotel on sunday morning at 11am.  But that, as they say, is another story.


Betsy said...

WOW! what an ordeal! so glad you are now safe and warm, you are now safe and warm, right??
First off, lets start with Benjamin is ADORABLE! Gramma said she was going to call him benji, I told her no, that was a dogs name!
So Adam Amy please advise, will he be a Ben or a Benjamin?
How is amy feeling? Better I hope!
Sorry for your troubles, but your new baby boy looks amazing, and I for one can not wait to meet him!
Great blog job!

grampa said...

Great job, really a great job getting thru all of this (the storm and all of its complications) and a great job on the blog. Oliver will certainly have some great stories to tell his grandchildren. Hope that all of the digging is done and there will be a space cleared for us to park our car next week. Can't wait to meet the latest Holtz. Happy 204 Abe! GG is not far behind you.

KDH said...

What a story! We were all on tenderhooks. Serious props to mom and dad for finding the only available hotel room in the entire state of Massachusetts. I'm submitting this story for consideration for Doomsday Preppers.

Benjamin is absolutely adorable. So glad he's here and what a first week in the world!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday! work week almost over, phew! I have a quick question? Is snowpocaggedon a word?
Hope everyone's world is getting back to normal.
Having a small soiree for Geo's birthday on Saturday, nothing fancy shmancy, just time to catch up with everyone.
GG will be there so she will probably want some concrete birthday bash ideas for her, so if you have anything to share, bring it
Happy Valentines day to everyone!

JT said...

Awesome! The snow, the story, lil Ben already helping out at home. Awesome!
We're glad everyone is together and safe.

unk said...

And now Plato hits the east coast? Is there no end to this? Does this mean that we will have to contend with winter storm Rasputin next weekend? Still better than a meteorite I guess. Snowing here and cold, really cold. Hope that UG enjoyed his day. Stay warm and hope that everyone is off tomorrow.

Betsy said...

Well here we are back to Monday! That was a quick 48 hours! Had a nice BD Party for UG! Sorry my bro and S-I-L could not be there, but hope you enjoyed your evening too!
It was way to cold, windy and snowy to bring Anastasia out yesterday, and she was out on Saturday to the BD party, so she just got her groceries. And besides I was told my brother was taking her out today for lunch for her birthday and so she could also pay for her funeral ahead of time. I think that will be a nice way for her to spend her day, dont you?? Can not believe Boston is getting more snow!
Can not believe Linday Ruff has not been fired!
Other than that, enjoy the day

UNKIE said...

Began the celebration for mom's birthday week last nite at the Hideaway with the Fixxitts. Dinner was good. Mom was adventurous and got a chicken sandwich even tho it wasn't on their dinner menu. Claimed she was stuffed until they brought her the complimentary dessert with candle. Running out of days for my Feb. round of golf. Doesn't look like it will happen here. Looks like a road trip coming. Congrats to UG. Didn't realize that he had joined the wonderful world of Social Security. Way to go KID! Free money! What a country! Enjoy the day.

Betsy said...

walked into work in a driving rain storm and now its snowing!
Travel safe, bro and s-i-l! Hug the newest holtz for all of us!

jnna said...

Great Blog! (Sorry I am just getting around to posting). Wonderful BD celebration for dad, now we prep for Gram's celebration day. Took the day off Friday to spend with her. Tried to think of something creative. I even soliciated to my facebook family and friends for suggestions. I was told the fire hall and DeGraff cafe have good food. So, now I am back to square UNO!
We made it to Wednesday!

Betsy said...

I am so over the month of February! The snow, the wind, the cold and that was only this morning!
So any thoughts to what we can do for Gramma??? we have pretty much done just about everything, from decorating her hall to renting a limo, what else could be done that has not been done, thoughts??
Everyone put your thinking cap on, and if you come up with something, let me know??
Sabres are pathetic.
its wed, only 2 more days to get through, and then the weekend!!!

unk said...

I don't think that there are a lot of "new" options left for celebrating her birthday. I did notice how she is getting more tired even faster. I guess that is to be expected but I would take in a heartbeat her strength and enthusiasm at 96. I know that you guys will come up with something. Maybe we should promise her a 96 and a half birthday party in August when the chill factor, hopefully, will be above single digits. Not looking forward to driving tomorrow. Hoping that "Q" stays to the west. Looks like it has stopped snowing so I can go out and snowblow. Oh how I yearn for mowing.

Betsy said...

Do not envy your drive, but the end result to see your new grandson!!! How exciting!
Maybe we can do another day for her birthday party, possibly when there are not gale force winds?
You know what a baby she is, she wants what she wants, when she wants it!
ditto to the tired, she actually asked to leave geo's birthday party, well wait, a lot of people did, so scratch the tired piece!

unk said...

That's funny. Poor UG!

adam said...

well ab, you got your wish. Lindy Ruff relieved of duties. I don't know how to feel!

betsy said...

Hip hip hooray Lindy ruff is gone today. Now if only that sniveling regier would be sent packing!

Betsy said...

You know I take full responsibility for my words, I have been calling for Lindy's firing for quite awhile, but I agree with Jerry sullivan, too little too late! D
Travel safe today family.
T Minus 16 hours and counting til Anastasia turns 96!! Is that not amazing, 96...
I forgot to turn the coffee pot on today, so I was forced to buy Tim Horton's!!! ahh nice day
Hug and Kiss the quincy Holtz's for all of us!!! Maybe you should take a shovel or two so you can pitch in!

Betsy said...

I am kind of shocked actually that the sabres lost last night??? So just maybe it was not Lindy, it is that crappy team that Mr Darcy put together???
As I am sure everyone is aware today is Anastasia's 96th birthday!
Seriously, 96! Stopped last night and brought her treats to hand out to the masses! oh and banana's.
I asked her how she was feeling last night, and her only comment was her eyes, she really had a hard time seeing. Which really frustrates her, as she would love to clearly see us! But her zest for life, her willingness to do any and everything every day, should be a lesson to all of us!
Live your life!!
Thank you Anastasia!

Betsy said...

Just a thought, Gramma is 96 and Chuck is 69??? Is there any significance to that?
Just curious!