As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
proud papa
I don't want to bump the san antonio blog, but people have asked, and I wanted to share the latest pic.
I am trying to copy and paste the picture of the old lady with the gun, I want to use it as my screen saver, I think it is hysterical! But I cant? Did you guys put a copy right infringement on it? Cuz I will buy it. It is really great
gram with the gun, gram with the beret. Who's that crazy anne geddes woman who does the babies in weird costumes? and the crazy william wegmen who does the dogs? We may seriously be on to something.
Hey Colonel! Welcome back Fargo! Now all we need is Jimmy!
Let's get H-P #1 out of the way before we become encumbered with plans for #2. I told my dear wife the first time I saw the pic of "rifle tottin' Mama" that I wanted it for a screen saver and she absolutely refused; since I don't have the knowledge to do it myself I have an "early Lucy"as my saver. Nice to know that there is someone else out there with taste and character who recognizes a quality photo when they see one. Golf today in Alden is month #98 on the way to #100. Did miss my nephew since that was the location of "the incident" of 2 years ago. Only cost $6, including a pull cart since conditions were not "primo" Good to see fargo making up for lost time. Anonymous: come to Holtzapalooza and take all of the picture that you want of family members in the photo tent at $1 per. Fargo, have you cleared August 5 in your travel plans yet?
Well, I have to make my first fantasy baseball transaction today. Eric Gagne is having surgery on his elbow. It's a good thing I didn't draft him too high. It comes Rafael Betencourt. Go Indians!!!
Ahhh ... the Alden course, I remember it well. That's were I roped my 350 yard drive. That was a bewt!
I stumpled across this site while trying to write a paper on my geology professor Dr. Thomas R. Holtz at Maryland Univeristy. KDH lives in D.C. if you are related to him let me know Im in need of some background for this paper.
Hey, my comments got knocked off the blog...without answers. My "foils" have let me down. You didn't even tell them that GramHoltz bluffed everybody only holding a pair of 5's...some tough cookie. In fact, I believe she was the big money winner.
Absolutely, I mean Molsonutely or Labattlutely, take your pick. Maybe they should be lightlutely's??? I'm fairly inactive right now. Trying to keep the belly at the special K pinch.
Circus Holtz's...too funny. Remember when we all tried to fit in Mr. Fixit's '69 Chevy? Ahhhh... good times.
Sandra and I had a wonderful time at "The Gallery Grill" last night. The fish dinner was awesome and the oatmeal stout was just right. Zach was at the Sabres game and Emma was shopping with Papa.
We need a blog from the Colonel.
Good luck with softball this weekend.
Production for Holtzapalooza T-shirts has started. Gram in cowboy hat wins. Put your orders in.
Apologies to the Colonel for the quick "bump" from the blog. You never know what is going to occur next which will cause this ADD family to go off on one of their flights of fancy. I having been trying to come up with some visual representation of the non sequitur because that seems to be the primary family bond. That is the only thing that could bump Mom off the Holtzapalooza tshirt. I would agree that there is a need for another version of "the Holtzes descend upon San Antonio" written by someone who has been trained to provide clear, concise reporting. Are you up to it Colonel? As far as Tonawanda Barb trying to figure out what is going on here, it is next to impossible..Serious topics: NCCC and Niagara U. softball results. Sometimes individual health and injury issues, but they only stay serious until we are all sure that there is nothing really wrong, and then they, like everything else, become the objects of jokes, ie. Betsy "joking" that she wants to stand Jeff in a corner with a beer so he can paint. Jff, your task for today is to head to Tonawanda and find out if, in fact, she would make you paint. Is there a way to keep the Yankees on the West Coast for the rest of the season??
My morning started off when I woke up at 8 to a text message one of my players sent me. "Coach, I totally am getting strep throat." My sympathetic response, "Get your ass to the game." Our record is 0-2 and we play Dirty Jamestown today. With a game time temp of 32 degress. I love WNY.
That's it. I am starting my own personal blog, just me and Rick. What are YOU PEOPLE going to do when you don't have me to kick around any more? But I will still check in to see if the Colonel posts his version of the events of the March trip. And I do hope that the Yankees have to stay on the west coast. Now, I have to go and have words with my wife.
I thought I was reading a Jean Shepherd blog. "Excelsior, you Idiot" or "I Libertine".
Yankees will win the next two to come home with a .500 west coast record. Don't worry.
Where's KDH to explain her father's written verbage? Is that short for verbal garbage? It's actually nice to have Unckie C take the responsibility off me and except all the good natured ribbings. That was always my job. Now I'm just Sandra's whipping boy.
so how is it that I had to find the "frozen four" all on my own?!? I love it! Certainly my family should have told me I would love it far before I reached 34 years of age. What's wrong with you people?
Go Badgers!
I love my daddy and I knew EXACTLY what his post meant. Honest.
More lucy pictures! What's with the stingy new parents?
you know, sis, for the past ten years, I have been talking up the greatness of DI mens ice hockey, particularly the 6 time national champion boston university terriers. BUt you just don't listen. Of course, its kinda like last easter when you suddenly found out that the church you grew up going to had tiffany windows. It only took a trip to petersburg va for you to figure that one out.You're welcome to come to my alma mater any time to see some REAL hockey being played.
Well, the trailblazers suffered two heartbreaking losses today. We lost the first game 4-2. No earned runs were scored by opposing team.
In the first game, the Trailblazers committed 6 errors. The second game didn't prove to be much better. We fell to the Dirty Jamestown whatever they are by a score of 6-1. We committed 6 errors as well. Also, if we had to save someone by hitting the ball, it wouldn't be possible.
Our pitcher in both games threw a total of 286 pitches and struck out 22 batters. She threw her heart out but the support wasn't there.
Good mornin' fam, KDH, ya gotta love the "Frozen Four"... last night's game was a fun, those guys played their hearts out. College sports is usually more exciting than professional.
Holtzapalooza theme idea # 32: We dress up as our favorite Revolutionary War hero's wife. I'll be Mrs. Paul Revere.
Antie B just broke her own suggestion, by using obnoxious, inadequacy and saluation in one post. we holtz's are just too smart for our own good!
Not a cloud in the sky in North Georgia this morning! Headed up to see the Rome Braves play the Kanapolis intimators today in my first minor league game of the season. And as for tomorrow -- I've got lexus level tickets in my hot little hands for my HOMETOWN Atlanta Braves home opener!
Kanapolis intimators? Intimators? Like as in making a hint? What's the logo for that? some smart ass asking a question? anyhoo. no clouds here either. beautiful day. Although ms. lucy has not grasped the concept of peeing OUTSIDE. we spend 30 minutes with her, waiting for her to pee, and that's always the FIRST thing she does upon returning inside.
Okay, what did the Niagara U. Purple Eagle girls lacrosse team do? All that I heard was they have 20 days community service. Hazing? Drinking in public? Nudity in a NU calender? (...and I can buy that where?)
Sounds like "some team" should be called the Tailblazers. You guy's follow those supposed major leaguers.....paid millions and bat .265 ... they used to get hundreds and batted .300. Pitchers are paid millions and they can't get over the plate...Why watch or follow???? Do you really want to know my side of the Texas story?
Cousin Adam is that one of your toys Lovely Lucy is chewing on?
Okay, time for bed, I have work in the AM. I cleaned out the Tiki Hut all day. Were getting ready to open soon. As soon as the renovations are completed.
my father in law and brother in law spent the whole day yesterday at the "world curling championships" in lovely Lowell MA. Canada vs. Scotland. talk about a sports obsessed family?
and can somebody please fill me in on what the heck ralph wilson is doing? can't promise the existence of the bills past this year? i'm scared. somebody please hold me. maybe a NU girls lacrosse player?
Just a few random thoughts as i push all of the rancor aside; I found that Rick wanted no part of my new blog since there is an "e" in Chuckie. I was going to suggest that the theme of Holtzapalooza be 17th century philosophes (I have a great Diderot costume), but I relent and prepare to deal with all of the vicissitudes that this blog has to offer. N.U. girls lax team??? Missed that. K, I thought that Rome's team name was "the hands", like in Roman...By my count it seems that niece Jnna has hit the trifecta in jobs now. Kinda makes me feel embarrassed a bit. Ah, that Holtz work ethic. Colonel, we need to hear from you and get your take on the March madness that occurred down your way. Jff, do you have Papelbon (sp?) on your fantasy team? Can you get him?
You'll all be happy to know that the Rome Braves kicked some intimidator/rerminator/inimator booty yesterday, 8 to 2. I learned two important things yesterday 1) Kanapolis is in NC (I was better Alabama since it was spelled with a K) AND 2)I do believe its the hometown of a certain #3, Dale Earnhart SR. How exciting is THAT??
oh lacrosse hazing. Careful there -- this is a family blog. What is WITH the dukies??? Thank god the NU team did better.
I hope we didn't scare off Barb. Glad the Colonel is still with us.
my my my gone awhile and the whole world has changed, well at least your world... just back from my two weeks in florida, hope to retire there someday with my NY State Pension. Notice Ralph Wilson is rattling some cages, what he does not make enough money off you 7$ beers to keep the team in Buffalo? albany fan anxiously awaiting golf season!
Unfortunately someone (a Red Sox fan) grabbed Papelbon before I had a chance. I could really use him right now.
17th Philosophers, interesting. I thought Diderot's specialty was dog sledding managemment in Alaska??? Anyway, I'll come dressed as Hipparchia the Cynic. She had great assortment of sandels.
You know I have to Google badjocks french maid.
I sent pictures of me over to Adm, I hope they help with Lucy.
A softball blog would be great. Sorry to see the Eagles take a double dip to hated Canisius but there is still a lot of season left. I would think that Jnna could do a softball blog also since she probably has 4 or 5 unaccounted minutes in her week. And there should be a rule that no dog is better looking or more charming than its grandfather. Come on Colonel, jump in. Welcome back Albany--played nine today under somewhat "damp" course conditions, but it was still golf. Had to check out this course as it may be the site of the H-palooza open.
Adam...Emma LOVES Lucy! She says in order for you to teach her to piddle must show her! Another idea from Emma is to put a big box of bones outside where you want her to do her thing! She wants to know if Lucy has a doghouse...she says to ask Papa if you need help making one. Emma wants to know when she gets to meet Lucy!
Adam, TRUST me on this. You must take Lucy outside every hour around the clock for 2 weeks. She will be housebroke totally...ask Maggy...she can verify...of course you won't love her anymore, but she won't pee in the house. Tonawanda Barb
well, thank you all for your suggestions. Emma, Lucy does not have a dog house yet... she has alot of growing to do first, and I don't trust some of the crazy dudes who live in the neighborhood. And Aunt Barb, I'm good at taking her out between the hours of 6am and 11pm. Its those other 7 that are REALLY HARD!!!
too many stars, too much bad blood. I already welcomed the colonel, but let me say again, welcome, colonel!
I saluted the colonel but I'll do it again!
I am trying to copy and paste the picture of the old lady with the gun, I want to use it as my screen saver, I think it is hysterical! But I cant? Did you guys put a copy right infringement on it? Cuz I will buy it. It is really great
holy cow!!! we could make a fortune by printing pictures of gram in wacky costumes!!! who's on that?
gram with the gun, gram with the beret. Who's that crazy anne geddes woman who does the babies in weird costumes? and the crazy william wegmen who does the dogs? We may seriously be on to something.
Hey Colonel!
Welcome back Fargo!
Now all we need is Jimmy!
In my best Ricky Ricardo accent "Lucy, what have you done?" How many times is Adm going to say that while potty training?
Yanks on the west coast should go .500, no other worries.
How about 'Gramma's got a gun' to the Aerosmith tune?
Let's get H-P #1 out of the way before we become encumbered with plans for #2. I told my dear wife the first time I saw the pic of "rifle tottin' Mama" that I wanted it for a screen saver and she absolutely refused; since I don't have the knowledge to do it myself I have an "early Lucy"as my saver. Nice to know that there is someone else out there with taste and character who recognizes a quality photo when they see one. Golf today in Alden is month #98 on the way to #100. Did miss my nephew since that was the location of "the incident" of 2 years ago. Only cost $6, including a pull cart since conditions were not "primo" Good to see fargo making up for lost time. Anonymous: come to Holtzapalooza and take all of the picture that you want of family members in the photo tent at $1 per. Fargo, have you cleared August 5 in your travel plans yet?
Lucy, Lucy is such a cutsy!! From a new commenter--Aunt Barb
Okay, I miss so much when I am a working gal!!!
Welcome colonel and Barb. Thank you for taking such great care of my mom, aunt, and gram. How much do we owe you for beer?
Just an FYI- Gram is doing a blog of her trip. She wants it titled "Her trip and her side."
Is Lucy coming to Christmas? The Koch's have a big backyard for her to play.
Fargo, welcome back.
I think we should use that pic of Gram for the Holtapoolza t-shirts! What a clan!! I sense a theme for the party...Texas style?!?!
Welcome anon. crew and Lucy is too cute!
"Aunt Barb" is MY sister! You know the one from TONAWANDA! I talked her thru the process of adding a comment and she will be a regular contributor.
AKA "Barbie"!
Yay Barb!
Even I knew that! Hey Barb! Welcome!
Yeah Barb!!!
Well, I have to make my first fantasy baseball transaction today. Eric Gagne is having surgery on his elbow. It's a good thing I didn't draft him too high. It comes Rafael Betencourt. Go Indians!!!
Ahhh ... the Alden course, I remember it well. That's were I roped my 350 yard drive. That was a bewt!
Holtzapalooza... Texas Style!!!
I stumpled across this site while trying to write a paper on my geology professor Dr. Thomas R. Holtz at Maryland Univeristy. KDH lives in D.C. if you are related to him let me know Im in need of some background for this paper.
well, since you asked so nicely, we'll get right on that.
no adam thank you a little family background would be great assuming this is his family if not i can always get a government job.
Ok so I'd love to be a regular contributor, BUT, what are you all talking ABOUT??? Barbie from Tonawanda
Hey, my comments got knocked off the blog...without answers. My "foils" have let me down.
You didn't even tell them that GramHoltz bluffed everybody only holding a pair of 5's...some tough cookie. In fact, I believe she was the big money winner.
Absolutely, I mean Molsonutely or Labattlutely, take your pick. Maybe they should be lightlutely's??? I'm fairly inactive right now. Trying to keep the belly at the special K pinch.
Circus Holtz's...too funny. Remember when we all tried to fit in Mr. Fixit's '69 Chevy? Ahhhh... good times.
Sandra and I had a wonderful time at "The Gallery Grill" last night. The fish dinner was awesome and the oatmeal stout was just right. Zach was at the Sabres game and Emma was shopping with Papa.
We need a blog from the Colonel.
Good luck with softball this weekend.
Production for Holtzapalooza T-shirts has started. Gram in cowboy hat wins. Put your orders in.
Apologies to the Colonel for the quick "bump" from the blog. You never know what is going to occur next which will cause this ADD family to go off on one of their flights of fancy. I having been trying to come up with some visual representation of the non sequitur because that seems to be the primary family bond. That is the only thing that could bump Mom off the Holtzapalooza tshirt. I would agree that there is a need for another version of "the Holtzes descend upon San Antonio" written by someone who has been trained to provide clear, concise reporting. Are you up to it Colonel? As far as Tonawanda Barb trying to figure out what is going on here, it is next to impossible..Serious topics: NCCC and Niagara U. softball results. Sometimes individual health and injury issues, but they only stay serious until we are all sure that there is nothing really wrong, and then they, like everything else, become the objects of jokes, ie. Betsy "joking" that she wants to stand Jeff in a corner with a beer so he can paint. Jff, your task for today is to head to Tonawanda and find out if, in fact, she would make you paint. Is there a way to keep the Yankees on the West Coast for the rest of the season??
My morning started off when I woke up at 8 to a text message one of my players sent me. "Coach, I totally am getting strep throat." My sympathetic response, "Get your ass to the game." Our record is
0-2 and we play Dirty Jamestown today. With a game time temp of 32 degress. I love WNY.
Auntie B~Are you beginning to feel my pain? 17 days in the car with Unkie!!
Well, Thank you Betsy. At least one other person has no idea what Chuck is talking about--Tonawanda Barb
That's it. I am starting my own personal blog, just me and Rick. What are YOU PEOPLE going to do when you don't have me to kick around any more? But I will still check in to see if the Colonel posts his version of the events of the March trip. And I do hope that the Yankees have to stay on the west coast. Now, I have to go and have words with my wife.
I thought I was reading a Jean Shepherd blog. "Excelsior, you Idiot" or "I Libertine".
Yankees will win the next two to come home with a .500 west coast record. Don't worry.
Where's KDH to explain her father's written verbage? Is that short for verbal garbage? It's actually nice to have Unckie C take the responsibility off me and except all the good natured ribbings. That was always my job. Now I'm just Sandra's whipping boy.
so how is it that I had to find the "frozen four" all on my own?!? I love it! Certainly my family should have told me I would love it far before I reached 34 years of age. What's wrong with you people?
Go Badgers!
I love my daddy and I knew EXACTLY what his post meant. Honest.
More lucy pictures! What's with the stingy new parents?
How's the game go jnna?
you know, sis, for the past ten years, I have been talking up the greatness of DI mens ice hockey, particularly the 6 time national champion boston university terriers. BUt you just don't listen. Of course, its kinda like last easter when you suddenly found out that the church you grew up going to had tiffany windows. It only took a trip to petersburg va for you to figure that one out.You're welcome to come to my alma mater any time to see some REAL hockey being played.
Well, the trailblazers suffered two heartbreaking losses today. We lost the first game 4-2. No earned runs were scored by opposing team.
In the first game, the Trailblazers committed 6 errors. The second game didn't prove to be much better. We fell to the Dirty Jamestown whatever they are by a score of 6-1. We committed 6 errors as well. Also, if we had to save someone by hitting the ball, it wouldn't be possible.
Our pitcher in both games threw a total of 286 pitches and struck out 22 batters. She threw her heart out but the support wasn't there.
Needless to say coach is drinking tonight.
Good mornin' fam,
KDH, ya gotta love the "Frozen Four"... last night's game was a fun, those guys played their hearts out. College sports is usually more exciting than professional.
Holtzapalooza theme idea # 32:
We dress up as our favorite Revolutionary War hero's wife. I'll be Mrs. Paul Revere.
Antie B just broke her own suggestion, by using obnoxious, inadequacy and saluation in one post. we holtz's are just too smart for our own good!
Not a cloud in the sky in North Georgia this morning! Headed up to see the Rome Braves play the Kanapolis intimators today in my first minor league game of the season. And as for tomorrow -- I've got lexus level tickets in my hot little hands for my HOMETOWN Atlanta Braves home opener!
Life is good.
Go Badgers!
Kanapolis intimators? Intimators? Like as in making a hint? What's the logo for that? some smart ass asking a question? anyhoo. no clouds here either. beautiful day. Although ms. lucy has not grasped the concept of peeing OUTSIDE. we spend 30 minutes with her, waiting for her to pee, and that's always the FIRST thing she does upon returning inside.
i need to consult the dog whisperer. and I think i'll go as Mr. Molly Pitcher. Or Mr. Betsy Ross.
Imitators!!! I was wondering if they were just going to wear their opponents uniforms. That would confuse 'em.
I think Unckie C. is blessed with a beautiful vocabulary (and eyes) and should keep on painting his written picture.
Ms. Molly Pitcher is a classic choice for Holtzapalooza. Excellent choice Adm.
Go Lucy, Go Lucy!!!
Okay, what did the Niagara U. Purple Eagle girls lacrosse team do? All that I heard was they have 20 days community service. Hazing? Drinking in public? Nudity in a NU calender? (...and I can buy that where?)
Sounds like "some team" should be called the Tailblazers.
You guy's follow those supposed major leaguers.....paid millions and bat .265 ... they used to get hundreds and batted .300. Pitchers are paid millions and they can't get over the plate...Why watch or follow????
Do you really want to know my side of the Texas story?
Cousin Adam is that one of your toys Lovely Lucy is chewing on?
Okay, time for bed, I have work in the AM. I cleaned out the Tiki Hut all day. Were getting ready to open soon. As soon as the renovations are completed.
Have a great Monday all.
my father in law and brother in law spent the whole day yesterday at the "world curling championships" in lovely Lowell MA. Canada vs. Scotland. talk about a sports obsessed family?
and can somebody please fill me in on what the heck ralph wilson is doing? can't promise the existence of the bills past this year? i'm scared. somebody please hold me. maybe a NU girls lacrosse player?
Just a few random thoughts as i push all of the rancor aside; I found that Rick wanted no part of my new blog since there is an "e" in Chuckie. I was going to suggest that the theme of Holtzapalooza be 17th century philosophes (I have a great Diderot costume), but I relent and prepare to deal with all of the vicissitudes that this blog has to offer. N.U. girls lax team??? Missed that. K, I thought that Rome's team name was "the hands", like in Roman...By my count it seems that niece Jnna has hit the trifecta in jobs now. Kinda makes me feel embarrassed a bit. Ah, that Holtz work ethic. Colonel, we need to hear from you and get your take on the March madness that occurred down your way. Jff, do you have Papelbon (sp?) on your fantasy team? Can you get him?
You'll all be happy to know that the Rome Braves kicked some intimidator/rerminator/inimator booty yesterday, 8 to 2. I learned two important things yesterday 1) Kanapolis is in NC (I was better Alabama since it was spelled with a K) AND 2)I do believe its the hometown of a certain #3, Dale Earnhart SR. How exciting is THAT??
oh lacrosse hazing. Careful there -- this is a family blog. What is WITH the dukies??? Thank god the NU team did better.
I hope we didn't scare off Barb. Glad the Colonel is still with us.
New blog new blog!
Maybe we could all send pictures of us peeing outside for Adam to show Lucy.
my my my gone awhile and the whole world has changed, well at least your world... just back from my two weeks in florida, hope to retire there someday with my NY State Pension. Notice Ralph Wilson is rattling some cages, what he does not make enough money off you 7$ beers to keep the team in Buffalo?
albany fan anxiously awaiting golf season!
Unfortunately someone (a Red Sox fan) grabbed Papelbon before I had a chance. I could really use him right now.
17th Philosophers, interesting. I thought Diderot's specialty was dog sledding managemment in Alaska??? Anyway, I'll come dressed as Hipparchia the Cynic. She had great assortment of sandels.
You know I have to Google badjocks french maid.
I sent pictures of me over to Adm, I hope they help with Lucy.
Is that puppy up for adoption?
A softball blog would be great. Sorry to see the Eagles take a double dip to hated Canisius but there is still a lot of season left. I would think that Jnna could do a softball blog also since she probably has 4 or 5 unaccounted minutes in her week. And there should be a rule that no dog is better looking or more charming than its grandfather. Come on Colonel, jump in. Welcome back Albany--played nine today under somewhat "damp" course conditions, but it was still golf. Had to check out this course as it may be the site of the H-palooza open.
Adam...Emma LOVES Lucy! She says in order for you to teach her to piddle must show her! Another idea from Emma is to put a big box of bones outside where you want her to do her thing! She wants to know if Lucy has a doghouse...she says to ask Papa if you need help making one. Emma wants to know when she gets to meet Lucy!
Adam, TRUST me on this. You must take Lucy outside every hour around the clock for 2 weeks. She will be housebroke totally...ask Maggy...she can verify...of course you won't love her anymore, but she won't pee in the house. Tonawanda Barb
well, thank you all for your suggestions. Emma, Lucy does not have a dog house yet... she has alot of growing to do first, and I don't trust some of the crazy dudes who live in the neighborhood. And Aunt Barb, I'm good at taking her out between the hours of 6am and 11pm. Its those other 7 that are REALLY HARD!!!
I hear ya, Adm. Casey was fine during the day. I was not up to task 11PM - 6 AM.
Don't forget to rub her face in it when she does it in the house. Lucy that is, not Amy's.
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