After a lot of thinking and not taking anything away from my daughter, "B"'s blog, which I thought was great, I decided that maybe you might like my version of the Texas trip.
The plane rides were perfect, but the most enjoyable parts were being pushed around in the wheelchair in the large airports. The girls were always tossing a coin and I was wondering why?
(we tossed the coin to see who got stuck pushing her) Anyway we were always allowed to pre board which saved me from standing in line!
San Antonio was beautiful and niece Pat and her husand Frank were wonderful hosts. I had my own room and a bath and was treated royally. There were twin beds in the room however no one took up the other bed as they said I snored!

We took many wonderful road trips! However, the girls insisted on snapping my picture every place we went. When I opened the out house door, snap, when I ordered a beer, snap, when I was eating, when I was dozing and then one day, they stuck a cowboy hat on my head, hung a basket on my arm, and shoved a muskat in my hand and told me to look mean! Being the little old frail lady that I am, I tried very hard. How did I do?

In the evening we played poker, and sometimes I won a few hands, and when I won they said I was playing cut throat! I never told them I learned them how to play watching "MASH" re-runs. The whole trip was just fantastic! The bad part was that it went far to fast!
The trip home did have one bad spot, at the San Antonio airport. I never realized how threatening I looked! They searched my poor body from head to toe! My daughters were clearly upset at this, I quess they do love me after all!
Anyway we got home safely, where they dropped me off, and I have not seen either one of them since! They did take one last picture, and I think it must have been a dandy as they drove off laughing! I hope I get to see those pictures, or maybe I better not!
Much love to all
sorry for the grammatical errors, I tried to get this up before they shut the blog down for maintenance.
And gramma wanted to tell her side tonite!
Just to let everyone know, I proofread my work. My mother was nice enough to put this up for me.
Nice job Gram, sounds like you had a nice time. Why would they put a muskrat in your arms?
isn't that the name of a song? muskrat love? I thought she said she but a musketeer in her arms. or a mouseketeer
Excellent job Mom. Unfortunately your Minutelady picture, which i thought was the greatest (it stillis my screen saver) has been replaced by pics of lucy. Gramma needs to chime in with dog training tips. Seems that was one of the tasks that went her way with Mickey II. I don't remember Dad taking an active role in dog-care, but I am sure that he must have. Adam, if you were a true Holtz you would rename Lucy Michelle??? III, since name creativity has never been a strong suit in this family---ie. Tipper II, etc. And don't get a doghouse--Lucy will never see the inside of it, but I can guarantee that you will.
Is this going to work?
OK, now I can share what's on my mind. I drafted a lovely comment only to have blogger to crash and burn. My witticisms are lost forever, but I'll do my best to recreate!
Anyhow, MY hometown atlanta braves won their season opener last night in an exciting game against the Phillies -- but perhaps most importantly, I found the only draft beer in the stadium. THAT knowledge is going to serve me well.
The pollen count is approximately 1,000,000 this morning. Everything has a green haze around it!
The High today in WNY is 67. I still have my winter clothes out. I will have to dig around and try to find all my spring clothes.
Just a FYI, last night gram was upset because she hasn't seen me in awhile. So guilty me went to Wilson Farms and purchased her scratch off tickets. Well the clerk gave me one $5, and 2 $2. I only paid $6 total. Gram won $7. This is how millionares are made.
Yes Unkie C, I have been working "trifecta". My full time Recruitment job, coaching, and the Tiki Hut. I remember when you coached back in the day. Perhaps you could take over for me?
I hate to break it to you fam, but I think we have lost Jimmy.
I thought it was Mustafa spelled wrong. Who knows where that little devil will turn up next!
I thought of you Jnna at your doubleheader last weekend. My last doubleheader was at Cheektowaga on a Wed. afternoon in late April with a light mist in the air that occasionally became snow flurries. 2 of my reserves wanted to walk over to the Galleria for awhile since "we're not playing anyhow" and became very indignant when I said no. My only "pitcher", a term I use most generously since she could get the ball over the plate occasionally, decided that it was too cold to pitch which left me auditioning for most of the afternoon. Fortunately the second game was finally called because of darkness. God, I miss those days.
Okay, I won't tell you captain Jeter yanked a three run homer to win it in the 8th!!!
Opening home game in Hotlanta with a draft beer. Very few things can top that in life.
It is absolutely gorgeoous outside. Zach has been playing street hockey for three hours.
Last night we drove over to the ballpark at Ives pond thinking he might have a little league practice. Silly Jeffrey, fortunately there was another father thinking the same thing. So Zach got to throw the ball around, field grounders, and take a few cuts. Anything in the "little league" (eyes to heels)strike zone he was hitting. Made me proud.
thank god they came back and beat the royals!
Good Morning Fam. I am off to work. UGH. Meetings all day, Interviews, then more meetings. I despise them.
Gram, Austin, and one of Cookie's friends will be over for Easter. So, I am sure there will be a blog in the works.
I can snap a picture of Gram frantically searching for Easter Eggs. I hope the bunny is good to me this year. He hasn't given me an Easter basket in 7 years. Yes, I am counting.
Big news flash, family. I went back to my martial arts training yesterday. I can barely walk today. Seems that time on the stairmaster does not translate into the same muscles as time spent kicking little kids.
How can a Jeter homerun be the #1 play of the day on ESPN? The sox blew it by getting rid of Arroyo. Could be using him as a DH.
people, you are letting me down today. I so completely don't want to work, and unless you all get to posting, I'm not going to be able to use this as a procrastinatory device!
I'm sorry Kristen, you can blame me. The days are so nice here, even though I'm home at 11:30, I just sits outside and thinks.
I had 20 staples removed from my leg today. It kind of felt like someone removing twenty staples from your leg. No, seriously.
Auntie B, you just know Jeter did. Fist in air, pink bubble a blowing. He's the only captain, he should get a cape.
Jnna, have fun with the interviews.
Jllie, have fun waiting for your project partner.
Unckie C, what was on your agenda today?
Sandra and I had lunch at the Gallery Grill, some force dragged me into the discount shop looking for 3 & 5 woods.
Ah yes, and it is a pretty day. Looks like we will be making a Broadway Market run this morning and then heading in to take Mom to lunch. Sunday we have been invited to Rod and Betty's for dinner. First time home for Easter in a bunch of years. This one inch wide new format that allows one word per line is driving me NUTZ. Briere on Top 10 this morning. Nfw, you are pricing new woods and having staples pulled out of your body, does that mean that you are healing? After the thrashing you gave me last Nov. I am looking forward for revenge, and the worse physical condition you are in, the better.
Good Morning Family. I slept in on my day off to prepare for my game this afternoon. My last words to my mother were, "Make sure you have bail money for me." The most dreaded game on the NCCC schedule is that of MONROE. We despise them. Why you ask? Their coach is a huge jerk! Two years ago, he cancelled a playoff game against us because his pitcher was out of town on a tennis trip. Then he told my head coach that if we don't play he wins because he is the higher seed. He makes my skin boil!!!!
Okay, so other than that my team is 0-4. I can say that I know how the NU lacross coach feels. I had to reprimand my team for an inappropriate website they made.
Unkie C, I know you had it bad. But when my starting CF said "Coach, I can't catch the ball, the sun was in my eyes." I just remembered your stories of HS softball.
Maybe it's raining in Monroe?
I feel your pain, thrille. My two papers are on the uses and needs of a functioning inclusive classroom, and the history of american exorcisms in the catholic church. What are you writing?
Healing up just in time for Holtzapalooza golf. I'll be on the first tee at 6:45 AM.
Exorsism by the Catholic Church???
Inclusive what??? Who are you?
Jeter CC'd me on Auntie B's e-mail invitation and he can come to Holtzapalooza. He's very excited about it.
Adm & Thrllie, I'm sorry to hear about your papers that are due. I consider myself on Easter break now. I'm watching a Yankee afternoon baseball game with a cold Blue in hand.
Easter plans:
Friday, church in the afternoon and then out for a fish fry, probably Lauughran's.
Saturday, dinner at Sandra's parents, her sister is in town.
Sunday, afternoon lunch with my Shirl and Glen after church and then probably just chillin'. I'll mention to Sandra a ham's on the table at your house.
Big Unit pitching today, gotta go.
Antie B, the "Ted", as we like to call it, is about the only ballpark in the nation that you can get walk up tickets -- to the PLAYOFFS.
Atlantans take their ruthlessly efficient baseball team for granted. Therefore, tickets are NOT hard to come by.
Adam, what is WITH the book jacket pic?
Dibs on Jeter at Holtzapalooza. I'll overcome my distain for the Yankees given that he's a very handsome, athletic multimillionaire.
jnna -- boiling skin? Yuck
jll -- papers -- Yuck
Good news -- the farmers market here has fresh polish sausage, fresh pierogis and big ol' rye bread. Teh only thing I'm missing is a butter lamb. But I can make one of those all on my own, I betcha!
my blog has become a "please hire me" portfolio. I thought the intellectual pose of me in front of the wwii memorial was a good choice for a potential history teacher.
I have a new drinking buddy. We sat around this afternoon drinking and telling jokes. I'll tell you who it is as soon as I sober up.
The old lady with her coor's and the younger lady with her wine had a delicious time telling me how "cranky and irritable" I was and how I needed to "lighten up" and enjoy life as they took turns identifying my personal shortcomings. All that and I got the bill. I told the old lady that the lunch covered the next 10 Easters and there would be no negotiating. It all ended with the waitress wishing me a "Happy Passover". That, and coming home just in time to see the Yanks finish their sweep of the Royals. An all around great day.And Jnna I found softball coaches, with you and I the exceptions, to be particularly disagreeable individuals who liked nothing more than to talk about how their immense coaching skills had created the situation that allowed me to be getting my head beat in. Happy Passover to all. By the way, that happened at the Gallery Grill, and I don't recall an incident like that for the Rice's.
Adm, you may want to change your picture, the "I'm available and there's a reason for it smile" or "I'm drunk and I just urinated down my leg smile" doesn't work on you.
You need to show teeth.
Ahhh... lunch at the Gallery Grill, I slightly remember an evening like that as two ladies one younger and one definitely older, was picking on me for things I had no control or very little control over. The more they drank the more critisisms of me were pointed out. 'snif' Good times.
Well, I survived the trip to Monroe today. We lost game 1, 3-0 and then game 2, 8-0.
Next game is Saturday at NCCC 1pm start against Broome. Yuck.
Margarita Madness starting at 2 pm. I can't believe that my 2 sisters did not make the trek. Mom described an appetizer platter ordered in S.A. that had to be carried out by 2 waiters that was apparently devoured rather quickly and washed down with margaritas. How did you guys find time to do any sightseeing? Hope that everyone has a good day. Go Bisons!
After reading all that, I'm trying to figure out what excuse I could possibly use to exit work for the day and get to drinking. Problem is, I don't have a lot of drinking buddies down here yet, so that means I'd be going it alone. Perhaps a bad habit to start? I mean that on top of the "smuggling bourbon into public events in my flask" habit, of course. NOT giving that one up!
Sunday plans? I'm thinking a picnic of polish sausage and rye bread at Ocmuglee, one of the very cool National Parks in these parts!
Kristen you make me giggle like a lil' gerrl. Hehehe... public flask problem... hello my name is...
So glad Thrllie made it home at a reasonable hour after "Margarita Madness", what a great name. I remember hitting up You Host after an evening of debauchery. They used to have plastic dinosaurs that was quite the challenge to pocess while checking out.
Go Bisons!!!
oh man -- YOUR HOST -- I miss the host. My favorite thing was the "fry up", which consisted of a brick of whatever they could scrape out of the fry basket. Good times, good times.
How dare anyone say that today's young Americans do not have the very best eating and drinking habits. Thank God that I have always treated my body as a temple.
well, i just spent the 1st day of my vacation doing major outdoor renovations to our new home, only to be met with the words "its not what i was thinking." ahh, married homeownership. I feel like I've just joined a club.
A temple????
That's all I got.
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