Sunday, January 17, 2016

Gwenn and Henry Everett

The twins, Gwenn and Henry are 10 weeks old.
Here are some of the latest pictures.

They have grown by leaps and bounds and continue to make strides everyday! 


Betsy said...

Thank goodness, inutero pictures have been replaced! Our Gwenn and Henry, growing by leaps and bounds!. Henry is the most no nonsense baby ever, just wants to eat, sleep, and be clean and dry. Then off to nap! Gwenn will talk your ear off, smile, chat, and turn her head like Linda Blair in the Exorcist, if she even comes close to hearing her Mama's voice! They are a total amazement, and I relish every second I get to enjoy them!
so it was decided Christmas about Holtzapalooza 2016, and we will be celebrating our family in EA, the site of the first Holtzapalooza. Isnt that a nice phrase, celebrating family??? So looking forward to that! I think we will need a committee meeting shortly on who will be responsible for what? Other than that, just waiting for spring!
Even though this winter has not been horrible!
thank you daughter for posting new pictures!

unkie said...

Just got back from a FRIGID lanta to find these great pix.Hard to believe that they are going on 3 months already. Had a great time despite the weather. Erie co. parks reservation is on my list of things to do this week. Thanks nc jnn for posting the updates. Hope that all is going well with the politics in COT.

Jnna said...

Oh politics! I have quickly learned don't put anything in writing that you wouldn't want on your gravestone,
You shouldn't deviate away from Roberts rules of order and replace with Jenna's rules of order, just because you are the council president doesn't mean you Should park in the judges spot, and lastly make sure the mic is off when you don't want something on record, especially when you have a comment that can be taken out of context.
Hard Lessons learned all in 2 meetings.
I'm asking for a recount.

Bdtsy said...

I have always felt the best gift given to us by our father was his sense of humor! And when all else fails you gotta laugh about it! Glad to see daughter has embraced that philosophy!

unk said...

I had one occasion when I was compelled to use Roberts Rules. I looked at it and threw up my hands. Good luck Girl. It's all an "education". And sis, you are right. We need to keep our sense of humor at all times. Enjoy our thursday.

Betsy said...

I have often wondered who was Robert? and why are his rules used? I guess that is a question for another time. Glad we are not part of this snow mania gripping the east coast! Other than that glad its Friday, working on some work projects and not motivated at all, but hey its Friday!
Enjoy the next 48 because we all know what comes after that!

Betsy said...

I am also thinking that we need to start creating our organizational spread sheet for our Holtzapalooza, just because we are staying local is no reason to not put on the best get together that we can! So I am thinking, we need Chairman for Food, Drink, Games, Equipment,( meaning chairs, tables, all non food related) Master of Ceremonies ( do we need a program? things work better when there is organization) Clean-Up. I think that is about it?

Betsy said...

Happy Monday, the last Monday in January,now that is a good thing! Show of hands, is everyone happy that the pukepatriots are not traveling to the super bowl? I know I am! Daughter and I went to see the movie Brooklyn yesterday, and daughter was checking her phone throughout the entire movie, I know you are all shocked by that statement, checking the score at MileHigh. Just glad they lost.
Everyone wish Mr Fixxitt a happy birthday today! Dropped off some chocolate cupcakes for him to celebrate with, as I know Mrs Fixxitt no longer bakes him a cake. You gotta stick a candle in something! Other than that, no new news, I still have not applied for my passport to travel to Italy, that was on my agenda to do this month, well I have a few more days to get it done! Maybe its still attainable? Enjoy today!

unk said...

the winter doldrums are upon us. Adam was here on sunday at just the right time to watch the pats score and go for two. I was afraid that we might have to hospitalize him if they had tied the game. Mercifully it did not happen. The application for Richardson cottage for 7/30 has been submitted and awaiting action. More to follow on that. Exam week so it is rather quiet for me until thursday. Always glad when UG catches me birthday wise. Hope that we can keep this weather streak going. Enjoy

Betsy said...

According to facebook UG was treated at a German Restaurant for his birthday, maybe Jff can elaborate? How did the Brats and Beer Birthday party go?
Other than that, not to much else going on in the world. Politics, but who pays attention to that? SuperBowl, I am guessing we are all rooting for Payton, so say all? And then just on to February! Month one down in this year of milestones!

Betsy said...

Kind of a tricky ride into work this morning, I think this pseudo snow ice combination through everyone into a tizzy! At least on the 190North anyhoo!
Last work day in January, looking back I thought the month flew by, but maybe not so much! February is our busy Birthday Month, we have George, Gramma, and Aunt Patti! So enjoy your day all!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Do something fun!

JT said...

Whoa! Where have I been?
Happy Birthday month!

JT said...

7/30 sounds good to us . Keep us informed.

unkie said...

Having received no response to my reservation request, I called the good folks at the Erie Co. Parks dept. and got a long rambling explanation that their reservations system has been "down for maintainance" for God only knows how long and is supposed to be back this week, maybe? So anyhow, I will keep trying and let you know how it goes. I am a bit skeptical of these various bureaucratic agencies since our Atlanta christmas gifts package, sent on Jan. 3 is still in the Rochester post office, where it has been since Jan. 4. The good folks at the Rochester post office neither answer their phone nor reply to any emails, even those that come from other post offices, notably East Aurora and Atlanta. And if you go to their website you will find pages of complaints to which they are oblivious. Sounds as if they have a pretty sweet deal going. Well, I have vented. Ground hog day on tuesday, Ash wed. next week. Two weeks until winter break. Have we had any updates on how UG celebrated his 72nd? Three day workweek for me. I need to prepare. NHL all star game for anyone today?

JT said...

That's a lot of words!
I think my dad had a nice birthday , we invited ourselves out to dinner with them and went to the Schnitzels. Excellent German food and drink. 72? Are you sure? He denies he's that old.
Groundhogs Day! My 15th favorite Holiday THAT I don't get off anymore. Ahhhh... Those were the daze.
Ash Wednesday? Not in my top 20 ... Not a fan of getting my forehead dirty.
#johnScott I felt compelled to do that. I don't even know what it means.

unckie said...

Yes, and a happy groundhog day to all. Just made the call and confirmed that Terry Hills is open today. I am doubting that is something that has ever occurred before. Off to Batavia for my Feb. round of golf. Unbelievable!The only possible explanation for this winter is that my nphw is commuting to the southtowns and that has changed the polar vortex. Whatever works. Thanks nphw.

unk said...

Step One of Holtzapalooza II is now complete. I have the confirmation and permit for Richardson's cottage--site of Palooza I in my possession. Date is July 30 which I recall, hopefully, was the preferred date. We can now proceed with the specific plans as suggested by my sister, committees, etc. Let the planning begin!! And yes, golf did occur today, amazing.

JT said...

I think you're right Unckie. Mother Nature is being kind to me... Weird.
So, Unckie are you dressing up for "generation day" at the Mount. What would it be ... 50's?

Can you believe this weather today? Incredible.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday eve! Thank you for securing our site for Holtzapalooza II.
July 30th, on my calendar
We will definitely start our meetings to assign tasks to insure our success!!!!
Generation day? Now that sounds like fun! Unkie will have to keep us posted!
Hope everyone has SuperBowl Plans made, for watching or snacking their way through the game.
Enjoy the weekend!

JT said...

Super Bowl! My 16th favorite holiday. I can't wait to eat wings all day.

Well, I look outside and the snow is coming down pretty hard. See, once you mention that we're having a nice, mild winter it all changes.... Holtz luck.

UNK said...

come on nphw. Wet roads only today. YOU still have the best of the polar vortex. By the way, Tuesday was a banner day. besides golf and getting thru to the parks dept. our xmas gifts showed up in hotlanta after a mere 28 days.Thats' why we paid extra for priority mail. btw, the atlanta holtzes have confirmed july 30. someone?? needs to contact "little ricky" to see about his and hers. I can sense a golf rematch in the offing. And the best part is that I have some new gimmicks for me and my b-i-l. would be good to let Nash rd. know. I would try email but I sense it is futile.

Betsy said...

So the first event of holtzapalooza will be the memorial Chas and Nancy golf tournament?
Great idea! I will be having breakfast with my sister this morning, I can pass that info along. Thinking about Anastasia this month as she would have been 99, and how she always asked for another Holtzapalooza and I told her we were working on it, and to be patient, so that did not work out to well. But forging on, I am pretty sure this event will be one for the ages! Go Broncos!

JT said...

I can let Lil' Ricky know.
I know, I know, this winter has been awesome. I have nothing to complain out.
We're looking forward to the summer event, it'll be so much fun.

JT said...

Super Bowl Sunday! I'm thinking wings today... Whatcha think?
I'm going to root for Denver today (it's the Peyton factor) and my numbers are Denver 2, Carolina 6. So hoping for field goals and Denver taking an early 12-6 lead and holding it.

Betsy said...

Happy Monday after Super Bowl! Is it now officially baseball season? Kind of a good game, I quess. I did not win any money, but I heard my son in law won some, and I see on FB my nephew won a Kayak. So that looks like fun!
Other than that, the piece on re writing of the Bills history was forgettable.
Did not understand why Coldplay was there? And loved the fact that Cam Newton just walked out of the interview. Other than that, nothing else to reflect on!
So I guess we are about to be plunged into the deep freeze? I have to tell you, I have been loving winter! I may actually stay around here if we could be quaranteed this every year! Hope Ben had a nice birthday!!!
Plans for the trip to Italy are progressing! Nothing new to report on for Holtzapalooza part II, other than I did invite Cousin Cathy.
Other than that, enjoy the work week, and plan something nice for the love of you life this weekend! Happy Family day to all our Canadian friends and family!

JT said...

Negative degree weather is coming to WNY. We better bundle up.
That's cool that Good Gary won some money.
I loved that Denver won the game . That gave me a chance to see little Cam Newton act like a baby. Too funny.

I have to admit , I took a little fiver during halftime. So I missed the Coldplay show.... Jeff Miers wasn't a fan of Coldplay either.

Betsy said...

Happy fat Tuesday! Enjoy your paczki??? or however it is spelled today! For tomorrow deprivation is the name of the game for the next 40 days!
So said daughter is planning a Euchre Tournament as a fundraiser for a dear friend who for all intensive purposes got handed a very raw deal! The tournament is April 24th at the Elks Lodge, not sure of start times or anything specific, but if you are able keep the date open, and come on down and have some fun!
Holtzapalooza II, do we have a start time? I am thinking we start with the basics?
Other than that, just gloom and doom weather forcasts, and a Bills player is in trouble with the law, go figure!
Enjoy today and all the blessings that it brings!

unkie said...

Lots going on it seems and so much to respond to. won nothing on the super bowl.who won the kayak? Not adam? Euchre tourney? Great. date set aside. how about a palooza planning meeting around st. patty's day? we can all give each other a dispensation and drink like Downeys. the idea of palooza is to include all holtzes and those who wish that they were holtzes. glad to hear that you got the word to cathy. 2 more weeks and we are off to fla. to celebrate Auntie's birthday. Didn't see halftime. Gaga was a pleasant surprise. yeah Cam, it's all about race, not being a jerk. throw the book at lashan and save the cap money. Hooray for Lent cuz that means that Easter is soon to come.Pitchers and catchers soon to report.

JT said...

Wow. That's a lot of information to digest.
I'm very excited that pitchers and catchers are meeting soon, not so excited about the North Pole visiting Buffalo. Brrrrrr...
Gaga? Unckie said Gaga. That has to be a first.
So we're looking for a starting time for Holtzapalooza? Start early and then people can drop out as the day goes on... The last one standing wins.

unc said...

I always refer to her as "ga". Nobody wears meat as well as she. Talked to my oldest sister today and we are looking for a planning session sometime around St. Patty's day. Come one, come all. Definitely an early start for palooza.

JT said...

I'm all about meetings around St. Pattys Day. Keep us informed.
I think I'm driving through ugly weather this morning.

Betsy said...

Happy fake Friday! Brr! So yesterday morning I got up to get ready for work, and the noise coming from our basement was reminiscent of someone shutting off the flew!! Lo and behold, said furnace died! Happyily a repairman and 500$ later, and 431 is now at a balmy 68 degrees!
Love to meet on St Paddy's day or there abouts to discuss Holtzapalooza II, or #whoeverwishestobeaholtzfor24hrs!
Keep us posted.
Drink like a Downey, that is an awesome expression!
Did the Downey's drink?
Other than that, not to much else going on.
I see Rick is announcing the Asheville game tonight on ESPNU, always fun to hear his voice in the back ground.
Twins are 14 weeks old today.
I agree, whenever has my brother referenced Lady Gaga, he is so hip!!!
Stay warm all, winter is here for real!

Sndra said...

I think we should get a Bounce house for the kiddos. Jeff and I can get that if you'd like. (Oh, maybe I shudda asked Jeff first!)

JT said...

Well, we survived the arctic freeze weekend. I'm ready for spring.
Sandra and I played Pickleball last and had fun.
Can we have t-shirts that read " Drink like a Downey"?

unk said...

I guess that Pickleball is the new big thing. I haven't "pickled" yet but I know people who do. Trying to thaw out after the weekend. Hope everyone is off today. I personally am celebrating William Henry Harrison today. My favorite because old 30 day Willie didn't have time to do any damage. After last week's 8-15 inch snowfall that we didn't have, how will today and tomorrow's 8-15 prediction go? Bounce house and t-shirts; we are moving in the right direction.

Betsy said...

PickleBall? Is that a team sport? Or best played by a duo? What type of equipment is reguired? Remember safetly first! Hard Hats? Gloves? Maybe a better explanation can be provided? Power Point presentation?
T Shirts, that state " Drink Like a Downey" absolutely can be provided!
Brr to this frigid cold this weekend! And now gloom and doom snow forcast! UGH to that as well!
Happy birthday to my better half tomorrow, enjoy your day and we will have cake!
Stay warm dry and hydrated!

JT said...

Unckie has never "Pickled"? Hm.
I racquetball sized Racquette made of wood, just like a Ping pong paddle and then a whiffle ball. Think tennis and ping pong. It's pretty cool. 2on 2. We played coed games. Fun, fun, fun.

I'm ready to travel down into the Southtowns... Wish me luck.

Betsy said...

Good luck with everyone driving where anyone has to go! It was not a pretty drive into the city!
Did everyone watch the grammy's ? Yea, me neither
I am guessing my hip brother did!!!
Enjoy the day, and keep your snowblower on high alert, its gonna be one of those days!

unkie said...

Here's hoping that my b-i-l has one great birthday today. Last in your sixties. Better enjoy it but you are still one up on your sisters in law. I hate to destroy my newly acquired "hip image" but I did NOT catch the grammies. The snow is acumlating out there. Hate to waste a good snow day when it happens on vacation. Drive safely all.

JT said...

Sandra was soooo excited yesterday that she got the snowblower started that she did our driveway and our neighbors driveways two times. What a girl! Nice job Baby!
I managed to go into work yesterday... Unfortunately it was at a snails pace. I guess slow and steady wins the race.
Hate to bring up politics on our friendly blob... But I'm just not a fan of Trump. Nope.
Enjoy your Wednesday. We're half way there.

unc said...

Time for the Pilafs and their snowblower to move to EA and more specifically to Grover Rd. to be in a position to walk down the road to Old Unkie's driveway. Way to go nc sndra. Was lots of opportunity yesterday to practice. I even had a chance to use my new roof rake and that was fun too. Still snow in the air today. Politically speaking, I can't wait to see what each new day brings. How does Friday March 11 look for a palooza organizational meeting? Some place with a decent fish fry and opportunity to practice our "Downey drinking skills" while planning the extravaganza. Your thoughts?

Betsy said...

Good Job Sndra! Always nice to help a neighbor! I am on board for a 03/11 fish fry! sounds like fun!
to my nephew, who is a fan of Donald Trump, oh wait my sister is! I know I know, but she's family!
Is everyone sick of the snow, I know I am!
Keep your shovel handy, snow is still in the forecast!
Pitchers and catchers reporting and baseball is looming, hip hip hooray!

JT said...

It goes without saying that today is in my top ten favorite holidays. Pitchers and catchers meeting for spring training. Is it called pitchers and catchers day?
3/11 !!! Count us in. Let's do it!

unkie said...

3/11 it is. You guys pick a place in the northtowns since there will be 3 of you and we will travel.

Betsy said...

Happy Pitchers and Catches Report day! George actually finagled the day off! I don't believe I have every used the word finagled in our blog post! Another first!
Sun is out, and that is a good thing
We can do halfway for the FF. No sense unkie driving North if you don't have too. Lets check the top places for a fish fry and see what is out there?
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

JT said...

Well, McPartlamds is awesome! But, so is a dozen other places. How about we pick a place in South Buffalo. Maybe like the Old Ward or some place?
My parents are in too... Mom penciled it in on her calendar.
My only request is we eat closer to 5 if that's doable. I have a concert I'm going to at 8PM.

Another gorgeous day in Buffalo. My snow is almost melted as I can see most of my rat traps once again.

unkie said...

Early is good for us too. You guys that have real jobs should pick a time and a place convenient to get to. Glad that you let my sister know about the arrangements. Would be fun to do some place different. You are "seizing command" effectively nphw. Keep up the good work!! Snow and weekend are almost gone. Keep positive thoughts for wed. and on time flights.

JT said...

How's Weichec's sound for a fisf fry. It's off the 190 and iconic Buffalo and Ive never been there. Just a suggestion.
Does anyone else have a favorite place or suggestion. I don't even know if it's a big place to hold us all.

Anonymous said...

Or Jades in Depew?

JT said...

Or the Armor Inn Tap Room? Come on Unckie this is your special talent.

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