Thursday, June 18, 2015

Gender Reveal...

If you haven't heard the news already, then let me be the first to tell you that the twins' genders have been revealed: Baby A is a boy and Baby B is a girl! George is already worried about splitting his time between the baseball and softball games.


Betsy said...

So very excited for the addition to our family! Will keep everyone posted on how our soon to be Momma is feeling and of course our soon to be Dad!
Happy Fathers Day to all our Dads!

unkie said...

What a nice way to start off my Friday. Congrats once again. I am looking forward to attending the dads and grandads tea today at Audrey's school. Should be an event to be remembered. Hoping that the first day of summer on sunday is a good one. Enjoy the weekend all.

Jnna said...

Yeah! Such wonderful news! I am over the moon excited and can't wait to meet the newest members of our family. Rest assured there will not be a shortage of love for our Twinies! Happy Father's Day to all our dads. Hope you all have a great day!
Wednesday is our first fundraiser. Party starts at 6:30. So grab your painting brush and come on down!

unk said...

One more year of teaching wrapped up yesterday. Nothing to do?? for the next 11 weeks. Pretty quiet on the blog front. Getting ready to head off to michigan tomorrow for a few days of baseball and sightseeing. Enjoy your day.

Betsy said...

Enjoy your birthday trip brother! Things have been kind of busy at 431. Between planning a baby shower and a campaign, seems like there is very little free time!
good thing I can steal time at work! No convict sightings in the COT! Attended the Hoodmaker Grad party on Saturday, and I gotta tell you it was a great party!
And the graduate said you are an exceptional teacher! Kudos to you! Saw a blurb on FB that things are a changing at KDHRC!! So that is exciting! Other than that, just plugging along! Have a great day!

Sndra said...


JT said...

Awesome 2!!! Or Awesome Squared!
What great news! Keep it coming.

betsy said...

Happy Thursday! So last night was a fundraiser for the candidate, and I gotta tell you I was a little nervous! It was something new to do, a little bit of uncharted waters, so I was just hoping for a few people to at least show up! Well I was very surprised, we had quite a few people, and we did have a lot of fun! The painting teachers were great, food and wine even better! Just a lot of fun, and a big thank you to all! Is'nt our family just the best!! I am sure there are some good ones out there, but our family, no one else out there like it! Other than that, waiting for the weekend, aren't we all.
I hear we have a new driver on the road! Congrats Zach!
Get through the day as best you can!

JT said...

The rain that leads to a cold and yucky weekend has just begun. Thank goodness last night was beautiful. We had our last band practice last night before Zach's Graduation Party. We've got the setlist in order and I'll boast a bit... We sounded pretty darn good. It helps that we have 2 singers with beautiful/ fun voices. July 17th will be here before we know it.

Today, we'll find something to do (in the rain) before our rash of graduation parties this upcoming month; tonight starts it off with a bang.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, and wishing my big brother and my mother's absolute favorite child a most happy birthday! Raising a cold one to you! Hope your day is filled with the best things in life!
UGH to such a cold gray rainy weekend, and all the graduation parties that were soaked!
We are in full planning mode for our Twin Shower and of course the campaign!
Have a great week family! Hard to believe its July!

JT said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Chuck! We love you. I hope you enjoyed your day.
Unknowingly, I had a cold one today (in your honor).

unkie said...

And you know, I had a few in my own honor, or lack thereof, honor that is, and thank you for the kind wishes. Glad to hear that the fundraiser went well. Back in WNY and I have to say that we lucked out weatherwise in western michigan this past weekend/week. Certainly not warm, but for the most part dry. baseball in midland, mi, grand rapids, mi, lansing, mi, south bend, in where I spent my birthday night at "bellybuster" monday with the south bend cubs (for 8 bucks you got all the hot dogs, hamburgs, peanuts and popcorn you wanted); not sure how that can be a money maker for them, but we finished up at the fort wayne tincaps yesterday. Auntie is indeed a saint, but she was more than happy with the sidetrip to Frankenmuth, michigan a place that everyone should be required to visit once in their life. Looks like I will have to call in an International Harvester machine to do my lawn. Actually I couldn't mow if I wanted with the standing water in the backyard. Hoping that the weekend is better as we continue "the summer of Chuck" part 2

JT said...

Sounds like a fun trip. I'm glad you had fun.
I'm back in WNY too now. Had a fun trip in the ADK; hiking and fishing.
Now I have to work two days before I head out again.

unk said...

Sounds like the "summers of Jff" that we have come to know and love. Way to go nphw! A relatively quiet 4th here. The OP holtzes were here for a cookout on Sat. but other than that, not much going on..Here is hoping for a good week for all.

Betsy said...

Hope everyone had a great 4th! Missed a phone call from my sister, I will need to try and catch up to her today! Nephew Rick and his lovely wife are coming up for visit next week, so lots of fun stuff planned! we were trying to do trivia night at Founding Father's brother, hoping you would be our ringer! Not sure if that watering hole made the final cut! Quiet 4th on Adam St. Lots of complaints from daughters constituents regarding the quality of the COT fireworks apparently there was a lot of stopping and starting? They looked and sounded the same to me?? And the Buffalo Philharmonic scheduled a concert in the band shell for Sunday, and the original start time was 7PM, but they changed it at the last minute, and the new start time was 6PM. So lots of people showed up at 7 for the end of the concert, and were not to happy! But it was a great concert!
Highly recommend checking out a freebie this summer!
Enjoy July!

JT said...

Goooood morning! It's beautiful right now , how's the rest of the day supposed to be? Rain?
Well, the lawn is mowed and I'm kind of packed for our next adventure. I just have a few things to add and make sure the kids have everything. So we're off Wednesday afternoon until Sunday. I think Sandra enjoys this time more than we do.

Betsy said...

I think days returning to work after time off are the worst! So say all?
Travel safe nephew and family for your vacation! Hope the weather holds! Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th! Other than the usual mundane day to day, nothing new to report. Still searching for riveting shower games for the momma to be's shower! And still on the campaign trail. There seems to be some issue with working families, not sure what it is, but it has been discussed. If more info is needed ask George! Other than that, nothing new, same old same old
Sounds like we all need to cash in our Drackma's! I think that is the Greek dollar? Hey, attend a Bernie Sanders Rally being held in a city near you!

unk said...

Drove to Canandaigua yesterday to visit our friends the Marlins at their place on the lake. Had a nice day with a boat ride at sunset, but the late arrival home last nite will probably have me staggering around for today. Nothing else planned for the weekend. I know that nphw jff is going to be busy. What about Tonawanda? 17,000 for a hockey scrimmage?Taste of Buffalo? No. Stones Concert? Me neither. Enjoy

JT said...

A lot going on this week, brother Rick and Stacy are in town, so we'll entertain a little. Then Zach's party on Friday, that'll be fun. Make sure you bring your "I'm going to have fun" hat.
Which brings Sunday, off to the ADK for hiking and relaxing. Hopefully the weather will be nice.

unckie said...

Yes, indeed, a busy week ahead. Looking forward to it all. Just have to get thru a day at a time. The good news is that the good guys from our town showed up this morning to take care of the mountain of brush that was out in front. Now I can mow all of the tall grass that grew up in and around it. Always the silver lining. Stay cool.

JT said...

Hot one yesterday! I'm really not a fan. I like it a wee bit cooler. Is that the first time "wee bit" has been used?
Well, my lawn mower conked out on me. I had to take it in to Hectors but I'm thinking I'm buying a cheapie at Lowes or Home Depot. I may have to use a sickle before the party on Friday.

JT said...

Duffs was a huuuuge success! 10 wings, hot. Mmmmmm... And Zachary got 10 BBQ. Happy daze.

unk said...

I knew that Duffs would go well. Sorry that we missed it. Babysitting duties called but I got my putter all shined up for thursday.

Betsy said...

Procrastinating at work, and just thought about touching base on the blog. Last time I posted was a week ago, what is up with that??? Just ran pulled bbq pork to the Pilaf's for said shindig tomorrow. Have we ever used shindig on the blog?
Looking forward to that soiree! Duffs was very fun, got my usual " mild" and always upon ordering that you do suffer the stares of humiliation at not being an adventuresome soul and ordering "hot"! But I remain strong and do not buckle to peer pressure! Heading out to WoodCock tonight, always enjoyable!
Other than that, the campaign is coming along, cookie and Gary leave for Vancouver next week. We all remember Summi? She was in Jill's wedding. Well she is getting married next week. so we will be Bronx sitting, and enjoying summer days! Everyone have a great day!

JT said...

What a gorgeous day for golf today. I had a blast and actually played pretty decent.
Big day Friday! Huuuuge party I hear.

unk said...

Golf yesterday was great. The septagenarians (uncle gary and myself) had just enuf "gimmicks" as nphw rck was quoted as saying, to eke out a narrow 2 beer victory over the young guys in a titanic battle. Looking forward to rehashing all of the high points this evening at the big bash.

unkie said...

Who knows where that came from. 3 o'clock fine, 4 o'clock, not fine. Sorry to have missed what was, I am sure, a great time. Rest of the weekend was, lets just say, uneventful. Hope that everyone has a great week. Two-thirds of the holtz/twombley experience arrives on friday for what should be a great time. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy Monday! Good to hear that golf was good, were the conditions at all like what is showing up at St Andrew's? Just curious? I get a kick out of the announcers as the one guy said, the temperature is listed as 55,but I am pretty sure they are not factoring in the wind, which makes it in the 40's! Now who would not factor in the wind? Had a most enjoyable evening celebrating Zach's graduation! Food, drink, music and company were perfect, and the weather stayed away for the most part! I am pretty sure a great time was had by all!
Also had a great week with our Asheville visitors! Lots of fun, and beer!
After a whirlwind week like that you kind of wonder what the next week will bring?
Well cookie and gary are off to Vancouver, and we are Bronx sitting! And of course the Canalfest, and I have my St Francis Grammar School Reunion on Saturday, so lots going on again this week and of course this weekend is the buffalo Garden Walk, with my sister, if she is feeling up to it. Other than that just a week of work, and then a weekend of fun! Enjoy
How fun, the girls are coming in!!! Sounds like a busy busy weekend for the EA team as well! Enjoy, and hey don't eat to much carnival food!

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Last night was the classic car show at CanalFest, and Woodcock brewery took over dwyers, so we went down looked at some amazing cars, and had an IPA! Lots of fun. I always vascilate if I won a lot of money would I buy a classic car, or a Ferrari??? What would you do?
Other than that looking forward to the Garden Walk with my sister, my Class Reunion from St Francis, and what ever else comes my way this weekend! Driving the Everetts to the airport today.
A special shout out to my number one Son In Law, who's birthday was yesterday! Hope he had a great day!
Other than that, not to much else going on...

Anonymous said...

Great trip for the Everetts to what is supposed to be a great city. Hopefully some day....and a belated HB to Good Gary. Quiet out this way and just awaiting the arrival of "the girls". Classic or Ferrari? Great question. If I had my choice of any? Not sure how I would answer that. Always thought that I wanted a classic Corvette but I found out that I don't fit real well. I think I would want my 66 Mustang back. One of the first of many not so great decisions was to get rid of the car because it needed new tires. Oh well. Enjoy the lingering days of canalfest.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday! Wow it took a long time to get here! So I was told to arrive promptly at 4:30 to drive said daughter and husband to airport. However I had to give Good Gary his birthday gifts so I arrived at 10 minutes to 4, show of hands was that wrong? Of course there was not so much even a car on the road, and we arrived in record time! Somedays you can not win for losing!
Hope your girls get into town safe and sound! And you enjoy your time with them
Enjoy this day, and all that it brings your way!
How many more days til training camp???

JT said...

Good morning! What a great week in the ADK! We even made reservations for next year already. I don't want to wish my daze away but I'm looking forward to that. The weather was typical ADK, cloudy with a smidge of sun and some rain storms sprinkled in.
A wonderful weekend up ahead and then back to work. I don't have any more time planned off. What a July!

unkie said...

An all too fast weekend with our girls highlighted by 2 afternoons spent at Green Lake in OP. Oliver and Caroline both passed their swim tests which allowed them to go on the bouncy obstacle course out in the lake which was a blast for them. The little kids did a lot of sand castle building with runs back and forth to the water and the splash pad. Cookouts 3 nites in a row. Just a great time. Today is the "chowder cup" golf tourney at EACC which always does a number on me. I am going to need to rest up from all of this relaxation. Have a great week all. Hope that all is going well out in B.C.

Betsy said...

UGH to Monday, that's all I have to say! What a fabulous weekend! Saturday my sister and I did the Garden Walk, always have a lot of fun, we start our day with breakfast at Pano's look at our map, figure out where we are going to go, and then waste about an hour trying to get there! Beautiful day, beautiful gardens, lots of fun! Then at night, I had my grade school reunion, not a lot of people showed, but it was a lot of fun, none the less! Then Sunday we met our GA. girls for breakfast, so much fun! Charlotte, ate a whole pancake! And Miss Elizabeth was content watching Frozen Video's! Note to all, maple syrup comes off your I Phone pretty easily! Sunday afternoon, we had some politcal stuff to do, and now its back to work!
Heard the weather in BC has been a little cool and rainy, but they are having a great time!
On to the work week!

unk said...

So yesterday was the Chowder Cup, a big fundraiser for the local Boys and Girls club. It's always a very nice event but yesterday it was a bit "warm". Anyhow, I made it through, got home, I think that I fell asleep in the shower and today I am moving very slowly. I don't seem to bounce back like i used to. I do feel better knowing that nphw jff is back to work accomplishing all sorts of good things. I think that I will spend today sitting in front of the fan wishing that I had AC. Stay cool. I think that this week will probably be our summer.

JT said...

You fell asleep in the shower? Yikes.
Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend.
I'm back to work with nothing planned for the rest of the summer. That's kind of depressing. I'm sure I'll find something to do.

Betsy said...

Chowder on a 90 degree day, I am not even sure if I could handle that!
Hope everyone saw my FB picture of the Everett's and Mel Stotlemeyer! And the size of the can of beer my son in law was drinking! Lots of summer left for my nephew not to have anything planned, what is up with that???
Same old same old at 431, the campaign is moving forward, and of course planning the X2 Shower! Training camp is starting in two days! and tom brady destroys his cell phone every 3 months, now don't we all!
Stay cool today, its a scorcher!

Betsy said...

On a side note, when I am stationed at 255 Great Arrow, I use my lunch hour to shop. Its either Target, Home Depot or Bon Ton. So today I went to Bon Ton, and just in the nick of time to prevent my sister from buying some pretty not so pretty sandals!
That's correct saw mr and mrs fixxitt shopping at bonton. I have to give props to my B-I-L. But he is willing to paw through the biggest mishmash of shoe boxes to find the right slipper for his Cinderella!, Mr Fixxitt, is truly a prince charming!

unk said...

once again UG makes me look bad. The missus and I shopping in Bonton together? Let's just say that it has been a while. Today is the day that the OP holtzes become the west falls holtzes. Busy day here with the kids and lucy whle the move takes place. Film at 7. No more vacay for nphw jff? I will believe that when labor day rolls around and there are no more big stories. Enjoy the day all.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday Eve! Is it my imagination, or does beer taste way better in this super heat wave???
Good Luck on the move, so sorry we could not help last night, but we had airport and dog duty!
Keep us posted!
Enjoy the almost last day of July!

JT said...

This morning, it's finally enjoyable and I don't feel like I'm cooking. Thank goodness for a slight reprieve on the heat.
Zach and I went down to Canalside last night to see Iron and Wine (who I enjoy), unfortunately Canalside is a place to be for the youngins to party and not listen to good music.
Tonight we have dinner guests and I'm going crazy with the grilling... I can't wait. Clams, wings, corn... Mmmmm...

unkie said...

Well the holtzes are "in" with obviously still some moving around inside to take care of. To make one correction, they are more in Jewittville than west falls, since they are one street down from the welcome to jewittville sign. Tomorrow early in the AM I will be embarking on my marathon of ball parks and historical sites. I will be going it alone since auntie has mothersitting duties with her sisters all on the west coast and we decided that my "plan" did not have the qualities that she was looking for. Anyhow, it involves baseball in Tri-cities(troy), norwich and new britain ct.with stops by the ballparks in staten island and brooklyn and hudson valley(but no games)as well as stops at the home of John Jay(co-author of the Federalist papers), the memorial to general grant in nyc, the home of alexander hamilton in nyc, and if all goes according to plan, 15 other places to get my national parks cancellation stamp. Before that tho the lawn needs to be done. Slurp some clams for me nphw. Oliver and Audrey tour Parkdale school this AM. Enjoy the weekend all. I will be "on the road".

Betsy said...

Enjoy your trip brother, your lovely wife will hold down the fort!
Please email us Adams new address!
As birthday cards are in order.
So glad and grateful its Friday!
Enjoy the very last day of July! Its getting down to the wire...

JT said...

Wow! What an awesome trip ! Have fun Unckie! Thank goodness you got the lawn done.

JT said...

FYI: Zach is throwing up as he fills out his online application for an online loan for college.

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Adam, hope its a great one! From the entries on FB it looks like the Bunt's girls are on a great vacation! Napa Valley, Redwoods, San Francisco!
Great vacation!
Dear Zach, welcome to the world on student loans! All worth it in the end!
Not to much else going on in our world. Planning baby shower, campaign, and not to much else!
Enjoy the day and all that it brings!

unk said...

And yes, a big HB to my baby boy as he embarks upon his final year of his 30's. Student loans, yes, a fond memory even way back then. Back from my whirlwind tour of NY/CT. All in all it went pretty well except for the fact that I spent an awful lot of time crossing bridges--verrazano, gw, triboro, etc. to get to various destinations and each toll plaza was some multiple of $8. Also saw a lot of signs warning of photo speed tickets for anything in excess of 25mph. Trying to get across all of those various islands that comprise NYC, I am hoping and praying that the cameras weren't turned on. I will be watching the mail. Yes, most of the Bunts girls are in Cal. while the remaining one will spend today shepherding mother B. to various appointments. The Holtz-Twombley kids start school tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the report of the first day of kindergarten. Somehow seems that Caroline should at least be in middle school by now. Training camp, Erie County Fair and the letter from the Mount with the organizational activities for the school year. That all seems to be pointing in one direction. Toss in political campaigns-----I'm depressed. Oh well it has stopped raining so time to do something productive. One final question for nphw and sis, we talked of Holtzapalooza 16 in west va. Where exactly was that park. I was thinking of looking at cabins in the area. Possible destination? Your thoughts?

unkie said...

One clarification on rereading preceding post. Not depressed about upcoming political campaign, am excited about that and looking forward to success. Election day is in november and we all know what that leads to, especially last november. enjoy

Betsy said...

Hip HIp Hooray its Friday!
Did everyone watch the Republicans duke it out! Yea me neither!
Not to much going on, still campaign mode, baby shower mode, summer mode!
Kind of entering the weekend with not really much planned? That is scary, then odd things take over and then next thing I know its Monday and I am looking for something clean to wear to work! The news out of training camp sounds exciting, doesn't it ???
Got a great pic of Jefferson and Caroline on their first day of school. Hard to believe Caroline is in Kindergarten! Where did that time go! Seems like only yesterday that I was in Target, and I received a call from my Mom that Caroline was born! I hope that one of the perks of Heaven is, you see our story play out!
Mom would be pretty pleased with that, but quite honestly, I think she already knew how our stories would all play out!
Happily ever after!
Enjoy 08/7, play it if you wish!

JT said...

Unckie! Stonewall Jackson Resort or pipestem Resort, both are nice. Stonewall is nicer than Pipestem.
What a fun weekend. We kept busy yet relaxed at the same time. My kind of weekend!

unkie said...

Thanks for the info nphw. Heading for Hotlanta at the end of the week for the twins birthday. Airfare is ridiculous so we will be driving. Will work out a route that allows us a chance to get a look at these places. Quiet weekend here. Lots of sitting and not much else. Enjoy the weeek.

JT said...

That's great. Enjoy the drive and tell everyone we said hi.
The nest thing about Pipestem is they have a deal there where you get tickets to the Princeton or Blue Field ? Baseball games.
I think I expected more rain.

Sndra said...

Stonewall is much nicer inside the hotel.

Betsy said...

Don't you hate it when your day is so busy, you don't know where to start! Been involved is some big projects at work, and have really let my day to day fall behind, so today I have instead of starting work, ate my lunch at 9AM, so that only leaves a piece of fruit for the afternoon which means I will probably run over to wegmans and get lunch, which defeats the purpose of bringing a lunch! Wiped my desk down, thinking of organizing all the paper on my desk, and thinking about what to make for dinner! So hard to get focused on these warm summer days!
Excited for Holtzapalooza 2016! Have we chosen a host city yet? I know North Tonawanda was in the running!
Travel safe to Hotlanta brother! Other than that not much else is going on
We did have an incident in the COT where someone was caught trying to steal a Jenna Koch for Council President sign, but that attempt was thwarted by an alert home owner. Not sure what that was all about? I have a garage full of them, they could have one, just stop on by!
So are we all getting behind Donald Trump? Scary!
Birthdays and Anniversary's abound this week!
Salutations to all!
Go Yankees!

unk said...

Bernie Sanders v. Donald Trump. I know now that I have lived too long. I am sure that this matchup is what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Stonewall Jackson looks great on line but seems "pricey". Will check out Pipestem on the way back. Not eagerly anticipating a couple thousand miles of driving, but I know that Charlie is looking forward to our arrival as a break from "Daddy pre-K bootcamp". How about them Bluejays? Looks like the highly priced RedSox will wind up last in the division for the 3rd time in 4 years. Oliver is at baseball camp this week and by all accounts is enjoying every day. Lots of cities in the running for Palooza, but apparently the IOC and FIFA heard about it and are getting involved. It may wind up being Rio. Ryan Fitzpatrick will be back to haunt the Bills thanks to the jets locker room misunderstanding. Hope that my sister gets some lunch.

JT said...

Seems like there's a lot going on with work and travel. Yes, Stonewall is a cole extra bucks, but it gets cheaper on golfing packages. Just a thought.
I liked Pipestem too with the baseball package.
It's getting chilly in the morning.

JT said...

That was supposed to be "couple " extra bucks. Errrrr...
Anywho, Sandra and I are off to "Hoppy Hour" at the Marcy Casino.

JT said...

Friday!!! And it came early. I left work at 11AM today. I just had to start my weekend early. We'll be back on Tuesday! See ya.

JT said...

Sandra and I just got back from Conesus Lake. What a wonderful weekend and great weather too.
Bills on Thursday?

JT said...

Zach has his own car. Nana and Papa were kind enough just to give him their old car so we just put it on the road today. Just in time for college.

unkie said...

2600 miles and 11 days later, back in wny. All in all a good trip. Twins were really excited about their birthdays., Lots of driving but did make the Salem Redsox, Pulaski Yankees, Augusta Greenjackets and finished up with the Richmond Flying Squirrels. A couple of days at the Outer Banks with good weather was a nice break. Not a lot left of the summer so let's all make the best of it. Enjoy

JT said...

Glad you guys are back safe. It sounds like you had a nice trip. That's a lot of baseball, Auntie sure pushes the envelope.
Zach is moved into D'Youville and has his first class in 1 hour. He's a little nervous so prayers would be helpful.
Enjoy your day!

Betsy said...

Super busy with work projects, but just want to thank all the family that helped with Jill's baby shower, what a great afternoon! And everyone was so generous!
Much love to everyone! And Jenna's pizza party/Bills Tailgate party is Saturday so hope to see everyone there as well!
Summer has winded down, and what a busy summer it has been! Hope everyone enjoyed every bit of sunshine provided to us! Have a great day all!

unk said...

Sounds as if there is a fine b-day celebration in the making at Woodcock's this evening. A great big HAPPY nphw. Make sure that you enjoy this last one of a particular decade. Sounds as if the list is growing for sat. Sounds like a fun day.

unk said...

Had a wonderful time yesterday. Great event. Good luck to our candidate. Thank you for including we non voters in the group., Enjoy sunday.

JT said...

That was fun yesterday. Thank you for including us.

We're having some beautiful Buffalo weather. Enjoy.

JT said...

Looks to be a gorgeous day... Again.
Zach is doing a lot better at college. Not great, but a lot better. The days will get easier for him with time.

unk said...

Keeping Zach and his adjustments in my thoughts. Another school year opened today with another computer system that promises to make my life easier. Seems that I have heard that song before. Enjoy

JT said...

Ahhhh. Technology, gotta love it. Now that I'm home "a bit more" I hear Sandra yelling at her computer everyday. The sounds of summer.

Betsy said...

It seems like forever since I wrote on the BLOG! Been very busy with work projects and not at my office, so goofing off is really not possible. So to recap, thank you to all again for coming to Jenna's TailGate Campaign party. So many people were so impressed with the family presence! So thank you so much again! Other than Campaign and twin mode, and so much work work, it seemed like the summer slipped by!
Looking at next week, and having a hard time envisioning the one year anniversary.
where did that time go? On a positive note, I now can think of her and smile! And reminisce on how blessed I was! Enjoy this holiday weekend.

unkie said...

And what a week it has been. Eldredge last sat., met the Fixxitts at Colden Lakes for music on sunday, to Larkinville on tues--for the first time and I must say that i was very pleasantly surprised==with the Jewettville Holtzes, school on wed., day 1 but thank goodness that I am done until next wed. and then yesterday to Chautauqua to spend the day with Don and Bonnie at their home. Golf, dinner, hot,hazy and humid but a good time. I agree with my little sister that this will be a tough week. Do take care all and make the most of our last summer weekend, and it promises to be summery.

JT said...

It's been blooming hot! Yikes! Hopefully tonight cools down just enough so we can have a fire out in the backyard for Sandra's family (an early Labor Day picnic).
Chicken Wing a Festival ! Zach and I will be going tomorrow.

unckie said...

Gotta give the Pilafs all the credit in the world for braving the stadium for wings in this hot weather. Quiet weekend around here. Labor day? Already? Amazing! Find a way to enjoy the day today.

Betsy said...

Happy Labor Day! Quiet at 431 as well. No campaigning going on. Just getting all those 15 minute jobs done that take forever! Have a great day family! You deserve it!
Remember we have to plan our Holtzapalooza celebration for 2016.
We also have to plan our not being held on Christmas Celebration.
Enjoy today and all that brings!

unk said...

Has it been a year? Hard to believe. Tough day.

Betsy said...

Laid pretty low yesterday, date on the calendar was just a horrible reminder to a pretty sad day.
Way to hot and humid for my liking, bring on fall!
I think it is going to turn into one of those weeks, where we just get through it.
wondering what my water bill will be, as the hose has been running pretty non stop.
Other than that, primary day tomorrow, if you can get out and vote!

Betsy said...

Vote Vote Vote today people! Consider that your public service announcement for the day!
Hope everyone is excited for some football tonight???
Disappointed in the Yankee's not being able to make up some ground!
Other than that, just trudging through the work week.
Hoping to get our Italy trip booked next week! Hip Hip Hooray!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Worsman said...


What a wonderfull gift! Concratz!

unk said...

Looks like we finally caught that ugly weekend weatherwise that we were mostly lucky to avoid most of the summer. UB today and the Bills tomorrow gives us something to watch. Quiet in the southtowns. Was looking forward to attending the Puerto Rican festival this weekend but I don't think that the weather will allow it. Make the best of it. Is nc jnn still awaiting the count of absentee ballots? Booking Italy? Exciting. The planning is almost half the fun of any trip. Who is Worsman and what did they receive I wonder?

unckie said...

Yes, that loud noise you heard from the Southtowns was me jumping on the Bills bandwagon. They may not go undefeated, but they are one of only 16 who have a chance to. unfortunately that number does include every other team in their division. Loved the statue of Ralph, and Tyrod does bring some hope. We will see in the next 16 weeks. At least it will make tomorrow somewhat more palatable. Hope that everyone had an enjoyable weekend.

JT said...

Yikes! Sandra leaves the area for two weeks and I can't get on "The Blob". Well, now she's home and Jeter is very excited.
We Went to Shores last night on a gorgeous Buffalo evening after picking Sandra up at the airport. We were supposed to go the Mount last night to meet Emma's teachers but we just were too hungry... For each other's company.
Not much else going on.
Go Bills!

Betsy said...

Happy Friday, and is everyone excited for the big game?? I am wondering how obnoxious the fans will be to brady and company? My brother stopped the other day while I was cutting grass, as he was on his way to Open House, and we did speak briefly about our New Holtz Family Christmas not on Christmas Celebration, we will have to look at some dates. We also spoke about Holtzapalooza 2016, and where that should be held, so we did squeeze in some family business!
The Italy bound group also met with our Triple A travel consultant who promptly told us we were way to early to talk about booking a trip, so we will revisit that again next month. Other than that, business as usual, twin count down, election count down, and all other count downs

JT said...

Waaaaaay too early... Hmmm..

I'm sooo excited about Sundays game. Go Bills! My friend from California is in town so it's wings and pizza and football for us on Sunday.
But first, let's enjoy Saturday.

JT said...

Go Bills!
Yeah Pizza and Wings!

Betsy said...

UGH, is there really anymore to say? What a putrid putrid game! Did rex sell us a bill of goods? Show of hands, who really thought they were going to win that game? My hand is in the air! Glad is was nice out, so you could escape the TV. It was funny because you could definitely tell in our neighborhood when the game was over, as you heard all the lawnmowers start! Oh well better luck next week!
Other than the bills what else is going on? Yankees won, and Toronto lost, so that was great news. Weather should be nice this week!
Enjoy the rest of September as it winds down....

JT said...

Well, other than the first drive (two minutes) and part of the 4th qtr (about 7 minutes) the Bills game was very disappointing. You'd think we would be use to this, but alas I was expecting a win. Rats!

unk said...

First 2 weeks of school and i already have the mother of all colds. Not a good sign for the elderly with diminished immune systems. I guess that the high point of the weekend was a trip on sat. to Riverworks for their music fest. I have to admit that it is quite a place, huge, and it will be interesting to see if they can continue to get enough people there to keep it in operation. Music was good, drinks fine but the food left a lot to be desired. Although, I have to admit that we were at 716 last week for lunch and other than the 19 by 39 screen tv I wasn't that impressed. Food was mediocre, at least by our estimates. As far as the Bills game? Enough said. Looks like a beautiful stretch of weather coming up. Enjoy.

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday, I have to say, Sunday still kind of stings! If you read the BN's articles, and then read the comments, they are all out of upper quadrant of the NE, and not very nice I have to say!
Hope my brother feels better, Do you still have any of Aunt Emma's cough syrup left, that should be pretty potent by now, and I think would pretty much kill anything!
Have had lunch at 716 a few times, great people watching, and usually get salads, so no real " food" to be disappointed with. In fact the last time we were there, I got Russ Brandon's table, they did not think he was coming!
Other than that nothing else going on.
Attending the Mommy Sale at the Hamburg fairgrounds this weekend, our momma to be has a list!
On to Miami, fans!
Did anyone listen to the Sabres game other than Geo?

JT said...

Sorry, the food at River Works and 716 was nt up to snuff. That's too bad. We attempted River Works a few Sundays ago and couldn't even get into the place it was so busy.
Have you tried Public House on Route 5 yet? Sandra and I enjoyed it.

Betsy said...

So I don't have to prove I am no longer a robot, I just have to say I'm not? Seems like a lapse in security!
Food at the Public House is very good, and so is the atmosphere and the view!
What we really need is a Waffle House! So say all?
Great Yankee game yesterday! Did everyone see the Pope's motorcade? A little Fiat surrounded by SUV's pretty funny, so much for his message of global warming being taken to heart!
Did everyone enjoy summer, well that's good
Don't forget we still have to plan Holtzapalooza 2016, and our not on Christmas Christmas Celebration! Keep the suggestions coming family!
Enjoy hump day!

UNK said...

Was sad to wake up this morning and find that Yogi is no longer with us. Had he not been a Yankee he would have been perfect. One of the nice things about my new schedule is that i get up now about 6ish instead of 4:30 and have lots of time for sportscenter and mike and mike. All of the yogi stuff this am was pretty good. 2nd best catcher of all time behind Johnny Bench? That was the consensus. Case that you didn't hear it, in 1950 he struck out 12 times in over 600 plate appearances--now that is something. And Ted Williams said that he was the Yankee that the redsox feared the most. Beautiful run of weather we are having but the traffic lately has been difficult. I think that the pope is responsible for both, the traffic being a carry over from the traffic problems on the east coast. Haven't done the public house yet. Will put it on the list. Do take care all.

Betsy said...

Plus Lawrence Peter Berra had the best baseball name ever, Yogi! Seriously what better baseball name is there! Glad my brother is getting to sleep in a little, we all need our rest! I agree 100% with the traffic. There is some sort of phallic symbol being built along the Niagara section of the thruway that everyone needs for some reason to slow down and review? Loving these fall days, they are just perfect! Remember in this in February! Any predictions for Sunday? Bills camp has been pretty quiet! Donald Trump is not packing the house, but the Pope is!
Enjoy the sun!

JT said...

We had a great time at Cocktoberfest last night and the music was wonderful.
Bills Dolphins! What could be better on a beautiful sunny Sunday.... I'm thinking steak and cheese subs.

Betsy said...

Great Bills win! Hope everyone got a glimpse of the Lunar Eclipse! I am however still traumatized by my oldest sibling running down Grove St starring at the sun during an eclipse and I thought he was blinded! My childhood explains a lot about me!
So I did not see the eclipse, but saw enough pictures that I thought I was there!
The Wood-Cockoctober fest was lots of fun! Highly recommend everyone put it on next years calendar! The best part of the evening was well the Beer of course!
Hope everyone enjoy's Monday! It only comes once a week, I think we can make it!

unk said...

sounds like a fun time on sat. sorry that we missed it. Auntie and I are both still suffering from whatever it is, she at the md this am, me later today. We will see. Bills game was great; the rambo blitz (you gotta love that term) and the Hughes strip, even if it was wiped out by penalty, were some of the best plays of recent years. we will see what happens next week when the Ginants hit town. enjoy the week.

JT said...

Get better soon Auntie and Unkie.
The eclipse was awesome! We stood outside for about 45 minutes and just relaxed... A beautiful evening.

Betsy said...

happy Wednesday! Hope my brother is feeling better! So last night there was a presentation in the COT about a new development of " villa's" or what you would call a patio home. Per the presenter,these homes will be of a modest cost to appeal to all buyers. The price of these homes will be from 200,000-250,000$
so I quess my question when did a quarter of a million dollars become modest?
Sorry to see September move along, as that brings the inevitable!
Our Momma to be is moving right along! So excited for our twins!
And the octoberfest out at the Woodcock Brewery was exceptional! so much fun!
Put it on your calendar for next year! It is a must see! I think 2016 will be such a year to remember! And lets add that event as well!
Enjoy today and all that brings your way!
Go Bills
GO Sabres
Go Yankees!

JT said...

Woo Hoo! First to post in October. What an honor.
We had a nice dinner last night at Neighbors Pub and had the cook come out and tell Sandra he'd make her anything gluten free and all that she had to do was call ahead.
We marked our calendars for Monday Jambalaya night at Neighbors, so we'll be there on the 12th.
Emma's at Newsies with my mom. Hope she likes it.

unk said...

another week in the books, be it a short weekend with work on monday. Lots happening in the world of sports but not a lot going on in the southtowns. ub at home, bills at home, jack eichel specializing in shorthand goals and the start of baseball playoffs. yanks hosting astros? angels? twinkies? anyone else upset that the yankees celebrated a wild card? lots were. enjoy the weekend.

unkie said...

Comment #100? Wish that I had something worthy of that number but I am still numb after this afternoon. Watched part of the game with the jewettville Holtzes and even Oliver couldn't cheer anyone up. It was grim. Always makes for a long week. Anybody figure out what is going to happen with the baseball playoffs? Who is hosting who for the play in game? At least it will be something to watch. A monday that i have to work tomorrow. Don't generally have too many of those. Why not jambalaya on the 5th instead of waiting until the 12th? Make the best of the week/

JT said...

What an awful game. I agree. It's been awhile since I was yelling at the TV but sure enuf that's what I was doing.
Unfortunately Jambalaya night starts next Monday... I know, I know.

Betsy said...

Monday is such a let down when the Bills are horrific, Joe Girardi is over managing, and Rex is well just being Rex
Such a nice sunday, I feel bad for the time I spent watching the bils.
Sorry my brother has to work on a Monday
I hope Emma enjoyed Newsies
I hope it stops raining in Asheville
Not to much hope for the Yankees advancing, as the pitcher they are facing on Tuesday has been pretty much lights out.
Oh well enjoy the rest of the week and try to put that putrid loss behind us!

JT said...

Let the Baseball Playoffs begin! Woo Hoo!
We had the Fixxits over last night for burgers and had a nice evening.
Zach and Emma both worked so missed out.
Zach is doing well at college and trying to stay beat as he gets used to how things are done.
Emma is practicing hard for this year's musical of Pippn at The Mount.

JT said...

And... Baseball is over. Pitchers and catchers meet in February. Can't wait.

I need my Eichel!

Sndra said...

Pippin shows are Nov. 13, 14, (7:30pm) 15 (2pm) if anyone wants to come. Emma will be the cast member with red hair carrying a fire torch. I know she would be thrilled if you can swing by!

Anonymous said...

No posts since the 9th. Well great time was had by all in Atlanta. Campaign is in full gear with less than 3 weeks to go. Momma and babies are doing great. Life is I'm off to work, boooo.

JT said...

Get your parkas out, looks to be a chilly weekend.
Go Bills!

unkie said...

Can't figure out where the last week plus has disappeared to. Watching the first snowflakes of the season drift to the ground, it has been a whirlwind of Atlanta, watching the Cubbies advance--they're already down a game in the next series, watching the bizarre Toronto advance--they're down 2 games now and now it's already time for another Bills game. Gotta get those leaves cleaned up altho the promises of El nino are suggesting that there is no crisis. Hope that all is well with one and all. Hope that this work week goes as quickly as the last. Still need my October round of golf. Warmer weather is promised this week so we will see.

Unknown said...

Tough bills loss. Might be even tougher watching it in person 20 rows behind Rex. I told him he should use my playbook. I know he heard me.

I just want to invite you all to see the election results come in live on Tuesday Nov. 3rd. We will be at the Eldridge club. Pizza and wings will be served.

That and the twin countdown is here. Getting excited!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Jill! Hope her day is very special!

unkie said...

I am sure that nc jll is really enjoying her b-day, probably the most comfortable she has been in avery long time. I am guessing that everyone is heading to London tomorrow to allow time for the game. I definitely would go but i have to work on friday. Happy hump day to all.,

Betsy said...

Oh wow I have not posted in a really really long time, mea culpa mea culpa!
So much going on! Went and saw Sir Paul McCartney last night compliments of my daughter! So much fun, amazing show! Even though he was a tad raspy, it was still Feb of 64, and watching them on Ed Sullivan, well minus the other 3!
Work has been especially crazy with the new coding system implementation, but we survived! And now we are on twin watch. Jill is extremely uncomfortable, and just waiting!
Football at 9:30 AM sunday, so at least the whole day is not a waste!
Enjoy the weekend people, as we will do it all over again next week!

unk said...

i was hoping for a mccartney blog today from those who somehow came up with enuf pull to snag the most difficult of tickets. Has to be tough on poor nc jll, just the waiting. That pending and an upcoming election. tense times at 431. It is friday and I am done until next wed. that makes me happy. Enjoy the weekend. It will go fast.

JT said...

Yes! We want a McCartney blog. Pictures, everything.
Sandra's home! Woo Hoo! One more!
And the Bills are across the pond... Can we win?

JT said...

Sandra and I had a really nice dinner last night at Merge on Delaware Ave. I highly recommend it.
I can't believe how much I've yelled at the TV today... I have a headache.

unk said...

my son wants to know if they can make EJ make his own travel arrangements home. Any bets that Matt Cassel puts on the performance of the year for Dallas today? I tried working off my anguish with the leaves outside but it didn't work. Seems to be a lot of headaches going around nphw. Yes, a mccartney blog to lift our spirits. It's the only right thing to do.

JT said...

Come on! McCartney Blog!
That's really all I have. It's Monday... I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Sndra said...

So Emma had to visit the principal today. Her partner in crime...aka JT , got off scott free! His advice to her when the fob did not open the door on Saturday at MSM was to RUN!! The good news is that the alarm system that was found to be howling was actually broken, alerting the police to a bad system. Ummmmm... I guess it's fixed now and the trespassers actually did the school a favor.

unk said...

And that is the security system that is supposed to keep me safe. Well, if it was flawed I am glad that we found out. That is the same "run" gene that Mr. Fixxitt used so many times evading the authorities while sneaking into the THS football games.

JT said...

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...
So, we're sleeping up in Zach's room as we get our floors done. We can't wait to see the finished product.
Get ready for a party.

JT said...

Boy! Is it windy out . It was not an enjoyable drive.

JT said...

Well, we continued our dining out streak... I'm actually looking forward to getting my kitchen back.
Tonight we're off to Woodcocks for a Stiff Mitten.

unkie said...

I am not a big fan of the micro brews, but i have to admit that there is a certain fascination with a "stiff mitten". auntie is on babysitting duty in not so hot lanta so I am on my own. can I muster a trip to COT tomorrow to check election results? sure wish that it wasn't so far. any news on nc jll? good to have a weekend without suffering thru the bills. A UB win and another thursday game for them. everyone happy with KC as the new world champions? ask me how much I watched. I must admit that I am not used to having so much control over the tv. beautiful day today and more to come it appears. lovin' el nino, at least for now.

JT said...

Uh oh... Unckie's on his own. I smell trouble a brew in'.
Let's here it for a gorgeous cole days.
Good luck Jenna!

Betsy said...

Kind of remiss in my blog duties, mea culpa mea culpa
So here we are election day, finally! So glad when this will be over! I am confident that the candidate will be victorious, and the house will no longer be campaign head quarters! Twins still a no show, with their scheduled birthdate being 11/06/15. So prayers please for Friday!
A Paul McCartney blog, definitely! The candidate will put that on her to do list! Such an amazing show!
My new bucket list entry is to see him perform in London!
Last night St Francis had a remembrance mass, and of course Anastasia was included. Jenna had gotten a call from a good friend, that did not see us in Church and she reminded us about the mass. Jenna was able to attend, and it was a beautiful evening. Please vote today.
will keep everyone updated on the twins arrival!
Happy November!

unk said...

Glad to hear that all is still relatively under control twins wise. we are keeping nc jll in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping that my wife has her set of twins under control too. keeping my fingers crossed for a positive set of election returns in COT.

unckie said...

According to an early morning phone call from Auntie, victory was gained in COT. Is that correct?

Betsy said...

I am sure you probably are aware, but yes, Jenna was victorious! Thank you to everyone who came to the Eldridge to help celebrate. Phew glad its over, now the only other event this week is the birth of the twins on Friday!
What a week for the Koch's!

unckie said...

Now that is what I would call "A WEEK". let's get those little fellas here ASAP. Way to go nc jnn!!

Unknown said...

Well the unofficial results are 65%-35% Koch. We won each and every district, even beating my opponent with 69% of the votes in her home district. Thank you! What a great night!

I will be sworn in on November 17th. If you are free please come to City Hall for the swearing in at 6pm.

JT said...

Woo Hoo !!!
What a night.

unk said...

I understand that the new Everetts joined us yesterday. What great news! Way to go nc jll. Now, let the fun begin!

JT said...

Congratulations Jill and Gary! Fun. Awesome news.

JT said...

Good Bills win today... I didn't scream at the TV that much.

Emma is in a panic because she can't find her book; "To Kill A Mockingbird" that she's reading for school. Sandra took her to Barnes and Noble to buy her another one, minus the notes she's already written done.

unk said...

Sabres aren't in last place and neither are the Bills. I guess that constitutes a good week. Off until friday so it looks like I need to get my November round of golf in this week altho everything is currently frozen solid. Saw the first pics of Henry and Gwen, hope that I got the names right, and they are adorable. Kept waiting for the phone call from MSM on sat. nite that I had won the reverse raffle for 10 grand but the call never came. Maybe they lost my number and will surprise me when I go in. Nc emm needs to "pull a costanza" and rent the movie. Enjoy the week.

JT said...

I actually suggested that... I received a look. Hm.

I am really enjoying hockey this year. They're fun to watch.

Did you get your golf in today?

I have to be honest, I'm not a big fan of autocorrect. It makes me sound like a buffoon. Maybe I just have to write slower.

unkie said...

Did make it out to the Robert O. Links country club yesterday for a round. Beautiful day with lots of wedges hit at right angles. Guess that I was doing something wrong. started the day with a phone call from my son who thought that it would be a good idea for me to buy him breakfast. That was fun. Got my gutters cleared when I got home so I am done for the day. Time for a nap.

JT said...

Zach and I went to our first UB football game of the year last night. I think I'm getting old, you decide. The game started at 8. We arrived at 8:05, no tailgating. As soon as we walked through the gates we headed straight for the Champion Club to get something to eat and stay warm. We stayed there the entire time until halftime... Then went home. Ahhhh good times.

unk said...

sounds perfect to me. What's the problem? Maybe halftime was a bit too long but other than that?

unkie said...

so the Bills and Sabres both win on the same night and I actually watched both. How often has that happened over the years. The down side is that after being up way past my bedtime it's time for work. Woe is me! enjoy our "beautiful" friday.

JT said...

Pippin was a success. Emma and the rest of the cast did great.
So, how many points do the Bills lose by to the Pats next Monday night?

unk said...

Heard that the play went well and everyone seemed to have a great experience. Things are much better in the southtowns than they were a year ago, thank goodness, but I had best not call too much attention to it. Poor Adam. He has the New England Warrens on their way to buffalo just in time to enjoy the game with him next monday. Is there any way.......?

JT said...

No. Probably not. I hate to say this but the Patriots are just way to good.
What a difference a year makes. I was just looking at pictures of last years weather. Incredible.
Right now, I'm just enjoying the weather that's here.

unk said...

Met Gwen and Henry this morning and I can attest that they look significantly different than the current pics on the blog. Go Bills

JT said...

They look different? Huh?
So did EA get snow? Nothing on the ground up north here in B-lo.

unckie said...

A few flakes in the air this AM but all is well, so far....... Another sunday without a Bills game?

JT said...

Well, it was our turn to meet the twins. We had a wonderful visit with Jill and Gary yesterday and Gwen and Henry are beautiful.
Go Bills!

Sndra said...

Adorable...and smart. The place Henry peed on Jeff was perfect placement for a night out! LOL!

unk said...

The bird is in preparation stages and it looks like I have time to go play 9. A most happy thanksgiving to all. Enjoy the day with those that you love.

JT said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a gorgeous day.

unkie said...

nphw---what about Butler, pa and the annual Turkey Bowl?? no reports? Did it happen?This had better not be the end of an era. The day was made for your passing skills. Zch was just coming into his own as your primary receiver. Otherwise, it was a beautiful day with good food and lousy tv football.

JT said...

It would have been the perfect day for a turkey bowl. I am done. I've passed the torch to Zach. He reported that he had fun. But, he also said that they needed a QB . My ears perked up a bit. I wonder if that old jersey still fits?

Bills? Blech!

unk said...

Well at least there is still a Rice participating, more than can be said for the Holtzes. Actually watched the game with Adam, Oliver and Randy Warren at our local watering hole. They were hosting a chili contest and although our entry didn't place in the top three,(I couldn't make up my mind whether to throw my challenge flag on the outcome), but there was lots of chili to eat and beer to drink which made a painful day a bit more bearable. Back to work today but the weather?? dare we talk about it??

JT said...

Oooooh a chili contest. Sorry you didn't place. There's nothing like eating 7 bowls of chili on a Sunday afternoon. .
The days are getting shorter and Christmas is getting closer. But first, my 6th favorite holiday of the year, Winter Solstice!!! Maybe I'll have chili that day. I'd have to ask Sandra first.

unk said...

and this sunday is a soup contest in conjunction with the Bills/eagles game. Let's hope that things go better for the bills than the chili sunday. Maybe a pirate gift related to making chili???It's the time to start thinking of such things. I see Emma listed for a partin the next MSM production, but she has not yet initialed acceptance of her role. are negotiations still in progress?? AP was less than happy with the repercussions of my day with the chili. Please be advised nc sndra

JT said...

Yep, she's a fish. Emma tells me she just doesn't have a study hall to sign in yet. Too funny.
Sandra and I are off to Skeneateles tomorrow. They have a Charles Dickens Festival going on all month, so we're spending our day and night there for our anniversary.

unckie said...

this time it was soup sunday and another bills loss. Looks like no more participation for me in these local events. A Dickens festival?? Now that is definitely a family first. Enjoy.

JT said...

Another Bills loss. Well, it's getting easier to say.
We had a wonderful time in Skaneateles, it's a great little town and it was neat talking to the characters. Sandra did some shopping and you couldn't ask for nicer weather.

Betsy said...

So sorry for my absence! But I have to tell you, November, Yowza, what a whirlwind!!! Lets see if I can re cap, week one, Daughter Jenna was voted into office with a
68% to 32% margin of victory of said opponent, as the first woman council president of the COT, that was Tuesday and then on Thursday, same week, emergency c section for daughter Jill, and the introduction of Gwenn and Henry Everett into the Holtz Family.
And nothing has been the same since.
The bils lost, and the sabres can not string 2 wins together!
Loving our El Nino Winter, there actually is no 1 hour prep time of shoveling, scraping, thawing, warming up the car, gaging which way to drive to work, etc.
How fabulous is that!
Wonderful brunch at the Holtz's on Saturday, thank you AP & UC for hosting!
You don't realize how much you miss someone, until you see them! so miss our Atlanta Family!!
Plans are moving forward for the Ladies trip to Italy.
Don't forget if you were assigned a destination for our Holtzapalooza 2016, we will need that information by the end of the year!!!
Happy Anniversary Jff and Sndra, still one of the best wedding receptions ever!
Hope the Dickens festival was all that you had hoped for!
On a sad note, we lost one of our core Holtz members last week, in the passing of John Hay Jr. What a delightful gentleman he was! Funny, Funny, funny guy! Who's love for his family was unprecedented!. Gods Speed John to the Pearly Gates!
Less than two weeks to Christmas! How is that possible!

JT said...

Yowza indeed! Well, now that it's December maybe life will slow down? Ha! Yeah right.
Thank you for the Anniversary wishes. That was a fun reception... I told Sandra we should do it again. Maybe the parents will pitch in again with the cost?
Sorry we brunch. I hope everyone had fun.

Sndra said...

Oh! Wish we knew you were in town! Could have easily swung by... Sigh. Hope it the brunch was fun!

unk said...

Anybody got any good ideas for a pirate gift? Yesterday was movie day--Star Wars--and I think today is shopping day. See everyone on friday.

JT said...

You saw Star Wars? Sooooo, how was it? You and Zach can talk about it.
My first day off in 3 months... Yeah the PTO is a little different... I'm thankful for a lot of things though. I have no Festivus grievances this year, that's for sure.
Last night Sandra and went up to Lockport to chech out the new brewery; New York Beer Project. We had a wonderful time. They're not done brewing they're own beer yet but they were serving plenty of locals. I highly recommend it.

JT said...

Merry Christmas!!!

unk said...

Another great Christmas. Thanks to everyone, particularly my oldest sister for hosting the event and to all for their contributions. Happy New Year everyone!

Jt said...

Monday! I (insert growl here) Mondays! 3 more daze then a day off... Woo Hoo!

JT said...

Someone or some paranormal entity keeps on closing a cupboard door in our house. I wish it would be a little quieter.
We had a fun dinner last night with good friends at Loughrans. Sandra, surprisingly ordered steak. She never orders steak. AND she ate her entire meal. I'm a little suspicious.

Betsy said...

Happy New years eve eve! Hard to believe Christmas was last week already? And now onto 2016. Meeting my brother and sister out tonight for a little early new years eve celebration. The fixxits are picking us up at 4:45, mmm it will be a little cutting it close as I am working today, wondering how flexible Mr Fixxitt is with time? As I may be running late? Oh well hopefully the stars will align and geo and I will be waiting in the driveway for them!
happy new year family and friends! for 2016, may all your dreams come true!

unkie said...

Looks like my new snowblower is going to have its maiden voyage today. Sorry we are going to miss the celebration in the COT but our thoughts will be with our new Council President. Had a very nice pre-New Year's eve dinner with my sisters and b-in-laws on wed. nite. Cooked steaks last nite at Adam's and was in bed and asleep by 9. So a belated Happy New Year to all. Caroline called to let me know that she made it to see the ball drop, unlike her big pop. Hope that 2016 treats everyone well. Take care all. Hope that the Northtowns escapes the snow. Enjoy the day.

unk said...

hope that everyone got back to work today in a good, 2016, frame of mind. I have until wed. to practice.

JT said...

I think practice before work is a good idea.
I think it's also a good idea to begin another post. I need pictures. Let's see some Christmas pictures.
So far it's been an enjoyable 2016.

betsy said...

Happy Friday all! Here is hoping that at least one family member will have a winning ticket for the powerball drawing that the powers that be are estimating to be at almost a billion dollars when it is all said and done! And lets also hope that said family member shares and does not skip town! Amen.
I have asked daughter to update blog with new pictures but as you can see my request is for naught, maybe this weekend!
Twins had 2 month check up yesterday, all is good with them. I know 2 months, seems they have been around forever!
Henry is almost 11 lbs, and Ms Gwenn is almost 10 lbs!
Suppose to get some snow next week, so I quess the real winter begins then!
Other than that, just plugging away at assigned tasks!

unk said...

I think that everyone has settled into the post christmas doldrums. But hey, we are almost a third of the way thru Jan. Nc emma made sure that I saw her today in school but made no effort to share the 50 that she picked up at xmas with me. Every day without snow is a blessing. Keeping our fingers crossed for reasonable travel conditions next sat. as we head to not so hot lanta for missedmas. Last year travel did not go well. After we win mega tomorrow we will have someone chauffer us there. Won 8 bucks on the wed. draw so next stop, 800 mill.

JT said...

$8 !!? That's a start.
Yeah, Emma's funny like that... Usually she's very accommodating.
I'm loving this weather. I normally would be rooting for snow and cold, so I can skate and snow mobile... But this is awesome.

unkie said...

So for the sat. drawing I have the powerball, like i had on wed., but instead of alone which got me $4 each, this time I have one ticket with the powerball plus 2 of the winning numbers. I'm thinking that it has to be worth at least a few hundred bucks with a billion floating around, but it winds up $7. So each of those extra numbers were worth a buck and a half each. Talk about a rip off. Should I boycott next wed.? No, probably not. Happy b=day nc jnn. Looks like an interesting week shaping up travel wise. stay safe.

JT said...

Driving into and out of EA has already gotten old with me. Incredible.
Zach is down in the sunny state of Florida with Sandra's parents. Today he went to Cape Canavarel and had a blast. Tomorrow he's off to Animal Kingdom. Sandra's leaving on Sunday for Florida... Must be nice to have time off... Heavy sigh.

unk said...

Canaveral? Blast? I get it. Welcome to life in the southtowns. Today was a classic case in point. Sun shining one minute, next you can't see across the street. Poor nc emma, left behind with daddy.

JT said...

Emma's fine.
You liked my little rocket joke?
Thank you for the BIG Southtowns greeting... I actually could use a hug too. Once again getting out of EA was quite the effort today. White outs followed by yet more whiteouts.

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