It all began a few days ago when Gram decided to watch an Olympic hopeful play the game of soccer. Yes, it was time to visit her great-granddaughter's soccer field and Gram was set and ready (she started tailgating by 7am (bud and dogs) and was primed in time for the 12pm game).
As Gram watched the game, she was amazed at how intense the game became. She also could not believe that her granddaughter was getting pushed and shoved by a mean-lean 4yr. old. Well, Gram would have none of that! She flew out of her chair and took the kid out! Unfortunately, the game continued and Em got the ball and nailed it in Gram's direction...ooopps!

She didn't know she was there...REALLY! "Ahhh...sorry G-G", she replied.

Being the dutiful granddaughter that she is, Em rushed her to the nearest ambulance and set the google directions for the hospital. As you can see, she was really concerned for her great- grandmother.

Em tried to get the drivers out of Dunkin Donuts, but they refused to come out for an 89 year old. So, Em took it upon herself to save her G-G from permanent flatation.

Gram had other ideas, however. She quickly exited the ambulance and found her own transportation. She kept muttering something about "George" and "Cake".

Apparently, she didn't care what she looked like or how much damage might have been done with the squishing... a party she couldn't miss!

Rumor has it that there were many "pops" at this party and they led Grandma to a great idea! Why wait for her daughters to get her may never happen! So, with a little help from me, she is off and away...more adventures to come!

An interesting side note...Apparently Sue & Betsy paid for the tickets south afterall--non- refundable ones... some might think this funny...

Great post Sandra, Emma was the perfect helper in helping flat Gramma get to the hospital.
Great Post Cousin Sandra! "The adventures of Flat Grandma." I see that hitting the NBC airways coming this spring!
For the record, Gram and Ruth ordered food from Payne's and Gram told the delivery guy he has "nice buns".
As flat as she is, I'm surprised that she could see them!
Greetings from sunny Chattanooga, Tenn. Have had to look long and hard, but finally found an available computer to get updated. Only 2 new entries since we left?? Come on guys, let's get with it. Excellent job, Sandra on the post. Love Flat GG; her personality has all of the dimension that she needs.Day 13 of trip and we are still seeking the perfect antique mall and golf course. Jff, played yesterday in Alabama on a real nice course but had to drive 60 miles to find it. Saw kdh on Sat. She is up in Nashville today. Don't like the drivers on I-75. 10 a.m and the stores are opening ttyl
I check this site often and enjoy the dialog and the stories, it is a nice folksy site! have a great day family! you brighten others days....
Albany checking in... I hope the gramma has a sense of humor, you guys pick on her alot. birght sunny day, maybe I can get some chip shots in.
Ahhh... I just lost everything too. Good stuff... good stuff.
Unckie C, 60 miles to find a golf course in Alabamy? Sounds like a typical day for us here in the southtowns. Have fun and be safe.
Thanks anonymous posters, glad we can make your day. Gram has a great sense of humor and a mean apple pie to boot.
just proving that we can find you no matter where we are. All the way from Erwin, Tenn. Woke up to snow and school closings here this morning. Always can tell when we are heading home. 14 days now in the car with Auntie and we ran out of conversation 12 days ago. Auntie P is enjoying the silence!
This is very upsetting. What is going on with YOU PEOPLE!!!Are you letting jobs and the like interfere with the important issues, posting and running commentary???? We are heading out to the birthplace of Andrew Johnson. Yes, that Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of this here Yewnahted States, only yewnahted because the "war of northern aggression" didn't go the way it should have--oops, I think that I have been down here a bit too long. Anyhow, you are probably asking the same question as Auntie P. Why the hell are we here? My answer: because it is REALLY important!
from AP~and you wonder why I enjoy the silence? on and on and on~~~~~
hey guys -- back online and loving the new blog. good stuff! I can't even imagine what unkie c and auntie p had to go through to get online to check in -- rock on with that guys!
Love the vacation update Unckie C. Hard to believe there were closings in Tennessee. It's a balmy 30 degrees here and that's with the sun behind the clouds. Imagine how warm it would be if we could see the sun.
You're a trooper Auntie P. Are you close to being unretired???
You can't beat Andrew Johnson trivia. Is he the one who said, "this tastes like chicken".
That' right... I'm home at 1PM. Ahhhh... to be me. Who needs to be retired.
they have finally let me on the familyblog oops i always start slow oh no that mr handiperson. flatgg is priceless and my gd is beautiful good luck jenna kris ad amy rick and stacy life is good if your not retired and in a car with your other half for 14 long arduous days celebratin turning 39 i have to go help clean the vacuum oh joy
I've just reached a new level of confusion... why are you cleaning vaccuums?
Mr. Fixit has finally gotten to my sister. He has her cleaning vacuum cleaners before using. Jff home at 1 p.m. and adm posting at 2:44. I see no reason why there can't be more action here with all of the free time that YOU PEOPLE have. I don't know of any AJ quotes involving chicken, although he was noted to have observed frequently that catfish, or is it catsfish, are a delicacy. Auntie P. is in a bad mood because dancing with stars is over and I have taken over the tv to watch deal or no deal
ahh, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, I see. Deal or no Deal is great TV. a non thinking man's "who wants to be a millionaire".
I'm confused by my mom's post. I think she's lost her crack pipe and itchin' for a new pimp.
They (Mr. Fixit and Mrs.) came over this afternoon and the conversation was about lubricants.
Adam postin' at 2:44 PM, Holtz's RULE!!!
Ya gotta love Howie in make a Deal!!!
Where's his hair?
Not only did 'Tek hit a granny, Timlin got the win against Mexico, Adam Stern was the hero for canada, and Big Papi had two dingers for the dominicans. All in all, the Sox reps are showing up! And A-Rod, well, I'm sure he'll start hitting the ball sometime. Perhaps when the US has a 12-0 lead over south africa?
What is the etiquette on making fun of your mother-in-law?? Cause...what exactly was that all about?
Sorry, I could never translate that mess.
Pavano says he's feeling better.
Fantasy baseball draft this weekend!!!
I just love "My Name Is Earl"
I am... and I should have used a pencil.
In 22.5 hours my fantasy baseball draft begins. I'm as giddy as a little girl.
After 17 days and 3400 miles in the car together, we are finally home. It was 68 in Winchester, va when we left this morning and sunny all the way to St. Mary's, Pa. then it started to rain and by the time we hit Springville it was 38, foggy and misty-rain. Got to love WNY. Glad that Thrillie at least will be where it is warm and sunny this weekend. Had some interesting adventures and I hope to be able to share some of them soon.
Welcome home Unckie C and Auntie P, we're glad your home safe. Any adventures that rival the roadtrip to Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss? We'd love to hear them.
There was this squirrel, who looked vaguely familiar, that jumped into the car near Weaselboro, Tenn. and proceeded to frighten your Auntie P., but i don't want to upset Jff, lest it interfere with the thought processes he needs for his fantasy draft today. Who was that guy playing for Canada, "Slappy Crappo" or something like that. Is he available?
Slappy may be a deep sleeper.
I leave for the draft in 45 minutes. Sandra thinks I should go now. Let's just say my motivation outside of fantasy baseball has been limited.
Never trust Tennessee squirrels, they're just like a Mississippi leg hound, it's best to let them finish their business.
Okay, all done with the draft (it just ended... nah, just kidding) and here's my team in a 11 team 5X5 keeper league. (* indicates keeper)
C Joe Mauer
C AJ Pierczynski
MI Derek Jeter *
MI Jose Reyes *
MI Rickie Weeks
CI Aramis Ramirez *
CI Jim Thome
CI Lyle Overbay
OF Adam Dunn *
OF Jason Bay *
OF Johnny Gomes
OF Magglio Ordonez
OF Garrett Anderson
SP Mark Prior
SP John Patterson
SP Scott Kazmir
SP Jeremy Bonderman
SP Oliver Perez
RP Joe Nathan
RP Eric Gagne
RP Eddie Guardado
RP Todd Coffey
That's right... no Red Sox on my team!!!
interesting selections nephew jff, but time will tell. I like Mauer and Nathan to have good years, but I still think that you should have gone with that Slappy guy, especially when I heard that he had a son he named Cooper. Cooper Crappo? How can you do that to a kid? Purple Eagles softball won the tourney in Va. Beach?? And my sister and bro-in-law are in Tonawanda?
Purple Eagles !!! Sweet.
Crappy Crapo??? Coooper Crappo?
Carpel Tunnel???
So many nick names.
Unckie C, whatcha' know about Cross Creek, PA? Golf? $250.00 all you can eat, drink, and golf.
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