Orchard Park, NY 3/23/2006
I look forward to Thursday night hockey every week. We have a good team and a fun team to play with. Our Tools (that's our team name) team has roughly been together for over ten years. Each week, with best friend and drinking buddy Tim, we make our journey down to Orchard Park to play in a very competitive floor hockey league. We've made it 4 times to the championship game over the years and have come out a loser all four times (ala Buffalo Bills) all by one goal losses, two in overtime. We won our first game 19-4 and this year we added a few players that was going to get us to that championship game this season. I started out the season with 4 goals and two assists in that first game and I was feeling really good about the season. Starting our second game I felt really good too, I had a groin pull the previous week and it was starting to feel much bettter. Due to a few players showing up late I started back on defense with Tim (we're known to the owner of the league as the "Bash Brothers", how nice) and the first few plays I had to make went smooth. We were playing last year's undefeated champion, I disrupted two rushes and cleard the puck. Then ,the third minute into the game the ball came rolling back to me and with no one around me I was ready to make a center rush and create a play. I took one step and BOOM! (that's what it sounded like inside my head) it felt like someone slashed me from behind. I went down like an overweight white guy playing hockey with younger kids. Not knowing what happened at first and the ball laying in front of me and swiped at it with my stick to clear it up to our centerman. No need ... whistle blows and everyone gathers around. "What happened Jeff, your knee give out"?, says Steve the ref. That's usually what happens, my knee will turn and I'll go down. "Nope", I replied. I knew right away what it was. Nick on the other team said he heard a pop. So after 30 seconds, I gathered myself and two of my dependable teammates carried me off to our bench were I had to watch the rest of the game. Rats!!! We're playing the best team in the league with only one sub now. We lost the game 5-8 and I would have made a difference. I told our team that they had played hard and had a good game and then some of the guys from the other team came over to the our bench after the ceramonial handshake and said good luck to me.

Now the hard part, going home and telling Sandra what happened. I've got to lie, it's my only chance. A pack of wild dingos... no.

Some tree huggin' hippy liberal was demonstrating... no.
Nahhhh, no lies.

On to the surgery:
Being the man that I am I asked

Now I'm home with my family that is more than willing to take care of me. Emma made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday and has made me tea and corn for breakfast six times this morning.

I'll need someone to clip my toenails iin a few weeks... Sandra refuses to do it.
When I suggested that it was time for someone to go out and do something to provide the subject for a new blog I did not expect nphw jff to go to these lengths. To think that you survived all of the Thanksgiving mud-bowls, the penalty filled hockey games against your son, all of the scuffles with brother Rick, only to be taken down by a fluke injury in a non-contact situation. Oh the ignominy of it all.You have my sympathy. Many years ago,I guess that I was about 40, I did the same thing playing raquetball. I was fortunate in that I didn't require surgery, only 3 months of therapy and a further 9 months of limping. Who cares about Disney? What happens to our golf this spring? What about the activities related to Holtzapalooza???? All of this and the travels to San Antonio today.This may be more than I can handle. Thank goodness that you have your family to care for you nephew. I know that Auntie P could not do enough to make my rehab as easy and comfortable as possible; and NEVER did she remind me of the circumstances under which the injury occurred. This is when the marriage vows take on new meaning. I know that this will, in no way, interfere with you performing all of your job responsibilities. Keep everyone posted. I know that you will receive an outpouring of sympathy from your younger brother.
I think somebody needs to break it to gram that the "panhandle" is a geographic area, not a small object.Ah, on 2nd thought, just take her to a waffle house, and tell her that one of the frying pans has THE panhandle.
That's Waffle HUT, and I love me some waffle HUT. Me and my trusty red cup of bourbon have spent many a good night there, and many a cheesesteak omlette has saved me from the next morning's hangover!
But on to the real subject -- oh JFF! That sounds just horrible, and I applaud your bravery. Can I sign your cast?
Howdy folks,
Thanks for the support, sympathy, and related dities of past. You know I'll do anything to keep the blog interesting. Sandra is doing her best to keep her man comfortable. Sandra! SANDRA!!!
She's been gone most of the morning, but I'm sure be home soon.
I'll be fine for golf and Holtzapalooza this summer. Don't cancel any events because of me. Ten weeks in a cast and then (they say) 10 weeks of rehab. I'll be fine. The drugs are good and plentiful. Mustafa reminds every 30 minutes to take one. He says it's best to be in a bit of a haze.
Unckie C, I never new the racquetball story. I had two friends already go through this. Both were just running, nothing major. Well back to 'Pulp Fiction'. Everyone's gone for the day and It's the only time I can watch it.
Jff~So sorry to hear you have an ouchy! A BIG ouchy!! But what a brave boy you are. Nothing like Unkie I'm sure. Now he was a real whiner. "Get me this, get me that, fluff my pillows, I need to eat, I'm out of beer."
I think Gram's picturing a panhandler cause she's been to DC and knows what they look like.
With Cookie and mom away, Dad and I ordered pizza and wings tonight. We also ate in the livingroom! That's a big no no. I woke up from my much needed nap, went downstairs to see dishes all over and the house in complete disarray. Well, we will get to them on Wednesday before Momma returns home, or maybe cookie will do it. It's so hard being a homeowner!
Just a FYI, according to the southwest website they have arrived in Texas.
In case you are wondering...I'm drinking heavily tonight! Jff & I are missing a party (we even had a babysitter!). Gee... I wonder why...
Three reasons not to divorse (observances brought up by a leg cast)
#1-you are stuck cleaning up dog crap in the back yard FOREVER
#2-you are stuck taking out the trash
#3-you are stuck driving EVERYWHERE
This, of course, wouldn't be so bad except with the leg thing...you have SOMEONE reminding you of #1-#3!!!!Geeez!
Oh my %^&()*&%#!!! There he goes again! Hon...can you get me...I'm grabbing another beer before this errand!!
Oh...never mind...he wants more beer and we are out...write you later!
mrs fixit is in boerne texas when she reads the traumatic experience that her son has just gone through. oh igorot! we are here in the most beautiful setting sharing with our cusin pat and her darkhaired well hung husband and after three wines and a few laughs
we cant even remeber jeff's name.
or if he is in a cast or traveling with a cast but what the heck. love ya
Where's Gram???? Did you leave her at the airport????
So much to respond to. The love, care and devotion being shown by Sandra toward her disabled hubby. And to think Sandra you are already on day 4 of what may be 70 or so. Jenna's point is well taken, has anyone any idea where my mother is? And why were there plans to "go out and do the town" at 11:25 p.m. which is at least 2 hours past anyone's normal bedtime. And I did find it interesting that Mrs. Fixit was commenting on someone's "hung husband" after being a guest for 2 hours and 3 wines. I can't wait to see where all of this goes. My life is so dull by comparison--did see that Niagara won a pair of games on Sat. while the Sabres lost #5 in a row. Prepare for more heartbreak WNY,as the Sabres do it again. Adam and Amy just left to drive back to Boston after an all too short stay. I hate to say it nfwu, but 10 weeks of cast and 10 weeks of rehab put you at the end of August. That could make you a pretty easy/tempting target for the "looza" water balloon derby. Sandra, you need to have jff spend his down time training the dog to do his business in the toilet; also, I remember many episodes where Lassie would go and fetch beer for Timmy. I think it's doable. Good luck to all, especially with the pizza box removal.
My mom has only been gone one day and the house is in pure chaos. I miss her Sunday morning English Muffin breakfast, so I had to improvise, pizza and pop; the breakfast of champions. Jff, do you think you could send Emma over to cook?
Jeff, do you need a good book?
Funny, funny stuff. I just love reading this. WHY is my mom commenting on his "hungness"? Doesn't she know everything's bigger in Texas?
Auntie P, very funny, because we all know Unckie C is NOTHING like that.
Well... I'm almost 48 hours into this and only 3,312 hours to go. I'll be fine for any kind of Palooza dunk tank game and early morning long distance driving contest for golf.
Auntie P. I'll burn the Susan Tedeschi concert for you the next time I see you.
Jllie, I take the minimum amount of pain killers (not really a fan). I just take them at night to sleep, so I should have my normal BM's. Congrats at starting the season 4-0, that's great.
Did Gram bring her datebook with her? Is she going to be okay with buying Texas' lottery tickets? What's the big corner store corporation in Texas so Gram can buy her tickets?
Sabres just hit a lil' snag in the road, they'll be fine.
Unckie C, do you want to go to the Bisons home opener or Saturday's game? I think it's the 14th.
Looking forward to seeing the Bisons, but will probably not attend the home opener. They are home the following week for day games and I plan on being somewhat of a fixture, particularly if the sun chooses to come out. Will my nephew be rehabbing or at work?
What's an igorot??
I can go to work. I'm at a desk all day and I'll have some of my folks bring me coffee every now and then. Maybe rub my back.
Igorot: (eye-gore-it)
When a redneck jams a stick into a woodland creature.
"This polecat came into the yard and Igorot".
Unckie C, If you want to go to an afternoon game I'll go. Let me kknow when you're going.
Good Morning Family!!!!
It is so nice to be able to read all your comments, but I really have no time to chat, as the day is fully planned and full of exciting sites and sounds of the san antonio area. I have met numerous eligible cowboys, and my date book is full! And I was greeted with a Labatts when I arrived. Now that is living.
I am being waited on hand and foot, which is so unusual as my family is very mean to me...
Hasta Lavista all!
Good Morning Family!!!!
It is so nice to be able to read all your comments, but I really have no time to chat, as the day is fully planned and full of exciting sites and sounds of the san antonio area. I have met numerous eligible cowboys, and my date book is full! And I was greeted with a Labatts when I arrived. Now that is living.
I am being waited on hand and foot, which is so unusual as my family is very mean to me...
Hasta Lavista all!
Auntie Sue here: the igorot thing
is boerne thing we will explain fully at the holtapalooza, hold on to that thought as i scan the horizon and i do mean horizon it goes on and on and on kinda like a long blog. being a guest is great really this is so nice seeing how the hueings live. check underthe bed for armidillas and cowboy boots.
So at least the igorot thing is partly clarified. Sounds as if all is going well and I hope that Mom is not being too embarrassed by all of the attention. Hope that cousin Pat and husband Frank can survive all of this time with the WNY contingent. Have a blast. It sounds as if you are well under way. And for nefue Jff, any of the afternoon games that week will work for me if you can tear yourself away from your work load. We can wait for favorable weather.
Good Afternoon family. My best friend Katie and I took a trip to the SPCA this morning. Needless to say the Koch family has a new addition to the family. I know my mom will be so happy to meet little Cooper Jr. when she gets home. :) (Now, that might get her attention)
PS. Mom don't forget my shot glasses!!!
Jnna~Do you have a new ferret? I think you should have waited because your Mom was going to surprise you with one of those armadillos from under the bed. Personally, I would rather have the cowboy boots as long as they were filled with with a rugged, handsome, sensitive cowboy!
...and no, Unkie, I did not just describe you....
I hope it's not a cat or the Rice Jrs. are out for Christmas--aaacchhhoooo!!!
Maybe Uncle Frank is looking at ya a little "off" 'cause he read the "hung" comment & is wondering how you knew...
Oh...by the way...Jff still has the cast on his leg! Where am I?!
Both Emma's and Zach's teams pulled in 2nd places at the AWANA games yesterday--Gar is already stratigizing a new plan for the balloon game for next year...
Don't worry folks, I was just playing a trick on my mom. I am waiting for the cowboy that her and gram bring home.
Yep, let's wait for the good weather and hit up a afternoon Bisons game on a Thursday.
Auntie P, I was waiting for a "Brokeback Mountain" joke.
Sandra!!! I'm out of beer!!!
How's the weather down in Hotlanta?
Did Adm make it back safe?
A feret?
back in beantown safe and sound. And hopefully Jnna's phantom dog will somehow allow me to get a real one... never know.
Jff~ if i get a cowboy and jnna gets a cowboy it could turn into a brokeback mountain "thing". I'll look forward to the Tedeschi CD, Thanks!
Sandra, I feel your pain but look at it this way. Jff will owe you the rest of his life. Unkie's still paying the price for that long ago injury. I'm sure if you start plotting now you can think of some ways to even things out.
hi and hi to all yes its me. well we have decided in a few changes in dress code for the holtapalooza serapes and big funny hats also no
dunk tank we want big ugly paper mache things to hit with big sticks while we run around blindfolded. mom will be first because she doesn't need a blindfold if the sun is bright.bets keeps inviting strange gay men to the holtzapalooz ramos, enrique and desi this should be shitlot of fun.
Did my sister say "shitlot" of fun? Along with the "hung" reference of Day #1, I am beginning to become fearful for what lies ahead. I blame Mr. Fixit. He should never allow that woman to be out of his sight. She quickly goes over the edge. It sounds as if the ladies are having a blast. Mom and Texs-mex--and for the woman who takes her chicken wings boiled without sauce. We will make sure that there is plenty of salsa at the palooza. Be careful of Mom at the poker table. She used to babysit K and A and taught them to play poker. Adam lost his birthday money and she took Kristen's first paycheck from Burger King. And Jenna, I hear that skunks that have been "fixed" make wonderful pets. Auntie B would love to have a little critter to care for.
Mrs. Fix-it & Antie B~ You'd better be bringing home lots of literature from all these places! Sounds like a 40th anniversary destination for unkie and me. Ramos, Enrique and Desi~sounds romantic to me!
my goodness I've missed a lot -- and don't even know where to begin catching up! The only observation I'll make is that it sounds like tequila agrees with Aunt Sue!
Sounds like my mom and Auntie B are having a ummm.... ummmmm...
well it sounds anyway.
If we had a bet, on the first person to use foul language, on this blog, no one would have won; To think my own mother. What lies ahead indeed, never were there wiser words. No wonder they (Mr. and Mrs. Fixit) keep seperate bank accounts.
I have to blame the sun and not the tequila on this one KDH.
Where's Fargo with some wisdom and answers on this mysterious turn my mother has taken.
11 am and Jff is glued to the blog. I'll try to be attentive and witty today, Jff et al, to keep you from ennui.
Isn't that a great word, ennui? Sounds like a flightless bird from New Zealand that eats armadillos.
Was I the only one in the world that picked Villanova yesterday?
And how about that race?? Jeff Gordon crashing in the final turn. If you're lucky, my next post will tell you all about my trip to Dixie Speedway dirt track in Woodstock GA on Saturday night. YEE HAH! If you go after 9pm, the corndogs are buy one, get one free!
I've returned from my first post-surgery checkup. Everything is heeling (hehe, a play on words) nicely. The nurse cut a window into my cast and pulled it out. From my stomach I could see the mess that used to be my achilles. I concede any Holtzapalooza "Beauty Leg" contests now (if I was in the running for a placed finish). Right now it looks like a bloody mess. And that's not the Englishman in me talkin'.
KDH, thanks for paying attention to my blog needs. That was great when Gordon went over and pushed Kenseth yesterday. "Oooohh, tuff guy". That was a good race. It was one bump and run after another, reminds me of my college daze.
KDH, how goes the new location old job? Is there a blog a comin'? I need pictures. Do the taxi drivers compare to DC's taxi drivers?
Forget pictures of my new locale -- I want to see that leg!
Dearest Jill -- talk to me about hot sauce shots when its "run its course", if you know what I mean. Sounds like that could hurt coming and going! ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch.
By the way, your tweezer comment made me remember that I thought of you this morning when I groomed my Holtz-brows with my new fabulous gel. Love it. GREAT recommendation. I look a lot less like Brezhnev now.
nothing like comparing the holtz women to famous russian dictators. I'll take Stalin for $200, Alex.
I love a good tweezer story. Tell me another, Pleeeeaase.
How can there be all of this blog activity during the working day. So we are awaiting an update from jff with a current photo of the injured area as well as a post from kdh on the race. If that was the race I saw yesterday it appeared that it was about a quarter mile track that they went around 2000 times, is that correct? I am afraid that ms. fixit has succeeded in frightening off everyone else from the blog. I can't wait for the post on this trip, pictures and all. Hot sauce shots??? I do believe that I will pass on that one. And for any of our visitors out there, the sun was actually out all day in WNY with a temp. of 50. Our summer has arrived. We had better enjoy it now.
f#(%$ Sabres
Home sick with 102 temp.
How are you Jff??
We have Jnna home ill, which, according to the Rice theory, should not be happening after all of the consumption of pizza over the weekend; Jill "tweezerless in Tonawanda", nphw jff laid up in a cast, son Adam cursing the latest Sabre debacle, and nothing of late from Texas, although if c-in-law Frank is as smart as I think he must be, he has barred ms. fixit from the computer. All of this going on while I am torn between continuing raking the yard or going to find an open golf course today while Auntie P. heads out for a "teeth-cleaning" and lunch with the girls. So many plot twists and turns. I will tune in later to see where all of this may be going. Nothing from Thrillie on the course taken by the shots of hot sauce, so it may not be as dire??? as my "bourbon swillin" daughter suggested.
I'd choose golf over raking anyday. Let's hope you have your priorities in order. You have all spring and summer to rake and with a good wind storm the leaf problem could be your neighbors.
I'm sorry to hear about your temperature Jnna. Obviously, I'll need to look into my pizza theory a little bit more.
I think Adm summed up the Sabres game perfectly.
cold rainy day here in "Hot"lanta today. I'm staring out my window after a big lunchtime feast I shouldn't have had (mexican, but no, we didn't do hot shots) and I'm pondering a nap. Maybe I'll crawl under my desk for a few minutes ...
Jff, are you back at work? Jnna, take some advil, quick!
when do the intrepid travellers return?
Yep, back to work. I'm working half days for a few weeks. I probably should have taken yesterday and today off. Ouchy, after a few hours sitting up.
I started reading Jean Shepherds "In God We Trust", again. Jnna, are you home today?
Sorry it's rainy in Hotlanta, but... a perfect day for an afternoon nap.
I say, save the five bucks and get some more hot shots.
Jill, save the money for more shots, the tweezers should be back in town tomorrow. Opted for raking instead of golf, probably a bad decision, although I did temper it somewhat by making frequent trips to the frige for a cold one, or two, or.... I guess that I have some of my Uncle John Hay's, "time to clean the basement" genes. A little concerned about the lack of communication from S.A. Could it be that our girls were smitten by Dino, Desi and Estefan?
Nothing about your daughter home sick with a 103 temperature. But don't worry, Thrillie has been taking excellent care of me. My supervisor called me today and said under no condition are you coming into work tomorrow.
Okay, you don't have to tell me twice.
Jnna, if you hit 104--SELL! Sorry to hear that you are down with the bug, especially since the weather has finally gotten decent. And Ms. Fixit, our ambassador of good will from Wny, with all of her card playing experience, almost coming to blows with cuzin Barb, oh the memories. Glad to hear that everyone is enjoying themselves but yes, all the good times do come to an end much too quickly. Looking forward to seeing the pics. Haven't heard much from Sandra of late. That could be good or bad. With Jffy's mom coming back home, all of the pressure of caring for jff will be removed from Sandra as Mom takes over, RIGHT?
sounds to me like aunt sue has sewn her wild oats in Texas and won't be coming back to a maternal role anytime soon. NExt stop? Bourbon Swilling!
Jnna, feeling better? Jff, cast itching yet? Jll, try wearing your bangs long. Works for me.
Oh Jlle, I was so hoping to see your "cousin It" blog. Maybe you could grow them out for me?
Jff, don't think about the horrible horrible itching in your leg right now. About how much you'd like to just get in there and give it one nice scratch. the relief you would feel.
After sitting outside in the sun for awhile decided it was time to blog. Father has some words for the nation.
I'm appalled at my wife's conduct in Texas. She's gonna get a good spankin' when she gets home. Don't forget the famous "Texas whip" dear.
Hey Sue, it's colder up here in the north and there's a thing called shrinkage. She's always picking on me.
That's great dad, thanks. He's always looking for excuses.
I have to itch like there's no tomorrow.
You just learn something new everyday about your family!!!!
Glad to see that Mr. Fixit stopped by to see how his son was doing. The "Texas Whip"? Shrinkage in the northern climes? Sounds like Unkie Gare is missing the little woman. Can't wait to hear stories about their reunion. I am guessing that my sis will move right in to take care of her incapacitated son. Any takers on that? Sounds as if niece jnna is getting back her health. true?
The last time Jff had a cast (4 yrs ago) Both Mr & Mrs were REAL helpful...with advice like...Walk it Off...Quit Your Whining...you are just fine...you can do it son...Sandra is so good that she doesn't NEED any help, you'll see...
Talked to Mom about 8 last nite and she sounded great, certainly a lot better than I would have, had I started out at 4 am, spent the day on planes and in 4 different airports. But she was just glowing after her experience. Sounds as if our wny'ers were treated like royalty. Can't wait to see some response from the other two travellers. Keep the faith Sandra, Auntie Sue will be there to take care of her boy. I was just thinking about all of the raking/cleanup that I have been involved with in the yard, does that mean that Zach will be taking over that chore?
Hopefully Zach can take the raking and lawn mowing duties over with regularity this spring and summer. I told him I'd give him two bits... Heehee.
Emma's home sick again today. Poor little thing is sleeping and has been all morning. Jnna, were you tired like this with your bug?
I was outside for over an hour just now basking in the sun, reading a fishing magazine. What an awesome day it is today. Man, it's great to be in Buffalo.
I talked to my mom about her potty mouth and she doesn't recall a thing. Hmmmm... Ollie North???
Then Sandra chimed in reminding my mom's on her discription of her host, the Texas military man. She said that must've been her 3 margarita night. Auntie B, what say you?
surfing through the blog channels, and came across your site, saw the achilles tear patient and brought back painfull memories........ I tore mine playing soccer a few years ago. no sound compares to the "pop" of a tendon. have a good rehab, hope you are back on skates soon.
Hoping that Auntie B captured a pic of the homeland security forces going over the 89 yr. old lady with the wand and the various pokingsand probings. Actually, she may have enjoyed it. Can't believe that my sisters allowed this to happen. You should have jumped the overly efficious (as Marv Levy would say) public servant and created an incident. By the way, where is ms. fixit? Things have died down since the computer keyboard was taken from her. I would think that my VERY soon to be 50 sister, the one most directly involved with our currently available health care programs, would be able to do more to prevent her poor baby daughter from going thru all she has been going thru of late. I hope that, at least, she has returned the tweezers, unless of course they were confiscated by the airport screeners. 48 hours until the beginning of baseball season for REAL!! Has nfw jff had a chance to solidify his fantasy choices??
big day today, people. Big day. film at 11.
Jll~ Unkie is so concerned about your tweezers! He hates it when I take the tweezers, by mistake of course, out of town so he feels your pain. I actually tied him down and used the electric hedge clippers on his eyebrows yesterday. Worked pretty good so keep it in mind. An outdoor project.
Auntie B~ No fair protecting Ms Fixit. We were all on our own once. She knows what we're like!
I was so anxiously awaiting a new blog I RUSHED right into work to check it. The postings thus far have only given the slightest hints of the adventures that were had. And what wtih the injuries and other big news, I feel like I have nothing to contribute.
Its mid-seventies here today and I do NOT feel like working. Can I get permission to play hookie?
Some many open ended sentices, where to I begin?
Oh yeah, it's all about me.
I had a liquid lunch with my brother-in-law today at Swiston's, I know Unckie C, has had a roast beef there once or 12 times before. Blue was going for $2 bucks a draft.
Ms. Fixit crawled under father's tool belt to hide in embarassment. She's balming her vulgarities on the margaritas.
I agree with Kristen, I ran into work earlly today to see a new blog. We need nnew info... ADAM!!! Then realized that our IT Dept. blocks such propaganda.
Jllie...Thrllie... I feel your tweezer pain and that thing with your knee too. If you ver want to just hop around together just give me a buzz.
Tiki Hut opens at Easter!!! I need my coffee and a wrap. And what was your groupie's name again? She's nice.
I can't wait to see San Antonio pics.
After re-reading my post, I realized that the $2 Blue drafts were well worth it. I'm going to lay done now.
We should have a Napolean Dynamite night!!! Popcorn, beer, the works.
I want to know how nphw jff got to Swiston's? Does he have a car and driver at his beck and call. Please don't give sis-sue too much grief about her very graphic discriptions of all that was making her so happy in San Antonio, once we holtzes get on a topic we tend to get a bit carried away. Summer came to an official end 3 minutes ago. We were sitting out on the deck and the temp. dropped from 78 to 61 in about 4 seconds as the rain went through. And all of these promises==adam blog? san antonio blog? swiston's blog? tweezer blog? what, when and where?--and by the way, it was not pretty when Auntie p went after my eyebrows yesterday. I hate the good weather. As long as she can't get me outside, my brows remain safe and continue to keep my forehead warm and toasty. I feel "necked" now.
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