I am a pretty early riser, I would get up at my normal "work " time, sneak out quietly
and watch the sunrise, the flora and fawna, my sis slept a tad later, but she would always bring me a cup of coffee, once she layered up of course!
I think one of the best touristy things we did was the RiverWalk. We did the boat tour, which was about 20 minutes but showed all the restaurants, and hotels that follow along the San Antonio river. The powers that be of San Antonio did it right. It was mobbed with people who could not spend there money fast enough! Pix below are of the River Walk boat tour.
I know I need to devote some time to our most gracious hosts! To say the invasion of the Holtz's merits some some sort of an award is an understatement! But we were so gracioulsy and warmly welcomed that we felt at home immediately! Frank, Pat's husband, is a retired Colonel, a 30 yr Army veteran who welcomed us so warmly, opened his heart and his home, had cold labatts, ready ,a wine closet, fully stocked, and cheerfully carted us from pillar to post that he should be awarded a medal! Below is Frank in the quest house. Frank was also quite the prankster, the outhouse on the ranch came fully equipped, with bathroom noises and a cowboy!
to the left is Popo's
Chicken Fried Steak YUM.
In the pict is Barb's daughter, Tricia, Frank and Pat.
Now would'nt this picture entice you to come to the Eagle Ranch!
To the right is Sue and I trying to figure out the electric gate! Rest assured no animal was lost on our watch!
to the left is Sue next to a field of Texas BlueBonnetts. This picture does not do the brillant color of blue justice! The best part of our trip was a stop at a huge, green house/plant ranch. It was amazing. Gramma sat while we shopped but she was kept busy as the Ranch had a little snack bar that had home made peach ice cream.
I always tried to keep scratch off's handy to keep Gramma busy!
To the left is a few games of GOLF at the Baltimore airport, as we had a 4 hour layover, and cards was just about the only thing left to do, and Gramma was out of scratch offs!
I have lots more pictures, but these are the high lites.
Our trip was undescribable. The sights, the sounds, the time with family, to share love, laughs and memories old and some new. It was days that Mom glowed remembering little girls, who were as much a part of her teen yrs, as Jeff was mine! There was a plaque in one of the bazillion shops we went into that read "When Family is Togother, The Soul is in the right place" Please know our soul was in Texas, and a small piece remains there. Gods Blessings to Pat and Frank, how do we ever say thank you? You allowed us to be togother in the most gorgous of settings, and share our life. May you always have enough rain to keep the well full, enough sunshine that the plants grow, and enough time to enjoy both!
Much Love to you both!
Excellent job Sis. Looking forward to seeing/sharing all of the pics at the official celebration. Good thing that Frank had 30 years in the military. Good prep for dealing with the Holtz brood.
great job auntie B, but please tell me that you saw the alamo? Or, if not the alamo, at least eva longoria?
I loved hearing the story of the trip and honestly, I think the 3 part "mini series" was the way to go. It was too cool a story for just one blog! Nicely done.
OK, who's taking the next trip?
I'm with Jnna -- more puppy pictures!
jll, how's the injury?
What a great ending to your three part saga. I was on pins and needles. It really looked like you guys were having a fun tiime. Who's the old lady in the yellow slicker?
Fargo, great to have you back. I was fearing the worst. And it WAS true, your computer crashed. Thank goodness you found us again. I ruptured my achilles trying to stay young. No big deal, it happens all the time.
Yes, Lucy the puppy pictures and of course daily ongoings.
Well. baseball and beer again today.
we bought a house too!
I was afraid Fargo just didn't like us any more-it's happened to us before...
My bookshelf finally arrived after 6 weeks of living in my office with my books all over the floor. I feel SO much better now.
Yeah House!!!
Yeah Fargo!!!
Yeah Bookshelf!!!
Yeah planned afternoon drinking!!!
Now I'm off on a date.
Yeah AWANA night!!!
FARGO!! You got the Red River back under control. Hasn't been the same without you and Albany. Hope you noticed Bets that the temps in San Antonio have been in the 90's all week. I think that you got out of Dodge just in time. The 3 part mini-series will live on in Holtzdom as a classic. My wife took me out to lunch today and I missed Griffey's 537th on espn. Tonite will be better, but we have an all new LOST to deal with too. K has shelves and the puppy is having regular bowel movements. All is well with the world as I work on the Labatt's that I bought for the monday games.
COL said...
Betsy & Sue -the nonstop's- were sent home with some Texas "Gems", but nothng was said.
Took them to a place a lmost as sacred as the Alamo, and nothing was said.
Gramholtz ate like a hog and nothing was said. I guess they don't feed her at home.
They can't even spell the name of our town.
Jff~the Labatts was for NEXT Mon...
What can you possibly do on date night with your leg in a cast????
hello colonel!
Auntie P, you'd be impressed. All those drinking games I learned in college sure coome in handy now. And you'd be surprised how creative ex-Kindergarten teachers can be.
Welcome Colonel, don't be a stranger. We're planning Holtzapalooza II for San Antonio.
Hey, we're all the afternoon baseball games? Now I'm drinking watching Urkel.
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