A nail biting race at the end. Cookie placed in the top 1/3 of all runners and placed 32nd in her age group. Needless to say we are all extremely proud of her! 

As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
I couldn't finish the bottom of the blog. It wouldn't let me edit from my phone. It has been a good busy on my end. It was a very proud moment to see Jill cross the finish line!
Yeah!!! Awesome blog and great pictures.
I'm back from Nelsonville, Ohio. The weather was close tp perfect, though it could of been a little warmer at night. Brrrr... Thank goodness we had an lecturing camping site and we could put the heater on. I guess we were spoiled.
Enjoy your week everyone.
Thank you for the marathon blog! But I do miss Unky's yellow shirt!
What a wonderful weekend! The weather could not have been more perfect, hope everyone did fun things! Had anastasia over for dinner yesterday,and quess what, we had chicken! Just a nice day in the yard to enjoy the sun!
My daughter did make it official, that I do not have to join the garden walk this year, as it is not an election year, so that is good news for me! Normally this week, I would be out of town at our convention, and this year it was in Albany, but we were not given permission to go, BOO
Great hockey game last night.
Quick question, what is a " lecturing campsite"? Does someone walk around and talk at you?
OH well, it was very hard to drive into work today! Just too nice!
Love the last picture of my daughter with her medal and a Beer!
Great, great blog, and what a topic. I am guessing that this is a family first. Will have to ask Adam if he has uncovered any other marathoners in his geneology research. Twas a beautiful weekend weatherwise. I too was confused over the "lecturing campsite". Hopefully nphw jff will clarify. We are into june. Hard to believe.
That should have been an "electric campsite". Stupid autocorrect. But interesting.... What if someone went around a campground giving lectures on history, politics, great sport moments of the 1950's ; GO Yankees!
Aunt Betsy email me at work in regards to "Operation Hyena" .
10-4 nephew
What a day. First day back and it was busy, busy, busy. Ugh.
I need a day off.
I sat down to enjoy my 2XOne IPA and my neighbor bought 1 yard more than she needed of mulch, which I had already layer out 15 bags of it earlier. Needless to say, I got out the flat shovel and wheel barrel and went right to work... Before the rain. Now my drive is stained, whoa is me.
Wet mulch. Is there anything worse? I think not. With my classes officially over there is a need to find things for me to do here. Today I am covering classes during periods 1-4 and 9 so there will be no late arrival nor early departure. It does leave time for a grocery/lunch visit to mom. As I understand it a cheeseburger is ok but no French fries (gall bladder you know) but milk and lay's chips from the grocery store. no fat in lay's chips. think that I will do some mowing when I get home. Seems like the noble thing to do. Enjoy the day.
I have to say I'm not a fan of typing on anIPad. Autocorrect always gets the best of me, sometimes words are missing. I reread some of my stuff and I sound like an 8 yr. old.
Anywho, nice day. Not too hot and I got got to grill up burgers and enjoy my beer. One beer I didn't like though was Sam Adams Porch Rocker... Yucky... Blech.
With adam out of town at a conference and amy's parents in town to help, I took it upon myself to escort Randy to the bisons game this am. Us and 11 thousand kids. We held off on the beer until noon which I thought was admirable. Introduced him to the Irish Times across the street and finished with wings and beer in EA. I don't know about him but I'm on my way to bed.
That sounds like a fun day (screaming kids and all). I've been to a few kids Bisons games over the years and I can tell you, Magic Hat #9 in a can looks just like Orange Crush.
We had a nice evening last night under the patio heater... Ahhhhh ... Spring evenings.
Family News Alert:
Emma received an award yesterday for outstanding artist of the year for Kenmore Middle and student of the month for ELA. Pretty sweet. #proudparents
And with every reason to be proud. It will be neat to be in the same building with nc emma come sept. A rather gloomy monday but the good news is that it is a non-work day. Hope that everyone had an enjoyable weekend and used their time productively and constructively, unlike me. Kristen shared a neat website ap with us that allowed real time coverage of Jefferson's all star games over the weekend. Amazing where this technology has taken us. Watching a pitch by pitch game of 9 year olds; and they did win the tournament playing 3 games on sunday to do it. Let's all begin to get ready for the biggest sunday of the year next weekend. Enjoy
Incredible what we can do with phones and devices. Amazing.
Nice job Jefferson!
That is awesome wish I would have known that, we definitely would have watched! So Austin was on duty at the gas "chamber " today, and uncle Gary came for gas and after chatting with Austin he took off to hit a bucket of balls, as he was driving away Austin noted his gas cap was left open! Austin tried to flag him down but he was long gone! Note to IF if the gas attendant is flagging you down maybe you should stop. Have a great Tuesday all, go rangers!
What's with the Pilafs up 21-0 in HFFBB?? Woe to me and poor nc jnn. Nothing much happening in the southtowns. Got my car inspected this AM. No, didn't excite me all that much either. Think I will go and take a nap.
been kind of busy at work, so I have not had time in the morning to catch up! back at my office this morning, so I will try to bring all up to speed. lets see, um oh Anastasia had roast beef for dinner on sunday! Did the Lewisont tour of kitchens this past saturday with my sister, and cousin Cathy! Had so much fun! Always curious how does one attain a million dollar home???
Wishing everyone an early fathers day! Hope its a day you all get your pipe and slippers!
Great yankee game last night, hoping the kings wrap it up and hockey just goes away 4 months! and that the bills can sell beer at 11!
Took some yellow listerine to mom so she can soak her hands in an effort to combat potentially lethal bug bites. apparently tying bars of ivory soap to her hands has not worked, at least to this point. We need to get her a show on one of the networks so she can advance all of these home remedies. Also did a temporary fix on a wayward toilet seat. All in all a most rewarding day. Will be hard to top today but I will try. Everyone out there needs to strive today to do the same.
We need more "Austin at The Pump" stories.
I'm only working a half day today... Golf tournament!!!
Yeah. Unfortunately I ran out of time and was not able to hit a bucket of balls this week. Wish me luck. I'll need it.
Although it took two different stops we did find the "red" rye bread so all is temporarily well at 245 Bryant St. It is Friday and I don't have a half day like some people but it marks the beginning of what may well be the most important weekend of the year. I am guessing that the level of interest is roughly equal for the Stanley Cup and the NBA finals. Couple of hours and I am out of here. Enjoy.
You are correct Unkie. The opening of Bass Season is one of the most important weekends of the year.
Golf did not go as I wished it had but for someone that only picks up his clubs 4 times a year. What else could be expected, good shots, horrible shots, the balance of life.
We checked out Resurgance Brewing Co. Last night. Very nice. Met the owner, nice guy. I had the Sponge Candy Stout, pretty good. Check it out if you get the chance.
Happy day after Father's day one an all! Hope the Fathers had a fabulous day! We had a nice picnic for george, mom sat in the yard, probably has some sort of after effect from all the raid yard guard I sprayed to keep the bugs off of her! But it was a nice day, and we did enjoy it!
Been working alot off site, so I can not update daily, but I will today as it is payroll day!
lets see, mmm nothing really going on. Getting ready for all the reunions looming, geo's class, geo's family, my class, etc
Rally Thurs to save St Francis
Still looking for a new car, hope to wrap that up this week.
Other than that, same ole same ole!
enjoy today, and hey June is half over!
Just as a sidenote, the day after Fathers Day is my 14th favorite holiday. I'm just sayin.
I'm starting to think I really don't like work anymore.
Once again, I'm just sayin.
What I do like though is friends coming over and having fun just jamming and drinking.
Just as a sidenote, the day after Fathers Day is my 14th favorite holiday. I'm just sayin.
I'm starting to think I really don't like work anymore.
Once again, I'm just sayin.
What I do like though is friends coming over and having fun just jamming and drinking.
I thought I was home free...but sigh, not the case. Apparently if you sign up for band you are required to be at school early. 4 more years of driving that kid...ugh! Interestingly enough, she doesn't play a band instrument-yet. She is going to attempt drums. Band leader said... Ahhh, not 100 pounds yet? Get her the little one!
With John Hathaway, everyone is a band member. Actually it is a great activity and they do A LOT. Seems that nphw jff is into multiple postings, or was it just the message that needed to be repeated. Me? I haven't recovered from last night's soccer game. Didn't realize that I was such a fan. Has it been 20 yrs. since Saher, our Israeli exchange student was here. I know that you all remember him, but he was here while the world cup was on and it was about the only thing to converse with him about. I need something productive to do today, or maybe not. Regents exams start today so I can look forward to them tomorrow. Nc Emma on drums? Get lots of practice at home Emma, lots of practice.
Unfortunately, I am starting to repeat myself. I think it comes age... That and I'm getting louder.
Looking forward to reading lots of essays today. I have already read way too much on Dred Scott v. Sanford, or is it Fred Sanford v. his sister. Oh well, this too shall pass. It's better than mowing. Anyone with bad storms last night?
So I have been nursing this nagging toothache, has been controlled until this past week, now I am a firm believer in, you have no quality of life with no teeth! However, I am not a fan of the dentist, the site the smells, the constant up and down in the chair, which sends my veritgo over the top and I can not talk!
So after much suffering, I know I know I called my dentist, who I love by the way, known her since she was a Resident, and I have an absess, and needed emergency root canal, needless to say, I am cranky!
That being said, nothing else is really going on, still looking for my new car, well on paper anyway. Giving Austin my car, and everyday he asks if I have found one! Ville Leino is gone, is it really possible to make 4.2 mill a year and never score a goal?
Bison Shortstop called up to play against the Yankees. good game
And it stormed last night
Other than that, pain killers within easy reach, and waiting for my script to be filled!
Enjoy Wed, as June is half over!
Zachary and I were up in Lewiston at ArtPark for the storm. We didn't even get wet, but boy did if storm. Holy cow.
Having gone the root canal route(hey is it possible to root for a root canal route?) all of my sympathies go out to my little sister. Not much fun at all. Still reading exams. Heading to Batavia to meet our Rochester friends for dinner this evening, so it's going to be a busy day. Hate to root for the Yankees, but they are helping to close the gap in the east. Enjoy.
Plus, all your Yankee fantasy players are doing well.
Did you go to the Red Osier for dinner?
We're having a big church picnic on Saturday celebrating 175 years that Sandra and I and two of our friends put together. Hopefully we don't forget anything. Wish us luck and good weather.
Good luck and good weather. No Red Osier. A relatively brief get together at Batavia Downs and then Tully's since I had to work today. Speaking of that, exams all corrected and I am beginning my weekend. Yeah! Loving my selected Yankees. I knew that Masakamikazee was the real deal.
I Worked a half day today getting ready things ready for the picnic... I think... We are all set. Think.
The weather looks good and we have food, music, games, and prizes. Seriously, what else is needed at a picnic?
The kids are done with with school and tomorrow is my second favorite holiday of the year; Summer Solstice!!!
What a glorious day for a picnic! Have a fabulous day Nphw, and family!got my new car which promptly has a scratch on it, thank you children's parking garage! Feeling better from my near death experience 're my tooth! Desperately trying to find the title to my 10 year old car, the good news is I have found every Sears receipt known to man. Nothing else going on this weekend other than I have to take Anastasia to Bon ton tomorrow seems my sister buys her shorts but no shirts Sheesh.
Beautiful day yesterday and it appears that another nice one is on tap today. If all goes well auntie and I will be heading to Colden Lakes this afternoon to sit on the deck, watch the lake to make sure it doesn't go anywhere, and listen to live music. Oh yes, they do serve beer too. Then home to watch USA throttle the Portugueeeeseies. Enjoy today. I plan to. Hope that yesterday's picnic was a blast for all and the trip to Bonton will be successful. Has it been a year already since Austin's grad. party???
Yesterday's picnic was great! What a day. Beautiful weather, good food and good music and everyone enjoyed themselves.
We stayed overnight, had a bonfire, a couple beers and then went to Aunt Millie's for breakfast, came home and immediately 3 out of 4 of us took a nap and now Sandra's sleeping. Making that a perfect 4 for 4.
Go Yankees!
Unckie and Auntie, enjoy your day watching the lake.
The lake, to the best of my knowledge, did not move on our watch. Stayed for all 3 sets from N.Y. Rockin Revue. Highly recommend since we rarely stay for the full time. Got home in time to watch those horrible Portuguisians get a tie. Worse than a last second hail mary since no one really knows how much time is left in the game. Proctored an exam this AM and one left for this afternoon and then I am out of here.
Helloooooo summer!! For Unckie.
Well, I guess for me too. It's time to work half days.
Fishing, golfing, fishing... That's what I want.
I'm sitting outside, enjoying quiet and a beer. Inside Mexico is thumping Croatia in the second half 3-1.
I guess I have to root for Mexico now that all our borders are open.
Let the summer of Chuck begin. Unless there is some sort of educational emergency tomorrow, my summer is officially underway. See you in september. thursday it's off to see the Aberdeen ironbirds at Ripkin stadium, followed by the Delmarva shorebirds and finished up with the Potomac nationals. Auntie is beside herself with joy.
That's the trip I wanna take. Aaaaarghhhh... Have a great time during the "Summer of Chuck". Don't get a dog and take advise from him... That's how it starts.
Yucky day at work. Yuck, yuck.
We're going down to Butler this weekend and camping next weekend.I'm looking forward to both.
Let's hear it for lots of safe travel over the next week or so. GO USA!!!!
Let's hear it for USA! This is the only time I get excited about soccer.
Ok, ok, Monday. Ugh. I just need to make it to Thursday. Zachary and I are going camping this coming weekend. Hopefully we'll get good weather.
Can today really be the last day of June?? So I have been incredibly busy at work. And the new crop of residents started, so you know what that means stay out of hospitals at all costs! I did purchase/lease a new vehicle, which I now suffer with buyers/lease remorse! But I do enjoy power windows, the ability to ans my phone while driving and a camera for backing up! Hope my brother had an awesome birthday, we did hoist a cold one in your name! Finished up part two of root canal this morning, and then off to work! UGH
What did everyone think of the sabres draft? I know I know me too!
Have a great 4th week!
Before you know it, summer will be over, and Unky will begin his snow day count!
So Emma's first day working at MSM. She said she worked on Unkie's room and his computers were a mess! So funny! Apparently she was on de tangle and remove duty so the floors could be cleaned.
I want to go on record that I share that computer, altho, I must admit that my relationship with it is much like that add on tv where the guy keeps getting slapped around by the spicy chicken wing. The computer wins most of our battles. They are going to put poor nc emma to work early and often. Seems like the only one with time to play is nphw jff. I guess that I shouldn't complain too much. Had a great time down in the Ocean city md. area over the weekend, except for the traffic. Weather was great, beaches beautiful and even found time for a few games. Gotta recover fast. Leaving for Costa Rica next sat. Auntie is afraid that the U.S. will be playing C.R. in the world cup finals that sunday and if the U.S. wins we might be killed by the locals. Odds are against that, right? Came home to discover that my favorite son mowed the lawn on sunday as a birthday gift. Much appreciated. I can use a day of rest. Two full months off, starting today. Go USA!!!!
Wow! You guys are busy, busy. Auntie has you going everywhere. How do you keep up with her?
Did I miss wishing you a Happy Birthday? I'm very, very sorry. Happy Birthday! I hoped you enjoyed your day.
That Auntie is a crazy lady, you are correct. Coming up fast on the 4th and as dad always said, the incurable optimist that he was, once you're past the 4th, it's all downhill for the summer. USA gone; Kiko out for the season before training camp begins; Marcel pleads not guilty?; but all of the workers out there have a long weekend. Trying to enjoy HFFBB but everytime I look I see JT Pilaf in my rearview mirror. I know now how Butch and Sundance must have felt. Maybe I will go to Bolivia too. Enjoy the day; it's good beer drinking weather.
Mmmmmm... Good beer drinking weather. That's my favorite day.
We went to Shores tonight for dinner. Absolutely wonderful. Buffalo summers. Is there anything better?
Happy 4th to all. May your beer stay cold, your firecrackers stay lit and your hotdogs split nicely on the grill. Let's enjoy our long weekend.
Back from camping. Zachary and I had a nice weekend. We saw fireworks at Seneca Falls. Enjoy your week.i
Good to see nphw jff up early and ready to attack a new week. Fairly quiet weekend in the southtowns. Did get out to Colden lakes yesterday for music. The 2 PM start that they have really appeals to the night owl in us. Dreary start to the week but hopefully things will improve. Stay dry.
Happy 7-7! Hope everyone enjoyed the 4th! Weather was great, and of course the fireworks in the COT were great! Not to much going on. Lets see, we have Reunions looming,that should be fun.
Not sure if the 40$ per person price tag will be worth it, but I am sure it will be!
Hope everyone has a quiet Monday!
Boy is it windy.
Yes Unckie I was up bright and early rearing to get back to work. Ummmmm... Rearing.
I am now counting down to my next day off, Monday the 14th. Then I have to work two says before my next days off.
Early t-time this morning and hoping to get the round completed before the predicted storms arrive later. The news this morning looked like the northtowns had more than their share of lightning last nite. Keep your lightning rod held high today and your rubber soled shoes on tightly. Stay safe.
Good adviice. Thank you.
The higher the better.
So, last night Sandra and I enjoyed an evening outside under our overhang that we love. Before the rains came there was a lot of lightening around us. I decided it was time to grab my metal ladder and get crap out of the gutter.
No lightening came my way, but I did get stung by a bee.
Fun filled entertainment at the Rices and you just have to watch him...Jeff forgot to mention electrocuting himself the night before on the twinkle lights...jeesh!
Never a shortage of excitement at the Pilafs. A bee and twinkle lights? Sounds like a new blog. Finished up golf yesterday well before the storms, but they were beauties. Hopefully this will usher in a nice weekend. Hasn't been much in the way of heat this summer, but you don't hear me complaining. I know that a large contingent is looking forward to the Class of 64 get together. Can't wait to hear the stories. sorry that we are going to miss it. Only 3 more workdays until nphw jff gets a well deserved day off. Enjoy
I am definitely counting the minutes... Which actually takes a long time at work to do.
Zachary went out golfing with his papa... That's the closest I'm going to get to it for this summer I think. Whoa is me.
It looks like More Beer and the Brewers are having an epic battle this week.
It is definitely a clash of titans in HFFBB, and on top of it, it lasts an extra week. I can't believe that my favorite nphw jff can't find a little personal time for a round of golf. I look forward to hearing Z's account of his round with his grandfather.
Let's just say Zachary really enjoyed himself and came home with a huuuuge smile on his face.
One more day... One more day. Can I do it?
Happy Monday! Had such a glorious weekend! First an Anastasia update! Umm she had chicken for dinner yesterday! No really we had such a nice picnic with Chuck and Barb wilson and daughter tricia!, Once the rain stopped of course, but Barb and Chuck were at their high school reunion at Gratwick and then stopped for dinner, and Jnna made arrangements with an ice cream truck to stop over so everyone could get Ice Cream, just had a very nice nice sunday!
And of course Friday night, was the big '64 Reunion, and that was a lot of fun! Great Music, great food, cold beer, good friends!
Just all in all a non stop fun weekend, that began Friday night!
Now its back to the grind!
Enjoy the work week, as best as you can!
Happy Tuesday!!!
I have to get through two days and then the kids and I are off on a camping excursion to Allegany. Yeah!
I Made it... Barely.
Have fun camping! Hope the weather warms up a bit...
Hope all is going well with everyone? Been offsite at work, so that limits my blog time! I have been getting emails from Jenn Twombly, who is at another hospital located somewhere not sure where, but seeing her name reminded me of the GA gang, so thinking of you!
Mr Tristan is fast approaching the terrible "Ones" and doing so much better after his rocky start. Other than that, project Hyena is coming along nicely
enjoy the week and all that it brings
Back in the USA after a way too short trip. Going thru airport customs in Charlotte was almost enough to ruin an otherwise great time. Looks like I missed a pretty quiet week. Is there going to be a reunion blog? Talked to Mom this AM but it was the usual "I can't hear you, you're fading out". I need to get her a phone that works. Finally got in touch with K after a week blackout. Apparently Mexico doesn't allow communications with Costa Rica. Hoping the weather improves today.
We're back from camping and a great time. Thursday and Friday were perfect, a little cold Thursday night but we were prepared. Rained on Saturday but we still got hikes in. We had a fun weekend.
Happy Monday! First off, not so sure its the phone versus your Mom, sometimes she hears you sometimes she doesnt! Well it was my 40th High School Reunion this weekend, and we had a great time! This next sentence is for my B-I-L! The price of our tickets was 40$ also same as the class of '64, however we got a full meal, and an open bar, we did not get a laminated, hello my name is name tag, with the seal. So just wanted to let you know what the differences were.
Other than the reunion, nothing else going on. CanalFest had ended, so that was a good thing.
There was an issue with the Regresh Plus product, that anastasia uses, it now only comes as advanced and sensitive! So another change, not accounted for
Oh and Project Hyena is coming along!
Enjoy July, as it is coming to a close!
check out the Asheville Citizen - Times for a great article about Rick!
Food and beverages come and go, mostly go, but a laminated name tag is forever. I am sure that Mr. Fixxitt will treasure his tag. Great article on nphw rck. You are correct, July is rapidly coming to a close. I am already dreading the arrival of Aug. 6 when the average daily high temps. begin their decline. Thank you for that info channel 2. Next big event will be sat. aug. 2 when the caravan from EA/OP heads to Akron for the induction of Dre into the H of F. Looks like a warm one today. No shoveling on tap.
Two good daze in a row at work... Knock on wood.
I'll have to check out Lil Ricky's article.
I can't believe the Band of Horses concert sold out. Incredible.
Saturday morning already. Where does the summer go?
Emma's sick. Bummer.
Off to go fishing.
Enjoy the weekend.
Dinner last nite with Mom and the Fixxitts. The Mrs.(fixxitt that is), was all agog and atwitter over today's garden walk in the city. Got a chance to get caught up on the details of the reunion. Good fish fry at the red mill. Finally invested in that new lawn mower that I have been putting off. Reunion weekend here in EA so there are big doings downtown, but not for me. sorry that nc emma is under the weather. Enjoy
What a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Maybe Sandra had a reason for waking me up. I'll have to ask her.
At least it was a nice sunday. I have a tee time today at noon for the annual EA chowder cup. What are your thoughts as to it coming off? Oliver and Audrey start their swim lessons this morning. Chances of that coming off? All in all, not a real great Monday morning. Currently there are whitecaps on my front lawn. Good day to be working.
Happy gray sky monday. Pretty busy weekend! Did GW saturday, with my sister, and sunday with my daughter! The Garden Walk is very enjoyable, even if you are not into plants, the architecture of the older homes is amazing! People are very nice! Just a lot of fun, and my sister and I did find a house that was offering wine! I have to admit we did linger at Doug's! And now this morning I heard on the Radio that there was a shooting at W Delevan and Bird, and we were just on there yesterday! Very discouraging! You can see the city trying to come back!
I was told by my sister that I stole my Mom's pen, which I vehemently denied, but you know what I found it in my car this morning so I have to return it!
Project Hyena is moving along!
Had to get a new washing machine, UGH to that!
Who else is excited for the Hall of Fame game??
Called my mother to tell her I had her pen, but she could not hear me, and just hung up on me..
I will investigate a speaker phone that will amplify voices. Maybe that will help?
Enjoy the last week of July!
Please count me in on anything that might improve the phone situation at 245 Bryant. The "chowder cup" and the swim lessons got rained out, so it wound up being a pretty quiet day after all. Swimming is supposedly on for tomorrow but we will have to wait and see. At least there was a noon Atlanta braves game to watch and the weather there was much prettier than here.
Jnna has ordered an amplified sound phone, with gynormous buttons for the visually and hearing impaired, she ordered it last night, so maybe this will help! Picnics a palooza this weekend.
Oh and our smoke alarm went off at 4AM as the battery is dying.
Other than that, its the same old same old
Good to see that AB has found a little more time to get away from project Hyena, which is certainly no laughing matter. Another less than stellar day weather wise. Yesterday was supposed to be the first day of swim lessons for O and A that were cancelled. We will see what happens today. There is no way that I would get into any pool today but with kids??? Enjoy it for what it is.
Laughing matter? I love it. Quips.
Man, it was freezing outside this morning. Maybe it's my age but I was tempted to put the heater on... You know, just to take off the edge.
3 more daze at work and then it's vacationing in the BBQ Capitol of the world in Tennessee. Some other southern states might argue with that assumption.
I wouldn't swim either today... Yikes!!!
Bisons at 1 today. They have been doing pretty well so I will probably jinx them. Too bad for them. Hoping that the sun shines today, at least a little. Last day of July, depressing. Somebody got something uplifting?
Vacation! That's uplifting. We leave on Saturday.
Only one day left to work before vacation... That's uplifting.
Today was nice and I'm really enjoying wearing a long leave tshirt at night. This is my kind of summer. I'll speak for my mother though... I think she's hating this summer.
Happy vacation day to nphw jff. Hopefully he will find a few minutes of fun for himself over the next week. Poor Auntie B. Not a lot of "vacation news" coming from her way. Find time for some fun sis.
We're in Butler, PA. Home of the Blue Sox, and heading out shortly for Gatlinburg, a TN. It's a bit over a 8 hour ride from here but Sandra's bladder can easily make it a 9.5 hour ride. God love her.
The Tennessee Smokies play tomorrow night at 7 if anyone's in town.
Happy Tuesday! Have a great vacation nephew and family, FB pictures look like they are having a great time!
Got some great pictures of back to school! Where is that time going???
It was family reunion weekend, with Geo family, lots of fun. His brother just went back to Denver, we kept him pretty buzzed to keep liberal comments to a minimum! Anastasi has her new phone and she is complaining it is too loud! So we will go over and adjust accordingly!
Have a great day all!
Hip Hip Hooray, the fair opens today! so I quess that means summer is fast coming to an end! Hope Adam had a nice birthday, David's birthday is next week, and Jeffs following close behind, the boys of summer! Happy Birthday! We had some hair raising moments in the twin cities, with our fire bug, but apparently he has been caught, so rest easy! enjoy the Fair, to all you fair goers!
Seems like the good little elves were busy at 245 Bryant. Talked to Mom and she could hear me, she has a new toaster-altho seems bummed over, as she said "outliving her appliances"-and her book machine was fixed. Had a good time at the HOF get together in Canton. An AMAZING turnout of Bills fans. Fair starts today, average daily highs begin to decline after today, and first school meeting of the year is 3 weeks from tday. Hope that nphw jff and his family are enjoying the Great Smokey Mts., and that my sister is doing a good job caring for the dogs. Off to Hotlanta this sat. for the twins birthday celebration. Three more swim lessons for O and A. Enjoy the day.
Sounds like everyone is keeping busy back in WNY. We are having a good time here hiking, white water rafting (yesterday), swimming and just spending good hearted family time together. We rented a a pavilion in the Smoky Mtns, got food catered from Bennett's BBQ and celebrated Sandra's parents 50th Anniversary on Tuesday.
Today, the fathers are taking the kids to go go-carting and tomorrow looks like we're going to the aquarium.
Busy, busy vacation.
HIp Hip hooray its Friday! Nothing new with us koch's just work work and more work..
Last night in the COT was Food Truck Thursday. Jnna and I ate at " Thai me Up", which is Thai food of course, and it was very good, then we went to the Ice Cream Social at the Sr Citizen Center, more flesh pressing! Nice evening! Is there a new blog about Canton, and the HOF???
Other than that, the weekend is upon us! Enjoy as it seems summer is winding down!
Working on an Oliver/Canton blog, but need auntie's help downloading pix. Last day of swimming for O and A. Travel safely from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge Pilaf family. Sounds as if you were having a blast. Another Bills game tonite and it looks like a stretch of good weather, finally. Let's enjoy it.
Nice. Can't wait.
It's our last full day here and we're not sure how we are going to spend it. Debating driving 40 minutes to see Roaring Fork, and Sandra can't hike. We'll see.
We may just enjoy the pool.
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend, where the Yankees spent two days not scoring any runs, and Jim Kelly is looking for investors!
Project Hyena will resume this week!
so we are still waiting for the cement to be poured for our new driveway, Austin is contemplating many options, and rumor has it cousin eric is moving or has moved out of the COT! Dang there goes daughter's re election committee! He will be hard to replace!
So as is customary, anastasia spends her sundays at 431. yesterday she was not feeling well, had a tummy ache and a fever, she just wanted to lay low. I told her to rest and I told her I would call her later in the day, so when I called her around 6PM, and she gave me her grocery list, she did request potato chips ( which I forgot) so I am thinking she is feeling better!
Did everyone see the super moon last night, or get up early and see it this morning?
Enjoy the second week of August!
I golfed for the second time this summer and actually played pretty well. I even had a guy say to me on hole 6 at Buffalo Tournament Club " that's the farthest I've ever seen a drive go on this hole. I was 90 yards from the green.
Enjoying the evening tonight, enjoy your week.
so anastasia has really been under the weather. Not really sure what is wrong should know more today, they thought bronchitis, but not really sure.
will keep family posted. Hope all are well! David hope you had a nice birthday, we all are thinking of you! Any big plans for the weekend?? Yea, me neither.
austin drove down to see his mom and his car broke down, down there, so he is trying to get home... Other than that, just nursing anastasia back to health oh and Canada, please take your cold air back, I want my summer back!
Is anyone else upset that andy parker jumped ship to channel 7???? stay warm!
Back in ea after a week in north Ga. Will take a bit of recovery time. Looks as tho the girls did a good job helping Mom to get back on her feet. 65 and cloudy/windy? what's with that? Bills tonite but i will be an early to bed.
100 comments, that exciting! So lets recap, as sick as Anastasia is she does thourghly enjoy the constant and steady stream of visitors, and being waited on hand and foot! I am sure she will feel much better today with the visit of number one son! It really does not matter, what Sue and I say, but if Chuck says it, it will be gospel! too funny!
Summer is whizzing along at record pace!
Just an FYI, Corrine Holtz's 90th birthday is August 26th. (Grampa's sister) if everyone could get her out a card that would be great! I will post her address tomorrow
Have a great Monday!
Corrine's Address:
Corrine Tynan
705 Sandra lane
Apt 235
North Tonawanda, New York
90th birthday on 08/26
Good evening. I almost got my dad to contribute to Project Hyena... I just couldn't pull the trigger. I must be losing my touch.
Emma got fired from her first job; Marching Band drummer... She just couldn't carry it. The band leader gave her cymbals. Too funny.
I'm outside in this God wonderful weather enjoying a Hop Sun... I'm keeping it real.
Just want everyone to know that gramma was resting comfortable when we left her last night. And she was pretty funny when I drove her to 'er, she asked me drive slow, with the window down and she quipped at least I won't have an ambulance Bill! Geo is at degraff today and will keep an eye on her. It's Wed, folks, and we all know what that means!
Happy Thursday, So rumor has it Dr Wadwha came in this morning to see Anastasia, according to my husband, her smile would light up times square! Clearly with her preffered care giver involved, her recovery should be speedy and at record pace! Enjoy the day and all that it brings.
So clearly this roller coaster ride with anastasia is starting to wear us all down. Yesterday my sister called me cranky because I would not carry an empty pepsi bottle in my work bag back to my mothers apartment, to put in her return can bag, so Rob could get a nickel. So as generous as this family has shown with the ice bucket challenge could I ask that all give Rob a nickel to make up for my shortcomings, thank you.
So impressed with my sister in law and her challenge! great job!
Nephew Jeff was awesome also, Just so everyone knows, Jnna replays these video's for gramma, she can not see them but she certainly can hear them! Good Job family!
So other than that, the world seems to revolve around the care and feeding of anastasia, and wondering what the next day will bring?
Enjoy Friday Family
Just back from today's run to DeGraff. Seems as if Mom is not quite ready to cash in her chips yet. Biggest complaint is sore throat, understood from 10 days of nonstop coughing, but she seems, at this point to be on the mend. Hopefully we will all find some time to enjoy the second last weekend of the summer (that is tough to say)
Glad to hear Gram is getting better.
I'm ready for the evening to begin.
I can not believe tonight is the last home game for the Bisons? really? where did that season go?
Project hyena, well lets just say there is a lot of work to be done, but we will get there, I am confident!
anastasia had a down day yesterday but seems better today. Kudos to my sister who is devoted to making sure some of our initial care issues have been resolved. looking forward to the holiday weekend, and the end of the summer! sad, very sad!
According to Anastasia, Heaven is the bluest of blue for miles around, so she says!
Pick you battles!
If nothing else, the hospital visits have cut into the blog time. A big HB to my eldest nphw. From the sound of it he got sung to by his mother this AM. The upsy-downsy at the hospital continues. I expected to see her up and about tday, but that wasn't to be. Musical rooms at degraff continues. Hope that my nphw finds a few moments to enjoy himself on his special day today. I think that I will go and mow.
Lol! Musical rooms at Degraff. That's so true. Well gram had a good day today. She made 4 friends and attended therapy. She looks great! She is taking up donations to get her hair done. Lol.
Stopped to see #1 nephew last evening at his birthday celebration at his parents. Very fun evening! Note, Perry's Ice cream is 2.88 at Budapest, FYI.
Hyena project close to fruition. More to come on that. So the roller coaster ride that is Anastasia saw her last night ask for 300$ to be put in her degraff acct seems she wants her hair done and is buying shots for the inmates! Today is a new day! Get well soon gramma, love Jeff!
2.88 at Budweys. Just to clarify. It may be 2.88 in Budapest too, but the flight there does not make the purchase a worthwhile attempt at saving a few pennies.
Praying for no rain.
Let's see: UB game today. Wingfest too.
Enjoy the last Saturday of summer! UB game sounds like lots of fun! They are really trying g to create a big-time college atmosphere! Have fun! No big plans, planning time at DMH and sipping drinks in my yard ! Live today to the fullest!
I just got Jeff's post did not see that budweys was autocorrected to Budapest I am laughing out loud!
There was a lightning delay at the start of the Bulls game.
No Wingfest this year... But I did have Duffs yesterday.
So at the beginning of the summer number one nephew dubbed the labor day picnic/ happy 49 1/2 anniversary as project hyena. Well needless to say project hyena came off with a hitch and was an amazing party. Thank you to everyone. Such an awesome party!
What a special day ans wonderful party. I'm so glad everyone was there. Thanks family. You're the best.
Great party! I sense a new blog in the works with pics to prove what a great time we had!
is it really september? Really?
How and when did that happen?
Such a wonderful party, again thanks for everyone's participation in the food drive!
The care and feeding of Anastasia continues, yesterday she was near death, today at Therapy anxiously awaiting Chicken Noodle soup for lunch! I am just saying that everytime my sister and I thought the end was near, and I wanted to call Fr Mike for last rites, we would have to provide gas mileage!
Seriously, she is by far the toughest lady I know. Does not matter what is thrown her way, she perserveres!
Hang tough, and hey its already tuesday!
So this wild roller coaster ride that Anastasia is on, has been hard on all of us! But I am thinking geo has taken the brunt of this as he works there, so he has all the problems to solve! so to reward him, Jnna has graciously provided us with Yankee tickets for Saturday's game, that her friend Katie won through WB Mason, at least that is the story! so for the 4PM Yankee game this saturday we will be in section 105, seats 23 and 24
Look for us!
So yesterday Anastasia had someone else's clothes on, she seemed to like them, so we did not say anything!
Everysingle test they give her comes back normal, so we shall see what happens?? I told her last night, I would take her home, if she wanted to go. And she agreed she was not strong enough to go, so she and I Pinky swore to just get a little stronger, and a little better to go home!
But this weekend, I will be in NYC, so dont bother me!
Its Wed! Enjoy this beautiful day and all that has been given!
There will be a new blog next week! Titled, Farewell to the Captain, and Happy 49 1/2 Anniversary, sue and gary!
Wait for it!
Go Yankees!
Happy Thursday! Or in my world non pay day thursday. Looks like a beautiful day to sit behind a desk all day as I transfer paper from one side of my desk to the other!
quiet nite with GG last night, she fell sound asleep pretty early, and when geo checked on her at 10:30PM she was still asleep, so that is good news!
try your best today!
I would like Jeter stuff...Jeff will pay LOL. Have fun!
We had such a wonderful party for aunt sue and uncle Gary! The highest of the highs, and to me yesterday the lowest of the lows, as Dr told gramma she could not return to her home, she would need to go into the nursing home. She was so brave, I was so proud of her, she just smiled and said she would do what is best and maybe just maybe she could cheer someone up! Her health has really declined in just this past month and her eyesight, which was pitiful before is now worse. Her smiling twinkling eyes would make you Smile! It's Friday, so close to the weekend! Enjoy, and hey smile!
So my 2nd work day was today. Found nc emma's locker just around the corner from my classroom. Also bumped into her in the office as she was reporting to show that she was wearing her "fob". Good to have that taken care of. Used the break this morning to run over and check on Mom. Got there to find that she wasn't in her room but they pointed me in the direction of the therapy room and mentioned how they "don't encourage family to interrupt". I did want to at least touch base and found her working on her thigh flexes. When her therapist came over Mom apologized for having lost count. I introduced myself and the girl offered to take Mom into the hallway so we could chat for a bit. Mom said "no, that's OK" which I took as my leave so she could concentrate on the job at hand. She is something else. Enjoying a warm afternoon so I think that I will go and enjoy a cold one. Go Bulls! Go Bills!
So my 2nd work day was today. Found nc emma's locker just around the corner from my classroom. Also bumped into her in the office as she was reporting to show that she was wearing her "fob". Good to have that taken care of. Used the break this morning to run over and check on Mom. Got there to find that she wasn't in her room but they pointed me in the direction of the therapy room and mentioned how they "don't encourage family to interrupt". I did want to at least touch base and found her working on her thigh flexes. When her therapist came over Mom apologized for having lost count. I introduced myself and the girl offered to take Mom into the hallway so we could chat for a bit. Mom said "no, that's OK" which I took as my leave so she could concentrate on the job at hand. She is something else. Enjoying a warm afternoon so I think that I will go and enjoy a cold one. Go Bulls! Go Bills!
Goooood morning, that fall chill is in the air.
Great for sleeping.
We had a busy, busy weekend.
Gramma is in our prayers.
Black Monday.
black indeed. well said
The blackest of Monday's.
Thursday Evening, After Fretthold All our cordially invited to phase 1 of the Official Send off for our Mom. COCKTAILS start immediately followed by enough food to feed the Russian Army. Please stop over and raise a glass to our Mom.
Thinking of the family today, and offering prayers to all for strength. A good friend dropped off food yesterday, which has been added to the ever growing buffet for this evening, and she said with your Mom gone, yes it will be hard, but it's just different now. And she is right every thing will be different sigh
Thursday night was fun. Thanks for having us over.
Hard to believe how exhausting something with so little actual physical labor can be. I can never truly put into words how I feel about how great everyone was over this past difficult week. I don't know how anyone could get thru this type of thing without having the support group that God has blessed us with. Thank you all. I thought that yesterday was just about as perfect as a sad day could be. If you can extend my thanks to all who labored yesterday, food and beverage wise, it would be most appreciated.
Go Bills! Mass yesterday mentioned Gramma and father Mike the celebrant asked how the family was doing. That was nice! The legion wants to hire Jeff on per diem basis to cover the bar, and the Mars company is concerned about the lost revenue for peanut m&m' s! Geo has returned to work today, and I will try very hard to keep busy and try to embrace my new different, as today was my day with Mom. No chicken for dinner, I can say that with most certainty! Get through the day as best you can!
Love you Betsy...you did great!
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