As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Kenmore Middle at Darien Lake
There was a band competition at Darien Lake yesterday that Emma was part of. Who knew.
I love the roller coaster with the screaming kids going by.
The first! Emma, speaking on behalf of John Hathaway, music director at MSM, you are a great fit for the program. Think about it, this year was Disney, last year playing on a cruise ship with lots more to come. I would gladly cover all the costs but my "can't miss" numbers missed. Actually, I had one of the numbers on one of the tickets. Back to reality. It's monday isn't it? Short week for anyone? Went to the Bisons game yesterday and got all toasty. By the end of the 4th inning, the 6-6 game and too many beers in the hot sun, it was time for home. No foul balls near me.
Happy Monday! the only redeeming factor for today, as is there is birthday cake at work for the May Birthdays! Hope everyone had a glorious weekend! I had zero numbers on multiple tickets played with different groups of people, I am thinking someone other than me may be blessed with a winfall! No Anastasia for dinner yesterday, her leg was hurting and she did not want to walk on it, she is going to the Dr's tomorrow, so hopefully some resolution to that issue! Other than that, enjoy Monday and the sun, as they are saying Rain is on the way!
Kind of a cloudy tuesday, to start our weekend count down! Anastasia has a 2PM dr appt, so hopefully that painful foot issue can be resolved. Brought her a burger and fries from McDonalds last evening which she said looked infinately better than her TV dinner! sick to death of barry melrose on sports center, quess I am just a bitter sabres fan! Enjoy the day and start the countdown to the Holiday weekend!
Wed, hip hip hooray! so it seems anastasia has an infection in her foot, so that has been the reason for her discomfort, so hopefully a round of antibiotics will clear things right up! The Woodcock Brewery's grand opening is this weekend, so hope she is better and up to going! Lots of Birthdays coming up, Mr Oliver, Ms Audrey, Stacy??? mmm did I miss anyone? Hope not! So I have engaged my sisters talents to get my garden in garden walk shape, film at 11! Other than that, enjoy the day and all that it brings!
Number one son arrived in town last evening for a brief visit and a round of local interviews today. Here's hoping. Talked to mom last nite and it sounded like she was happy to see the doc and get some treatment. Ongoing thank you to nc jnn for all she is doing for Rod. She makes things so much easier on AB and her sisters as they know there is an extra set of eyes watching out. Adm heads back this evening and we are hoping to have time for a late lunch. We will be leaving on friday for the birthday celebrations this weekend. Can't wait for the Tonawanda garden walk. Is that the same weekend as the "golden warrior" get together? One more day of classes with the seniors. They are a joy and I will miss seeing them go.(note that tongue is planted firmly in cheek)
I am very happy to be able to help Rod in any way I can. I am glad there is a peace of mind so they do not have to worry. I had gram out for lunch today and she was happy to get out.
Due to different styles and colors of UGG boots and UGG shoes, you'll be able to match your mood as well as your clothes. 5L models from the "Iridescence" allowance box, despite well-designed counterfeit bright Jiuzun base, so the cut apparent just appropriate bright reflects "Iridescence" the cradle of each and every neon, for the account of Hennessy cheap ugg boots Salon goes to the a lots of admirable style. What most are finding are imitation, fake UGG Boots.
I always knew that the blog was informative and educational and now I know a whole lot more about UGG shoes and boots. Thank you anonymous one. Back in ea after an all too short visit--albeit I could have done without the lousy weather- to Beantown. Multiple choruses of Happy B-day to you on sunday and then the drive back today. Little Ben is growing like a weed and Oliver is ready for K-garden graduation. Talked to Mom and she said she loved her trip to Woodcock. My classes are over for the year and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am about that. Enjoy what is left of our holiday.
I am a little glad it rained while I was driving into work this AM, would rather seen rain on a workday than a weekend any day! and I did do some planting so the rain was needed! Great holiday weekend, with not so bad weather, lots of family time, and time off! Woodcock grand opening, was lots of fun! Great job by andrea and Mark! Great to see Barb, Chuck and Trisha! spent some Garden time with my sister, some of the work is started, but nothing is completed? Isnt that how a garden is? a work in progress? Oh well, its a short week, I am sure we will all be fine and get through it accordingly!
I quess we needed the rain! Wow, things are just working against me, with this garden walk looming and a few days of rain! but with my sister's help, I am sure it will be a success! Can new pix of Benjamin be posted, please??? Other than that it should be a quiet day!
Going to need a harvester to get thru the backyard grass. Sounds as if things are busy at 431. Trying to get caught up at home after our weekend away. Enjoy the day.
Seriously, where did May go? I know I know, I am always wishin for a weekend, and then I am shocked the month has gone! So I attended my first political inservice last night, it was on how to get signatures. Apparently even if you are the endorsed candidate you need signatures to get on the ballot?? Excited to be on team Koch!! Oh wait I am team Koch??? Had dinner with Austin last night, he is very much looking toward graduation! Other than that, weather should be beautiful! Hoping to get 2 major jobs done this weekend, deck sanded and restained, and 1/4 of the dirt in my driveway moved! well thats the goal anyway! Enjoy Thursday!
I am embarrassed that my little sister is doing so much and I so little. Ah youth! I am confused over the one-fourth of the dirt? today is a work day, but since I have no classes it doesn't seem like one. Oh yes, I do have a study hall, right in the middle of the day. Great timing. Two-thirds of the lawn was done yesterday with the remainder today. Looks like a warm one.
so excited its friday! Everyone Please remind me to leave work at 3 today to get to city hall to pay my parking ticket! I know, I know skeletons in the closet for the candidate. To clarify for my brother, in preparation for the garden walk, we ordered a load of dirt, which is sitting in the driveway! somehow I thought this would be an easy task to load this dirt in a wheelbarrel, take the wheelbarrel in the back and distribute evenly. Yea, well this dirt has been sitting there 2 weeks and I think a shovel or two has been moved! Austin has a bet going that it will still be there at Christmas, quite possibly if I can camoflage it! So the ugly truth, the Yankees swept by the Mets, what is up with that? Everyone have a great day! Oh and its Friday!
Once upon a time I made the mistake of ordering a half a load of topsoil. Sure didn't seem like it was going to be a lot. I swear that the stuff was reproducing in the pile because no matter what I did, the pile never seemed to go down. I still am not sure how it all got redistributed but it did take quite a while. Good luck. Me, I'm going golfing today, heat and all. Enjoy.
Rec'd the Conservative Endorsement on Thursday night which is a big boost for Team Koch! Teeshirts were delivered today so we are looking spiffy to say the least. Did a little campaigning this weekend and helped with the garden. I will do some campaigning tomorrow and then spend time with Grandma. If it wasn't raining we would be out in the garden. Boo! Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday!
Sounded as if Mom enjoyed her weekend what with a cookout on Sat. and chicken bbq on sun. When I gave her the option of lunch on tues. if she wasn't "too tired", she said that she thought that she would be ready by then. I must confess that the inner workings of the Tonawanda political system certainly defy what would be considered "conventional analysis". Is there anywhere else in the U.S. where the conservative party supports the democratic candidate and the liberal party the republican? Nc jnn, help me understand in case some of my Tonawanda resident government students ask. Cloudy and cool for today. A good day for yard work. Rats!
Happy Monday! YIKEs to the rain and a cooler day today! Kudos to significant other, who through diligence and determination, moved 30 wheelbarrel's full of dirt! Lots accomplished over the weekend! Then I went door to door to see who wanted some, and then the rain washed quite a bit away, so after eyeballing the situation, about half of it is gone! I know I know... Campaigning starts in full swing tomorrow, so everything changes! Did have a very nice dinner with Mom, did some shopping, she stopped at the Everett's, visited a bit, got groceries and then home! Other than that a very nice weekend! Enjoy Monday, please anticipate Robo Calls from 431, as again campainging starts in full gear tomorrow!
Still wide awake as my campaign manager and mother are sound asleep. Our goal: to get 167 signatures and 30 sign locations tomorrow. Between my dad and I; if you are a betting man; take Subway $5 foot longs over the signatures and sign locations. This is a complete and utter strategy. So we have to plan our ground campaign as tough and strategic as possible. We will start at McDonald's at 5:00 am then work our way back to the city. Ah we are just kidding. Looking forward to the next 5 months as campaigning is now in full swing. Our treasurer has not allowed me to spend $1 at any fast food chain. So I apologize if I am absent on the blog. Please carry on the lively discussions without me. Austin's grad party is in full swing! Hope to see everyone there. This will also be a good luck at boot camp party too. Good night from campaign HQ.
Just remember to make sure that your campaign does not peak too early. Timing, timing, timing. Lots of hard work ahead and already you are up until midnite. Need to do a demographics check on your ward. Are there single old men? Calls for Gramma to go door to door. And remember, not everyone is a Yankees fan so tell UG to go easy on the pinstripe garb. Good luck
Timing is everything :) I have to get 200 signatures in order to be on the ballot come November (dem). I did not receive the Working Families endorsement, but that's okay. We keep plugging away. :)
Is it Wed? Have been at Buffalo Generaly for the final phase of our electronic medical record. Always get so confused when I am here, long days, busy days, and days filled with Dr's UGH! So yesterday when I left for work, team Koch's goal was 166 signatures, when I got home they had 50, 9 sign locations and a 50$ donation to the campaign! so all in all a good day! The garden is coming along, slow but sure much like the tortoise! Enjoy the day all!
Happy Thursday! Kind of a gloomy day here in the medical corridor! Glad for the rain, as my "cottage garden that features shade plants, a mixture of annuals and perennials, a blueberry patch, a water feature, and a relaxing place to have a cold drink" that is my official press release for the COT GW! Other than that, enjoy the day!
Happy 91 Rodney. Weather is not conducive for more than much of anything except looking out the window and wishing that it wasn't raining. D-day 69 years ago. Have to give Mom a call and see what she was doing. Drier days are coming. Keep the faith.
I heard warm weather is just around the corner... Ummm... Maybe by 4th of July? My first golf tourney tomorrow, wish me luck. I have 3 guys counting on me doing well. No pressure. Emma's a teenager on Sunday!
Is the sun out?? Hoping Jeff has a good golf outing! Happy BD early Ms Emma! Hope you have a wonderful day! Happy belated birthday to Rod, great guy! Hope his day was great also. Prom night for Mr Austin, so everyone keep him in your prayers that his night goes off with out a hitch! Other than that, enjoy Friday and the end of the work week! Hip Hip Hooray!
First time out and I did ok. Some good shots, some baaaaad and a couple great shots.. It was fun. Emma and her friends had a bday party at the Bisons game and dinner at Pettibones. Great idea Sandra.
So my mother calls me in tears last nite to tell me how my sister, her youngest daughter, turned the hose on her while she was sitting and minding her own business. Has the pressure of the Garden Walk gotten so bad that my sister has taken to turning the hose on her 96 year old mother? Shocking? That doesn't go nearly far enough! I certainly am hoping that there is more to this story. Sis??? YOur response? Other than that I guess it was a quiet weekend. We did clean out the garage yesterday and I have to go into hiding when the garbage guys come this AM to attack the mountain of trash out front. Enjoy? what appears to be a couple of wet days coming.
So this week is our annual conference, and I am sure you all remember that last year we were in rochester, and this year we are in niagara falls! so yes its true I did turn the hose on my mom, no it had nothing to do with the fact that she was whining about something, or nothing like that! I was busy doing some front yard work and she was sitting in the driveway, and the hose had a chink in it, and for some reason I held the nozzle down, aimed at her, and unchinked the hose, so yes she did get a facefull, and yes she was kind of a baby about it, but she was sitting in the sun, all was fine! Jill and Gary off camping! Surprise dinner with daughter and austin this evening, very nice Back to Niagara falls tomorrow, maybe I can sneak off and try my luck??? Who am i kidding..
SO its Thursday, and its back to Larkin, I have to admit I do love our annual Health Information conference, always lots of fun! And lots of great prizes are given away, unfortunately, I did not win anything this year! But had fun anyway! So lets see what is going on?? So ever since I submitted 431 in the COTGW, it pretty much has rained 4 out of 7 days! So I take full responisibility for that one! Fred and Joyce's youngest daughter, Marcia is in town, and we are meeting up on Friday for dinner, so that will be nice to see her! ( Fred was Grampa's brother) The campaign is plodding along. Please note we still have our eyes on the prize. Saw none of the hockey game or Yankee's game, so nothing to add there. Austin officially graduates tonight! YEA! George took a day off to paint the garage today, mmmm not seeing that happening! Enjoy thursday all!
Happy Friday! so I am pretty convinced the NBA is rigged, they are even at 2 games a piece? Just seems kind of shady to me. so Austin had his graduation from Boces last night, and next Thursday is his HighSchool graduation and Saturday is his party! You know, Austin could have gone several different routes in his life and no one would have blamed him, but instead he found his passion, put a plan together, kept at it, and is now ready for the next step in his life. So very proud of my soft spoken, kind hearted, and very caring Grandson! Just waiting for quittin time!
Kind of hard to plug thru the day when we know so many of our family is grieving. Just wanted to say our hearts are with you! Just say the word to whatever is needed to do, and its done. Peace love prayers hugs and smiles for an easier day tomorrow
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Aunt Patti and extended Rod lovers. He was a pretty cool guy. Sandra's home! Yeah! 2 hours later than she should have, but at least she's home safe. I think she'll be sleeping in late today. German Fest at Amherst Museum today.
Just want to thank everyone for their support and most appreciated kind thoughts at a difficult time. AP, as well as I, have been deeply touched by all of your support. And again, once more, the biggest of shout outs to nc jnn and her people at Absolute. Words can never express how great everyone was during the experience. Jenna, you are the very best.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Personally, I am so thankful I had 2 months to spend with him and make sure he was comfortable, happy, and had enough rice pudding to last for days! We shared some great talks. Rest assured his loved ones were the light of his life. Thank you so much for the memories Rod. AP, UC if there is anything I can do please let me know.
Monday sneeks up so quickly, doesnt it? Hope all our Dads had a relaxing, well spent day! Went out for an early lunch late breakfast yesterday, had a very enjoyable day! Very busy week this week, austin's high school ceremony is Thursday, and the party to end all high school graduation, bon voyage parties is Saturday, and inbetween all that there is doors to be knocked on and mulch to be spread! Get throught the day as best you can!
Monday morning came really quick. Indeed. It took all my strength just to finish out the day. Mom and dad came over tonight for a nice chicken dinner. Busy week this week, but by Friday we'll be having fun down in Butler. I know, I know, don't wish you days away.
Happy Wed! Great foodtruck night at Larkin last evening, perfect night for dinner in the groto and then down to the ball park! But not for me, as the COTGW is now 24 days away, it was a night of planting, weeding, watering, mulcing, pinching, pruning, etc all with the help of my sister! Much thanks to her, as she does keep me motivated! Graduation Eve for our awesome Austin, so proud of him! Graduation tomorrow, and the be all end all of all Graduation parties on Saturday!!! So excited to see everyone! Weather will be perfect, food will be perfect, and it will be a great day! Thanks to everyone!
We just have to apologize again about Saturday. We're sorry we're going to miss it. Congrats Austin! We're proud of you too. The Kenmore Panthers took care of the Niagara team last night at Fort Niagara 4-1. Zachary had a very strong game.
Happy Thursday, or what is known in the Kaleida world as PayDay! and hiphiphooray, there is a tentative new contract today! We were all very nervous about a strike looming! but glad they came to an agreement! so Donnie Baseball was included in roll call yesterday, and he was not aware of what it was? What was up with that? Well I have to hurry up and get my work done, so I can get out of here to get to ArtPark!!! I want to be the first one there!!!!
I really hope my work day flys by so I can get the front row at Artpark! I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments these 4 years. I wonder if they will allow bullhorn's? Actually I was told yesterday they weren't allowed, but I didn't get the memo! :) blog forthcoming with grad and grad party pics for our family who can't be there. Thank you for all you do for Austin.
The first! Emma, speaking on behalf of John Hathaway, music director at MSM, you are a great fit for the program. Think about it, this year was Disney, last year playing on a cruise ship with lots more to come. I would gladly cover all the costs but my "can't miss" numbers missed. Actually, I had one of the numbers on one of the tickets. Back to reality. It's monday isn't it? Short week for anyone? Went to the Bisons game yesterday and got all toasty. By the end of the 4th inning, the 6-6 game and too many beers in the hot sun, it was time for home. No foul balls near me.
Happy Monday! the only redeeming factor for today, as is there is birthday cake at work for the May Birthdays! Hope everyone had a glorious weekend! I had zero numbers on multiple tickets played with different groups of people, I am thinking someone other than me may be blessed with a winfall! No Anastasia for dinner yesterday, her leg was hurting and she did not want to walk on it, she is going to the Dr's tomorrow, so hopefully some resolution to that issue! Other than that, enjoy Monday and the sun, as they are saying Rain is on the way!
Kind of a cloudy tuesday, to start our weekend count down! Anastasia has a 2PM dr appt, so hopefully that painful foot issue can be resolved. Brought her a burger and fries from McDonalds last evening which she said looked infinately better than her TV dinner!
sick to death of barry melrose on sports center, quess I am just a bitter sabres fan! Enjoy the day and start the countdown to the Holiday weekend!
Wed, hip hip hooray! so it seems anastasia has an infection in her foot, so that has been the reason for her discomfort, so hopefully a round of antibiotics will clear things right up! The Woodcock Brewery's grand opening is this weekend, so hope she is better and up to going! Lots of Birthdays coming up, Mr Oliver, Ms Audrey, Stacy??? mmm did I miss anyone?
Hope not! So I have engaged my sisters talents to get my garden in garden walk shape, film at 11!
Other than that, enjoy the day and all that it brings!
Number one son arrived in town last evening for a brief visit and a round of local interviews today. Here's hoping. Talked to mom last nite and it sounded like she was happy to see the doc and get some treatment. Ongoing thank you to nc jnn for all she is doing for Rod. She makes things so much easier on AB and her sisters as they know there is an extra set of eyes watching out. Adm heads back this evening and we are hoping to have time for a late lunch. We will be leaving on friday for the birthday celebrations this weekend. Can't wait for the Tonawanda garden walk. Is that the same weekend as the "golden warrior" get together? One more day of classes with the seniors. They are a joy and I will miss seeing them go.(note that tongue is planted firmly in cheek)
I am very happy to be able to help Rod in any way I can. I am glad there is a peace of mind so they do not have to worry. I had gram out for lunch today and she was happy to get out.
Due to different styles and colors of UGG boots and UGG shoes, you'll be able to match your mood as well as your clothes. 5L models from the "Iridescence" allowance box, despite well-designed counterfeit bright Jiuzun base, so the cut apparent just appropriate bright reflects "Iridescence" the cradle of each and every neon, for the account of Hennessy cheap ugg boots Salon goes to the a lots of admirable style. What most are finding are imitation, fake UGG Boots.
Look into my web blog ... プラダ
I always knew that the blog was informative and educational and now I know a whole lot more about UGG shoes and boots. Thank you anonymous one. Back in ea after an all too short visit--albeit I could have done without the lousy weather- to Beantown. Multiple choruses of Happy B-day to you on sunday and then the drive back today. Little Ben is growing like a weed and Oliver is ready for K-garden graduation. Talked to Mom and she said she loved her trip to Woodcock. My classes are over for the year and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am about that. Enjoy what is left of our holiday.
I am a little glad it rained while I was driving into work this AM, would rather seen rain on a workday than a weekend any day! and I did do some planting so the rain was needed! Great holiday weekend, with not so bad weather, lots of family time, and time off!
Woodcock grand opening, was lots of fun! Great job by andrea and Mark! Great to see Barb, Chuck and Trisha! spent some Garden time with my sister, some of the work is started, but nothing is completed? Isnt that how a garden is? a work in progress? Oh well, its a short week, I am sure we will all be fine and get through it accordingly!
I quess we needed the rain! Wow, things are just working against me, with this garden walk looming and a few days of rain! but with my sister's help, I am sure it will be a success! Can new pix of Benjamin be posted, please???
Other than that it should be a quiet day!
Going to need a harvester to get thru the backyard grass. Sounds as if things are busy at 431. Trying to get caught up at home after our weekend away. Enjoy the day.
Seriously, where did May go? I know I know, I am always wishin for a weekend, and then I am shocked the month has gone! So I attended my first political inservice last night, it was on how to get signatures. Apparently even if you are the endorsed candidate you need signatures to get on the ballot?? Excited to be on team Koch!! Oh wait I am team Koch??? Had dinner with Austin last night, he is very much looking toward graduation! Other than that, weather should be beautiful! Hoping to get 2 major jobs done this weekend, deck sanded and restained, and 1/4 of the dirt in my driveway moved! well thats the goal anyway!
Enjoy Thursday!
I am embarrassed that my little sister is doing so much and I so little. Ah youth! I am confused over the one-fourth of the dirt? today is a work day, but since I have no classes it doesn't seem like one. Oh yes, I do have a study hall, right in the middle of the day. Great timing. Two-thirds of the lawn was done yesterday with the remainder today. Looks like a warm one.
so excited its friday! Everyone Please remind me to leave work at 3 today to get to city hall to pay my parking ticket! I know, I know skeletons in the closet for the candidate. To clarify for my brother, in preparation for the garden walk, we ordered a load of dirt, which is sitting in the driveway! somehow I thought this would be an easy task to load this dirt in a wheelbarrel, take the wheelbarrel in the back and distribute evenly. Yea, well this dirt has been sitting there 2 weeks and I think a shovel or two has been moved! Austin has a bet going that it will still be there at Christmas, quite possibly if I can camoflage it! So the ugly truth, the Yankees swept by the Mets, what is up with that? Everyone have a great day! Oh and its Friday!
Once upon a time I made the mistake of ordering a half a load of topsoil. Sure didn't seem like it was going to be a lot. I swear that the stuff was reproducing in the pile because no matter what I did, the pile never seemed to go down. I still am not sure how it all got redistributed but it did take quite a while. Good luck. Me, I'm going golfing today, heat and all. Enjoy.
Rec'd the Conservative Endorsement on Thursday night which is a big boost for Team Koch! Teeshirts were delivered today so we are looking spiffy to say the least. Did a little campaigning this weekend and helped with the garden. I will do some campaigning tomorrow and then spend time with Grandma. If it wasn't raining we would be out in the garden. Boo! Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday!
Sounded as if Mom enjoyed her weekend what with a cookout on Sat. and chicken bbq on sun. When I gave her the option of lunch on tues. if she wasn't "too tired", she said that she thought that she would be ready by then. I must confess that the inner workings of the Tonawanda political system certainly defy what would be considered "conventional analysis". Is there anywhere else in the U.S. where the conservative party supports the democratic candidate and the liberal party the republican? Nc jnn, help me understand in case some of my Tonawanda resident government students ask. Cloudy and cool for today. A good day for yard work. Rats!
Happy Monday! YIKEs to the rain and a cooler day today! Kudos to significant other, who through diligence and determination, moved 30 wheelbarrel's full of dirt! Lots accomplished over the weekend! Then I went door to door to see who wanted some, and then the rain washed quite a bit away, so after eyeballing the situation, about half of it is gone! I know I know...
Campaigning starts in full swing tomorrow, so everything changes!
Did have a very nice dinner with Mom, did some shopping, she stopped at the Everett's, visited a bit, got groceries and then home!
Other than that a very nice weekend! Enjoy Monday, please anticipate Robo Calls from 431, as again campainging starts in full gear tomorrow!
Still wide awake as my campaign manager and mother are sound asleep. Our goal: to get 167 signatures and 30 sign locations tomorrow. Between my dad and I; if you are a betting man; take Subway $5 foot longs over the signatures and sign locations.
This is a complete and utter strategy. So we have to plan our ground campaign as tough and strategic as possible. We will start at McDonald's at 5:00 am then work our way back to the city. Ah we are just kidding.
Looking forward to the next 5 months as campaigning is now in full swing. Our treasurer has not allowed me to spend $1 at any fast food chain. So I apologize if I am absent on the blog. Please carry on the lively discussions without me. Austin's grad party is in full swing! Hope to see everyone there. This will also be a good luck at boot camp party too. Good night from campaign HQ.
Just remember to make sure that your campaign does not peak too early. Timing, timing, timing. Lots of hard work ahead and already you are up until midnite. Need to do a demographics check on your ward. Are there single old men? Calls for Gramma to go door to door. And remember, not everyone is a Yankees fan so tell UG to go easy on the pinstripe garb. Good luck
Timing is everything :)
I have to get 200 signatures in order to be on the ballot come November (dem). I did not receive the Working Families endorsement, but that's okay. We keep plugging away. :)
Is it Wed? Have been at Buffalo Generaly for the final phase of our electronic medical record. Always get so confused when I am here, long days, busy days, and days filled with Dr's UGH!
So yesterday when I left for work, team Koch's goal was 166 signatures, when I got home they had 50, 9 sign locations and a 50$ donation to the campaign! so all in all a good day!
The garden is coming along, slow but sure much like the tortoise!
Enjoy the day all!
Wednesday indeed. We're off to Zach's soccer game. I hope the Ryan's hold out.
Busy days are ahead. I can't even write them all down.
Happy Thursday! Kind of a gloomy day here in the medical corridor!
Glad for the rain, as my "cottage garden that features shade plants, a mixture of annuals and perennials, a blueberry patch, a water feature, and a relaxing place to have a cold drink" that is my official press release for the COT GW! Other than that, enjoy the day!
Happy 91 Rodney. Weather is not conducive for more than much of anything except looking out the window and wishing that it wasn't raining. D-day 69 years ago. Have to give Mom a call and see what she was doing. Drier days are coming. Keep the faith.
I heard warm weather is just around the corner... Ummm... Maybe by 4th of July?
My first golf tourney tomorrow, wish me luck. I have 3 guys counting on me doing well. No pressure.
Emma's a teenager on Sunday!
Is the sun out?? Hoping Jeff has a good golf outing! Happy BD early Ms Emma! Hope you have a wonderful day! Happy belated birthday to Rod, great guy! Hope his day was great also.
Prom night for Mr Austin, so everyone keep him in your prayers that his night goes off with out a hitch! Other than that, enjoy Friday and the end of the work week! Hip Hip Hooray!
Nc emm turning a BIG 13! Way to go girl! Hope that your day is most enjoyable and Mom and Dad survive having 2 teens.
First time out and I did ok. Some good shots, some baaaaad and a couple great shots.. It was fun.
Emma and her friends had a bday party at the Bisons game and dinner at Pettibones. Great idea Sandra.
So my mother calls me in tears last nite to tell me how my sister, her youngest daughter, turned the hose on her while she was sitting and minding her own business. Has the pressure of the Garden Walk gotten so bad that my sister has taken to turning the hose on her 96 year old mother? Shocking? That doesn't go nearly far enough! I certainly am hoping that there is more to this story. Sis??? YOur response? Other than that I guess it was a quiet weekend. We did clean out the garage yesterday and I have to go into hiding when the garbage guys come this AM to attack the mountain of trash out front. Enjoy? what appears to be a couple of wet days coming.
Gramma got dowsed with a hose?
That can't be good. Remember what happened to George Allen?
Slow day today... Anderson's roast beef too.
So this week is our annual conference, and I am sure you all remember that last year we were in rochester, and this year we are in niagara falls! so yes its true I did turn the hose on my mom, no it had nothing to do with the fact that she was whining about something, or nothing like that! I was busy doing some front yard work and she was sitting in the driveway, and the hose had a chink in it, and for some reason I held the nozzle down, aimed at her, and unchinked the hose, so yes she did get a facefull, and yes she was kind of a baby about it, but she was sitting in the sun, all was fine! Jill and Gary off camping! Surprise dinner with daughter and austin this evening, very nice
Back to Niagara falls tomorrow, maybe I can sneak off and try my luck??? Who am i kidding..
Ooh I can't wait to go camping. I have to get the pup inspected... Nickel and dime me New York, nickel and dime me.
SO its Thursday, and its back to Larkin, I have to admit I do love our annual Health Information conference, always lots of fun! And lots of great prizes are given away, unfortunately, I did not win anything this year! But had fun anyway! So lets see what is going on?? So ever since I submitted 431 in the COTGW, it pretty much has rained 4 out of 7 days! So I take full responisibility for that one!
Fred and Joyce's youngest daughter, Marcia is in town, and we are meeting up on Friday for dinner, so that will be nice to see her! ( Fred was Grampa's brother) The campaign is plodding along. Please note we still have our eyes on the prize.
Saw none of the hockey game or Yankee's game, so nothing to add there. Austin officially graduates tonight! YEA! George took a day off to paint the garage today, mmmm not seeing that happening! Enjoy thursday all!
Happy Friday! so I am pretty convinced the NBA is rigged, they are even at 2 games a piece? Just seems kind of shady to me. so Austin had his graduation from Boces last night, and next Thursday is his HighSchool graduation and Saturday is his party! You know, Austin could have gone several different routes in his life and no one would have blamed him, but instead he found his passion, put a plan together, kept at it, and is now ready for the next step in his life. So very proud of my soft spoken, kind hearted, and very caring Grandson!
Just waiting for quittin time!
Kind of hard to plug thru the day when we know so many of our family is grieving. Just wanted to say our hearts are with you! Just say the word to whatever is needed to do, and its done. Peace love prayers hugs and smiles for an easier day tomorrow
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Aunt Patti and extended Rod lovers. He was a pretty cool guy.
Sandra's home! Yeah! 2 hours later than she should have, but at least she's home safe. I think she'll be sleeping in late today.
German Fest at Amherst Museum today.
My nephew must not be aware that the Juneteenth festival is also this weekend up at MLK park! Or I am sure that would be on his agenda!
Just want to thank everyone for their support and most appreciated kind thoughts at a difficult time. AP, as well as I, have been deeply touched by all of your support. And again, once more, the biggest of shout outs to nc jnn and her people at Absolute. Words can never express how great everyone was during the experience. Jenna, you are the very best.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Personally, I am so thankful I had 2 months to spend with him and make sure he was comfortable, happy, and had enough rice pudding to last for days! We shared some great talks. Rest assured his loved ones were the light of his life. Thank you so much for the memories Rod.
AP, UC if there is anything I can do please let me know.
Monday sneeks up so quickly, doesnt it? Hope all our Dads had a relaxing, well spent day! Went out for an early lunch late breakfast yesterday, had a very enjoyable day! Very busy week this week, austin's high school ceremony is Thursday, and the party to end all high school graduation, bon voyage parties is Saturday, and inbetween all that there is doors to be knocked on and mulch to be spread! Get throught the day as best you can!
Monday morning came really quick. Indeed. It took all my strength just to finish out the day.
Mom and dad came over tonight for a nice chicken dinner. Busy week this week, but by Friday we'll be having fun down in Butler.
I know, I know, don't wish you days away.
Happy Wed! Great foodtruck night at Larkin last evening, perfect night for dinner in the groto and then down to the ball park! But not for me, as the COTGW is now 24 days away, it was a night of planting, weeding, watering, mulcing, pinching, pruning, etc all with the help of my sister!
Much thanks to her, as she does keep me motivated!
Graduation Eve for our awesome Austin, so proud of him! Graduation tomorrow, and the be all end all of all Graduation parties on Saturday!!! So excited to see everyone! Weather will be perfect, food will be perfect, and it will be a great day!
Thanks to everyone!
We just have to apologize again about Saturday. We're sorry we're going to miss it. Congrats Austin! We're proud of you too.
The Kenmore Panthers took care of the Niagara team last night at Fort Niagara 4-1. Zachary had a very strong game.
Happy Thursday, or what is known in the Kaleida world as PayDay! and hiphiphooray, there is a tentative new contract today! We were all very nervous about a strike looming! but glad they came to an agreement!
so Donnie Baseball was included in roll call yesterday, and he was not aware of what it was? What was up with that?
Well I have to hurry up and get my work done, so I can get out of here to get to ArtPark!!!
I want to be the first one there!!!!
I really hope my work day flys by so I can get the front row at Artpark! I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments these 4 years. I wonder if they will allow bullhorn's? Actually I was told yesterday they weren't allowed, but I didn't get the memo! :) blog forthcoming with grad and grad party pics for our family who can't be there. Thank you for all you do for Austin.
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