Here's all of the shows I went to in 2013.
I've already started this years list with a special trip planned to Nelsonville, Ohio in May .
2013 Concerts
2/15/13 The Avett Brothers Capitol Theater, Wheeling, WV
3/15/13McCarthyism (Poor Ould Goat) Larkin Square, Buffalo, NY
4/5/13Lance Tanner DuoThe Iris, Williamsville, NY
4/16/13Joe BellantiRohall’s, Buffalo, NY
5/14/13Joe BellantiRohall’s, Buffalo, NY
5/24/13The Avett BrothersArtPark, Lewiston, NY
6/12/13Gov’t MuleArtPark, Lewiston, NY
6/21/13Son VoltMr. Smalls, Pittsburgh, PA
7/23/13Blue Rodeo (Matt Andersen)ArtPark, Lewiston, NY
8/1/13Yonder Mountain String BandOuter Harbor, Buffalo NY
(Railroad Earth)
8/13/13Joe BellantiRohall’s, Buffalo, NY
8/16/13Owl CityThe Town Ballroom, Buffalo, NY
8/29/13AqueousOuter Harbor, Buffalo, NY
9/14/13Blues TravelerUB Game, UB
9/21/13Joe BellantiMusic Is Arts Festival, Delaware Park
11/5/13Strictly HipUB Game, UB
12/6/13DriftwoodSportsman’s Tavern, Buffalo, NY
Love it, Love it, Love it! This could start a new trend, we all could our lists! I could list every healthcare site I visited in 2013, GG could list every place she has ever had a chicken sandwich from, the ideas are endless! Thanks Jeff, for keeping us moving along!
As always it's nphw jff breaking new ground. The best I could do would be places that i have lost money playing quick draw. But at least that is all for the children. In case no one noticed, it snowed today.
Was it just me or was it cold this morning? Seemed to be some snow on the roads too. Got gas for the car and it was really windy. All of this was certainly Highly unusual. Maybe if we all assumed a fetal position it would all go away. You think? Survive another day.
I have a new personal best for witnessing accidents this winter, this morning makes number 7! Spinout at the elm st exit, hit the guard rail, and then got hit by cars coming up the on ramp! Near blizzard conditions are a nice diversion to the sub zero weather, dont ya think!!!
Enough about our crappy weather!
Just want to wish my classy, sassy SIL a very happy birthday!
Please note your birthday card is next to my kindle, has been for a few days, sorry, the 12 hours I spend at home seem to slip by!
Enjoy your day and all that it brings! Keep the shovels handy folks, this aint over!
The researcher in me came out and I discovered that the first negative comment about this winter was made, surprisingly, by me back on nov. 13. By my count that was 106 days ago. I didn't count how many of those 106 days had a negative comment about the weather, but I am guessing a pretty good number of them. Anyhow, that seems like an awful long time. So here we are celebrating? Auntie's birthday and trying to figure out if we can get out of the house today to celebrate it. Glad that Auntie B made it to work today OK. Stay safe. The good news is that MLB network began televising spring training games yesterday. THANK GOD!!! I think I will go and shovel.
Well here we are at Month end! we survived January and February! And that was no easy task! I see it is going up to 54 in Atl today, I would take that in a heartbeat! so this weekend we have a fundraiser to attend for the Boys and Girls club, and of course my sister, and cousin Cathy are off to Philadelphia for the flower show, more to come on that! And who else is enjoying seeing baseball on TV! We will get there, slow but sure, but we wil get there! Enjoy the next 7.5!
106 days of negative winter? That's incredible! That's a long winter... This has to stop. Doesn't it?
Emma's in Florida, so the remaining 3 Rices trucked up to Wilson for some Woodcock fun. We really enjoyed ourselves.
Emma texted pictures yesterday of her first spring training game. She saw Cardinals vs. Marlins at Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter. I'm sure she'll have a cotton candy report for us soon.
LUCKY EMMA !!! Today is day 111 of our seemingly never ending winter. I am going to keep score until this finally goes away. What about our flower show folks? Any report as to their intentions? It certainly doesn't look "flower showy" on the weather channel reports from Philly this AM. Didn't stick my head out the door very much this weekend. Better times have to be coming. Hang in there.
Lucky Duck Emma! Bring us some warm weather, please!
So the plan for our adventure to Philly is to begin tomorrow at 8:15Am, per my sister as she is driving, and she is picking me up. Now I know I have said in the past that I would post Flower Show pictures and I never do, so this year my intention is to do that! so the Dysfunction Junction that is the Sabres, who saw that coming??? Bills will loose Darius Byrd, and the cold and snow does not seem to end! On the flip side, as least we are on the back end of winter!
Its all sunny right now in So Buffalo, but that could change
Cookie did her 5 miles in the Shamrock Run in 41 minutes!, not sure what the beer count was though??? Next stop Philadelphia!
Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday. Why am I taking offense with this? Oh yeah, I was called Fat Tuesday as a kid.
Login' Mumford and Sons on Palladian and enjoying a Smuttynose Porter.
Is it still cold outside?
That should've been lovin' and Palladia.
Anywho... I'm cleaning my car off again. When will this end?
Girls made it safe and sound to Philly. Big news from one bills drive is no more Toronto games. High of 30 on Friday. I'm wearing shorts.
Glad to hear that our intrepid travelers arrived safely. Pleasant drive in this morning with such a pretty light snow falling. Day 113, but who's keeping count? Why I am of course. Just in case I needed another reason to be angry. Plus the afterschool activity today means I won't be home until after 7pm. Stay safe out there
Any news from the Flower Show?
Rumor has it it's supposed to get get warmer as the week goes on? Is that true?
Little Ricky was in Gatlinburg for a mini vacation.
So nphw zck was the one man welcome wagon yesterday at SJCI. I tried to get him some pizza from our delivery but he was deeply involved in his SAT class, much to his credit. He must get that from Sndr's side of the family. Then, I saw him later and he was getting ready to WALK home! What's with that? The kid needs a car. Where are his grandparents? -8 this morning on day 114. Oh yeah, and I am sure that everyone is curious, that filling I broke last night crunching tums was replaced. That was the good news. The bad news is that I am currently experiencing a "galvanic response" between the amalgam filling and my gold crown next to it. It feels like biting down on tin foil. My dentist says that it "should" start diminishing shortly. That's pretty much how my last 24 hours have gone. Hope that all of you are doing better.
That's not a fun 24 hours.
Zachary was excited that he saw you yesterday. He came home and like all 16 year old boys starting talking about his day which included saying, "hey Unkie!"
Nothing new here at the Rices we're still just trying to stay warm.
Well, I have had enough of this weather. I decided it was time to take a little vacation. Off to Florida in 6 days. Looking forward to a much needed getaway. I will have to dig around for my "summer clothes." They haven't seen the light of day in the past 5 months.
Cousin Sandra has been a HUGE help. She is helping me create a newsletter to hand out to every home in the ward. Well, she did all of the work. In all seriousness, Thank you cousin!
Why is it getting cloudy out?
We had some friends over last night for dinner and served up two delicious soups; chicken wing soup and taco soup. Delicious.
Tonight we're off to see Big Leg Emma.
Enjoy your Saturday!
I promised myself that I would say nothing about the fact that it's snowing this AM on day 117 made even worse by losing an hour of sleep last night. The very GOOD news is that I got the email that UG has fantasy bball going. Let's hear it for UG. HIP< HIP! And only 3 weeks until the Bisons home opener. I am sure that will be a balmy day. Take advantage of the final day of our weekend.
So we have warm weather followed again by an article freeze. Do I look forward to that?
I'm ready for some fantasy baseball.
Good to know everyone rec'd their Fantasy Baseball notification, as that is always touch and go. Got home safe and sound, who knew the biggest road block home would be the Lancaster exit! sister did an amazing job of driving, weather was tolerable. A few highlights to the show, were a wedding, I know I know!, in case it ever comes up in conversation, you can get Ash Wed Ashes from the Methodists, and you dont necessarily need your parking ticket to be able to leave a parking garage! more to come on that!
We did have a fabulous time, and cousin Cathy joined us this trip. She said she had fun, per Jenna, she only said that as she wanted a ride home. could be
Mother is off to the Dr this afternoon seems her side hurts? so probably more to come on that also
Jnna changed her flight from Wed to Tues evening, due to the impending snowflurryapalooza for Wed morning, but now she has no car??? if its not one thing its another! So why did Pat Lafountaine leave???
I hate auto correct. Article? Really?
I had a really nice day today. I admit it.
I also ventured out to my backyard and hauled in two bags of crap. Trust me, I have about ten bags to go. But it was a nice start. I haven't been out there since November.
No update from the Dr on Anastasia's side ache. The times for the snowmagedden keep changing now its, the afternoon?
and Ryan Miller is 4-0 for St Louis! Other than that, plugging along at my desk, shuffling paper, and keeping busy
I too got a chance to go outside. No doggy niceties but seems that my not so old gutters did not do well with our ice this winter. Time to call the insurance guy and be told that my deductible will probably just about cover the gutter costs. Looking forward?? to our snowmageddon tomorrow since it will be exactly 4 months since my first snow event of this season and that will give us some wonderful balance. Meeting the Fixxitts tonite for a sandwich and a 3 of 4 birthday celebration. I'm the odd ball out. Sure there will be some stories of flowers, etc. Felt bad for Billy Baron and Canisius. Hope things go better for UB--oops, can't call them that.Enjoy our sunshine and stay safe tomorrow. Hope that nc jnn finds a car.
Shuffle ling paper and keeping busy... Isn't that just life?
I washed my car today but ignored the poop. Is that okay?
Go state university of New York at buffalo. Ugh...
By the sounds of it, I escaped the weather just in time. I was originally set to leave this AM but changed to last night. I took the last flight out from Buffalo to Orlando. My dear brother and family picked me up at airport as my rental car company told me, it would be an additional $260 to pick up my car 10 hours earlier. They will get a piece of my mind (when I return said car).
So my flight was packed, 190 people. On Monday, the flight only had 90 people on. Seems as though others followed suit. I landed at 10:15 and it was 73. Gosh, my heart just breaks for my family suffering a near blizzard at home. Stay warm.
Have fun Jnna... Enjoy the sun.
Snowmaggedon is coming. Wait! Wasn't it supposed to be here already. I'm confused.
Snowmaggeon has arrived! Stay safe everyone! Vulcan is here!
Vulcan sounds soooo menacing. Live long and prosper. Noooooo... Not the snow.
I just got back inside from snow blowing again. I mean, it's really snowing out there.
I have stopped counting accidents, spin outs and cars off the road. sigh! Another day in snow paradise, said no one!
I am thinking the polar vortex of before was not as bad as lenord nemoy's Vulcan? My pet peeve, people who do not clean off their headlights, gheesh! Kudos to my husband who has been on snowblower, shoveling, brushing off snow duty for a straight 24 hours! Fla is warm and sunny!
Did not talk to my mom yesterday? So not sure how her battle with Gallstones is going?
Seriously at 97 to be told no more fried food? Life can be so cruel. Suppose to be in training all day, but I have a project plan due tomorrow!!! And all I can think about is another cup of coffee! Spend your day wisely
Happy Birthday Cousin Cathy and Ed Trosin, may today and everyday be good to you!
Can't begin to tell you how enjoyable it was to be out there snowblowing in 7 degrees this morning so I won't. Heading to Fla. Sat. AM if the good Lord is willing and we don't go from Vulcan to Wahoo or whatever is next in the meantime. Talked to Mom on Wed. and she was in a much better mood than tuesday. Said that the good news was that she wasn't pregnant. Hoping that she can manage the discomfort without totally losing out on the foods that she enjoys. Day 121 today and I didn't realize how bad the driving still was. Hoping for better tomorrow.
Goooood morning ! It's Friday!
The Rices are heading down to PA for the weekend after Emma gets her Student of the Month award. Yeah Emma!
I'm looking forward to having dinner on Saturday night at a brewery. Do I have problems?
I love winter!
Everyone travel safely! Me, have no special plans for the weekend, just cleaning the palace, laundry, groceries, etc etc, boring! So every one with exciting plans, enjoy!
Not to much new to report on or comment on, the sun is out. The larkin parking lot has been reduced to half its size due to ginormous snow piles, so parking is cut throat!
the plants in my office have died that were on the window sill, so I have to replace those, other than that, so just waiting for Spring!
We're heading back this morning for an all-important Fantasy Draft. I'm sure Sandra's not happy about leaving here at 7:30.... But a man has to do what a man has to do.
We had a wonderful dinner last night at North Country Brewery. Goo d food and beer. I love going there.
Gotta say that it is a bit more pleasant here weather wise than in WNY. Saw the new Marlins stadium yesterday along with an afternoon in South Beach. Driving over to Naples this morning to spend a few days with Don and Bonnie Wagner. Home way too soon. Hope that nc jnn arrived back safe and sound.
Wow, that was one quick weekend, wasnt it?? Daughter flies home tonight, hoping she can get past the mid atlantic storm brewing, and the GI bug that she has picked up! Glad my brother is enjoying sun, warmth and blue skies! Jill and I took Gramma out yesterday, out for lunch, a ride through the cemetary and home. she seemed no worse for wear, and even though it was biting cold with a bitter wind chill, she did not complain.
some great basketball starts tonight with play in games and the orange come to town! Exciting week in the City of Good Neighbors!
Stay warm!
Sounds like you had a nice day with Gram... Very cool.
And I'm glad that it's nice and warm for UC and AP in Florida.
Grateful its Thursday! So lets recap, working on a new project at work, so its " on the road again" to all sites! did not talk to my sister on her birthday, but I hope she had a nice one! 03/18, for all everyone who did not send a card, but now need to. And all our FB fans know of the plight of St Francis, being closed by the Bishop, so the school board for St Francis had asked everyone to write a letter to the Bishop, condoning this action. And of course Gramma wrote her letter, and her letter starts out, " shame on you Bishop malone!" gotta love the vim and vigor of this 97 Yr old!
and the best of the best, at 12:15 today, TIPOFF! took a detour into work today, to drive by the arena, and it looks great! All the banners! awesome! Lots of excitement in the all american city today! Have an awesome thursday, and here's hoping your bracket survives!
Warren's billion is safe from me already. Would like to say how great it is to be back in WNY, but something about leaving 82 and arriving to 34 and snow, not so great. Talked to Mom and she really loved getting out twice this past week. My fantasy team is one day old and my reliever Aldonis is out for 2+ months. Woe is me!! Loved to see the DAyton win over OSU. To work or not to work tomorrow? That is the question. I will keep you guessing.
I had Dayton. I think Warren should give me Twenty bucks just for that.
Very happy it's Friday. I'm going to drag Zachary down to Erie with me to watch future Sabre Connor McDavid play.
But did you have Harvard, that is the big question???
Yea me neither! So glad its friday! heard my sister had a nice birthday, so that was good news! Rumor has it my mother has penned another letter to the Bishop. Not sure how that will be received? By the Catholic Hierarchy??? Some of my snowbird neighbors have arrived home, so it must be spring! Enjoy today and this weekend!
I did have Harvard in one of my brackets, I played two brackets. But I also had Duke. That one hurt.
Just watching the beautiful snowfall out there trying to decide if it is as pretty as 131 days ago. I am beginning to understand how Buffalo got the bad rap for weather so long ago. MLB in Australia? I think not. Isn't the Bisons home opener in about 10 days or so? Someone needs to take my mother's supply of paper, envelopes and stamps away before we all wind up in Guantanamo. Stay warm.
That's funny.
We had a fun day yesterday. We got to see Connor McDavid play and had a couple beers by Erie Brewing.
so the calendar says March 24th, correct?? Yea, another snowy, blowy cold day into work, UGH! I think winter won this year, thoughts? So I hope everyone had a great weekend, great basketball on TV, the Sabres lost, and its still snowing, that about sums it up! So my Mom, is now pre occupied with writing the Bishop over the injustice of closing St Francis School, you gotta love her vim and vigor!
It seems she got a letter from her insurance carrier that her rate was going from 365$ to 500$, I believe she was shopping around for someone to take her in, as her insurance would be more than her rent! Then she got a " please disregard previous letter, from her insurance company". So she is staying put at least for awhile!
Enjoy the day, he remember opening day is next week!
It's still cold outside. But just right for picking up poop.
Happy Tuesday! I am so ready for spring! Are'nt we all! So lets see what is happening! Well our biggest news, is Mr Austin has come to stay with us for awhile, while he manuevers his way through this life, applying to schools, and working. so it is wonderful to have him with us, and the rest of the family is overjoyed, as I know make sure 3 meals aday are readily available, versus the fend for your self mentality! cookie and Gary are off to Cleveland on Friday nite, to see a comic? She told me the name, mmm can not remember? My mom is still on her one woman crusade to topple the heirarchy of the Catholic Church in WNY.
My coffee is exceptionally good this morning!
Enjoy this day and everyday, thinking of our Atl family, any trips up North anytime soon???
Adm/Amy, trust all is well?
Other than that, I have a lot of work to do....
Can we parlay any of our assets to purchase the Bills???
Just wondering? As I am sure the team will be up for sale.
Wow! Quiet on the Western Front. Well, the kids tell me they have no homework so they're downstairs watching Monty Python.
Poor Ralph Wilson. 95. I'm sure it was a good life. Thanks for the Bills, Raplh.
I funny, I wrote this and then ever sent it.
17 degrees outside? I'm thinking it's supposed to be a bit warmer.
I also think I'd be enjoying spring season baseball a bit more if I wasn't freezing in my house.
Despite Samdra's yucky-ness in her tummy... We ventured out last night to the Tralf and danced and jammed like it was the early 90's again. Grateful Dead cover band Sonic Garden was celebrating 25 years and we were there enjoying the show. I miss Uncle Jerry.
Off to a birthday party today and then who knows... Maybe chicken wings?
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