Thursday, February 02, 2017


GRAM 100 stands for Gracious Randomness in Anastasia's Memory, and we chose to mark what would Gram Holtz's 100th birthday this February 2017 by mobilizing a group of her family and friends to each enact 100 small acts of random kindness in her honor and memory.
Our goals are simple:
1) Pledge your commitment to GRAM 100 here by joining our page.
2) Download the "kindness card" (linked to this page under "files") and print copies.
3) Get started spreading kindness! You have the whole month of February to execute 100 acts of kindness. Leave the kindness card with the people you touch so they can learn more about our effort and pass it forward.
4) Share! Post the results of your random acts or write a funny story about Gram, her family, or just your day.
Our goal is NOT to brag about how kind we are nor to recount our good deeds.
Instead, our goal is to spend some (virtual) time together celebrating Anastasia's memory and one of her most salient traits -- her willingness to reach out to other people.
5) Spread the word. Ask others to join GRAM 100 and spread random kindness. Can we reach all 50 states?


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unck said...

So, looking out the window, I suspect that the Bills viewing audience is about to see some CLASSIC wny lake effect, maybe for the ages.Hope that the folks are enjoying their $6 tickets. Personally, I wouldn't be venturing there today if they were paying me $600. I am sure that all of my Yankee fan relation are overjoyed today since they are back to their old tricks. Somewhere I am sure that George is smiling, Sorry that our get together next week is on hold. But I guess that is to be expected as our group moves on in years. One way or another we will make it work. Our tree is up this morning with more of a struggle than I recall. Enjoy

Betsy said...

So two weeks from today is Christmas
How is that possible? Time goes at a warp speed!
So lets recap! How about those bills! and in OT no less. I have to be honest with you I watched very little of the game. I would have been way to miserable if they would have lost! When they showed the fans in the stands covered in inches of snow, that was just crazy!
We got our tree up, and it does lean to the right alittle, not sure why but the past couple of years, our tree's have all been a little crooked, the trees are straight, its Geo and I!
The twins have been battling a stomach flu, cough, sneezy ailment, nothing super serious, just a little stressful for their Mom and Dad.
Our deepest condolences to the fixxitts, as they travel south, and not for a good reason. Our prayers for Dolly and the family and that your travel experience goes with out a hitch!
so the fixxitts leave on the first flight on Wed, 5:45AM, the over under on what time they get to the Airport?
So with all that being said, Our HoltzFamily Christmas has been cancelled for the 16th. I know I know, how blessed are we as a family that only 1 Christmas party has been cancelled, or one party for that matter! Im sure some parties should have been cancelled, but that goes with out saying!
So how is the 23rd for everyone, meaning EA Holtz's?
I will ask my sister if she wants to host that day OR
Jeff and Sandra offered to host on the 16th?
So I have to tell you, Christmas is for the kids, and I would like to have it so K's family can participate, soooo..... thoughts
Also put a wreath on Gramma and Grampa's grave, just an FYI
So hey, its two weeks to Christmas!
Act like you need to get on the nice list!

Betsy said...

Just checked with Sue, she will host the 23rd, if the South Town Families can do that day.

unck said...

so my post from yesterday with all of my comments regarding the snowstorm and the bills game somehow got lost on the internet. I wish that I could remember all of the witty things that I had to so, Oh well. I now have used my snowblower as much this year as I did all of last winter. Must be March and I slept thru a few months. Looks as if there is a plan B in the works for "not xmas". Travel safely older sister. I look forward to snowblowing yet again tomorrow morning

unk said...

OK. The last 2 comments that I made were there and then gone. Very strange. Will try again. Is 205 an unlucky number???

unc said...

So now all of the comments are there. Strange

Betsy said...

Brother , did you see where you can choose, Newer and Newest? Maybe it lies somewhere out there between older and oldest and newer and newest?
I have asked dear daughter to update a new blog, so you and I can comment with each other on an updated entry.
Can you recreate your post that is missing?
Or no, as I never can, and I hate that when that happens!
Was wondering if my sister got out on time this morning, as they were the first flight out, there was very little snow, so I am thinking they were OK
Weather is suppose to go up to 40 on Saturday, so that will be good, as I am already sick of the cold!
I hear we are meeting at 9AM this Saturday, so looking forward to seeing everyone!
stay warm, dry and hydrated!

unc said...

After a few round trips to the airport and an overnight delay, it appears that K and the girls are boarding for Atlanta. Keeping my fingers crossed. All in all a great weekend. See everyone on Sat.

Betsy said...

Hope the Atlanta gals get home OK, or at least get out of Buffalo!
Great pictures of the throngs of people stranded at the Atlanta airport, just milling around!
Talk about a powder keg situation!
Had such a wonderful breakfast with the Holtz's/Twombly/Holtz's!
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and we all had a great time!
So brother, you are not coming to our not on news year eve dinner? Is that correct?
YOu are getting out of dodge early, cant say as I blame you!
Looking forward to our Christmas Party
enjoy today and all that it brings your way

Betsy said...

Count down to our family Christmas continues...
Weather should be good, so hopefully everyone can get in and with no issues!
Looking forward to seeing everyone
take time to enjoy the blessings we all have been given!

Betsy said...

Thank you to everyone that made the effort to come to Holtzfamily Christmas!
It was a wonderful party!
Thanks to my sister for Hosting!
The food was delicious! Thanks again everyone!
I think everyone had a great evening!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
without rushing off to celebrate Holtzfamily Christmas on Christmas, Christmas day is a little more laid back.
we went to the Twins house, for dinner and a marathon gift opening session!
Seems everything the twins opened at that moment needed to be investigated, played with, etc...
But it was a wonderful evening
Travel safe brother!
enjoy your time away from this bitter cold!
Happy New Year Family, what will 2018 bring our way???
Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

brrrr.... OK this is way to cold for December! This is January weather! Or February weather! But December, UGH
So there was quite the debate on our Christmas Eve Eve Party, what day the Holtz's were leaving. My brother insisted that they would depart on the 27th, my lovely sister in law, said pretty firmly, the 28th. So either day you leave, drive safe, enjoy your time in the sun and Happy New Year!
So lets see what is going on??? No Pre New Years Eve Dinner with my sister, we are going to wait until my brother returns to celebrate accordingly.
We will be watching the twins, as Jill and Gary are going to a wedding.
I thought people only get married on New Years Eve in the movies?
Other than that not much else is going on, its the doldrums of winter, and we are only one week into Winter!
I fear that with my brother out of town, I will be updating myself on the family blog, it seems the interest has waned, as so much is done on face book.
But Mom got the biggest kick out of this, she always wanted to know who said what, and what was our topic of conversation.
So I will continue to update everyone on what is going on in the North Towns..
OH, BTW, that section of Niagara Street is now closed, FYI
Enjoy this frigid cold day!

unkie said...

I was charged with getting out a Christmas thank you to all by my lovely wife, but things got hectic and I neglected my job, so sorry to all. It was a great get together on the 23rd. We are currently at K's and I am going to post this now just to make sure that it is working before I continue. Over and out

unk said...

Good, it worked. So, to set the record straight, we did leave on the 28th, surprise, surprise. It was a balmy -7 at departure time and we travelled all day and never saw 32. Stayed in DC area on thursday, got to va. and nc. on friday, were able to get the car washed so we went from all salt back to a red car, and arrived in Atlanta yesterday for "missedmas" and 52. Not exactly pool weather, but +59 degrees from our departure. Eric is at work, girls are all at Ikea, and I am "Home Alone". Eric is planning on doing a roast beast on the grill for dinner with a special "Happy New Year" celebration for this evening. Don't tell the girls but the plan is to turn the clocks ahead 3 hours--fine by me. Planning on heading over to the Bills bar this afternoon to watch our gallant warriors break our hearts once again. Color me pessimistic. Cold here too, low 30's. Wishing everyone the happiest of 2018. I see that the weather home is ridiculous but not much better here. Go Bills!!!

Betsy said...

Just way to cold! Not sure why we all live in this weather, I know Spring, Summer and Fall make up for it, but when we are in the death grips of this ridiculously cold weather, I question why?
Hope you stayed for the entire Bills game, brother at the local watering hole, I am thinking the celebration would have been one for the ages!
All that and the Bengal game was just way to fun! Enjoy, not to sure how long this will last??
Glad you got to Hotlanta, safe and sound!
we celebrated Happy New Year at 6PM, which would have made it midnight Paris time, so that was our thought process!
Oh well back to the grind, the two weeks of Christmas and New Years always just flies by and now back to the daily 8-4, and in sub zero weather no less!
Mercifully, National Fuel has rescinded their 5 degree ask of lowering our thermostats, not to sure if everyone complied?
Now there is a facebook video posted of Bills backers in an Atlanta bar, whooping it up, I do not see my brother in the crowd? But I am pretty sure he is there!
Other than that, I need new windshield wipers, my oil changed, and air in my tires, other than that...
Stay warm....

unkie said...

Made it to Gulf Shores yesterday. Saw a high temp of 43 which has people down here all bummed out, but apparently it took junior over 2 hours to get home last nite so I am not going to complain too much. Heat in the condo is working fine and that is a good thing. Is there some sort of an end in sight to this horrible run of weather? We need Tom Jolls to save us. Everyone is WNY, stay warm and safe. Patti was texting K after we left yesterday and K made the comment that it was like "slamming a door" on the holiday. We had a great holiday run from the weekend that K and the girls came home thru "missedmas" in Coldlanta on the 30th. I will paraphrase Lou Gehrig on being lucky. Take care all and thanks sis for keeping the blog alive.

Betsy said...

Happy January 3rd! Apparently we have not reached rock bottom as far as cold, as this weekend is suppose to be bitter, even more bitter than what we have experienced!
The door shut on the Holidays, ouch, that was a harsh statement!
Maybe we should paraphrase, that all good things come to an end?
The drive home yesterday was an epic one, my ride is 15 minutes tops, yesterday was 45 minutes! It was brutal!
Other than that, still working on my new years resolution list. I am thinking of just recycling previous lists and changing the year, thoughts?
Other than that, it is bitter cold, and we are all back to work
Enjoy your time in the sun brother!
To all, travel safe, stay warm and dry

Betsy said...

I am not even sure what a bombastic cyclone is, but apparently we are having one?
As we are entering a brutal stretch of cold, even my son, called stating that it was 32 in Davenport, just outside of Orlando, with frost and his pipes froze, unfortunately I was not very sympathetic.
But brutal cold is coming, not sure how it can be more cold than what it already is, but I guess it can!
I think everyone is just waiting for Sunday, and football!
Other than work, the bitter cold, and anticipation of playoff football, that pretty much covers everything that is in our local world.
I am suppose to go to West Seneca tonight for a Erie Boces School Board Meeting, but that will not be happening, I can tell you that much!
So everyone stay warm!
Go Bills!

unckie said...

So, we have still not seen 50 degrees and the people down here are complaining bitterly, but as said before, it is all relative and at least the sun has been shining. Auntie and I have settled into a bit of a routine but I have to say it is a stress to be thinking about the status of the homestead in our absence. Junior has promised to check on the estate but not sure what can be done if there is a problem.He has his plate full just taking care of his family. He did say that apparently a lot of schools were closed with the wind chill. Watching the weather channel and they are promising a warmup for the east beginning next week. Let's hope. Still looking for a prime location for 1 pm on sunday other than the condo. Try and stay warm all

Betsy said...

I think just about every school in WNY is closed today.
It is a brutal brutal day out there!
Im sure the homestead is fine, no issues as it is probably encased in ice, like everyone else's home!
Not to much to report, it is brutally cold, the grocery stores are packed and picked over, and the Bills made the play offs, oh the Sabres stunk up Minnesota last night, and the USA Junior team plays for the Bronze today. My husband is blaming me for the demise of the USA Junior team as the let in 3 goals while he was covering a window with plastic for me!
Mea Culpa Mea Culpa
There was a nice picture on facebook of Jeff grilling last night.
Kind of funny!
We had grilled cheese and tomato soup and noodles, that is my sub zero family dinner!
Glad you are settling in brother, enjoy the sun!
Stay warm all!
Go Bills!

unck said...

So apparently with the kids in Atlanta having been off for 3 weeks, K had been living for this morning and a return to normal. When she got the word last nite that schools were closed today I thought that we might lose her. Tomorrow?? I did watch yesterday's "game" so I am guessing that there is no joy in WNY today. Talk about a snoozer. Lots of rain here today, but it seems as though there will be a bit of a thaw back home. Adam called on Sat. and he was at our home and everything seemed in order. that was a relief. Hoping to see some sunshine this week. Hope that everything is well in the northtowns. Jan. is moving along. Keep the faith

Betsy said...

I devoted yesterday to de-Christmas-fying the house. The tree went to the curb, any and all Santa references have been boxed up for another year. I have to tell you, I do love tinsel on my tree! It is a clear reminder of any and all Holtz family Christmas's! But the after math of tinsel is a nightmare! It sticks to everything, it is impossible to clean up, oh and did I mention that it sticks to everything. So that in a nutshell, I glanced at the game periodically, and oh the Sabres lost as well.
So sorry the Atlanta gang is homebound! Hopefully this weather will turn around, and life will return to normal as we know it!
Glad your home is still standing, I bet you are relieved to know that it survived the cyclonebomb!
Other than that it is Monday
Enjoy this day and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Happy Tuesday! So lets recap
Georgie is sick with what everyone else in the world has had, he just gets it 2 months later, so my sister will be flying solo with the twins today.
I hope that goes well for her
As for me, I am immersed in work, with my self evaluation. A task I loathe!
telling people how well you do your job, UGH
But I will let them know I am the second coming, so I can continue until I say Im done!
So for tonights Sabres game, the fans can come in and spin the wheel and choose the lines, how interesting is that! And what if they win, then what will happen
Kind of a mini warm up, as all the ice finally fell off my car!
My daughter has promised me faithfully, that she will change the photo's on the blog, this week, to reflect Charles and his 100th!
Enjoy this day, and all that it brings your way

Betsy said...

Happy Wed!
Happy January 10th
Happy Birthday Jenna!
So 36 years ago today, we were having a horrible blizzard and the NFC Championship game was on, San Francisco and Dallas. Other than that, its a blur!
we have been practicing Happy Birthday with the twins, so far its going slow, but they are getting it!
It is a balmy 40 degrees out there today! Sun glass and sun tan lotion weather!
The Sabres lost last night, I finished my job evaluation, and trying to think of where to take Jenna for her birthday dinner!
Other than that, same old same old just a nice sunny January day!

unckie said...

Just wanted to make sure that I got in under the wire to wish my favorite nc jnn a most happy birthday and certainly hope that she enjoys her day. It is up to her mom to plan something special. Whatever UG has, I seem to have come down with it too. Bad enough being sick but being sick a thousand miles from home makes it worse. Oh well, suck it up. Drizzly rain here today So far not a lot to write home about weather wise. Self evaluation. boy that was a blast from the past, and a blast that I can sure say that I don't miss. Talk about a pointless exercise in wasting time.Auntie found a scrapbooking store and is currently going over all of the good stuff that she bought. Me, It's time for some mucinex and then off to bed. The hour time difference helps because at least the NBA games start at 7. No beer for 3 days. I must be drying out. Take care

Betsy said...

Happy Thursday with todays date being 1-11, if one is your favorite number, today maybe your day!
It is a balmy 50 degrees here today, and the snow is melting but will be replaced on Saturday with more snow on the way!
I am so sorry my brother is under the weather! Being sick is the worst, being sick in an unfamiliar space is even worser!
One of Jenna's asks for her birthday was the Fire and Fury book, and oddly enough Barnes and Nobles has a waiting list, so we currently are on a waiting list!
Other than that, had a nice dinner out, and are enjoying this break in the weather!
Feel better brother!
Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

So it is finally Friday!
Hip Hip Hohrray to Friday!
Weeks seem to drag once we get past the Holidays!
And we seem so far away from Spring!
Anticipating a pretty laid back weekend, nothing really planned.
We do sort of have a dilemma at 431 however.
Seems when George got home from work yesterday his house key broke in half in the lock in the door.
So with a little help from our neighbors, as they used bolt cutters to cut through the chain on the front door, he was able to get in the house, which was good news!
But the lock smith was not coming until today.
So 431 is pretty much an unsecured premise, so lets see if everything is intact when we get home.
And hey the Sabres won! So that is great news!
Still no word from Barnes and Noble on Fire and Fury, maybe it is getting printed in a shithole country??? Could explain everything!
Enjoy today and all that it brings your way!

unk said...

Printing in shithole country? Now THAT is funny!! Thanks B for getting my day off to a great start. Looking out to see the steam clouds (26 degree temp, over 58 degree gulf water) knowing that south of here they must be getting "gulf effect"?? snow, Never seen anything quite like it. Not the stuff that the C, of C, promotes, Ah the joys of home ownership. Always some problem to be dealt with. Hope that all is repaired by now, Another big Patriots win to bring joy to WNY. Last week at this time the Bills playoff hopes were still alive. Today, any reason to watch the games? Yesterday's biggie was a trip to the Florabama bar. Unlike anyplace we have ever visited, Huge place with multiple music venues all going at the same time, $3 beers and $4 wines--yes, I am on the mend, thank goodness--so it was a fun stop.Hope that UG too is on the mend and that everyone finds an enjoyable way to celebrate their monday, Can't believe that report from Hawaii yesterday. What a wonderful time, Why couldn't that "human error" have affected Mira Lago.Thanks to the wonders of infomercials, I now have next year's pirate gift, go to Stay warm all

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