Well snowvember as inappropriately deemed has created havoc on countless people in the Western New York area. I am trapped in a jacuzzi suite at the Hampton Inn (company had paid for my hotel room). But, I must admit, I miss AP's homemade brownies.
I tried to upload a picture from the Tops in East Aurora, but, my phone would not let me. They are calling for 2 feet of snow over the next 2 days.
It took me 4 hours to get to East Aurora. Stay safe!
First to comment, but that's about all I can do. I would echo nc sndr's comment about nc jnn spending 4 hours to get to EA, although i am sure that they needed the help at Aurora park and a jacuzzi suite is the least that they could do. So, got dug out yesterday, got to Tops to stand in a line that went halfway around the store to check out, got the last of the milk and the only thing in shorter supply than the milk, got some beer. Woke up this morning and it looks like I never touched the driveway. Currently snowing like crazy. Was hoping to get to the Ralph to shovel today to pick up a fast 10 per hour plus some tickets to the game, but the driving ban is still in effect. Apparently no gas available in the area. Nc jnn, I think that you are sharing the Hampton with the weather channel geek that drove in on tuesday nite. Check it out will you? Gotta find a way to get up and shovel off the roof. Has to be at least 6 feet of snow up there. What to do first? Is it noon yet? If it is, I just may stay inside and drink beer and forget this whole mess. In the words of the great philosopher, UNCLE !!!!!!
Oh man I can not see the number??? How does that happen?
As someone who works in health care, this snow has created one crazy work week, I am very blessed that I am deathly ill, and have been working at the warehouse! Have to bad of a cold to be in contact with patients! And thats the good news! Jnna posted on face book the line at tops that snaked the whole perimeter of the store, absolutely crazy! And here in the north towns, we got very little!
Odd how that works. How is the " bring Adam home" saga coming along? Any headway? And brother why dont you go get him? Poor fella! heres hoping Adam gets home soon! Other than that, who is going to shovel out the Ralph, and how much more snow can possibly fall south of the city?
All relevent questions!
Stay warm, dry and hydrated!
thank God we are back to numbers to beat the robot. Yesterday was squiggly random letters that kept yelling at me that I wasn't entering them correctly. Seems that the only question being asked of the County exec at his news conference was about the Bills game. The stat that I liked was that the amount of snow that needed to be removed from the ralph would fill the fieldhouse, five times over, plus they apparently have been towing vehicles and dropping them off in the parking lot there. Another small problem. What else??? Haven't heard much from number one son. Hope that he is sitting tight. Sorry about the cold AB.
Aurora Park has been so incredible during this storm. i now know the map of the east Aurora tops better than my own tops. Looking out my window that's covered in snow. We have about 15-20 feet of snow drifts, yes feet. Spent the morning picking up some employees and we are basically waiting this out. I was told that the only place open in east Aurora was the bar bill but little did I know walweins was open.
I could never turn down a company paid hotel room. That rarely happens! Stay safe everyone.
Just in case anyone is counting it's 212 days until summer.
So on shovel full #689, with approximately one eighth of the driveway done, my next door neighbor appears at the end of the driveway with his snow blower. He is making little if any progress when 2 guys from 3 doors down the other way appear with a tractor with a bucket on one end and a big auger/snowblower on the other end. They spent about 10 minutes clearing out the end of the drive where the plows had deposited about 5 feet of snow, and then my neighbor finished up the rest. We are now FREE !!! I have been grateful for many things in life but this ranks very high on my list. Amy got some food brought by her neighbors and Adam is optimistic that he might be able to get home tonite. What a difference 24 hours can make. God bless us all, everyone. Good enuf for tiny tim, good enuf for me. I am going to have a beer, thank you.
Nice drive into work, with the thruway opened, the city streets were a little easier to navigate!
There seems to be quite a bit of confussion over whether my brother does own a snowblower or does not own a snowblower? As we are confused as to why you are counting shovel fulls of snow.
Not sure when my sister and BIL left for Asheville? I am quessing the first hour the thruway was open? Called this morning, got the ans machine, I suppose I could call the cell, but we both know thats not on! so hope everyone has great plans for Thanksgiving, seems to me we have an awful lot to be thankful for!
Me, I havent even bought my turkey yet! That is on my to do list tonight! before the Bills game! Enjoy the day, and stay away from rising creeks!
I want to go on record as saying that I do own a snowblower, but as my son will attest, it is a snowblower in only the most literal sense. It was purchased when Adam was in high school and in it's best days was good for maybe a 6 inch snowfall. Now, it's probably less than that so a snow like we had was way beyond any help that it might offer. So it was back to the old fashioned way, hence the "shovel full count" From what I read in the paper yesterday, for the next 30 years I had better have a real snow removal system at the ready. Maybe my daughter and family have the right idea, head west for the holiday. Although I am wondering what happened when charlie and lizzie visited what they thought was the "Grand Candy" and found it to be a large hole in the ground. How disappointed can 3 year olds be? No classes for me until 12/3. Enjoy the holiday, I intend to. By the way, we are back to lawn, such as it is.
I'm glad everyone survived Snowvembrrrr. We're all fine in the Town of Tonawanda; if anyone was worried. We're heading down to Butler, PA for Thanksgiving. Zachary and I are going to play in the Butler Turkey Bowl. Wish Me luck.
thank you for clearing up the snowblower question, I can now sleep at night! travel safe, jff and dra and family! good luck
Me, I am plugging away.
purchased my 23 lb turkey, for the 6 of us! A wise woman told me once that more is always better!
So more it is!
Great bills game last night, so much fun watchin the jets crash and burn!
And a hobbled Michael Vick to boot!
"Grand Candy" thats awesome!
Hope they have a great time!
Stay safe, warm and hydrated people!
I am hoping that at least ESPNU covers the Butler turkey bowl. Actually stayed up last nite to watch the Bills game. Hilarious this morning watching Mike Greenburg (a huge Jets fan) on Mike and mike soliciting Jets jokes. Guy called in to say that he went into a store and had, by mistake left 2 jets tickets on his front seat to come out, discover someone broke into his car, and left 2 more. Parent conferences tonite at the Mount and then done until Dec. 3. Good thing; I was ready for a break.
Happy thanksgiving eve! Here's hoping that everyone who is traveling travels safely! To everyone who is cooking, May your dinner be delicious and be thankful for what you have been blessed with! As for me, not sure I can cook thanksgiving without my Mom! She oversaw this production from beginning to end! She peeled the potatoes, guided the oyster dressing prep and reminded me endlessly to baste baste baste the bird! So I'm not promising how it will turn out, but I will do the best I can! Think I will set the table, enjoy family!
Not sure if will ever get it together enough that I don't have to get up at 4:30 to bake a pie! Maybe someday but probably not! Happy thanksgiving family! Just want to be the first to wish all a wonderful day filled with family, friends and great food! As always there will be enough food and drink at 431 for anyone in the COT, all are always welcome! I have been blessed with more than I ever deserved! Cheers!
Thanksgiving recap- lots to recap! First of all I can't thank the OP Holtz' s enough for trekking into the COT! Their presence made my mom's absence palpable. Adams first comment after pulling into our driveway, was do we even live in the same planet!I think he was referring to green lawns but maybe not? We have accounted for all of our remotes, so thanks Benjamin for gathering them up for us! Benjamin provided our resident chocolate lab much enjoyment, as he provided and endless supply of snacks! We got Ms Audrey wish list for Santa and Oliver practiced beating his dad at video football! Such a nice visit, thank you! Please come again! My brother and I had some communication issues as he had sent a text that he would not be home for thanksgiving but at 4:00 he tested me and asked if I forgot him? So he was picked up and enjoyed dinner a little bit later ! I knew full well how tough Thanksgiving was going to be, you see my mom was essential to our thanksgiving dinner! She oversaw every aspect, two full days of planning, peeling, prepping, and the list goes on! Her friends were invited to join us, some did some didn't, and at one point yesterday both daughters looked at the head of the table and burst into tears, as that was her place to sit. She would have loved our day yesterday! Not for nothing but that Nancy beer is definitely an acquired taste! It was a day for family, friends, fine food and gratitude! Mission accomplished! Enjoy leftover Friday! Much love to all!
Didn't always see Mom on thanksgiving, but always saw her before, usually lunch at Athena's, talked on the day itself and she always described what was happening, what had happened, and what was going to happen. Then there was the post-thanksgiving conversations always prefaced by what a wonderful day that it was. A big hole. The passing of the selfies helped a bit and Adam said what a fun visit they had.. everything went well here; good food, ample drinks but the onset of lake effect around 6 PM made people a bit nervous, for good reason. But everyone made it out and home in a timely fashion. No black friday shopping here. Any word on the Butler PA turkey bowl? I took nphw jff/zck"s team plus 3 and a half pts. Gotta be careful about leftovers here. Seems that #1 son has his eyes on the remnants. Hope that everyone is having a long weekend.
As luck would have it. ESPN14 was carrying the Butler Bowl. The name of the game in soccer is drink your fill.
We would play for 8 minutes then someone yell "that's the quarter"! And then we would all fill our beers . Even young Zach. And God forbid if you spill a little.
We had fun and I think we won... Not sure.
just my luck, I only go to ESPN 9. Sounds like a battle of epic proportions. Has to be video available somewhere. Any top 10 plays? Sounds like a good trip, particularly if it didn't involve black friday shopping.
No Black Friday shopping for me. I'll wait for the XMas Eve specials.
I'm sure there were 1or 2 plays that featured young Zach going end to end on Boomers top 10 plays.
Me, I was happy I didn't break anything or throw an interception.
Holy cow, where is the year going?
The next two weeks are busy, busy. After that, the year will almost be gone. It'd hard to believe hoe quickly time passes. With that, we also have good news, Zachary was accepted at Damaen in their Physical Therapy program. He's just waiting on DYouville's response (his first choice) sk he can decide.
As you can see typing on a phone is hard for me.
This may be the first time in our blogs history that the word hoe was word.
Congrats to Zach! I was so honored to get a call telling me the good news. By the time you graduate many of us will need PT so you can work on us. Hurry up, my knee is starting to buckle.
So Darryl Talley has received nearly $200,000 in donations. Are any of us depressed? Broke? Using a 5 year old shovel? I am thinking we should start a campaign. Just not sure what for, yet.
Council meeting tomorrow. It's always the boys against the girls. But, I don't feel like fighting so I might just give in.
The Bills are 7-5 with their best start since 2000. Did Unkie predict this?
I Billieve!
I really think I used the word hoe before. Maybe when discussing Kristens hoe down? Maybe?
I offered Daryl Talley my thoughts and prayers... gotta be worth something. I wonder if I can claim that on my taxes this year?
UGH to gray rainy weather! Heres hoping everyone has recouped from thanksgiving! had lunch with my sister on Sunday, just to catch up. she is hosting Christmas, so I got my marching orders from her!
hard to believe 2015 is almost upon us! Sounds like a george orwell book! Not to much going on, life is very quiet, when its just work and family. Yea to the Sabres win, are we thinking they will be just good enought to not get a good draft pick??? Enjoy your day today!
What an ugly day today, I concur. It was a day to stay in bed. Too bad I didn't.
Happy Thursday! Hope everyone has their pirate gift this year. when I questioned my sister if she had her pirate gift, she said, yes, but hers was not the ugly one??? I wonder what that means? Plugging away at work, waiting on the weekend! Enjoy!
I'm not sure why pirate gift to some means stupid gift :) hahahah
It's friday, the week of work is over and done, the number tonite was legible, the fish fry was good, but a bit pricey, no snow to shovel at this point, so all is right with the world. Not a lot happening around here. Half way home on the pirate game purchases, Auntie is heading out tomorrow for a shopping extravaganza with her sisters, got the estate paper work in order and need to get to the bank to open an account and finish the paperwork so that will be next week. Less than 3 weeks until Christmas. Amazing! Hope that everyone can find a way to make the weekend enjoyable. Next week is my last 3 day work week for 2014 so I need to mentally prepare.
Sounds like you have a lot going on to me.
Sandra and Emma are singing tomorrow at Vespers at church. So we have a long day tomorrow.
I love "Its a Wonderful Life".
Come on Buffalo!
It's pretty dark outside. It would be a nice day to lounge around and drink coffee all day.
Busy, busy here at our house. Emma is in her final week of practice, I'm off helping someone move today and Zach has work after school.
Plugging away at work, ugh! we played the pirate gift game at the warehouse, everyone had a great time doing it, and they did bring in some great gifts! I think I however did screw up the rules! I am having my brother over on sunday to celebrate his birthday before he heads off to parts unknown! Not something I have normally done, but we will see how this goes! Lots of gloom and doom weather forcastin going on, so I hope everyone is prepared! Other than that, not to much else going on! Put a Christmas wreath on the graves, ugh to that task! Off for a couple of days to try and get Christmas ready!
What a difference 24 hours makes. Yesterday I called Terry Hills on a whim and sure enough they were open with carts. 45 minutes and 15 bucks later I was on the first tee. Saved me a trip to Penn. or beyond. Today/tonite I had a group of students at Will. East and the drive home on Maple Rd. etc. was an adventure. Hey AB, no regifting Larkinville pirate gifts. 2 weeks from tomorrow. Hard to believe. Glad that I will not be driving to Tonawanda tomorrow.Take care all and drive safely.
Hope that everyone enjoyed 12-13-14. Last opportunity for something like this until jan. 2, 2103.
That sounds like a nice date for a Holtzapalooza.
Really far behind on my Christmas shopping this year. I apologize if you get a IOU from me.
Missing my partner in shopping crime.
Good morning, Kim not expecting much today but I'm hoping for a Bills victory.
We've been involved in The MSM show this year, "White Christmas" and it's really, really good.
had to be one of the best defensive jobs by the Bills against a quality opponent in years. The offense??? Keeps them alive for another week.
OK you must really want to leave a comment here, by the time you get through the names to type to prove I am not a robot, my break is over!
Kind of missing the sun, anyone else feel the same? so gloomy!
Had my brother over for a turkey dinner yesterday in honor of his birthday, got him the obligatory can of popcorn for his birthday, or Christmas, not sure what that gift covered! We enjoyed a great dinner and an even better Bills game!Who is Balducci Rambo? And where did he come from?? The green bay brain trust looked a little befuddled at some non calls, but hey at least no one high fived after a call!
Hard to believe Christmas is next week! This time, just whizzes by, doesnt it?
Glad to hear the Mount production went off with out a hitch!
Do we all Bill-eive!!!
We Bill-lieve!
My previous post had nothing to do with Kim. I'm just letting everyone know.
Man, time is flying by. Thank goodness Sandra loves shopping. She makes the holidays less stressful.
GR 55 had a call from Charles from EA? wondering if that was my bro, as the caller was wringing his hands over how pathetic the offense is, I am thinking that could apply to a lot of people!
another gray and gloomy day!
Predictions, Bills 17 Raiders 3?
The "robo" is back to numbers only which makes this a bit more manageable. Not this Charles from EA, but I am already wringing my hands over how many times in the past our beloved Bills have gone west and fallen flat in big games. Let us hope for one more Christmas miracle that it doesn't happen this year. Good of AB to host her brother for Xmas/birthday. Talked to sister sue yesterday and have our Christmas day marching orders. See you all next week. Hard to believe.
so here was are down to one week to christmas, man o man did that fly by at record pace! Hope everyone has their pirate gift ready and have spent the obligatory 25$! me not so much
Cards are not out, tree half decorated, no cookies, shopping some done, some not, just plodding along, hoping that I can get it all together in 6 days!
Looking forward to testing out the ice bikes at canalside, how fun does that sound!
lots of fun things to do downtown, now when was the last time that was said! Have a great weekend all! heres to a bills win and a playoff spot!! fingers crossed!
Woo Hoo! I'm off until New Years Eve! Yeah me! One more! WAIT, one more!
Merry Christmas! I'm having an Ommegang Three Philosphers... My favorite.
I'm done until next year. The Holtz-Twombley clan arrived yesterday and with the OP Holtz gang here last nite it was a bit, shall we say, "livlier" than our usual friday nite. Looking forward to a busy weekend. The little girls were hoping for more snow and Lizzie is on a snow "diet" when she goes out. Trying to find enough for some sledding. Enjoy the weekend all. The one before xmas is one of the best.
Holtz-Twombley tribe on the way back to Hotlanta. Things now a bit quieter. 2 more days. How about that?
Boy, that was a quickie. I hope they had a nice time.
Day 1 of vacation; I finished my shopping, took, a nap and uploaded my resume on recruiters site.
Now I'm drinking a wonderful stout from Dark Horse Brewery.
I wonder what day 2 has in store for me?
Had a wonderful breakfast with the Holtz Holtz Twombly gang at IK , for those of you not in the know or an east aurorian, that stands for Iron Kettle! Sunday morning, it was so much fun! Wonderful to catch up with K and Adam,and to have breakfast with Oliver, Audrey, Caroline, ms Elizabeth and Charlotte! Good thing we finished just before the place filled up with all the church goers! It was funny as all the phones were playing songs from frozen! Good to hear my hardworking nephew has some down time, enjoy! Well we are in the home stretch, see everyone Thursday!
Day 2: Christmas Vacation!
I was almost motivated to go fishing today. Instead, I took a nap. I'm feeling a little groggy right now. That might be attributed to the egg nog and bourbon.
Merry Christmas!
And a very merry Christmas eve to all. Hoping that those who were working are out early, all of the preparations are ready, the stockings are hung and the beverages are cold. Enjoy the remainder of the day and evening and see you all tomorrow.
and I am the first to wish everyone a very merry christmas. Auntie is still asleep and I have to go back down to see if Ralphie ever gets that bb gun that he so wants.
He does! He does!
Merry Christmas Family!
Another great day yesterday and the pirate game was one for the ages, even tho the Holtz family got........well, never mind. The pirate game at the bunts family gathering lasted its usual 14 minutes. Got an email that the buffalo tournament club will be open for golf tomorrow which would be good news if I needed a december round. Thanks again to all for everything that went into the day.
We love the Pirate Game... Woo Hoo! Zach loved his purse. Oh, wait, that was a couple years ago.
I went back to work today and I'll be honest with, I wasn't a fan. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I'm looking forward to New Years Eve.
Zach said the sandwich maker is great.
Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas! Sorry for such a delayed reaction, but we pretty much had a full dance card with Austin being home! Did Dinosauer for lunch, movies and family time, which never gets old! Austin has headed for home, and we have a very low key New Years Eve and day planned! Just some unanswered questions? Was a home ever found for the leg lamp? Does the hose really work? And how was the sausage?
Just want to take this time to wish everyone a happy, prosperous, healthy New Year!
2015! Who knew?
Babysitting the OP holtz kids while Amy does her training for the Y yesterday and today. Scheduled to meet the Fixxitts for dinner tonite. Looking forward to a low stress new years eve and day. Look out 2015, here we come!
It seems that "low key" is the NYE phrase this year. Sandra and the kids and I will be enjoying a low key evening too. I plan on grilling steaks and we'll probably go through a couple bottles of wine. Most likely, I won't make it past 9:30.
BTW... The sausage was awesome the next day.
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