Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Change Is Coming.....

The Everett household will look a little different starting November 2015. We are expecting twins! Stay tuned for the gender reveal coming in June...


a very happy nana said said...

We are beyond excited and so incredibly blessed! MORE TO COME !

#1 aunt said...

Yeah! I love them both already! I can't wait to meet them. #longestsecretofmylife

Antie P said...

Wow! Kristen called to tell me. She is wild with excitement and so are Unkie and I. Congratulations and Love!!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is what I call NEWS!! Couldn't be happier for the Everetts, and twins to top it off. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Is Bronx OK with it?

A soon to be new nana said...

Thanks everyone, for the loving salutations, and prayers! How much fun will new babies be for all of our Holiday celebrations!
UC & AP you will have to give us all the pointers of twin watching!
Or maybe I just need to go to Hotlanta and be re inserviced!
Looks like our summer is back! Or trying to come back!
Enjoy the day, and all that it brings, and please know that it will take two hearts to replace the one we lost!
Don't forget to log into " go fund me 1 million dollars new England pats" to help those poor beleaguered souls get over this injustice! Give generously and give often!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday, yea!
Congratulations Zach on graduating from St Joe's! Quite an accomplishment! Pat yourself on the back!
congratulations Sandra! did not see you on TV, but heard you were fabulous!
I just had to verify I am not a robot by choosing all soup pictures?
Tomorrow is our second Italia extravaganza meeting! Previous minutes will be read promptly at 1
Other than that, just waiting for the weekend!

unkie said...

Yes, it is the weekend. Off to Hotlanta on sunday for a little practice babysitting twins (the slightly older version) and will provide a briefing on return. I will be back on tues. since I have one more class day on wed. with the seniors, but auntie will remain on duty until friday. I am turning my full attention to deflating myself prior to my next MD appt. We will see how that turns out. Are they still playing hockey? Anyone purchasing the Rosetta stone program for learning Italian? Would be helpful I am sure. Let's us all endeavor to enjoy our weekend. We have earned it.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday! some questions while contemplating how to spend this holiday weekend?
Is everyone on board to catch the last letterman show?
Will the Sabres land the big fish in the coaching derby?
Todays verification, was bread?
Enjoy the week all!

Betsy said...

Really, the maple leafs! UGH, another deal we could not get done!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday! so close to a 3 day weekend!! Just hanging in there! Cute thread yesterday on FB with K touring Makers Mark distillery! Love the family comments, I am going out on a limb and saying we are funny people! Very funny, so who ever gave blessed us with the ability to laugh, laugh at ourselves, and make others laugh, THANK YOU! It has served us well!
What is with the verification being selecting certain pictures, I just had to verify all food???
So Jenna hosted one of her Council on the Corner meeting, and her opponent was there, so I guess its on! 431 will be in campaign mode sooner than later!
This little blast of winter is a little disconcerting, so hopefully it warms up a little! Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Sndra said...

Woo Hoo!

JT said...

Woo Hoo 2!!!

unkie said...

So my trip back from Hotlanta resulted in my missing my connection in BWI tuesday nite and spending the nite in the airport, something that everyone should have the "pleasure" of doing one time, but one time only. Hint: always have a jacket with you when you travel, even if you are going to 90 degree places because if you do spend an overnight in an airconditioned airport, you will freeze your @^$% off. So it was a 6 am flight back to Buffalo and right to school where I was the only one in shorts and a t-shirt with a 3 day growth. That's my story. Yesterday the tree guys came and now the back yard is cleared. No more postponing the cleanup. Auntie is scheduled to return tomorrow evening. The OP Holtz clan is heading to Toronto and I have "Lucy duty"; I am guessing that everyone else is on the way to Ashville? And I can't even guess what I am going to have to identify to post this. Enjoy the long weekend.

Betsy said...

Isnt that why they have gift shops in airports so you can buy a 50$ sweatshirt? The Asheville bus leaves next week Thursday.
What does Lucy duty involve?
How did you miss your connection?
Security issues? Or libation issues? Just curious.
Took cookie to lunch today she is feeling better, and very much enjoyed the Larkinville atmosphere, but it is a little chilly out there! To all, enjoy this holiday weekend as best you can! I just had to verify all burger images! Yum!

JT said...

Omg Unkie! That's classic. Sandra was at BWI but not on Tuesday. Sorry. She would've given you her Shull.
Thank goodness for the weekend.

unk said...

Had we not spent 20 minutes waiting for a single passenger, for an already delayed flight, we might have made the connection. There were actually about 20 people who missed connections to various places who shared each other's company. And, by the way, there is NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING open in the airport after 11 pm. You can't get a soft drink or a candy bar because there are no machines. I had to walk from concourse B to A to find a bathroom open. On top of that a piercing alarm was going off about every 45 minutes for reasons known only to God and some random administrator. So I got a "sorry" and a $200 voucher and spent the night chanting to myself "you're making $25 an hour in airfare for sitting here shivering". You would think that senior citizens would get better care. Lucy treatment is minimal, a short walk and then picking up after her. Auntie moved her flight ahead and will be home at noonish today, barring some complication with her. It had better warm up a bit for our holiday weekend. Yesterday was downright chilly. Find a way to enjoy the weekend. Glad to hear that nc jll is feeling better. Take care of that little mama to be.

JT said...

We had a nice date night on a Friday at Anchor Bar and then Resurgence Brewery to add a new beer to my Beer App.
I'm Not sure what tonight holds but I just finished staining my stairs, followed by priming the molding. So a few more chores to do before the fun starts.
The sun is out and I'm smiling.

Anonymous said...

Auntie is back in town, has looked over the yard, has prepared a job jar of enormous proportions and is ready to work me like a rented mule. Woe is me! I hope that everyone else gets to enjoy their weekend.

JT said...

I missed Auntie... I'm glad she's back.
What a gorgeous day... We're off to Shores.

UNK said...

Had a chance to get a round of golf in today and the rain stayed away. All in all a good weekend. Enjoy the remainder of the week.

Anonymous said...

Boy I sure do love my grow a hose! What a great pirate gift that was!

Betsy said...

Happy Wed! Work weeks are so much more enjoyable when you have Monday off, so say all? Getting ready for our Asheville adventure, we should arrive some time Friday, not really sure? But my sister did inform me that she will have her cell phone, which is good to know as we all need a safety net! Was hoping it would rain this morning, no drops but it sure is threatening!
Big Birthday weekend at the OP Holtz's as well! HBD, Audrey and Oliver!
Hope Adam is feeling better! Other than that, not to much else to report.
Quick question, who is on the news more Rex Ryan or Carl Paladino?
to all travel safe!

unckie said...

We are certainly looking forward to all of the birthday celebrations. Seems as if it officially begins tomorrow with Oliver's concert in the afternoon followed by Audrey's birthday festivities. Concludes on sat. with Oliver's birthday. Travel safely all of the adventurers heading south.

JT said...

Happy Birthday OP Holtzs!!! Did Oliver ask for a pony?
We just bought our snacks and we have plenty of beer, I mean plenty, for our trip south. Sandra and I are looking forward to our mini-vacation. BBQ, beers and festivities.

JT said...

Whoa! Talk about no activity.
Well, we're back in Buffalo and had a wonderful time down in Asheville and then Stonewall Jackson Resort.
Now it's time to get back to work.

unkie said...

Has been really quiet. Glad to hear that good times were had by all. Oliver didn't get a pony but seemed happy with a bike. Same general idea with nothing to clean up after. Celebrated birthdays on Sat. in warm weather, a very wet graduation for the MSM girls on sunday, and then heat on yesterday. Today? We will see.

Betsy said...

Ok verifying these food items is getting harder and harder! Back to work, UGH!
Had so much fun in Asheville, am trying to convince my campaigning daughter to do a blog, I will nag, and see how that goes over! Had a wonderful time, and Asheville is so pretty, hard not to have fun! Now I know I came to the party late with our Gettysburg trip, but that was even more fun! Especially since cookie hooked us up with 5 star hotel for 99$!!! Had to rely on the kindness of strangers to find Grampa's brick, as people took pity on us crawling around in 90 degree heat trying to find Charles F. Holtz Sr., but he was found! Great dinner in the Lincoln Diner, cold beer in the Blue and Gray, ghost tours, audio tours, ice cream parlor tours, just a lot of fun! And then a ride home in a blinding rain storm and when it wasn't raining, it was pea soup fog! Oh well got home safe and sound, and now the campaign begins!

Jt said...

Glad to guys had fun and glad you're home safe. We had perfect driving conditions... Sorry.
One more day of work and then I'm off on Friday to golf. Wahoo!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday! Off to the Health Information convention starting on Sunday. We are headed off to Syracuse, with all the wild and crazy health information people! whoo hoo! Other than that we are rolling along! We are working hard and in campaign mode at 431, which means nothing much really. Just knocking on doors asking for signatures, etc. Glad Jeff and Sandra had a good ride home! How was Stonewall Jackson Park, as we are still looking for a site for destination Holtzapalooza 2016. Have a great day all!

unkie said...

According to this morning's buffalo news, there is a stop sign crisis in COT?? What are we going to do about that? nphw jff is off to play golf? sis b is off to the Salt City? Everyone is doing something except me. Poor me. Quiet in the southtowns. The only thing going is musicfest this sat. Have fun all.

JT said...

the big EA Music Festival! Who knew.
Golf was okay, not great. I had fun but just wished I played better. I guess you have to play more than twice a year to do that.
Wrapping up the weekend just sitting in the backyard enjoying the day.
Take care family. Enjoy.

Betsy said...

Back to work, back to reality! I think that is a song! Very rainy few days in Cuse, but glad to be back home and my routine! Good conference, lots of information! And next year its in Long Island, trying to think of a presentation I can do so I can go for free! Other than that, not much else going on! Campaign mode, on going.. Looking forward to the picnic on Saturday, I think?? It will be wonderful to eat together, not sure I am looking forward to the reason as to why we are getting together though, still a sad thought in my head anyway. Other than that, so grateful AP was not hurt. Any and all things can be replaced, especially cars! will catch up with on Saturday! Who is in charge of games???

JT said...

Very glad AP is okay.
Sorry we're going to miss the picnic. Zach and I will be in Cooperstown and Emma's babysitting and Sandra's hosting her sisters visit, what a busy day. Sorry. Have fun.

unkie said...

I am sure that Mom and Dad, watching from afar, enjoyed yesterday's get together just as much as I did. Sorry that we did not have our full roster, but everyone has busy lives, and it sounds as if they were all fun things. Uncle Gare was enthusiastic over the upcoming baseball trip to see the Lake Erie Captains but was unsure of stop number two. I suggested Mahoning valley scrappers, but he was holding out for "frogs"? I am at a loss on that one. Akron? Where are we heading JT? Thanks to all for their contributions yesterday and I am exceptionally happy with my new "104 Wardrobe". if anyone asks, I will simply respond that it was a prize, a major prize. Enjoy your sunday all.

JT said...

We're off to see the Akron Rubber Duckies on Monday and Tuesday we're seeing the Lake County Captains, we're staying at West Branch State Park.
I'm sorry we were not able to be at yesterday's picnic. I hope everyone had a great time.

JT said...

Oops. Reverse those baseball dates... The weather looks pretty wet for tonight and tomorrow, so fingers crossed. Thank goodness I always have a backup plan. On a sad note, I can't find my favorite baseball cap... My 1977 Yankee hat. It's somewhere here, I just can't find it. Ugh.
We'll be home on Wednesday.

Betsy said...

UGH to Monday and Fog! It is getting harder and harder to identify images to insure we are not robots! Saturday Re cap, such a nice picnic, the food was stupendous! It tasted like a 5 star restaurant meal! And I thought I got excited about hot dogs, seriously nothing holds a candle to Ben's excitement! So much fun to watch Adam and Amy's kids! Thouroughly entertaining!
Many thanks to our hosts! it was such an enjoyable day!
I concur with my brother, somewhere beyond the stars, 2 people had such a big smile on their face! I would always ask Dad, when he was not talking to his sister, how he would feel if we as kids did not speak to each other, he told me it would break his heart. May that never come to pass.
Travel safe Rice's
Next event, Zak's graduation party

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday, ugh to this rain! Maybe my brother can keep a rain log, much like his snow log! Met my sister for dinner last night, kind of a spur of the moment dinner, most enjoyable! We both agreed that Saturday was so much fun! We also discussed the first Holtz Family Christmas Party not to be held on Christmas.
As it is my turn to host, more information to come. But for the first time since I can ever recall we will pick a day that is more foregiving to such hectic holiday schedules, so we can all be together! Part of my promise to Mom was that as a family I would insure, all Holidays be celebrated together! Hence we started with Flag Day! Our Holtz Christmas will be the day we are together, does not have to be December 25th. More to come on this. Enjoy today and all that it brings

JT said...

We're back! I had a great time and Akron's Canal Park was a really, really nice stadium. We didn't get to see the Lake County Captains game. Just way to much rain to make the long trip there. A huge storm rolled in Monday just about the time we had to leave. Thunderstorms all Monday night through the morning... Great for sleeping though.

JT said...

Gooooood morning! What a gorgeous day so far. I enjoyed my coffee outside and then had to make 70 lbs. of pancakes for Emma's slumber party.
What does tomorrow bring? Grillin', that's what it brings. Happy Fathers Day!