It's here! The big day! Please do me a favor and pat yourself on the back, you have all played a special role in my campaign. It's 2:30 am on Election Day, and the last thing the candidate wants to do is sleep. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you to all of you for your love, support, and help during this campaign. I know we have family and friends from all over who will be watching to see how this pans out. I will update as soon as the results come in.
I look at the picture of Gram and think, when she was born, women did not have the right to vote. Now, with the voters support her grand daughter could be the first woman to represent the City of Tonawanda's 4th ward. I sure hope she is proud today.
I would like to give some shout outs (if I may):
Mom/Dad- By far the two that have kept me sane and focused this campaign. Trust me, that was no easy task. From the highs to lows, to the wanting to react to any negative comment, etc. This campaign made me a stronger person. I hope our hard work pays off tonight.
Jill/Gary- Jill is my campaign treasurer. Try getting $5 to go to BK from a generous donor and she will bite your hand off, at least I tried. Thank you to the both of you for all you did. Love ya both!
Awesome Austin- He will be my chauffer today. That will not be an easy task. But, his willingness to help and do what he can speaks volume of the kind of young man he is. I am so stinking proud of him!
David/Sheri/B/T- Your support from Florida means so much to me! Love you all!
This past weekend, my opponent decided to do a last ditch effort and do a lit drop through our ward. As I pulled up to a street, I saw his "army" of kids dropping his letter off door to door. As panic mode set in, my beloved family came to my defense. Thank you to Jeff, Sandra, Emma, and Aunt Sue for helping to distribute over 1,500 letters. You braved the cold weather and helped out more than you know. Thank you! I love ya!
During the course of my campaign we delivered over 8,000 pieces of mail. Thank you to all our volunteers who took time out of their day to help spread my message. Thank you to Becky and her beautiful family for your lit drop two weeks ago. We have had over 20 volunteers assist with phone calls, mailings, etc. You name it, they were there. You all rock! Thank you!
KDH- I have no words! You are an amazing person! Your design team created a logo that was placed on over 200 signs through out our ward. Thank you for all of your love and support! You and your family ROCK!
Adam/Amy- Love you guys! When this is over, put me down for babysitting.
R/S- Rooting all the way from NC! Thank you for everything!
UC/AP- Thank you so much for your support and love! You still have 4 hours to move to the COT in time to cast your vote.
AS/UG- Who am I kidding you won't read this! But, the thank you card is in the mail.
The Stoiber/Bunts family- Thank you so much for your support! Eric, you will make one amazing politician or campaign manager. Your family was a tremendous asset to our team! Thank you!
The point is there are so many people behind the scene, helping, the unsung heroes in this. Whatever happens today, happens. But rest assured, I am one lucky girl to have the family that I have. You are all invited to stop down to the American Legion (Main St, City of Tonawanda). The candidates will be there at 8pm. We will have pizza and wings. Results will start to come in after 9pm.
For my out of town family results can be viewed at any of the following websites:
buffalo news
I will also post results on my facebook pages. Grandma said she will wait up until 10pm tonight to hear the news. Love you all! To anyone who I may have missed, it was not intentional by any means! Now, I suppose I should try and get some sleep.
Love you,
I certainly had no idea when you (nc jnn) put together this family blog where all of this would lead. And now, here we are, able to share, with you, this entire process. This has been a special treat for us all, and regardless of the outcome, and I hope I have a pretty good idea where all of this heading, you are AWESOME! We will all be watching closely, and if the good people of my home town have any sense, the results will be an overwhelming victory. Enjoy the moment and reflect on all of your hard work. It was you who put this all together.
WHAT??? NO UPDATE?? For those of us who don't tweet, text or shout loudly out the window, we are awaiting the official results. All I know is what I see on tv. 79-21?? I couldn't get 79% of the vote if it was confined to family members.
so post election wrap up. Jnna won, she garnered 80% of the vote. she was the top vote getter in all of the COT. Very proud of her! Had gramma out to democratic HQ last evening! A very fun day! so the rest of team jnna is home sleeping and I am at work. So I get on the elevator at the Larkin Bldg this AM, and it was a pretty crowded elevator, and some lady in the back of the elevator, yells out to me, hey lady you have your sweater on inside out! so last night I was being hugged and congratulated on what a great job my daughter did, and today I am being called out, for not knowing how to dress! I think Gramma had fun at the post election party? There were accepting speeches and beer! Oh and the Sabres won and how about our BULLS! Cousin Eric was a huge help, I think Jnna corraled him into joining a committee? Just a side note, Geo's ultra liberal brother, did note that he would vote for Jnna in a local election, but never on the national stage, she is too conservative for his liking. so that bodes the question, what comes first, family? or Politics?
Enjoy Wed everyone, 3 weeks from today is Thanksgiving Eve!
And I did have my sweater on inside out, BTW!
And there was the day that I wore two different shoes. I always suspected that Albert Doobey was part of our family.
well the work day is half over! I have to tell you, our house is in loose ends, with nothing pressing to do, now that the election is over! Nothing pressing goiing on! Just getting ready for Thanksgiving. which is still 3 weeks off, but never to early to get ready for that day! I am not sure if everyone saw Jnna's final vote total, but she won 853-224 or something like that, and her opponent posted on her face book page," at least it was close"! kind of funny! Have a great Friday eve, all!
856-243 with 58 absentee ballots to be counted. My first campaign was quite an experience. One I will never forget.
Hip Hip Hooray it is Friday! so today we are taking my boss on a wine tour for boss's day, we leave at noon, so quick question, if you are not a wine drinker should I bring beer??? just wonderin??? Not to much else going on Sabres lost, does it even matter to comment on them? I put them under the lost cause category. Looking forward to the weekend!~
So today is Veterans Day, is everyone working?? Had a most enjoyable weekend! Started Sat AM with breakfast with gramma and the OP Holtz's, that was very fun! Mr Benjamin, what a great baby! Just sat and chewed on toast, as did Gramma! Just a nice morning to catch up! Had Gramma over for pot roast yesterday, as we watched a pitiful pitiful football game! Other than that, not to much else going on, just getting ready for .....
enjoy the work week, all!
I don't think Losman/Manuel plays real well outside of O.P. Quiet weekend and a quiet week ahead, and maybe that isn't such a bad thing. Do I have to start thinking about a pirate gift?
I have to admit, I am one of those pitiful people who has the tone of her day set, by 2 things, 1. ride into work
2. deliciousness of coffee
Needless to say the ride into work was ridiculous, the white stuff falling from the sky put everyone into panic mode! And slowed the whole process down! And my coffee, just OK. Trying to rebound and have a good day!
Cousins Barb and Chuck are moving this weekend into Senior Housing in Canandaigua, so lets hope everything goes ok for them! Of course everyone heard of the passing of Gramma's cousin, Frankie Don! oops that was his stage name, Donald Fronczak. For those not in the loop, Frankie sang Sinatra tunes at local nursing homes, and Senior citizen centers, gramma used to say he did that, because that audience can not get up and leave! To Gramma's dismay she has one cousin left, she called him LooChoo? No Idea what his real name is??? Other than that, just an FYI, Thanksgiving is an open invitation to all, if you just want to stop by and have a drink or dessert, or whatever. Allways enough food, drink and hospitality.
I am offering to host Christmas also... Never to early to talk about Christmas!
And, I probably should not say this but I have the BEST pirate gift EVER!! And in 6 weeks and one day, you will see it!
Stay warm, shovel and rake today!
I am ambivolent about Wed, there I said it, it is a necessary evil in the middle of the week, understood. But it just seems to get in the way of Friday. things are kind of quiet now that the campaign has finished. But that that has not stopped my daughter from talking about her re election.! Cute pix of OP Holtz's on FB! Standing out in the snow, too funny! Sabres got a shoot out win last nite, a much needed win! And some Canisus students were prank calling the opposition coach, what is up with that!! Seriously, prank calling.
Other than that, its a chowder weekend in COT at Niagara Hose.
Other than that, remember, Kindness, Graciousness, and forgiveness go a long way in this world, and I only say that as a constant reminder for myself!
Stay warm!
A piece of good fortune determined that I was not driving yesterday morning but just this morning. Clear and dry all the way and I am guessing not so much yesterday. Did my first shoveling of the year, a mere 3 inches, put unfortunately I am guessing that there will be more. Ah yes, reelection. That's the old saying, you finish one campaign and begin planning the next. Sun is shining in the northtowns. Enjoy.
Yikes who saw the Sabres world turn upside down, coming??? Not me! Best story told, was of the border patrol guard stopping Pat Lafontaine, and telling him he hopes he is on his way to help the Sabres! Now of course it is a mad dash for Sabre tickets for Friday against the leafs! Highlight this morning, it was 39 in Buffalo and 30 in Hotlanta! sorry K! Two weeks from today is Thanksgiving, hope everyone is ready? Enjoy this day especially, it is only here once!
Happy Happy Birthday, Rick Scott Rice, always loved the fact that his name, just 4 letters, pick any one first, middle or last, just 4 letters! Have a great day, will raise a cold one this evening in your honor! And what the heck may have a slice of cake too! Got the biggest kick out of FB comment from jff that he too has the same glass that Rick was holding! Too funny, your parents each gave you one glass!
So some big semi from Canada drove in the passing lane all the way to work today, UGH
Just remember if it was easy everybody would do it! Have a great day
Here it is Friday already. Looks to be a good weekend shaping up. Bette is hosting a dinner tomorrow nite at Chef's as a memorial family get together. Kristen will be flying in for it tomorrow morning but has to go back sunday morning but it will be good to have everyone together for the first time since his passing. Couldn't believe the traffic this morning at 6 AM. HB to Rick. Hope that he enjoys his day. 2 weeks until black Friday.
I'm afraid after all this time to tell my dearest mother that Rick's middle name, Scott has 5 letters. Now you have to find a new thought process on his name, or maybe we can change his middle name to Scot.
UGH to Monday! But it was a great weekend! Any weekend that involves family is great! Thank you Adm and Amy for allowing me and gramma to crash your brunch!
Food and company, was fabulous as always! Yea to a Bills win! I am just going to ask it was not a family member that took a header off the 300 level was it? I am going to go out on a limb and say beer was involved!
Had GG over yesterday, for chowder, and cookie read her, her last will and testament. Cookies law firm finalizd the paperwork, pro bono of course. So the buck 50 anastasia will have left will be equally divided! So after a table top christmas tree is purchased for her, she really will have nothing left to worry about, well until the next thing that comes up, of course
Other than that, no other nagging issues to report back on.
Enjoy this week, as I am sure it will be a busy one!
I would certainly echo AB's sentiments. Sat. brunch at the OP Holtz residence, memorial dinner at Chef's with some time left over to visit with K and Adam and his family on sunday morning before the trip to the airport, with the Bills win the icing on the cake.Once again wny fared much better weatherwise than other parts of the country this weekend. How sad to see that destruction. Hey, tomorrow is tuesday already. I do have some curiosity about the route that AB took home from OP, but Mom seemed to enjoy the scenic route. Stay warm.
You know... No wonder I was the only one making comments for awhile. It seems I was trapped in a time warp and kept commenting on a past post. I just logged back in and find a Halloween blog and a this one.
So I guess I'm back.
No need to go back and check on past comments... They just talk about how bad the Sabres are.
Okay I'm back. I had to make sure I was on the right post. Looks like I'm okay now.
Good to see that nphw jff is back with us. Man there was sure some frost on the pumpkin this AM. Back to work for another week. Mom got to the doctor and got a new coat to boot. She was a happy camper particularly after the card she received from Frank. Stay warm!
So I took the long way home to give my mom a nice ride, aww who am I kidding! Missed the entrance to 20 and just kept going, all roads lead to south buffalo anyway, right! I did get a little nervous at Bailey and Lovejoy, but it was fine! so the last election was finalized yesterday in the CPT, the second ward was won by Jackie, so by 12 votes, so if ever anyone ever says their vote does not count, not true! Just want to note that my husband was in the gallery and he had the final count before the official counter! Pukey Sabres game last night! Other than that, not to much else going on.
Thanksgiving is next week, my ultra favorite holiday! Gramma had her pacemaker check up yesterday, so did not hear back on that. And there is a family lunch at Athena's on Friday.
Happy Holidays, wanted to be the first to wish everyone that!
Goooood evening folk! I'm not sure I've ever written that on here before. (Kristen can we have someone check on that?)
Two more work daze, then the weekend. Yeah! THEN a short work week. Double yeah!!
I watched the UB game last night, not the Sabres (I did check in every now and then). UB was on fire. They destroyed, a then, 0-10 team. I think I'm going to the MAC championship game. WooHoo!
Good Morning! Passed my daughter while driving into work today, and she was exhibiting courteous driving behavior, allowing a car to merge in front of her, and I know darnwell, she probably did not want too! Proud of her!
One week from today is Thanksgiving, so hoping everyone is excited for black friday, football and turkey, and Oh giving thanks! So what are the big plans for the weekend? I believe my sister leaves on Monday for Asheville, RSR posted he bought a 22 lb turkey for 4 people that does seem about right??
congratulation Emma! Our in house budding artist, had her picture/ drawing, not sure of the right word to use, chosen as a first prize winner! congrats! Seems the woman of the family are the winners in the family!
Other than that have a great day, get your snow shovels out, seems it may be a white weekend!
Days like today remind me just how old I am. 50 years. Hard to believe. I was a college junior and had just returned from a 1 oclock class to find everyone listening to the radio. Amazing. Time for all of us to get our snow shovels oiled up and ready to go. Time to get ready for the holiday season as another one rolls around. Enjoy the weekend.
Nothing says the difference between my bro an me, like the next sentence. I was in 2nd Grade! The nuns cried!
And Walter Conkrite was never more impt!
Met John Jr, Corrine, Cathy, my sister and my mom for lunch today!
so nice to see John Jr! A little worried about him, though as he had a bump on his head, and he has falled down his basement stairs twice, carrying laundry baskets! My sister tried to talk him into the stackable machine, moved upstairs, but his response was they both work?
The interesting conversation was they all have a cane, so they discussed the latest technology in canes! Other than that, it was a very nice lunch!
No bills this weekend, not sure what everyone has on there agenda but finish what you start!
We up to. Niagara County last night and did a wine tour with friends and then went to Woodcock Brothers for dinner. We had a really nice time but boy was the wind whipping. We ended up with a few nice wines we enjoyed.
Today? Nothing. We are just relaxing.
It was a sunday without the Bills but thank goodness there were the Sabres to bring us some consistency. Lots of nasty cold weather for so early in the season, well actually late fall. Hoping that Amy's family who are travelling here this week make it safely through the anticipated lousy weather. It could be worse. It could be me going in that direction. Working today and a short day on wed. That means that Auntie will be working me especially hard when she has me as her servant. Stay warm!
Had an especially long to do list this weekend, and I am ashamed to say very few items were scratched off! Did have a very busy weekend however, council woman elect was in NYC, part work part vacation, Jillian got a new car, and we babysat bronx. Took Gramma out for lunch on Sunday, but brr, between the wind, the cold, the whipping snow, got her home by 4PM.
How about those Sabres!!! UGH I know!
Enjoy Monday, its a short work week!
uh oh, gloom and doom! Allegedly my sister and her husband are hunkered down somewhere, riding out the storm in ??? not sure where? to be a fly on the wall with those two, while they are delayed! I am pretty confident I will be able to make it to Luther Manor on thanksgiving! so no worries! So everyone stay warm, safe, and hydrated!
And just a shout out to my Mom! Who sent out "mad" money to her Grandchildren! I hope each and everyone did something frivolous!
Frivolous? Nope. Just us two old folk sitting around watching "new girl", that's it. Thinking, hmmmm... Maybe we should cash that.
But... Thanks Gramma, we love you.
Hopefully we don't get too much snow. I can't get my "newish" snow blower started.
Big problem was getting out of the driveway this morning. Drive was easy, just wet. Got lots of stuff to do today. Hoping to sneak out early from here. I hope that nc jnn's junket to NYC was not paid by some lobby group. I would hate to see her "outed" already by channel 2 news. Take care and stay warm.
Jill got a new car? Sweet! Road trip!!!
I think we survived the severe weather forecast. I did wake up to white stuff and a rat in the driveway. I guess I forgot to take the garbage to the can last night.
A very happy thanksgiving to all. Talked to Mom and she was looking forward to her dinner. Preparations are under way here for a later dinner. Seems that nphw Erc is held hostage by Tops until all of the possible groceries are sold. The bird will be going into the over shortly. Need to go out and try to clear the sidewalk so mother bunts can make it inside. I offered to take her a plate to the car if she thought the trip was too treacherous, but that was vetoed. Enjoy the day and all that it brings.
Wonderful Thanksgiving day yesterday. Zach's first Turkey Bowl without his old man. Wonderful meal, warm house and nice people to spend time with.
Today, Sandra and I are getting "coffeed up" and we're venturing out into the Black Friday crowd.
snowed all day yesterday but M.B. still made it into the house. Time to go out and shovel some more. three times this month and it is still november. I don't like the direction that this is heading. Hope everyone survives shopping.
Shopping? No thanks. UB game ? Yes. Unfortunately, they did not bring their A game. Lost to Bowling Green (loved the discussions about being from Kentucky or are unsure). And they aren't that good. Whatever. Besides the parking fiasco, we had a fun day. And our seats were heated.... Plus!
Zack killed 6 rats today. I'm thinking blog.
WOW, what a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Had a wonderful meal, filled with family! And did leftovers for Anastasia on Friday! The best football game ever, was the Alabama/Auburn game on Friday nite! The sabres are putrid and so are the bills, nothing good there!. Glad my nephew solved his varmint problem. I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving, as we have much to be thankful for! And here it is December, and this month will fly by! Getting back to the grind is near impossible, but we will do the best we can
Enjoy the day!
December 3rd already. Where are the daze going?
Ok, we have some shopping done and I think we're in good shape. We found a few pirate gifts that should be fun and fought over.
so hard to believe, the first week of December is almost over!
So Anastasia, is in need of a Christmas tree. I did purchase a 2 Ft one from HD, not sure if she will like it, and I also ordered one from Amazon, which was not delivered by a drone, but by a budget rental truck at 9PM at night! Mailing Rick's birthday card today, my son can attest to my delinquent habit with mailings!
Anywhoo, hope you had a nice birthday nephew! so ellsbury is a yankee, what is up with that?? And why are they spending so much money and none of it on Cano??
Last year for Christmas, Jnna had gotten me a Kindle, and I love love love my Kindle! So I am kind of the outcast at work as I have not read any of The Hunger Games Series, so I tried to order from the Library, via Kindle, the 1st book, the hunger games, and I could not! As my Library card expired??? Really? In all my years of Patronage of the Library, where Mrs Bellinger was in charge, my Library card never expired? Apparently there is a 2 year life on a library card??? Well card renewed, and I ended up buying the book from Amazon!
3 Weeks from today is Christmas!
Get your lists ready!
I meant to put this out there, and I would like everyone to mull over this. As our family continues to grow, it is very difficult for all of us to get together, this is just a reminder that any family gathering can happen any day, we are together. this goes for all Holidays, Thanksgiving, Arbour day, Decoration Day etc.. food for thought.
and I would like to establish, a firm and set pirate gift price, I know my B-I-L thinks its 5$ and Jnna thinks it 40$, so think about what our limit on that should be.
Koch's will host Christmas.
Food will be buffett, and beverages will be alcoholic, after that I got nothing
whoo hoo, driving into work and its 57 degrees!!! I will take that for a December day!
Hope everyone enjoys today, as by the weather map, it looks like the deep freeze is looming!
Did everyone hear Russ Brandon's comments about the bils playing in TO?, yea me neither.
Just an update to the Christmas buffet, we will have pies too.
Have a great day
All of this christmas talk is getting me into the spirit of the season. Have to get thru tonite's parent conferences before I can totally concentrate on the yuletide. Thanks AB for hosting xmas. Let us know what to bring. PIES ! UMMMMH !
What to bring? Hmmmm let's see eggnog from 1070 Grover road, a pie from 1298 Nash road, I think that cover it.
We'll be there Christmas Day!!! What time?
And we'll bring something too. Swedish meatballs? Sausage? Something like that? Cheese?
I think $15- $20 for a pirate gift is plenty... Sales are highly encouraged.
I don't want to wish my daze away but I'm really looking to Christmas this year.
If people are looking for something to do on Sunday at 4PM, Sandra and Emma are singing at Vespers. It's a wonderful and enjoyable program.
Whatever you want to bring is fine with me!
Christmas, will begin promptly when everyone arrives. So I will be ready with food, apps, drinks, etc at Noon. Please feel free to come whenever you wish! It is an open house day! 15-20$ has always been my motto, so say all? show of hands? Its agreed, pirate gift budget, 15-20$ for an item you would wish to receive as a gift, thinking that will eliminate any lint brush or back scratcher ideas!
My brother in law in Denver, said yesterday it was 6 degrees, I hope that is not coming our way!
happy Monday! pretty pix of Sandra and Emma on FB! congrats on your Concert at Church, I was hoping to bring Gramma, but she was not up to attending, so maybe next year, when she is 97. UGH to this rain, slush, snow mixture, but hey at least it is not Philadelphia! What else can be said about the bils, how putrid! That game was more painful to watch than the Atl game! Oh well have a great day, as we all get ready for Christmas!
Devoted most of my time yesterday to watching the sno-bowl in Philly partly because the bills game was so bad and partly becuz it reminded me of some of the great thanksgiving games where my nphw jff bested the elements to bring his team to victory. Sad/happy to hear that the torch was passed this yr. to nphw zch. Extended assembly time this morning allowed a trip to see gg, some bfst and a little shopping. Happy that it wasn't as icy as first predicted this AM. Take care all.
The torch has definitely been passed... All that I have is memories now. Memories of never throwing an interception and hurling 90 yard bombs. Ahhhhh memories.
Noon it is. I'll be there at 9AM!!!
The Bills? Bills who?
Oooooh it's coming down now.
Would someone mind shoveling my driveway?
so all the gloom and doom precictions of snowfall really did not come to pass. Not sure why everyone gets worked up about snow? But hey! two weeks from today is Christmas!!! Is everyone ready? Of course you are! Sabres won in a shootout, and the Oakland A's got younger! so says Billy Beane on ESPN!
Other than that, enjoy the day!
ohhh, Christmas!! Can I bring a ham and no, i don't mean Unkie. Of course I will bring the nog also.
Got home at 7 to discover a foot and a half of snow that had been in my driveway was moved by my little? well not so little, xmas elf from Orchard Park. That was a most welcome surprise. I guess that I will have to rethink the lump of coal that I got for him. On the downside we got thumped by St. Joe's in Masterminds. Clear and dry from Kenmore to the corner of 20A and Grover rd. and then, a winter wonderland. No drive for me tomorrow. Friday?? We will have to wait and see. Stay warm!
Now the snow comes! Please stop.
Emma's concert tonight was wonderful. Beautiful music and the kids did great.
As of right now I am officially DONE with winter!
Adam didn't show up today to shovel?
So, I wake up, rub my eyes and look outside. Where is all this snow coming from? Shouldn't it run out soon?
Bills today? Predictions? I'm thinking a win. They were so bad last week that this week they put it all together.
It always amazes me the snow line of clouds that line south buffalo! Hope everyone stayed warm this weekend. I did not have gramma over for dinner yesterday, as she was not going to venture out in the continuous snow of North Tonawanda! Hope everyone saw that the cast of a Christmas Story was in NT this weekend for the Christmas Parade. Hope everyone's tree is up and ready for Santa. No word how the former Quincy Holtz's have adjusted to the snowbelt that is known as OP? Enjoy Monday! countdown to Christmas officially has begun!
The annual xmas tree cutting party had a real set of challenges yesterday, not least of which was the 2+ feet of snow that covered all of the trees. Kristen and Caroline did arrive for the event. Miss Caroline was a bit overwhelmed by all of the snow but trees were secured just as storm number 4 or 7 or 9 or whatever it is arrived. Linda, Matt and GG Betty (looking forward to her birthday party--#89--never did make it in from West seneca, the Stoibers and the formerly Quincy Holtzes all got stuck in my driveway and we had to push them out (I blame Adam's arrival in WNY for all of this). Anyhow, everyone made it home safely. Today, it's only a light flurry, but tomorrow promises more snow. I guess that we all saw this coming after the last few years. Stay safe.
That cracked me up. Very funny. You can laugh now that it's in the past.
More shopping, dentist, and then more shopping today. In that order. We're almost done.
Is next tuesday really christmas eve? Are we doing pirate gifts? If so, I had better hope to order from amazon and have it shipped by drone. I don't think it's possible to get to anywhere from here. Nah, just kidding. I know we are gifting and it's all set to go.
I like how he says "we"!
As in Jeff says " we" ( not Unkie)
So I have to admit, that I am more than excited! The fact that only 2 winning tickets were sold for the mega billion lotto, and one was sold in Atlanta!, well needless to say, my Christmas wish list has grown, as I just know that my favorite niece purchased that ticket!!! sizes, shapes and color preference soon to follow!
So yesterday, UGH to the driving, I believe I suffered a shoulder injury due to excessive wheel gripping! That was brutal yesterday! had our office Christmas party and I was in charge of rolls, now not sure why I ordered them from Budwey, to drive from Larkin to NT Budwy??? yea, not sure why I did that? anyway took me close to 2 hours! today a little better, just makes for a long start of the day when the commute in is less than ideal.
so one week from today is Christmas, so hard to fathom how quickly time flies by! Enjoy the countdown to Christmas!
Coming home again today to snow blow the driveway did NOT!!!!! make me happy. That and the fact there were 4, count em, 4 semi major accidents on the 90 and 290 today---need a vacation. Take care and stay safe.
Sorry Unk, that is not cool.
We had our Dept. Christmas lunch at Buffalo Roadhouse... Good times. I got the pulled pork.
Sandra and I went to Premier. You know what that means. It means. I'm stocked up for Christmas, no Baileys this year though. Sandra can't drink it and I had waaaay too much last year.
Tonight is this first night this week that I am home by 11pm. Just want to extend an invitation to all on January 1st at 1pm. Formal invitations are going out this week. I also believe that after the swearing in there is talk of a reception at my sisters house. I should follow up on that.
So if anyone listens to 103.3 the edge apparently I was the talk of the morning show as shred and reagen would like to speak with me. Why you ask? The buffalo news decided to print only a snapshot of the 5 minute conversation we had that makes me look like a revenue hungry mongrel. Oh I'm not even sworn in yet!
It's getting closer...
Lots of snow sure disappeared in a very short time. Another major mess on the 90 this morning, but that is a commute I don't have to worry about until Jan. 6. Not unhappy about that. Potato Bowl tomorrow, Sabres on a win streak, and a Bills blackout on sunday. Enjoy the weekend, but not at Target.
Bringing up Target... Sandra and I almost so a brawl break out between two women today at Target. Incredible.
UB is getting crushed. I guess I'll watch the Sabres.
Saw a brawl.. Sheesh.
Bulls??? Sabres??? How about the Bills today? Can they break the streak? More details on the brawl. I hope that there was at least a major toy involved. What would Christmas be without fisticuffs at a major retailer?
I think that it's about time that I gave some serious thought to doing some shopping. Dad always said that the best bargains came the closer you got to xmas. The nog is fermenting in the frige and I'm afraid to open the door. Looks like a particularly lethal batch this year. Hope nobody's working today. Sorry son. Enjoy it, it's the only one we have today.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve! Amazing how quickly the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas just flies by! Hope everyone is ready for the big day! I know there are some slackers out there, but you know what, it will be a great day! did not have my mother over yesterday, between the falling icicles, as you know they have been known to kill people, and the rain, I just thought it was better that she stayed home. Did get her groceries, and got back to the manor in time to hear the Christmas Carolers! Braved Elmwood shopping with the girls on Saturday, lots of fun, even though it was a steady down pour!
Scrooge Mr Wilson, decided we did not need to see the Bills big win yesterday? Hope he gets coal!
Other than that, enjoy today and all that it brings!
He knows who has been naughty, and he knows who has been nice!
Egg Nog!!!
Christmas eve day. Gotta tell ya, one of my favorite days of the year. Auntie and I will be doing the downtown stumble, checking out the local spots, home to host the formerly Quincy Holtzes for dinner and there may be a little something here for the kids to open. Snowing outside now so the Christmas will be white. Hoping everyone gets their power back. Enjoy the day and looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Christmas Eve Eve!!! I'm getting excited.
Another Christmas has come and gone and they just keep getting better. Many thanks to AB and UG for all of their hard work to make things special for all. Nice to know that AB now has the reputation for making the best grilled cheese sandwiches EVER made by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Got a real kick watching Zack helping Oliver put his lego man together; Emma the roving photog; the Everetts conspiring on the stairway; seeing my brother now officially on the government dole, and so much more. Talked to Mom this AM and heard she had to have help carrying her bag of m/ms home. I plan to spend the day resting. Hope that everyone else can do the same. Thanks again.
Merry Merry everyone! What a day yesterday, we had so much fun. Thank you family for making it fun.
Thank AP and UG for hosting. Delicious food and a fun Pirate Game.
Hope everyone is still on their Christmas High!! What a fabulous day we had! No other family on the face of the earth had a better Christmas than we did, no seriously no other family! Not even the Fargo Holtz's! Hope Amy is back to feeling better! We missed you! So much fun to have little ones around on Christmas!
I will share my recipe for grilled cheese, an obscene amt of butter, classic unhealthy white bread and Velveeta cheese. I know I know, only a 1st grader can eat that! Thank you everyone for all your contributions, AP & UC for the Nog,wine, and champaign, which is so fabulous, and Ham of course! My sister, who provided apps and a desert, Jff and Sandra for the meatballs which were a huge hit! And GG who provided the cash to purchase, beer, wine, shrimp and polish sausage! Jll, for the corn casserole, and my neighbor Betty Q who sent over a 3lb tin of nuts! quiet on the roads today, everyone must be off!
May the spirit of christmas carry you to the new year and beyond!
Very nicely said. Thanks Betty Q, I had no idea.
The food was delicious . I ate waaaaaay too much and then when I told Sandra I was stuffed, she replies you're eating at my moms too. You'll make her sad. The sacrifices I make. :)
I'm still off! Yahoo!
Having friends over today and serving pulled pork. I can't wait.
Had a nice dinner with the Fixxitts last evening. Talked to Mom this morning and it sounds as if she is on the uptick. Off to not so hot lanta tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the little ones. Go Bills!
Bills looked a 6-10 team today and I'm getting sick of it. Sick of it! I hate the Patriots!
At least the Sabres won and now I'm watching The Little Mermaid... So not a bad day.
The last day of 2013... Kinda sad to see it go. It was a fun year, it was a good year. Good bye ol friend.
I'm only working a half day today... I need to enjoy today at its fullest.
Go USA ! Beat Canuckia.
Back in WNY to discover a foot or so of snow in the drive but the good news is no frozen pipes.Great trip to not so hot lanta, but warm enuf for golf on 12/31 and 1/1 and a once in a lifetime football experience at the chik whatever bowl on 12/31. Stay warm all.
We loved the picture of you at the old "Peach Bowl". We're glad you got to cross another thing off your list. Sandra's jealous.
AWESOME time at frozen Fenway. We're back safe and sound under a blanket watching Despicable Me 2.
Frozen Fenway? I had no idea. Not looking forward to these next couple of days, weather and travel wise. Couldn't muster a lot of enthusiasm for this weekend's playoff games altho they were, for the most part, entertaining. Stay warm and safe.
Kind of a lost weekend, as we prepare for the gloom and doom of tomorrow! Glad my brother is back to sunny EA! Glad the golf streak is still alive also. No Anastasia for dinner yesterday, as a cold germ has a grip on 431, I did take her, her groceries however, and made sure she had what she needed to get through the next few days, for ex chips, pretzels, and ice cream! In looking out my office window it actually looks like it is getting darker??? get through the day as best you can!
Wowza! What a day. I went to work and got a lot accomplished. Why? Because hardly any one was there and it was tranquilly quiet. I did have a tough time driving home, it took me 45 minutes for a a usually quick 12 minute jaunt.
Now I'm home enjoying my family listening to Adult Alternative on Music Choice. 1. My Pandora doesn't have sound. 2. My mom thinks Adult Alternative means something pornagraphic. Classic.
Stay warm family.
Finally stuck my nose out the door to do a bit of snowblowing at four pm and promptly got it, my nose of course, frozen. What an ugly day. Just waiting to see what happens tomorrow. Jefferson got his first snow day, with of course no snow, in frigidlanta today. Great to hear about nc emma's academic score on her research. Hard to believe that this family tree could have actually led to something positive. Keep that drip going to keep bad things from happening to your pipes. Do we blame all of this weather stuff on nc jnn's election or adm's return to WNY?
And the snow cont in south buffalo! Rode into work yesterday with cookie, fine ride along the niagara section of the thruway til Ontario st, then you hit a wall of snow! we did make it and i was dropped off, where approximately 4 people showed up out of 57! We attempted to leave work at 12:30, and were quickly greeted with white out conditions and ended up hunkering down in the depot parking lot on elmwood ave, watching a steady stream of people buy snow shovels! we eventually go home 90 minutes after starting out, drive time is normally 15 minutes. Todays drive in was just as adventoursome! Lets hope drive time home is quiet! If you are home, stay home! If you are at work get home safely!
Wasn't at all sad to see schools closed again today. Anything that saves me a drive is welcome. Sun is out here and driveway is clear. I may have to stick my nose out at some point today for a little recreation. Son Adm needs to get on the blog to tell his story of the 3 and a half hour bonding experience with his bus driver on monday evening. I think I'll take a nap.
Poor Adam, 3 and a half hours with the best that the NFTA has to offer! It took me two hours to get home on Monday, it was bumper to bumper traffic, that did not move! Just noticed its still snowing, here in lovely south buffalo!
Adm, Adm, we need to hear this story of you and your NFTA angel... Or does he pronounce it On-hell , That's how you spell Angel from Puerto Rico.
I couldn't start my grill tonight... Aaaaaaargh. I was sooo excited to grill.
Glad its Friday, but ugh to the snow! Wishing my daughter a most happy birthday! She is on a weekend roadtrip, not sure why in the dead of winter, they are driving to Peoria, but sure they will have a great time!
Heard my mother took a tumble and sprained her ankle, so she will be house bound for a few weeks, which is a good thing!
Other than that, looking forward of two consecutive days of not driving to work!
Will be taking an afterschool burger to the shut in. Told her to think about what she might need to limit the number of trips to Bryant St. We will see. A bit "dicey" on the ride in this AM but good to see it melting. A nice quick week, at least for me.
Good morning.
Warm and melting outside and the backyard is revealing some ugly. I might have to clean it up a bit.
Zach's going to today's St. Joes/ Canisius ball game and Sandra and I are going to shop Elmwood.
Enjoy your weekend.
Forgot to wish a big HB to our Tonawanda councilperson. Hope that your trip/day was/is spectacular.
mm, thats funny, limit trips to 245 bryant. That is not in her nature. What a dream ride into work today! no backlogs, no whiteouts, we deserved it after last weeks fiasco! I had to convince my sister that there really was a blizzard as she did not believe me! have a great monday!
And the Christmas tree is down. The wonderful pine smell still lingers.
new blog, new blog, new blog... anyone anyone??
Not for nothing but we need a new blog...
How about a blog showing the various color changes of Mom's foot? Blogs require doing things. This is not the time of the year that lends itself to doing things, other than working, and about that I am cranky. Hey, a week without a snowstorm is a good week. Enjoy our Wednesday.
Not sure why, but the city of tonawanda experienced blizzard conditions this morning, with whiteouts! UGH, but once out of the COT snow stopped! Talk about cranky, I think my mother takes the cake on that one! Had a dentist appt yesterday, so I did not get over, but will go today.
Sabres lost in OT, and tom bradee did not practice yesterday.
Belated birthday party for Jnna on saturday at 431. Work christmas party tomorrow, as we could not fit it in before christmas. Other than that, not much else going on!
Another day closer to spring!
And the daze are getting longer.
New blog. I tried to do one but the video was too big. Weird.
Can I going fishing yet?
That's it! A fishing blog, and better yet an additional Holtzapalooza ice fishing blog. We can all meet at the small boat harbor and jig for crappie. How's that for an idea? Maybe this is the winter doldrums at work. It is Friday, isn't it?
Sandra and I had a really nice night with Adm and Amy last night. AND we also received top secret information that Unckie's has worked 36 days in the last 4.5 months... God bless him. Nice job Unckie. That's 9 days per month. Pretty sweet.
Its Monday, UGH! At least the bane of my daily routine, traffic, was at a bare minimum this AM. Glad NE lost yesterday!
UGH to Seattle winning! Had a nice birthday dinner for Jnna on Saturday, chowder and hot dogs, gourmet all the way!
We played a version of Heads up, which they play on the Ellen Show, it is hi-tech Charades, lots of fun though!
Took groceries and chowder to Anastasia yesterday, and she is much less cranky! good news!
The deep freeze is looming! Stay warm!
Enjoy the work week all!
and start thinking about 97 for ACH!
Gotta say that my work schedule this year has broken perfectly, at least for me. Case in point, today would normally be a work monday, but of course we have our holiday. Looking forward to our trip to hopefullywarmerlanta this upcoming weekend to celebrate "missedmas" with the entire Holtz-Twombley clan. Looks like it's time to take the brass monkies inside for a few days. Will it be easier to root for Peyton or Richard Sherman in two weeks? Not a tough question. Sorry to hear that little sis has a work day today. Congrats to nc emma on her acceptance to the Mount. Heard a lot of nice things from Julie W.(director of admissions) regarding Emma's application and her great references. Enjoy the day.
Monday! No work! Buuuut.. I did work all day in the basement. We're going to fix the basement up again so today was day 1.
Easy choice to root for Peyton over Sherman.
Now I'm debating having a beer or a coffee. How old am I?
Thursday! We're getting closer to the weekend.
Zach's is just finishing up mid term week. He says he's doing well. Hmmmm...
Sandra finished up recording a Christmas CD on Tuesday. We can't wait to hear the final product.
Everyone's at Wicked except for me... Everyone.
I dont want to call attention to the fact that my 11 yr old car has started up everysingle sub zero morning! Now I know I just jinxed myself! But I find that pretty impresive! speaking of the cold, hey at least its a " dry" cold! Some unanswered questions?
Sabres and their 5 game losing streak, why?
Birthday plans for the birthday boy tomorrow? Are there any?
Does anyone know off the top of their head how many days its been since gramma has been out of her house? Cause if you call her she will tell you!
Why was everyone invited to Shea, but Jff?
New Defensive Coordinator for the Bills, anyone?
Other than that looking forward to the next 48 hours, as it does not involve work in any way shape or form....
Good call out Auntie B, we love cars that start in sub zero weather. My 1999 Explorer, yes, a car from the 90's is still out there and it starts and puuurrrs like a kitten. I wouldn't be surprised if I got a call from Hollywood looking to borrow my car because they'll need it for their Buffalo Bills movie... The last year they were in the playoffs.
Back from a great "missedmas" weekend in Atlanta and it appears that we slid in between storms here and there. Lots of fun, great food, a new Texas A+M souveneir hat to mark my last trip to Atlanta, and I even had a chance to sit outside in the sun on sunday afternoon with a cold beer in hand. Question is, will there be school tomorrow? Did talk to Mom and she did tell me how long she has been housebound. Told her that I would stop by on Wed. and pick up whatever she needs. Stay warm.
Glad to hear my brother and his lovely wife were able to get away! This weather reminds me of a twilight zone episode, where everyone is sweltering and then in reality they are all freezing..
Kind of sick of winter, show of hands?? Pukey Sabre game, and does anyone really care if the superbowl is in New Jersey???
have a great day
Brrrrrrrr... Welcome back Unckie and Auntie. Glad you had a nice time. I love winter. I love winter.
nphw jff is on to something. If we all started chanting how much we love winter then maybe, because we never get what we really want, it will go away. I am currently sitting in my 48degree classroom because all faculty had to report, waiting to see what is going to happen about rescheduling exams. What a mess! But, still better here than notsohotlanta. Seems there was a bit of a problem getting around yesterday in the 3" "storm" that they had. Are we supposed to look ahead to Saturday and the beginning of Feb.? Try and stay warm all.
You got outta Icelanta just in time... They had some serious drive home traffic.
If you were at work today, does that make day #37? I'm trying to keep track. If it is you have me best by 4 days.
What is with the sun today?? Kind of foreign in these parts?
Very scary in fridgelanta! People stranded, cars off the road, sounded like the 33! Hope our family was safe and sound and did not venture out in that inch of snow! Today is my 18th day of work for 2014. I like this game!
who is everyone rooting for this weekend?? I know I know Marshwawn!! stay warm, dry and hydrated!
Super Bowl Day Eve... My 13th favorite day of the year.
But I could be swayed to make it my 12th favorite day.
Big plans today, big plans at Lasertron with other over 40 adults trying to recapture their athletic youth.
UGH to Monday, but hey at least it is February! Are we on the other side of winter? 6 weeks til spring? Can not hardly wait! so did we have any big winners? My mom supported Denver, so we all know where that got her! She is getting very bored with her confinement! We had a mini superbowl party yesterday, she had her wings and french fries! So we have a huge first birthday this week, Mr Benjamin! Will there be a bar b que in his honor? Weather permitting of course! Cookie and I went to Horsefeathers indoor market on Saturday, and jnna and I saw lone survivor on sunday, that movie is way to intense, rent it so you can walk away! Other than that its a work week! Pitchers and catchers starting to pack up, always a good sign!
Tickets to Twins-Rays on 3/18 in Ft. Myers arrived in the mail. Talk about a "can't wait". Still giving midterms at the mount. On the way to pick up the shut-in a chicken sandwich from Athenas. Adam, Oliver and Audrey were over yesterday for a pre super bowl party while Mom and Ben were visitng in Bellarica. Audrey won the lucky halftime square and Oliver is not happy with the outcome. Seems he had visions for spending his winnings. Can't wait for wed.AM. Damn that groundhog!
Bellarica?? is that near Sochi?
who is excited for the Olympics? I always always remember celebrating Gg's birthday at Bedells, and watching at the bar the Americans beat the Russians in hockey. One of her better birthday parties.
who saw enroth let a goal in in under 60 seconds last night? brutal.
So we are suppose to get a snowstorm tomorrow, I am hoping nothing materializes, and its just a hoax! but to be on the safeside, I will go to TOPS, as I am pretty sure my mother needs bananas, or cookies at least.
Enjoy tuesday, and remember to give yourself enough time tomorrow as its suppose to snow
Snow, snow, snow... There, I said it.
Billerica? Is that in the continental US?
I would have bet the house on Peyton. Thank goodness I don't gamble. We would have to move in with GGs place. I'm not sure I could live on a cookie and banana diet.
Tonight at 7P. A live debate on creationism and evolution on live I'll be watching with popcorn in hand... And mouth.
Busy, Busy, Busy here in the COT! Wondering if someone could ask Uncle Gary to stop calling sound off? There was a caller today who complained about the pot holes in the Mid City Plaza. Normally, one would not think that UG was behind this call. Until the caller stated, we need to get this fixed. It's 30 feet from the hardware stores main doors. UG, Trust me, you can't fight City Hall in one day.
It seems as though Red Light cameras are a hot topic in COT politics. If you are searching the Buffalo News, I have been interviewed a few times.
Received a wonderful email yesterday from my buddy, Jefferson. Jefferson met Senator Carter (Former Pres.Jimmy Carter's grandson) yesterday. When Senator Carter asked the students if they had any questions or comments, Jefferson stood up and gave the City of Tonawanda a shout out and informed the Senator that his cousin is a Councilwoman. Way to go Jefferson! Thank you for the email!
Happy Thursday! so the olympics start tonigh, the sabres lost, and its suppose to snow!.. Seems about right! I think the big news today is the 1st birthday of Mr Benjamin! aww adm, remember a year ago, buried in snow! mmm come to think of it not much has changed! Happy Birthday, Mr B!
Other than that, just waiting for the weekend! Keep dry, warm and hydrated!
Spent an awful lot of time yesterday following snow plows to and from work, which probably wasn't, all things considered, a bad thing. Loved shovelling yesterday on arrival home. Please not sarcasm. Maybe for something different today I will go out and rake the snow off the roof. I look hopefully everyday at the 10 day extended forecast hoping to see some improvement but it never seems to change. NYC with more snow this winter than Fairbanks??Great Jefferson story! Happy birthday baby Ben. Word has it that he is dropping by today for lunch so I have to go buy him a birthday balloon. I am sure that his family all feels that he is in a better place than a year ago. Enjoy the day all, such as it is.
Frdiay recap- Its snowing, and the Sabres lost!. Dejavu, all over again. My DWC (# days of work count) is, 27 which includes today.
More snow this weekend, and we have officially run out of places to put snow
anyone have any interesting, exciting weekend plans??? yea me neither. My car needs new windshield wipers, so that will be on the agenda. Other than that nothing exciting, oh the olympics, watching only CTV of course, to get the canadian perspective! Two weeks from tomorrow Anastasia turns 97, thoughts on celebrating?
Getting a bit tiresome talking about the weather, but that is basically all there is. The drive on the 290 was an adventure. Today is class day #39 for me. Mercifully I am off until wed. I thought that Mom announced that she had no plans of going out until April 1. If that is the case it would limit the options. I am open to suggestions.
I can confirm that gramma said she stay in' put until April.
Man, it's cold outside... Soooo, my garage door spring snapped (I'm guessing because of the cold) and my outlet blew. This all happened within 20 minutes of each other. Double ugh.
On Dec 13th my brother posted that he was officially sick of winter, it is now 2 months later(almost) and your thoughts? Who else gagged over the 3 hour self glorification of Russian history for the opening ceremonies? Yea me too! It's confirmed Anastasia is not leaving her apt til April. Wind chill warning today, so to everyone stay out of the wind!
I like watching the opening ceremonies... So I enjoyed them last night. Wasn't a WOW factor, but I enjoyed them.
I grilled outside last night and for the second time ever overcooked my meal. Chicken was great, the ribs were not. What a bummer.
Yes, I did say that almost 2 months ago. And, no,things have not changed except for presumably we are closer to warm weather now then we were in Dec. So you are saying that Mom won't be up for the Justin Timberlake concert on 2/22 at First Niagara? Will we have to go without her? I never heard back from anyone on the ice fishing palooza so I guess that is out too. What else is there? Anyone else see the pic of Zedeno Chara in his bed in Olympic village? Auntie B refused to watch the opening ceremonies and I went to bed. Don't think that there will be much olympic viewing here unless they can promise me multiple lugers leaving the track at a high rate of speed. Stay warm.
Poor Zedano Charo. I felt so bad for him.
Emma registered for her freshman classes and everyone there treated her special because she's Mr. Holtzs niece.
another snowy day in the B-lo!
Weekend re- cap, shovel, dust snow off car, sprinkle pet friendly salt on sidewalk, and drive way, and thanks to nephew I can add snowblow to that list!
Stopped at my moms on saturday and ran into my sister, who's response on why she is so attentive to our mother, as her apt is 80 degrees, it is the only place she can go and get warm!
Jill, bronx and I stoppoed over on Sunday, with her groceries and she got a kick out of the dog, cleaning up all crumbs! GG has stated there will be no birthday celebration until the weather is warmer! But you can send a card!
Did everyone see the picture of:
the bobsledder who got stuck in the bathroom in the Olympic village and had to bust through the door? And of Newphew Jff's luge bruises???
When all else fails, call in sick!
stay, warm, dry and hydrated!
Glad ya got to snowblower. Wow! If I had a nickel for every time I said that... I'd have a nickel.
I'm tell in' ya, I think I could be doing most of these Olympic events... They don't look that hard. Well, maybe not all of them.
Hey, I was out with the snowblower yesterday too. And, I think that I have one even better. After multiple batterings by the snowplow our mailbox was totally destroyed. That required buying a new one, not a big deal, but mounting it on the post, which was a big deal since it had to be screwed in from below the box. That was me lying in a 3 foot snowbank, trying to avoid dropping the screws into the snow, with Auntie nobly holding the mailbox in place as the traffic drove by watching the entire event. That was it for me for the day. I blame it all on uncle larry. -5 predicted for tomorrow AM; can't wait. Pray for Atlanta as they face their second snowmageddon of the season.
I was very proud of my nieces adopted home town school officials, they took no chance and just shut everything down! Now in the Murphys law realm, it will probably be 45 and sunny!
I am questioning my brother trying to install a new mailbox? Why not just p/u said mail at the post office til the weather changes, say like July and then install a new mail box? What if a plow was coming, you could have ended up in your neighbors yard, dropped the screw, and then making AP hold the mail box? I think this plan needs to be re thought!
Tough coming to work this AM with curling on the agenda!
Other than that,its tuesday, and just waiting to see a robin!
I sit here, with beer, watching women's curling.. Not even US curling. I'm watching USSR v. China. Oh wait, Soviet Union, or the United States of Russia...United States of the Soviet Union? Ugh....
They're both in red. Does it really matter?
Negative 13 this morning on the car thermometer. At that point I really don't think that it matters all that much. A mere 37 more days until spring. How can it be 60 at the winter Olympics? Another reason not to watch.
You're not watching the Olympics? No curling, no figure skating, not even free-style moguls... Nothing? Come on, what about woman's half-pipe?
nphw jff was up and about early this AM. Did watch my first Olympic event, the hockey game this morning that went from 1-1 to 7-1 in a very short time. Other than that, there will be no pipe watching of any fraction at this household. I will be spending most of the day checking the mailbox, and that of course is my newly installed mailbox, for all of the valentines that I expect to receive, just like grammar school. And if they don't arrrive, I will just blame uncle larry. Go USA!!
I had asked my daughter the councilwoman to put together a new blog that referrenced the retirement of the captain, but alas she was to busy! and now its old news! Looking to spend the last week of April in the Bronx, but all that will depend on my IRS bill! Passing over comments re weather.
Sunday, geo's birthday party
Other than that, not much else going on. My mother is looking for more of her little red pill, are'nt we all???
enjoy this day, and be glad pax missed us!
any thoughts to com cast buying time warner? Isnt that considered a monopoly? where is Judge Greene when you need him!
I am thinking that nphw jff will have to rename his dog. Big Papi is available. What is going to be the b-day celebration for UG? One more day and then a week off. Have reservations in DC for late next week with forecast temps of 60 there. That had better come thru; golf depends on it. Onward and upward.
Sandra is against naming Jeter, Big Papi. That sentence doesn't even sound right.
I re-watching the US hockey game. It's 3-1 right now. Wow 4-1. Yikes! 5-1! Ummm scratch that 6-1... Wow, wow wow, this is crazy. 7-1.
Ok, I gave curling another shot. US/ Russia. Good match... We lost and I still don't get it.
The family and I enjoyed our Valentines Day going to the movies to see "Frozen". What an incredible movie. I highly recommend going to see it.
just finished with the US-russia hockey game. An excellent use of my last 3 hours. Snowing out in case no one noticed. Enjoy the rest of the day.
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