Sunday, February 22, 2015

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Mom/Gram/GG. We will raise a glass to you.


JT Rice said...

Woo Hoo! First to post.
Happy Birthday Gram!
Not much going on. Spring Training, Daytona, I think we're getting closer to spring.

betsy said...

Happy birthday Mom on cloud 9! Very nice birthday mass for mom this morning! Even though these Lenten Masses are about all us turning to ash! I firmly believe in my heart of hearts that my Mom did earn her just reward! It was nice to see my brother at mass as well, and I know she would have smiled brightly seeing him open his wallet and tossing more than the obligatory 3$ in the collection plate! Maybe with some divine intervention your roofing issue will be resolved! Or spring will come first! Off to see American sniper with Jenna! Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unk said...

Sorry that it was a short in and out but between taking care of the kids while amy works and adam recovers, and significant time on the roof trying to stop the leaks, I was limited to hearing the dedication of the Mass, hit the collection plate and back to EA. Apparently no ice melter left in WNY. Happy Birthday MOM.

Betsy said...

show of hands, who is over winter? Just as I thought its unanymous! So I was feeling really bad for my brother yesterday with his ice on the roof issues, and the impending leaking, and lo and behold we came home to a small stream in our kitchen from the ice on the back of the house, leaking into the kitchen, that and the thermostat kept dropping to 62 degrees! UGH to winter! So that was a small clean up, nothing major! We did go and see American Sniper, very enjoyable even though the guy next to me was sound asleep and snoring! Hope Adam is feeling better, and is able to help out his dear old dad with his ice issues!!! Next week its off to the flower show, so here is hoping there are some signs of spring!
stay warm folks it has to end sooner or later!

unkie said...

Preferably sooner than later. Spent a lovely day on the roof and got about two thirds cleared off. Leaks are still there but seem to be lessening a bit. Here is the weather data to explain?? maybe all of the problems.According to the channel 2 weather this morning, as bad as last winter was, and it was bad, the temp. was above freezing in Feb.7 times, including one 3 day stretch between 39 and 47. This year it hasn't been above 32 since Jan. 19. That, combined with about 300 inches of snow would explain the glacier on my roof. Back to work today. Seems as tho the chill factor stops at the Tonawanda city line. Tonawanda and NT closed, Ken=Ton no. Will be glad to see this month come to a close.

JT Rice said...

You're still having roof issues? Sorry. Its hard to believe anything is melting around here, including your glacier.
Monday we went without Tv, phone and Internet. The kids had no idea what to do. I suggested playing with plastic dinosaurs and you would not believe the odd looks I received.

Betsy said...

LOL Nephew, too funny! Did you also remind them that the seat cushions on the couch served as the back drop? So yesterday geo and I invested in specially designed ice removing shovels! Actually they were just shovels, but we did, well geo did got a lot of the ice out of the driveway! Litigation diverted! Funny post by rick about getting a post card from his parents onFB.
Its hump day, get through it best as you can!

JT said...

I got through it... Barely. One more day it's Friday!

Betsy said...

I keep re reading my brothers post from the 23rd, but there are a lot of numbers in there?
Maybe he could spell out the numbers the next time and make it for easier reading, just a suggestion
Happy Birthday to my classy sassy S-I-L, tomorrow
You make the world a better place!
Enjoy your day!

JT Rice said...

Sabres won! Is this the correct response?

JT said...

Everyone put Friday July 17th on your calendar. I know, I know, it's a long way away and we all have 7 feet of snow to deal with, but we have to celebrate Zach's Graduation someday.

Betsy said...

Happy march! Thank goodness we are looking back on february, even though geo is desperately trying to find someone to remove the glacier on our roof! Had a nice Green Beer day in the COT yesterday, down by the canal they had Irish Music and Guiness! Nice day! Balmy 20 degrees! Then had a nice dinner with the everetts and jnna! Nice sunday. Initial great reviews of the flower show! so excited for that! And rick wants to make sure he goes to founding fathers when he comes up this summer. So brother I advised that he take you, so there are no issues with the history trivia questions!
Stay warm, Spring is 18 days away!

JT Rice said...

In like a lion. Now there's a surprise. I get to go snowmobiling one more time... if it doesn't rain. I'm getting excited about baseball. I think Zachary and I are going to head down to Ohio and see the Rubber Ducks play.

Betsy said...

I think one of the glaring ommisions in my life, is the fact that I no longer hear what my siblings are up to! Conversatioins with Anastasia always included an update of some kind about my sister or my brothers, or cousins, or whomever. People felt compelled to update Anastasia, there fore we were updated, so basically now all we have is FB! Allegedly the newlyweds are due home today, lets hope the weather holds so they can fly in. I was curious if there driveway is shoveled as well??? Oh well to update everyone geo has hired professionals to come and get the glacier off the roof at 431. My sister and I are set to leave Thursday at 7:30AM. I am concerned I did not get an email confirmation on the hotel, but they did bill my credit card so I am thinking I am good??? Or no?
July 17th, noted on my calendar, please let me know what I can do to make it a special day! BTW, that is a Friday. Other than that, nothing new on anything else. I did listen to the toronto sports station coming into work this morning and they gushed over what the sabres did, and were so disappointed in the leafs! Have not seen Rex Ryans new truck, nor has my daughter been chosen as an extra in the Christmas film being shot in EA.
Stay healthy, safe, warm, dry, and happy!

unkie said...

Back in town after a VERRRRYYY long day. Can't believe that my older sister is getting home today and heading out again on Thursday. What a woman!!The leaks continue. Looking forward to hearing how professional ice dam removal goes. My amateur attempts didn't seem to work so well, but it also seems as if the overall snow was replenished a bit in our absence. July 17 duly noted and entered into ship's log.Back towork tomorrow. It is finally above freezing and the roof melt is on.

JT Rice said...

Welcome home vacationers... I heard you had a nice time. The Fixxits driveway was plowed down to the cement. Thanks to #2 son, Todd.