Thursday, March 05, 2015

Look out Philly

This may be the first "selfie" on the blog. They have made it safe and sound after nearly 9 hour car ride. I was asked to call UG after they arrived. He informed me to tell Aunt Sue he was only having a "fish sandwich" for dinner. I really think he meant wings and beer. 

Film of their adventure at 11. 


unkie said...

Gotta give you kids kudos for braving "Thor" to travel to Philly. I think that the selfie taker needs longer arms, or maybe one of those poles that I have been seeing. Doesn't do you guys justice. Travel safe and enjoy. I know that both UG's miss their women.

JT Rice said...

Glad you guys are having fun. Sandra took off to Wisconsin for work... looks like its going to be a fast food week.

unk said...

everyone is travelling somewhere. Are my sisters back from the city of Brotherly Love? Gotta give a shout out to nc jnn for all of the work she did to coordinate the chowder buy for us this weekend. Adam and the kids were over this morning and the chowder for lunch went over really well. A big thanks to UG for going over to pick it up. I swear that he may have the only driveway in WNY that is down to bare concrete. I would have loved to be part of the 3 way conversation on friday night that worked out all of the details. I think that there actually may have been some melting today. Must have been the daylight saving time. Enjoy the week.

Betsy said...

Thank you daughter for posting! Trip to Philly with my sister is always fun! I do have to admit though the ride down was challenging 4 hours driving through a blizzrd was little white knuckle, but due to the very little traffic, and those on the road were in a ditch and my new car, we were able to bet into the city pretty easy, where we usually miss our exit! My sister was a super navigator, as using mapquest on my phone was a bust! My phone actually went off 20 minutes after we arrived telling us we had arrived, when she was pretty much useless all the way down! Great show! Most enjoyable! And we encountered snow as well all the way home from Binghampton to the Lancaster tolls! Seriously over this winter!
Spent Sunday in the ER with George as he had sprained his knee at work and is pretty much immobile, and Jnna is down for the count wiht the stomach flu! Other than that we are counting down the days til spring! Welcome Shady McCoy, Philadelphia was not sorry to see you go! Just saying

JT Rice said...

Day II without Sandra. Ugh. She's having fun so far and is going to a Milwaukee Bucks game this week. Jealous.
The kids and I are managing. We had fast food tonight and watched cartoons for 4 hours. I even got a nap in.
3 more daze of this stressful life.

Betsy said...

sorry to hear whatever is not going so well with the OP Holtz's, hope all is well? Caught the Southern conference play in game last night where the arena announcer was Nephew Rck! Great Job! Loved hearing him in the back ground, " time out on the floor"! And he was even caught on camera a few times! Called my sister to let her know, and her comment was, thats him?
Jnna,made it through stomach fluappalooza, and returned to work today. Geo is still hobbling, not sure if its his knee or the fact that there are 3 telecasts of spring training games daily???
Suppose to be 40 degrees today!!! whoo hoo!

unkie said...

Good to hear that nc jnn is back on the job, UG is on the mend, and nc sndr is having fun in the home of Schotz beer(Laverne and Shirley flashback). Here, nothing much. Ceiling and walls have stopped leaking, at least for now, my mailbox across the street has reappeared and there are glimpses of pavement in my driveway. Spring training baseball on tv to watch in the afternoons helps A LOT !!
Even the extended weather forecast looks hopeful. Hang in there. we can do this.

JT Rice said...

I love watching the ball games on Tv... that makes me happy. Looking at pavement ... wow. I guess its the little things that we appreciate. I sure do. I attempted. To save my front Bush today by shoveling it out. I'm not feeling good about it.

unk said...

Hey, it's FRIDAY!!! We made it through another week. Selection Sunday and the beginning of March madness. We are picking up all of the drip buckets in the house today--call us foolishly optimistic and preparing to drink some green beer. Enjoy whatever is out there.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday! Happy St Patricks day weekend! Happy Birthday to cousins Ed and Cathy! Nice to see the sun! Geo has returned to work today, I think he kind of enjoyed staying home, so that retirement thing will be an easy transition for him! Our world is kind of quiet. We are down to bare cement in the driveway, the new driveway survived the winter but not the new sidewalk! And I also think our shrubs in the front did not make it through the winter as well! Other than that, enjoy the weekend, and toast your Irish Heritage! Thank you County Mayo Ireland!

Anonymous said...

Beware the Ides of March! Nobody go to the Forum today, promise? Just thought that I would start with a little Shakespearean reference. Uplifting and all of that. Anyhow, nice little snowfall this AM. Enough to keep me from the parade, although according to the news yesterday, Buffalo has the 4th best St. Patrick's Day celebration in the U:.S. Enjoy it

unkie said...

Enjoyed meeting up with the Fixxitts last evening to help my sister celebrate her last birthday in the 60's. Corned beef was good, dessert was better. March madness begins tomorrow at noon. GO BULLS!!!

Betsy said...

Good Morning! Happy Thursday! I hope my sister had a nice birthday yesterday! Called her last night to wish her happy birthday, and she said she had a nice one! Good news! So daughter has announced a new campaign, how exciting! I love campaigning :)
no really I do :) So I have been thinking I think we need a summer picnic, Holtzapalooza weenie roast! It has been a horrible winter, preceeded by a horrible fall! thoughts on this? Hope everyone had a nice St Patricks day! Its Friday eve, enjoy!

JT said...

The Ides of March is my 6th favorite holiday. The Ides of July is my 12th... weird.
I'm heading down to Acropolis tomorrow to watch the first game and heading home in time for the Big Game at 2.
Holtzapalooza Zachs Graduation on 7/17.

unkie said...

Nobody has ever been as bad as I was picking games on the first two days, 8 right and 20 wrong. Woe is me. Watched part of the UB game yesterday at our local sports bar and it was fun to watch in a group but not such a fun result. It's spring now in case you weren't paying attention. A weenie roast is definitely called for, the sooner the better. Enjoy the weekend.

unkie said...

Another 14 degree morning. I guess that spring must be officially here. According to the weather channel this was, officially, the warmest winter, world wide, on record. As they said, there is more to the world than eastern North America, but frankly I don't care much about the rest of the world. Stay warm.

JT said...

Do I still have to warm up my car in the morning?
Interesting that you bring up the weather channel, Verizon is dropping it. Rats.
Huuuuuuge game tonight, Buffalo v. Coyotes. The excitement is killing me.

unk said...

I'm sorry but I would not think that life would be worth living without the weather channel. Just knowing that low pressure is developing over the 4 corners helps to keep my life in daily focus, and, when they send Jim Cantore or Mike Seidel on assignment, I am glued (glood?) to my screen. Our lawn? is now about 50-50 snow and grass. How about that? A week until my little sister's birthday. Is there a "7 days of birthday" celebration beginning at 431? Enjoy the day.

betsy said...

Happy Friday! Glad this work week is finally over! Our Christmas tree will be proudly displayed for Easter as it is still in front of the house frozen solid! Yea to the sabers losing! What a horrible thing to say! How far we have fallen. Losing the weather channel would not fly in our house! We are all weather channel groupies! Meeting my sister and cousin Cathy for breakfast tomorrow and we are going to start to talk about our trip to Italy! So that's exciting! So glad it's snowing, said no one ever!

JT said...

The snow was sooooo pretty today. Reminded me of December snow... And January snow and February snow and November snow and...
Sabres lost... Ummmmm... Yea? Hmmmmm...
Yeah Friday!!!

JT said...

I'm getting really excited about spring training. The sun is out , fans are in shorts, the announcers keep talking about top prospects (Luis Valbueno I'm just sayin')... Spring is coming. I can feel it. Dad even brought up the idea about going on a baseball trip again.

unk said...

No more grass to look at in the yard. Nothing like a late March fresh covering of snow to buoy one's spirits. Why is MLB starting so late this year? April 6? What's with that? Ah yes, the sweet prospects of a baseball trip. Finalizing the plans for the great circle from Lansing to Bay city to Grand Rapids to south bend to fort wayne. Let the "summer of Chuck" begin ASAP. Down to 8 teams. Some good ones today and tomorrow. Enjoy.

JT said...

The Summer of Chuck!
Woo Hoo!
You deserve it. Aunties idea I would imagine.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, where it is still cold! And my Christmas tree is still frozen to our front lawn!
Geo will be sending out invites to HFFBB, to all the email addresses that he has, if you do not receive an invite, please Holla! Enjoy this week, and all that it brings, and reflect on your blessings! As we all have many!

Betsy said...

Happy Holy Week Tuesday! So much going on! Geo and I were finally able to pry our christmas tree from the cold dead hands of winter! and get it to the curb. I think thats Shakespear, isnt it?
Has anyone ever quoted Shakespear on our Blob before? Actually I think we have more quotes form Sonny White, a regular at Holtz's Deli than we do Shakespear! AND the number one trendin twitter tag line last night was Jenna's announcement to the buffalo news about running for council president. When she wins, she will be the first woman to hold that elected seat in the COT!
So lots of exciting news from 431.
Other than that plugging away at work, and watching the clock! Enjoy today and all that it brings, even if its snow!

unkie said...

HOORAY !!!!! HFFBB is back. Life is worth living and I can look forward to all sorts of bad things happening to me at the hands of the Pilafs once again. You go Commish!

unk said...

How about that? two posts at exactly the same time. Great minds run in the same channels. Nothing new here today except that I went out with the intentions of trying to clear snow off my crushed bushes and after about 10 minutes decided that the bushes will have to make it on their own if they are to survive. It ain't coming from me.

JT said...

Gooooood morning! Is it cold outside. I'm thinking it's a nice day to stay under my covers, but alas work calls.
I was trying to sound Skakespearean.
Yeah baseball! Count us in. I don't think I received an email though.

Betsy said...

Just to confirm, geo did not send out any emails yesterday on his day off. He had 4 other tasks to complete, one being our taxes, so some other duties got pushed back.
He assures me emails will be sent out tomorrow. More to come.
Did everyone get the message the the gov does not want anyone to go to Indiana, for that reason alone I am going! Sick of 20 degree mornings! I too could have spent the day doing what I would prefer to do versus earning a paycheck! Someone wise said you do what you have to do, til you can do what you want to do!
Other than that, nothing new going on. Understand my brother is heading to some place warm and sunny for Easter! Enjoy the day!
Hey its Wed, almost over!

unckie said...

Happy April Fool's Day. Hope that everyone has escaped untricked. My vacation begins right now. Looking forward to some fun in the sun with the Holtz-Twombley experience. Actually a pretty nice day right now but still a bit chilly. A big HB to my little sister a day in advance. Hope that your day is a special one. Find a way not to work too hard.

JT said...

I'm done. Vacation now until Wednesday! Woo Hoo!
Happy Easter everyone!

UNK said...

A big HB to AB and Happy Easter to all.

Betsy said...

Dyngus Day, now that is a day I wait all year for! May your squirt gun be full and your willow sturdy! Or somethign like that! Hope everyone had a nice easter! Inspite of the snow! I always remember how Gramma said, that Grampa proposed Easter Sunday after church in the back room of the grove st house! We had a very nice day! The OP Holtz's came, and we enjoyed a nice easter egg hunt with them! Geo was in charge of hiding the eggs, and Ben was the big winner, as he did not look any farther than George, Oliver took off to points unknown with Audrey right behind! We will have to be more clever next year! Had a very nice birthday as well, low key, and just relishing the last 365 days of my 50's!
Enjoy this week as opening day is thursday, and I think the high is going to be 40? Should be a good basket ball game tonight? Go Badgers? Go Blue Devils? Your call

JT said...

Baseball! Baseball! Baseball! I love it.
Glad you guys had a nice Easter.
I'm rooting for Wisconsin!

JT said...

Poor Wisconsin. I'm thinking Duke cheated. Not sure.
Sandra and I are off to ArtPark to buy Tedeschi Trucks tix and then get a little lunch, walk around and just enjoy the day off. The kids left for Disney this AM and were very excited.

Betsy said...

Wishing it was a nicer day then I would definately head over to the ball park for first pitch throw out by Rex Ryan! Just curious nephew how did the pick up and drop off of the 'rents go? As I am pretty sure the arrival time was a little earlier than required. Campaign season is in full swing at 431. Other than that the last bastion of snow should be gone today! Its only taken 6 months! Play Ball!

JT said...

The "rents" were at the airport at 7:50 for a 10:10 flight. Emma asked what time the plane took off and she responded "so, why are we here now?"
They're having a good time so far.

Betsy said...

I am not sure but I think this was the longest it ever took to get to Friday! And this is a very stressful friday as well, as the sabres have to lose tonight! No ifs ands or buts! I plan on not watching, show of hands who is on board? It is fun to see Bison stadium with people when I drive by! Was such a long desolate winter! Other than that not to much really going on. Just rooting for the Sabres to lose, and waiting for marching orders for the new campaign! Enjoy the day and all that it brings and hey its Friday!

JT said...

Woo Hoo! Friday! If you take Monday and Tuesday off , Friday gets here quicker. Just a thought.

JT said...

Kids come home tonight from Disney. I can't wait to hear their stories.
What an epic first game Yankee Red Sox was last night. So good. I fell asleep but I got to watch the the last two innings this morning.

unk said...

Back in WNY after a way too brief trip south of the border. Looks as if spring sprung in our absence. Snow is gone and grass is actually turning green. Yard is calling "clean me up" and all of the winter damage is way too beautiful. So many questions. Did the Sabres successfully tank? Have the Bisons played? Is MLB under way? A week with no news of any kind/have to get caught up. Back to work tomorrow......

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! Training staff at BGMC all week, so that means parking in the ramp, traffic and buying lunch, UGH all the things on my not so fun list! Cant wait to hear all about Disney and Mexico! How fun! Glad everyone has returned safe and sound!
So enjoyed the sun yesterday! Was wonderful! But the spring clean up is way worse than winter shut down! Enjoy the day and all that it brings!

JT said...

Amazing back to back days! Loved it. Got some outside work done and enjoyed the sun.
The kids informed me they were not happy going back to school. Darn you Disney.

unckie said...

All of this nice weather is just showing up what a mess I have to clean up. Not a lot of happy students yesterday as the general feeling, particularly among my seniors, is that this year is DONE. Enjoy the day all.

Betsy said...

So Politics is in full swing at 431 and the announcement of Hillary running of course has prompted our candidate to jump on that bandwagon, as she is clearly stating that yes we need a woman President! Jenna Koch, President of the Common Council! We have our next Italy planning meeting in 2 weeks at my sister's, I better call and remind her. Other than that, business as usual!

JT said...

I love meetings. Can I run it?
25 years at People Inc. I got my cake today today. Hard to believe I started working there when I was 13.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday eve! Been a very long work week, made even harder by a double header being played downtown yesterday. The lure of baseball is pretty powerful, just saying!. Yesterday daughter and I attended the 50th anniversary of the New Tonawanda Library. Very nice affair! Made even nicer by the fact that I remember that Library being built! Nice presentation of the old library, the train station, just a very nice Tonawanda evening! Of course the candidate attended, a very much needed plus in my life, as I attend some COT functions with Jnna, that I normally would not do, and I end up having a wonderful time, and always glad I went. Case in point.
Enjoy the day, oh and on some days, do something you would never do, attend something you would never attend, read something you would never read, well you get the picture. Life is too short!

unk said...

Now that's why I am glad that this blog exists. Two great posts in one day. I only wish that I had something positive to add.All of these milestones. 25 yrs. for nphw jff in the same place. Isn't it amazing how time passes? Betcha never thought on day one that you would be there that long. And 50 years for the library? I remember the wading pool--which I wasn't allowed to go to because of polio--and playing baseball in that area behind the football field. Do something that I wouldn't normally do? Now the pressure is on. what will that be?

Betsy said...

Thats funny that you bring up the wading pool brother, as COT Historian Ned Schimminger, noted the wading pool was build specifically, because 2 little boys drowned in the River, and the COT Common Council voted unanimously to build a wading pool.

JT said...

Of course Ned Schimminger is the historian. There's a Ned Schimminger in every small town.
I think I'm really excited about the weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice and the days are getting longer. The Masters got me excited about golfing this summer.

UNK said...

Ask Uncle gary about swimming in the river. He has great stories. Bisons are home on sat. and sun. at 1:05. Dare I take time from raking?

JT said...

We had date night last night! Lots of fun at the Dinosaur Bar, then we crossed town and ended up at The Irishman in Williamsville where we met some friends out.
Looks to be a beautiful day ahead. The Bisons game seems like the thing to do Unckie.

unk said...

baseball was the plan but the reality was yard work. The OP Holtz clan, minus mama who was working, showed up to help and we got a lot done and had time for a weinie roast for lunch. Lots of fun but monday will be here sooner rather than later. Can't believe that we still have not been to dinosaur. Make the best of the week to come.

JT said...

I hear ya. I worked all day yesterday and my back is barking at me today.
I can't wait til we see our first Bisons game of the year.
Sandra's working right now and I'm doing my best to convince her to pay attention to me.

Betsy said...

UGH to mondays, that is all I am saying! It was definately a lots of yard work weekend! We were going to do the Bison game on Sunday, but one thing led to another and oh well! Cookie and bronx came over she chased the rabbits and squirrels, Bronx not cookie and we ate Chowder from Niagara Hose, and cooked hot dogs as well. Other than that, saturday was our much anticipated watching of the lottery, to make sure we could get Conner McDavid, and what a bust that turned out to be! Not that getting Eichel, if we get him a bust, but the whole prooo-cesss, ( long "O")
an hour of my life I will never get back. dodge the raindrops!

JT said...

Sandra saw a rainbow. That was kinda cool.
Cookie chased squirrels. Uncle Gary would be proud.

It looks like there's about 70 people from the Buffalo, NT area that's making a trek down to Asheville.

Betsy said...

Hump Day, hip hip hooray! so yes there is quite the caravan to Asheville! Unky and Aunty???
wish to join us? Looking forward to the birthday bash weekend!
Should I bring my suit? Daughter would like to do Gettysburg, and nephew is off to stonewall jackson resort! decisions decisions! A good time should be had by all! I hope Unky did not put his snowblower away, sounds like some of the white stuff on its way tomorrow! other than that just plugging along waiting in the weekend!

unkie said...

I missed the memo. Birthday party? Ashville? What's the plan? I love plans. Need something to occupy me today. It's either that or go outside and rake some snow. April in WNY. So who is hosting the Mayweather fight party? Or is everyone going to go to Vegas to watch in person? Stay warm.

Betsy said...

Rick is hosting a 40th birthday party for his lovely wife Stacy, the weekend after Memorial Day, the party is May 30th. Not for nothing brother but I think you are booked for OP parites that weekend. But we are all driving down, and we are picking up Austin along the way, so the Koch Caravan is making a long weekend get away of it!
Did everyone see the Yankees tigers game last night, and the blizzard they played in! Love spring baseball! Was so thrilled I had to clean off my car this morning! As it has been a few snowless weeks! No fight plans as of yet, but that could change! Other than that, our only news is we are having the downstairs painted by a professional painter, oh wow what a difference!
That and the house smells like paint! Stay safe, warm and hydrated!

unk said...

I hear you. Yes, it seems to me that the may 30 time frame will be a busy one in OP, not to say that MSM graduation is on the 31st. I am sure that everyone will have a chance to hoist a few for the honoree. Sounds like a fun trip.

JT said...

It should be. I'm sure it will be.
It's bring your own...

Two words cccccold . Yep, watched the game last night. Of course I had to tell Sandra about my first college game in the snow... Again. She just replies why do you have to top everything? I'm not topping it. I'm telling you facts. Sheesh.

Betsy said...

I can honestly say I am the happiest person on the face of the earth its Friday, YESSSS!
My nephew, the conservation topper, which is such a Holtz trait! Loud and Last, those are holtz conversations! too funny!
So Cousins Chuck and Barb Wilson are celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary on May 7th. Happy Anniversary Cousins!
Maybe all our loyal blog readers out there in TV/blog land could send a card? Please and thank you!
So the painting of 431 continues, should finish up this weekend! very excited for that! This weekend lets see the agenda: Well tonight is the big Diane Sawyer interview with Bruce Jenner on why he now wants to be a woman, show of hands, who is watching??? I gotta tell you, you have way to much money if this
is where you want to go. Probably not politically correct, but the only desires I have our beer, pizza, baseball and Ice Cream. Not necessarilly in that order, and of course my family! And Saturday is the much anticipated 1st Italy destination 2016 meeting. I have been assigned to bring Mimosas's, so not sure how much meeting versus drinking will take place! And then Sunday.
So that is my world in a nutshell.
Trying to finish up a project at work today, thinking of scooting out early??? thoughts?
Enjoy the day family, and hey April is almost over, and then comes May! We are getting closer!

JT said...

We did not watch Bruuuuuce last night. I do not give the Kardashian klan even two seconds of my time.
Friday was quite enjoyable. We had some friends over last night rehearsing for Zach's grad party... Should be fun.
Today, I'm looking forward to getting muddy.

unk said...

Nphw jff getting "muddy"? Hmmm? Wonder what that means? Quiet here in the southtowns. Haven't accomplished much in the last few days. Have had all sorts of people here providing estimates for various repair jobs. Now it becomes a matter of getting them here to do what they said they are going to do. Sounds as if there is an awful lot of planning going on for a variety of things. All of that makes life a bit more exciting. Last week in April coming up. That went fast. Enjoy

JT said...

Happy Birthday Zach! 18 years old today.
We're very proud of him.
A typical April weekend. Worked outside and it felt great.

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Zach, and Happy Birthday Amy! Wow a big birthday weekend! Hope everyone had a great birthday! So as I stated last week, we were having our second trip to Italy meeting, which went very well I might add. My sister cooked a lovely breakfast, and the mamosa's and the muffins were ymmy! We did accomplish two things, we all agreed that Rome was out number one city to see, after that it did not matter, and it is half price to fly out of Toronto!
So Jenna is working with a travel agent, and I am trying to find a way for us to get to Toronto, as there are 6 of us. More to come!
Other than that, not to much accomplished this weekend, Oh I finished my book... Enjoy today and all that it brings your way.
Glad no one was scaling the Himalya's! Very scary!

unkie said...

And a belated big 18 HB to nphw zch. Hope that your day was special and you celebrated with??? a lottery ticket? a tattoo? what else special can one do at 18? As for Toronto, we stayed at the Holiday Inn on Dixon rd. the night before our flight. They had a free shuttle to the airport and free parking on the grounds of the hotel, a saving of $100 in parking fees. A decent hotel too.

JT said...

Excellent information and suggestion Unkie.
I can't believe I didn't get him a lottery ticket. I can believe I didn't get him a tattoo. Yankees are on... Gotta go.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday! And the sun is out.
So the painting continues at 431, down to the last 2 rooms, my only complaint is all the fresh paint makes everything else look pretty shabby! I am a sherwin williams believer, our painter was adament only buy sherwin williams, so we did, and very happy! Who knew the better paint gives you a better paint job! Other than that, not to much else happening, waiting for the weather to turn to sunny and warm days, so I can gripe I am at work! So very sad about Baltimore! Another reason to not watch the news! Have a wonderful day family! I closed mine and my mom's checking account yesterday, as I was being charged a maintainance fee. I slipped the envelope of cash in her purse, not for nothing, I got her 5's and singles as that is what she always asked for, and her purse will ALWAYS have money in it. Still shake my head daily when its 11AM and I dont call her and ask her what time she is eating her chicken soup! But life goes on! Peace!

JT said...

Yeah!!! I'm home. Oh, it wasn't a race.

unk said...

Son is home and resting with one less internal organ (gall bladder) than he started the day with. You can understand now why mountain climbing did not make my bucket list. Good decision on my part. No trips to Baltimore in my immediate plans although it does look like the first official lawn mowing of the year is in the very near future. Bisons at 1 tomorrow looks like a possibility. Prom weekend at the Mount saves me a drive in on friday. Glad to hear my sister is using SWP (I always called it SWP when I recommended it to my paint customers years ago). Never had a complaint about the paint. The workmanship? That was another issue. That's all I have. Gonna go sit in the sun for a bit.

Betsy said...

SWP, I am a believer!! show of hands so say all! 1PM game tomorrow is on for the Koch's as it is the 39th anniversary for what seemed like a good idea at the time ( what my mom always said)of our wedding! So break out the brown and yellow tuxes and the floppy hats it is 1976!
Get well soon Adam! You have had way to much anesthesia in 2015!
Grass cutting is looming for all and that beats shoveling any day!
Just an FYI for those keeping tract, the Rendesvous to Rome has been pushed back to June 2016. Film at 11

unkie said...

Ah yes, AB and UG, still newlyweds at heart after all of these years., Seems like only yesterday. Had to laugh watching yesterday's Baltimore game in an empty stadium. No reason to watch the draft tonite; I'll just look at a picture of Sammy Watkins. Sure that nphw jff has already checked out the season of concerts at Harborfront and has his schedule prepared. I looked but didn't see Glenn Miller. What's with that? Enjoy.

JT said...

Happy Anniversary! How awesome.
And... To spend it at a ball game on a beautiful day. Nice.
Yep. I have a summer of concerts to go to. Some really good ones.
Sandra and went to Ballyhoo and the Public House last night. I recommend both.

JT said...

Smeltfest tonight! Uncle Chucks Prom (I'm sure he have fun). What else is going on?

Jenna Koch said...


JT said...

I'm helping someone build a log cabin! How cool is that?
Gorgeous, sunny afternoon. Zach is working. Emma's playing. I need a nap

unk said...

nc jnn with the shortest, most mysterious comment ever. nphw jff playing Abe lincoln? How to compare with that? Had the winning exacta in the Derby yesterday and made almost enough to break even. Didn't rent the fight so I saved 99 bucks. Financially a good weekend so far. Saw Oliver catch his first td pass of the season yesterday in flag football. Underwhelmed by the Bills draft. Hope that the robot test this morning doesn't involve picking out cakes from the lineup. Not very good at that. The OP Holtz kids are here while mom works and dad convalesces. Enjoy what looks to be a nice day.

Betsy said...

Heard from my sister that there will be a Fathers Day soiree, with a raising of our glass's to the Chas n Nancy. Probably more to come??? How wonderful Spring in WNY is! I think we appreciate sunny days more than Minnesotians! Enjoy this sun!
Toured the Junior League House of Buffalo yesterday with the J&J. It was a little fixer upper on Lincold Parkway with a view of Hoyt lake, the Musuem, etc. It can be had 1.25 Million, if anyone is so inclined. Congrats Mr O! May that catch be the first of many! So much going on, Saturday! Baseball, the draft, the fight, the derby, the birth of a princess! What to choose and what to follow! Enjoy what appears to be the beginning of Summer! Enjoy!

JT said...

A TD catch ? That's awesome. It won't be his last... Oliver is on the fast track to greatness.
The princess had a baby? Watch channel was that on?
What a fun weekend . Sun, friends and food.

unk said...

And to continue the good news in sports, Mr. Jefferson was named last nite to the all star team for his league which will certainly make for a busy and exciting summer for him and the Hotlanta clan. Not much going on here except the daily visits from our drywall guy preparing to paint. Has the painting concluded at 431? Last 3 weeks of classes for the seniors at MSM. Meeting friends for a "cinco celebration" tonite. The beer part is fine but we will probably steer clear of the appropriate food. Enjoy the day.

JT said...

I don't think I took advantage of Cinco de Mayo.
I don't want to wish my daze away but I'm looking forward to the weekend.

unkie said...

If all of the complaints that I heard from the girls today were accurate, it would seem that today was nphw zchs last day of classes? Correct? Other than that, it was a quiet day. 80 degree weather on the way? What happened to winter?

Betsy said...

So here we are at Mothers day weekend already! WoW! time sure flies when shoveling turns to gardening, when shoveling turns to grass cutting, well you get the picture! Wishing all the Moms out there a day to remember! Me, not sure what I will do or what my family has planned for me? Family? Daughter Jnna of course has the endorsement of the Democrats for Office of Common Council President, and tonight she seeks the Conservative endorsement. So lots of politicing going on in the COT. Yes to brother's question about the painting being finished, but I have to tell you not a fan of the lingering odor of the SW paint. Been many hours of trying to air out the house! I was kind of surprised with the news out of Patriots camp that Tomasina Brady did know and acknowledge the under inflated balls? Curious?
Oh and the soon to be convicted criminal Republican Majority leader of the legislature was voted in to keep his job? Good to know what always has been suspected that Albany is the corruption capitol of the world!
and yes I said world.
Happy Mothers Day, in heaven, Anastasia! Will raise a glass for you! Celebrate this day and every day! Early birthday with to our K!

unk said...

Gonna be a tough mother's day this year. Hope that all of the mothers enjoy their day. Spent way too much time this morning watching all of the speculation regarding TB and all of the hope for a 2 game suspension. Doubting it. Beautiful day today. Unfortunately the good one tomorrow will be interrupted by work. Make the best of a beautiful friday. Congrats to nc jnn. Keep piling up those endorsements.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday, wooo hooo!
Another tough work week under my belt!. The everetts are off to Pittsburgh tonight for a pirates game, which means we are Bronx sitting! which is always fun! and a low key mothers day is planned. Other than that just enjoying the sun and warm days and evenings! it sure took a long time coming!
Enjoy this weekend, because Monday comes way to soon!

JT said...

Yep. Zach is done with classes and finished one exam. He has exam to go and his St. joes career is over. He's actually getting a little nostalgic.
Can you believe this weather.
Happy Mothers Day!

UNK said...

Happy, happy birthday to my favorite daughter. Enjoy your day sweetie. The drywall and painting is complete. In the process of putting the house back together now. Let the celebration of MOM's day begin. Enjoy it ladies, you worked hard for it.

JT said...

Happy Belated Birthday KDH! I hope you enjoyed your day.
We had a nice Mothers Day here today. I grilled up burgers and sausage and kielbasa for everyone and besides a halftime show that brought a little rain we enjoyed the day.
Zach said he had a good time at Niagara Catholics Prom and he said it was nice to see his old friends.

Jnna said...

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there. It certainly was not the same this year. But we raised a glass to our Anastasia.
Last week we received the conservative endorsement. So we are now officially the democrat and conservative endorsed candidate. Seems to be an oxymoron to me, but, we shall take what we can get. The working families party wanted nothing to do with me. I don't anticipate receiving their endorsement. So last night the mayor and I attended a function for the fire department. When we were both introduced you could hear a pin drop. Not one clap, wave, nothing. Kind of awkward. But, I guess that's what happens when you are in a room full of people who would rather see you choke on your food. Needless to say, we won't receive their endorsement.
I officially find out this week who my opponent will be. Our neighbor was put in an assisted living facility and our block hasn't felt the same. So sad!
Austin turns 20 this week, holy cow! Time flies!
Can't wait to hear about Zach's prom!
Here's to hoping the week goes smooth.

Betsy said...

Hope everyone had a nice Mothers day, what beautiful weather! We had a take out dinner for dinner yesterday, which was very nice! and our party started after the rain, so that was even better! Just want to give everyone a heads up that tomorrow a major announcement will be made! I know I know me too!!!!
guess the best Bison Players were called up! Enjoy Monday!

unk said...

A major announcement tomorrow? more major than Commander Tom being suspended for 4 games? A quiet day yesterday for the most part. The OP holtzes were here in the morning for breakfast, went to see Betty in the afternoon and made it to Wallenwein's deck in time for the rain, it was covered, then some wings and music. All in all, the honoree seemed happy with her day. Last review class today with the girls taking the AP Government exam tomorrow. They're nervous and I am nervous for them. Gotta get some mowing done tomorrow. Hope that the weather holds but I am doubting it. Good to see an update from nc jnn. Austin 20??? Give me a break!! Where is time going?

JT said...

I'm sick. I hate being sick.
Zach graduates on Thursday and he had his Baccalaureate service last night.